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News Item7/27/19 7:06 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Disturbing. Once again, the US taxpayer is flipping the bill on a situation that the Democrats are deceptively passing off as some sort of a gift, from them, to the homosexuals. We are paying for these reparations, and why? Well, because it serves to keep the 2020 votes from the LGBTQ block, secure.

The Democratic party is nothing more than a crime syndicate, and if they should regain full control, this nation will implode. Their sympathizers, like Cora, for example, are just as dangerous, because they've infiltrated the church with their hatred, bigotry, and progressive, compromising mindset; infecting it like a cancer, from the inside, out. They claim, "God is on our side", according to Maxine Waters, but are under strong delusion.

News Item7/27/19 6:35 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Dolores Wrote:
News flash ..just showed the picture and name of a former Oklahoma Biker Against Child Abuse member charged with child sex crimes. Don’t have a link, it was on Facebook with if that will help.

Yep, they're everywhere, Dolores, that's for sure. Any pedophile will get themselves as close as they possibly can to the children, and it'll usually be in capacities where they're trusted by all as protectors and/or advocates.

I was sorry to read about your own daughter, recently, which was a perfect example of a protector getting close and taking advantage, and also, family members, immediate or extended, who are the number one abusers.

News Item7/26/19 5:24 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Hi QC,

You're right in that there's just no comparison, and the contrast doesn't call for a moment's thought. I think homeschooling is disparaged, simply because the local, state, and federal governments want full, indoctrination control of the kids.

News Item7/26/19 4:26 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Scripture based living/learning, and ongoing majors in all things God, morality, and what's good, and right, and holy, intertwined into a responsible, God-fearing, Christian homeschooler's child's curriculum.

The horror. All of those poor, damaged kids.😊

News Item7/26/19 4:19 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Carol Wrote:
"@Christopher000, thanks for posting up the accountability link.
It has been my experience that most Catholics and professing Christians just ignore the horrendous and devilish abominations that goes on in that religion.
You would think that they would be leaving that religion in droves when all of this is continually exposed almost weekly, but instead nothing but apathy or the old worn out phrase “well, we’re all sinners”.” Don’t Judge”

Hi Carol, you're welcome.

Joseph Goebbels was Hitler's propaganda guy, who said, “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, the people will believe it". Wildly successful then, and it still holds true today, around the world.

Irrelevant to this topic, but with some minor adjustments, it reminded me of your comment...keep repeating a topic enough, and the people will become callous and bored with it. Repeat the support of any immoral thing; keeping the pressure on, and the people will begin to support it.

Anyway, you're right, and it seems the laity have become callous and bored with the topic, and so much so, that, given that they're not leaving the church in "droves", it's almost like they're thinking, "Ok, enough, move on already". Callous and bored, like it all no longer even matters. Sad.

News Item7/26/19 6:58 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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There's a Pastor out of Las Vegas, who broadcasts, and uploads to SermonAudio, so I guess I shouldn't mention his name, but surprisingly, he uses the NIV to preach from, argues for it, and against the King James, as well as the other versions. How this guy comfortably settled on the NIV, is beyond me. I've listened to some of his uploads, and I'm not sure his calling was to be a preacher leading a flock, but he's not alone, I guess, either. The NIV though? Strange.

News Item7/26/19 6:33 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Allegedly, 74+ priests in Kansas, and the real number is probably in the 100's, over the years, but never reported. Then, there's the 300+ priests in Pennsylvania, and going down the line, state by state, well, the numbers are difficult to stomach.

Below is a database of all the accused priests, along with their reported crimes, from A-Z, and there are 1000's upon 1000's upon 1000's.

Quite the club they had going. We're not talking about a few rogue priests they didn't know what to do about, and decided poorly on keeping the embarrassment on the down low. The church was bursting at the seams with pedophiles, and rapists. They were squeezed into every nook and cranny, throughout the US, in every diocese, and around the planet. The church claiming ignorance is like someone claiming they had no idea there were any cockroaches in a home infested with cockroaches. Seems to me that a cover-up on such a massive scale happened because the crimes went all the way to the top. These people operated, carte blanche, molesting and raping, while using fear and God, to keep their dirty deeds secret. Poor kids.

News Item7/25/19 7:00 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Oh, that poor woman. I can't even begin to imagine the horrors she had to experience. So disturbing, and heartbreaking to read things like this, but these same horrors happen daily, around this planet. I can't imagine some of the crimes against humanity that never even reach our ears, and I'm glad they don't, because some of the things mankind is capable of can scar a brain for life.

I often think about all of the horrors that God witnesses each day, and the one thing that always comes to mind is the unfathomable patience that He has with us. His patience is also so great with each one of us, so I often wonder why our own patience is such a struggle with each other. Patience doesn't come easy, that's for sure, and it's a daily struggle for everyone, in some respect.

News Item7/24/19 6:03 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Glen Beck and the WND crew outta be ashamed of their intrusive, full page pop-ups, that completely take over their articles, every 15-seconds. Maybe it's only the mobile version this happens to, but I'll pass on trying to read their articles any longer. Ridiculous.

Anyway, praying once again for the Phillips family...

News Item7/23/19 4:19 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Frank Wrote:
"I can only imagine how cute, loving and helpless this little baby was."

Same here, Frank, and that's the first thing I imagined, which makes it all the more unsettling, because what we merely imagined, is what they held in their arms, and saw, as they did what they did. Impossible to grasp...

News Item7/23/19 3:54 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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This past Friday, a little baby boy was born in a California hospital. Following delivery, the little baby boy was cleaned up, wrapped up, nice and warm, and brought to his waiting mother and father in their hospital room. The nurse leaves the room so they can all get to know each other, and once they're alone, instead of excitement, and talk about their future together, the couple strangles their little, helpless, newborn son.

Why? "We didn't want him", they said.

Such emptiness, and wickedness that I'll never come anywhere close to grasping.

Also tragic is the fact that California has a safe surrender law, where a parent can drop off unwanted children to any hospital or fire station, within 3days, but they chose to murder him instead. So sad.

News Item7/23/19 6:09 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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(This news item is no longer available)
The headline is disturbing, for sure, and the LGBTQ nonsense has been has been on steroids. Seems to me that, bottomline, the trans rights push is the new angle the pedophiles took as a work-around to their ultimate agenda, getting them closer and closer.

Yes, "Sick" the headline is sickening; sickening to see what this pervert, in particular, is asking permission for. Maybe not age appropriate, but little of today's news when it comes to what these people are trying to pull off. I don't have teenagers; young children, but I can imagine your concern just fine. I'm not quite sure where I'm at on this, but the news forum probably isn't for them anyway, if for no other reason, some of the conversations that take place.

I'm not sure how much support I'll find on that, but that's how I see it.

News Item7/22/19 4:40 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Well, of course he was. Anyone lobbying for gender neutral restrooms and lockerrooms has an agenda to mass-groom, and get their own lusts fulfilled, by taking advantage of the very legislation they're enter, themselves, into the girls restrooms and lockerrooms. Perverts.

Then, there are the mindless parents who scream bloody murder for trans rights, until, that is, some guy named, Bob, is found hanging out in the same restroom that their little girl just went to use. Security is called, and the parents demand that the perv be arrested, but the perv identifies as MarySue, and has every right to use the very same restroom as their daughter, ironically, thanks to the very parents who were screaming for justice. Hipocrites.

All of this nonsense is okay, just as long as none of it hits too close to home for those who support and fight for it all.

News Item7/22/19 3:11 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Leroy, your comment reminded me of Trump, while he was answering a question a couple of days ago. The topic was suppose to be the straits of Hormuz situation, but reporters asked him about his "racist"
statements against the "squad", and then someone asked him what he thought of the plastic straw ban. A bit out of whack when the topic was Iran's mischief.

Anyway, Trump answered by asking, "What about all of the other plastic...plates, wrappers, bags, to-go utensils, signage, cups, and the list goes on and on. Yet, these ridiculous people are outlawing straws, and even fining restaurants for daring to hand them out unless a customer asks for one first, because why...because they're ridiculous people, and it makes them feel powerful."

News Item7/22/19 7:14 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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US Wrote:
"...we can’t see facial expressions, or hear tone, or watch body language. Our only clues are the words that are typed and how they come across."

"Do we sometimes misinterpret or misunderstand, why of course, that is part of being human. I have done more than my fair share of that here. I try and question is this what you are saying..."

Hi true. We are all, every one of us, so unique in our speech, thoughts, and how we go about expressing ourselves, and getting our points across, etc. Problem is that, as human beings, I think we tend to have tunnelvision; seeing those we're reading, or conversing with, in black and white, then, interpreting, and responding to them according to our own understanding, and thought processes. My point is that before we get all crazy, and red-faced over anything, we should always be certain that we're reading someone in the way they meant to be read. Using myself as an example, I know what I'm thinking, and what I mean, but my thoughts and points are misconstrued at times, because of the way I can word things. Same holds true for many, and especially new-comers should be questioned for clarity, before unloading, or taking offense, etc.

Just wanted to add to your sensible thoughts. Ask questions before punching out.

News Item7/21/19 3:31 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Frank Wrote:
"When the anitchrist finally gets ready to take over, he will have no difficulty confusing religious people. Born again believers will be the only ones that will recognize his true agenda."

Interesting Frank. I know that Satan has been real busy, since realizing that having The Son of Man murdered, didn't work out for him as expected, moving a lot of puzzle pieces into place for his final battle. However, it seems to me that OBama's pen to paper, and his hand-picked Supreme Court, legalizing homosexual marraige in all 50 States, in 2015, was a key event in Satan's timeline, which began the dumbing down of America, and the world, which speaks to your comment. The dumbing down began with slowly banning God, then moving people and events into place, to usher in the new age of political correctness, then, re-igniting the racial divide, and then onto legalizing same gender marraiges, which was the catalyst for the immorality explosion, and mass-confusion that we're seeing today. Remove God from the equation, and, POOF...society suddenly begins to accept and support all things once taboo, and non-sensical insanity, such as the pronouns nonsense, is normalized. I don't think the Anti-Christ will have too much convincing to do, before too long, religious or not.

News Item7/21/19 12:07 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Many claim to have been born from above, even going as far as repeating a sinner's prayer, not that it's some magic prayer where anyone who repeats it becomes saved, or anything, but to many, repeating such becomes the seal, and intangible evidence that the one who prayed has been born again at that moment.

President Trump (still feels strange to say that), knew he needed the evangelical voting block, and knows he still needs them, so it seems to me that he pacifies them with just enough religiosity, and claims of this and that to keep them strung along. They probably know better, but they also need him, so nobody addresses the elephant in the room.

There's no public indication that Trump has been born again, and if anything, it seems just the opposite. I wouldn't say he's tricking anyone (maybe he is), but think that he's just completely ignorant when it comes to scripture, overall, and the gospel message of salvation. Not to mention, he has some real winners as his spiritual advisors to add to the confusion.

I see the same man, who tosses some scripture around at times, that a speech writer provided, and mentions God here and there. Meaningless when viewed along with the rest of the big picture.

Sidenote: Using God's name as vulgarity, is highly disturbing.

News Item7/21/19 7:16 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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John UK wrote:

"Christopher, he has already said, "I won't be back."
Why piggyback something someone else says? You have a right to say what you feel, just go ahead and say it. It is a free country still. Why pretend you are living in a communist land where you dare not say anything?"

Hi John, I have no clue what you're saying here about piggybacking, pretending I shouldn't say anything, or, that have a right to say what I feel, so go ahead and say it, when I already did...made no sense to me at all.

How many times has someone said they won't be back, only to respond to followup comments shortly after? Many, many many, so if those comments were intended to mean that I was posting too late, and waited until he said he wouldn't be returning, then that's a mistake, because I would have still just posted what I did, regardless of the leaving for good, comment. I believe he'll read the comments, but whether or not he'll choose to respond is another matter. Who knows, but he'll be reading them, I believe. I didn't end up posting yesterday, because I wanted to see how it all went before interjecting myself, and also, I was running short on time to finish up. Not all is always as it seems at first glance, so always be certain.

More in a while...

News Item7/21/19 6:43 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Christopher000 Wrote:

"...but we've all mastered human anger, which usually trumps everything else that Christ calls for, destroying any witness, and bearing rotten fruit."

Correction: I should have said, "often" trumps...not "usually".

News Item7/21/19 6:32 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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...In general, I think your concerns are valid, and true, but there's also a time for a righteous anger when all else has been tried, and failed. Error needs to be exposed, and confronted, beginning with great patience, and the understanding that none of us were filled with all knowledge once saved. Patience is a gift, and characteristic that is sorely lacking, but we've all mastered human anger, which usually trumps everything else that Christ calls for, destroying any witness, and bearing rotten fruit.

Patience and understanding do have their limitations though, and when anyone has reached a plain of all-knowingness, has become the teacher, with nothing left to learn, or promotes clear heresy, etc., then they no longer deserve kind smiles, or gentle nudgings in the right direction, because they have agendas, and nothing more.

Bottomline though is that the verbal lashings that go on here at times, borderline on a hatred for the person, rather than any true blue concern for the eternal spirit. I see human pride, at times, and an angry vindictiveness, born out of a need to be right, get even, and fueled by great disdain, while using God's Word to get it all done. There are definitely some concerns at times, and the concerns I quoted from you are valid, as I see it.

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