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News Item2/3/08 11:36 AM
ErnieG  Find all comments by ErnieG
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Dr. Phil wrote:
Hey Ernie,
I assume that you told him this AFTER you first taught him the Gospel, otherwise, he hasn't really yet rejected Jesus Christ entirely. If your church tract contained the gospel (1 Cor. 15:1-4), one still can not assume that they know it just because we handed them a tract and they have not had time to read it with understanding. 1 Cor. 4:4-5
Furthermore, let us assume that you did all of this and he rejected. Jesus told his disciples to expect this from some. In such cases, we are to shake the dust from our feet, not take them to court. Mt 10:14
The problem is that if we continue to surrender our rights, they will no longer be our rights. We have Freedom of Religion, not Freedom FROM Religion.
This nation was founded on Christian principles, not muslim, hindu, buddist, yet the ACLU protects all these religions except Christianity!
Yes, we should wipe the dust off our feet when a person does not want to hear the gospel, but leave the door open for the next person that speaks to them. This man's violation is not about HIM, but about allowing people in public places to excercise their right of Freedom of Speech. If Christians continue to allow themselves to be muzzled, it will be a crime to say ANYTHING in public!

News Item2/3/08 3:14 AM
ErnieG  Find all comments by ErnieG
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How about being asked to leave the store when I went into a Western Wear Store to purchase some goods last week. In the course of my conversation with the store manager that I had given a church tract and invitation, I said, "When a person rejects Jesus Christ, they are sending themselves to hell and not God!"

He suddenly became very offended and said, "Sir, I have to ask you to leave my store!"

I complied, and went outside the store adn told him it is my duty as a Christian to share the gospel with others and give them the truth.

Isn't this a violation of Free Speech and if so, what should I do? I was thinking of returning everything I bought previously ($500+ of goods) and asking him to repeat that statement with a witness present. If he did that, would I have a case to pursue in court?

I sure would appreciate any replies as this seems ridiculous!!!

News Item1/24/08 12:43 PM
ErnieG  Find all comments by ErnieG
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enough already wrote: for the greek, and MacArthur Study Bible, NKJV, for the commentary. The phrase 'depraved mind' only occurs in Romans 1:28, 'Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done.' We are all in darkness and naturally rebel against the things pertaining to God; He opens our ears, eyes, and hearts all in His timing.
Please don't expect replies when you show the Calvinist their error by scripture because they have already made up their mind that their Theology is inerrorant! To them, JC stands for John Calvin and NOT Jesus Christ!!!

JD has been on here trying to correct them when the Dead Sea was only sick, so take a break and look for someone with a contrite and teachable heart and that goes for other fundamental bible believers. Sadly, there are not many that post here that can admit they have been deceived into following a "MAN'S teaching which is a cult!!!

News Item1/20/08 7:33 PM
ErnieG  Find all comments by ErnieG
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Thanks everyone for letting me finish my comment. If silence is golden, I think your a mine!

News Item1/19/08 10:20 AM
ErnieG  Find all comments by ErnieG
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Hillary Clinton can't even run her own household, how can she run the #1 super power in the world?

Just the fact that this country would even consider her to be president, shows just how far we have sunk since God and prayer has been taken out of our schools and evolution taught as FACT instead of Therory!!!

News Item1/18/08 1:56 PM
ErnieG  Find all comments by ErnieG
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Jesus said three times, “He who saves his life will lose it, and he who loses it for My sake or the Gospels will save it”

Staph/MSRA is NOT exclusive to gays because it started in hospitals with normal skin contact like shaking hands or touching someone and they have a sore or cut and it gets in their blood. Taking precautions like hand washing, etc is vital, but recently I had a life threatening staph infection that was misdiagnosed and two doctors had no gloves or washed their hands after making contact with me, so doctors are ALSO transmitting it!

The antibiotics were too strong and I suffered dehydration and renal failure late at night. When I prayed, I asked God for His mercy and to give me more time to better serve Him. I was worried that the last frame of mind I was in would be the same one when I met Jesus. Other times when I thought thought I was going to die, I was serving Him and looking forward to it. I even witnessed to two ambulance drivers, but not this night!

Well as I write this, Praise God, He healed me despite all the blunders made. He has mercifully allowed a 74 yr old man more time to “Wait” on Him and serve Him. Next time I want to be losing my life for Jesus Christ and the Gospels, not trying to save my own life worried about my health! con

News Item1/12/08 8:48 AM
ErnieG  Find all comments by ErnieG
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“The Give and Take of Christianity”

“And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.”

In the political realm and, sad to say, often in the religious arena it is a game of give and take. Give and take is a juvenile phrase for compromise. Many give in here and take liberties there.

However, my topic today deals with God’s giving and our taking. He has given us eternal life , and we squander our days taking advantage of His grace. He give grace, and we take license to indulge in self will. He gives help, and we wander down dangerous roads we have no business traveling. He gives guidance, and we go our own way, unwilling to inquire at His compass. He gives sustenance, and we spend our inherited, spiritual wealth in riotous living and careless choices. He gives a purpose and reason for living, and we lazily wile away our lives in activity. God in grace has said, “I love you, you belong to Me” and we selfishly say, “I want my own way, I’ve got to be me.” He truly is the Giver, and we are the ungrateful taker of all that He provides.

Remember dear reader, “For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, , and in your spirit, which are Gods.” (1 Cor. 6:20). BB 1/2/06

News Item1/9/08 12:05 PM
ErnieG  Find all comments by ErnieG
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terry evans wrote:
you go Ernie
I still like Ron Paul, any thoughts?
He would probably be the other one I would consider, but I don't believe he takes the stand for Christ that Mike Huckabee does. Remember, we are dealing with Politicians that have allowed Muslims and Hindus to be chaplains in our military! A Hindu even open with "prayer" in the Senate so just what is next if we are ashamed of naming Christ in our prayers!!!

News Item1/8/08 10:16 AM
ErnieG  Find all comments by ErnieG
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Mike Huckabee should win the votes of Professing Christians if they are truly concerned about putting Jesus Christ first for the country's well being. (It is not anything new for Politicians to talk from both sides of their mouth to get elected.)

Mr. Huckabee just won my vote as I was unsure who to vote for as the rest of the issues mean nothing if the man does not use God and country in his campaign. I could care less about his stance on other issues, because if he is seeking answers from the Almighty God of the Bible on them, I can live with that over all the other pretenders!!

And that is my humble opinion, and if you don't like it, I have plenty more!

News Item1/8/08 2:42 AM
ErnieG  Find all comments by ErnieG
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Any catholics that read this please consider this carefully!

The pope is supposed to be the Vicar of Christ here on earth. He is infallable, yet elected by men(cardinals). The cardinals are supposely led by God's spirit when they vote, yet why is it they don't all agree on the same person? Isn't that proof enough catholics friends that they are NOT!!!

Again, ANY catholics that read this please consider this point carefully! The life you save may just be your own!!!

News Item1/8/08 2:35 AM
ErnieG  Find all comments by ErnieG
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-- Remember the wedding feast at Cana, at which Mary says to do whatever He asks? That is her constant message
Exactly Lance!!!!!! You point to a scripture which has Mary pointing you to Christ's word.
So you look to the Saviour revealed in Scripture and heed His word? Or listen to the extra biblical words of a supposed appearance of Mary? And what proof have you that the apparitions are indeed Mary? What scripture points to the coming of Mary with future revelations for you to heed?
Luke 11.28 in reference to his mother Mary, Jesus says: 'Yea, rather blessed are they that hear the word of God and keep it'
You and all RC's would be the voice of today in the context of the previous verse 27.
Rather Jesus would point you away from blessed Mary that bore Him but rather to the Holy Scriptures... those who are blessed because they hear the word of God and keep it!
Mary won't make anyone wise unto salvation as you well know: 'the holy scriptures are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. I Timothy 3: 15, 16.
Popish Nonsense,

Another excellent response. The catholics that read these responses and don't realize they are in a lost condition are blinded by Satan and hellbound!

News Item1/6/08 7:41 AM
ErnieG  Find all comments by ErnieG
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Michael Hranek wrote:
Or being from "hell" (Satan's domain) and being a fallen angel with supernatural abilities having existed since the Creation this being who impersonates the real Mary can speak whatever languages it needs to and as Scripture warns guises herself to appear as an angel (messager) of light in the familar forms it takes and guilible people are so impressed and forget to try the spirits with what God Himself says to us in Scripture to see whether they are from God.
Hence sincere Catholic people think they venerate Mary but actually bow before a demon impersonating her.
You are really a wonderful testimony, Brother, to those of us who love the catholics, but HATE the church! I pray that God will open their hearts and minds to draw them to Him as He has so Graciously done with you and other former catholics.
It is very sad that these two men continue to post here their feeble defense of the rcc, but your replies are truly annointed of God. My prayer is that those other catholic who will read this will see what false deceptionso their church truly is!

May God richly bless you and your family and give you the desires of your heart this coming year. And also putahedge of protection around you and keep you for His service!

News Item1/2/08 6:13 AM
ErnieG  Find all comments by ErnieG
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This country needs to stop sending money and allow outsourcing our jobs to these nations that are showing this hostile behaviour to Christians as well as American citizens.

I wonder how long long it is going to take for our elected representives to realize that our looking in the other direction and catering to this type of barbaric action only encourages these nations to continue doing this.


I totally agree with your position on the posting by Jim Lincoln's regarding the KJV version. It is not only unrelated, but I think it is totally in error. Just like yourself, I will not debate it any further.

News Item1/1/08 11:38 PM
ErnieG  Find all comments by ErnieG
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This article shows the results of believing that God has given more knowledge and power in His Word to these "ear ticklers"!

It is very easy to get into this snare of compromise if this is your main walk of faith. It is lazy and very unproducttive. Your parcipation and fellowship should be in person with other Born Again Christians in your local assembly of "LIKE_MINDED" believers!!!

News Item12/30/07 9:35 AM
ErnieG  Find all comments by ErnieG
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R. K. Borill wrote:
Mr. G,
Thank you for your attempts to set me straight. However, I was not at this point commenting on the article, but on those who were drawing wrong conclusions from the article, mainly the false assumption that the opinions of majority of the people is "always" right. Moreover, "moment of silence" doesn't constitute anything in truth. If anything it may even amount to the equivalent of prayers of the dead, for the dead. Regardless of whether hypocritical, formalistic, and dramatic time outs for prayer exist or not, atheists will never be able to expel genuine prayer from schools. We are not as Christians to unite in prayer with cults and non-Christian religions anyway. "And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogue and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. . . But, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, . . .
Mr. Borill,

You made your point and I have no further comment.

May you have a blessed Lord's Day and may you lead others out of darkness into light today!

News Item12/30/07 12:31 AM
ErnieG  Find all comments by ErnieG
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R. K. Borill wrote:
The majority thought it was wise to kill 10000 Hugenots on St. Bartholemew's day. The majority in Europe thought that the Inquisition was the right thing. Wisdom is not in the "majority" of people; it is in the Word of God.
"Follow not a multitude to do evil."
Mr. Borill,
I don't think you understood that this article said it is the "multitude" that wants to have a moment of silence for prayer. So why would you call that evil? Here I have always been taught that the majority ruled in the USA. I guess I was wrong if you say so!

News Item12/29/07 9:32 PM
ErnieG  Find all comments by ErnieG
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"The same can be said of most of their beliefs and practices. *IF* people actually analyze it and don't take other's word for it."

Allen, the definition of a papist is "I will take your word for it because I am too lazy to read the Bible for myself!"

News Item12/29/07 2:03 AM
ErnieG  Find all comments by ErnieG
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Wise wrote:
This is what I like no let me clarify love about America. We can trample the rights or will of the many for the good of one. That's true democracy at work. Boy we never had it so good.
This sure makes a lot of sense to let the minority tell the majority what to do. Only in America are we so politically correct to let this nonsense continue!

Sermon12/27/07 2:14 PM
ErnieG  Find all comments by ErnieG
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“ Excellent Sermon! ”
God's timing is perfect as I am going out to witness boldy to people. Psaln 27 is a wonderful chapter to combat our fear and anixity. Those of you who fear speaking in public should hear this sermon. It was truly a blessings today to hear it as I am currently involved with church planting. Thank you SA for having this message available. And God bless and protect all the men like Dan Cruver who are preaching and teaching in spirit and truth!

News Item12/26/07 12:30 PM
ErnieG  Find all comments by ErnieG
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Here is another propoganda article by Christianity Today calling papists Christians. I emailed them and told them that is the lie of Satan because that is what he wants people to believe!!!

Why don't you Christians here do the do the same? After all, we are in this together, aren't we?

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