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Covenant Reformed Church of Elk Grove
Dr. Derek Carlsen  |  Elk Grove Village, Illinois
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"Another Great Sermon!"
The pastor is on a roll in 1st Peter. His opening is powerful and puts the Christian in marriage in context versus the world and...
Derek Carlsen | 1 Peter Series
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Sermon11/1/2022 9:41 PM
BlueViolet from Indiana  Find all comments by BlueViolet
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The End of All Things
Derek Carlsen
“ Great Sermon! ”
What does Peter mean by "the end of all things?" In the first part of the message, Carlsen backs up his assertion that "the end of all things" does not refer to the 2nd coming of Christ but rather the fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD. Peter is encouraging his readers no to panic as things in Jerusalem fall apart but to control their minds and remain clear-headed. They should not let fear dominate their prayers but be watchful, trusting God's sovereignty. In the remainder of the message, Carlsen explains the importance of love as the key to the church's effectiveness and survival. They need to overlook offenses to preserve the unity of the body. Though written for people two thousand years ago, we can learn much from these verses.

Sermon10/28/2022 9:20 PM
BlueViolet from Indiana  Find all comments by BlueViolet
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Ceased from Sin
Derek Carlsen
“ a summary ”
In this sermon, Derek Carlsen focuses on the best way to translate 1 Peter 4:1. The original Greek has only four words in the first phrase which when directly translated to English read, “Christ, therefore since, has suffered, flesh.” He would translate this “Christ, then, has suffered for our flesh. Indeed, arm yourselves with the same insight.” He then says “for he who has suffered in the flesh” refers to Christ. In the Greek, the tense of the word suffering refers to a singular, completed act, not an ongoing process. So Peter is saying we should arm ourselves with this insight: Christ suffered in the flesh for our flesh so we might live in this life free to do the will of God. We are not just marking time until we are freed from this life. Christ suffered, not merely to redeem our souls, but to redeem our whole being from the guilt and bondage of sin so we can fulfill his original purpose for the earth of discipling all nations, of having dominion over all things for the glory of his kingdom here and now. His death stopped sin. This is our weapon: the power and bondage of sin have been stopped. Because we were united with Christ when he suffered in the flesh, we have the power to defeat sin in our flesh.

Sermon2/25/2021 11:55 AM
jca  Find all comments by jca
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The Safe Place
Derek Carlsen
“ Great Sermon! ”
we need sermons like this and preachers with this caliber! highly recommended

Sermon4/27/19 5:32 PM
Rita Beckett from New Jersey  Contact via emailFind all comments by Rita Beckett
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The Day of the Lord
Derek Carlsen
“ Great Sermon! ”
Very helpful sermon. This subject has been misunderstood by so many. Thank you.

Sermon4/10/19 6:10 PM
Rita Beckett from New Jersey  Contact via emailFind all comments by Rita Beckett
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Eternal Apostasy?
Derek Carlsen
“ Great Sermon! ”
This was so very helpful for me as it has explained what happened to a family member of mine. I struggled with "why" but now I have the answer.

Sermon5/7/18 11:57 AM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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Derek Carlsen
“ Blessed topic ”
Such a blessed comfort, to be part of the Zion denoted in Scripture!

Sermon5/6/18 5:21 PM
BWS  Find all comments by BWS
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Derek Carlsen
“ True Zionism: Spiritual, not Israel ”
The scriptures regarding Zion in both Old and New Testaments are seldom ever heard about at length or taught about in today's churches. Instead today Zionism is only brought up regarding an articially created political state in the Middle East. The sermon proves that this is not what's Zion refers to in Scripture.

Sermon4/8/18 8:36 AM
BWS  Find all comments by BWS
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Considering Slavery
Derek Carlsen
“ Great Sermon! ”
The sermon is highly relevant to the MLK50 conference involving SBC. Because they have thrown away exegetical faithfulness to passages like this on slavery the racial division in churches will only continue to increase along with religious, political, and social turmoil. The Leaven of false teaching and abolitionism started it all. A major division regarding race and MLK within Christianity is currently being tweeted and blogged about vigorously. This message is biblically faithful but heretical to a Democratic Socialist worldview. Divisions are therefore necessary as evidenced by Romans 16 verses 17 + 18 to Mark and avoid those contrary to the doctrine of scripture.

Sermon4/6/18 12:28 AM
Ndidi from London and Abuja  Find all comments by Ndidi
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Considering Slavery
Derek Carlsen
“ Care needed ”
Scripture tells us that God used slavery as a punishment when a nation's collective sins became too gross. But some of the enslaved would be God's own eg Daniel, so within slavery, restraint needed to be shown by slave masters. Humans are born free and that's what God intended. I am a British citizen with Nigerian ancestry and for the past 3 years am doing development work in Nigeria. The culture there is cruel and consists of daily HUMAN SACRIFICE even among those who claim Christianity, and the version of Christianity among Nigerians would be unrecognizable to those in the West. When you see how Nigerians lack respect for Black life, you may understand why God would use enslavement to punish such a people. Human sacrifice is worse than horrific (aka "ritual killing" in Nigeria). Please google it and pray for Nigeria (and Africa) that human sacrifice and sorcery, prevalent EVERYWHERE would stop. I have not met a true Christian in Nigeria, neither have I heard the true Gospel there. Everyone though describes himself as "born again", yet the level of malice greed and envy is unprecedented. Please kindly pray that God would send His Gospel to this Dark land, and that human sacrifice and sorcery will be STOPPED, once and for all. Thank you.

Sermon1/29/18 4:00 PM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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Context Explains the Rule
Derek Carlsen
“ bought with a price; be not ye the servants of me ”
Should we promote polygamy because it has been practiced and the bible does not specifically condemn it? So with slavery. 'Husband of one wife' and 'being free in Christ' point to basic principles of hermeneutics. Should we advocate to deprive individuals from freedom of procreation because of Christ's acknowledgement of an evident practice in place? ".. there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother's womb: and there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men: and there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake" One of the main themes of the gospel is freedom. "The Spirit of the Lord ... has anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound". We do not mirror the order and object of Creation and redemption later while bonding a man under another; instead we should rather bring any person into subjection to Christ only. "Submit yourselves to *every ordinance of man* for the Lord's sake". All hues of servitude are ordinance *of men*, which we are to told to respect, but not necessarily to perpetuate.

Sermon1/28/18 6:37 PM
BWS  Find all comments by BWS
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Head Coverings Today
Derek Carlsen
“ Appearances matter in church ”
Up until the 1950s it was Universal for women to wear hats in church. They still do in all the Presbyterian churches in Scotland . I was surprised at this interpretation which seems largely based on one selective phrase Calvin uses (About men) which is then extrapolated much farther. For Calvin continues, "Paul now maintains from other considerations, that it is unseemly for women to have their heads bare. Nature itself, says he, abhors it. To see a woman shaven is a spectacle that is disgusting and monstrous... Should any one now object, that her hair is enough, as being a natural covering, Paul says that it is not, for it is such a covering as requires another thing to be made use of for covering it." Society and culture today only confuses us because it revolutionizes to raise up women to equality and even superiority over men by dress and appearance. Only a Biblical norm and example will guide us against the rebellious and twisted culture, which Paul is defining to remove contentions. Christians will appear different when Society is out of order.

Sermon1/28/18 3:40 PM
Thomas Ray Floyd from Polkville, Mississippi  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by Thomas Ray Floyd
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Context Explains the Rule
Derek Carlsen
“ Faithful Preaching ”
Another faithful message by a faithful man. Pastor Carlsen silences some of his critics by proving the context of 1 Peter 2:18. The pastor proves that the context is truly slaves and masters, not free employees and their employers. The scriptures no where say that slave holding is sinful. We hope neo-abolitionists and neo-calvinists will listen and submit to God's word.

Sermon1/28/18 1:43 PM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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Considering Slavery
Derek Carlsen
“ Confidence diminished ”
How can one ask any to listen to part 2 of a sermon which comes entrenched in defective hermeneutics of part one? Surely, there is a list of valid concepts about free market and historical, or present wrongs stringed together that may make some partial sense, but the fact that they anchor from desfigured interpretations of biblical text, will not always contribute to valid conclusions. If the foundation is wrong, how can the following up be right?

Sermon1/28/18 1:58 AM
BWS  Find all comments by BWS
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Context Explains the Rule
Derek Carlsen
“ Hermeneutics: Not about you & your employer! ”
This also contrasts Free Market Economics & Slavery verses Modern Welfare & Communism. The sermon is a breath of fresh air in sharp contrast to most preaching on the passages regarding slavery.

Sermon1/28/18 1:07 AM
BWS  Find all comments by BWS
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Considering Slavery
Derek Carlsen
“ Listen to PART 2, next sermon ”
Don't miss listening to part 2 about slavery in the next sermon entitled, "Context Explains the Rule." Great practical insights there. Most pastors and teachers use passages on slavery to teach us rules about employers and employees. This is incorrect since it is contrary to and different from the relationship in slavery. The pastor straightens that out.

Sermon1/24/18 2:00 PM
Steve Tattershall from Bridport Dorset England  Contact via emailFind all comments by Steve Tattershall
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Beautiful Wives
Derek Carlsen
“ Some gems but caution needed ”
The pastor brings out some beautiful points regarding a humble god fearing wife and how she is beautiful inside. However I was extremely disappointed with his claims regarding divorce and the Christian saying that abandonment and physical abuse warrants ending the marriage bond and the marriage covenant. The scriptures no where tell us that abandonment or physical abuse warrants breaking this marriage union. Historically and biblically divorce for believers was unbiblical and the only ending of this binding marriage bond was death. Thank goodness the Lord doesn’t divorce us who on many occasions we have abandoned Him and have committed adultery against Him almost every day through having idols and going after wrong things. I would suggest all those who listen to this sermon go after and listen to Voddie Baucham’s sermon called “The Permanence of Marriage” to get another view on the sanctity of marriage and how making a commitment to your spouse is an extremely serious and a one off commitment for all of your life. It should be pointed out that if a marriage between believers is experiencing serious issues which is making their marriage impossible to continue with then separation is the biblical pattern with the hope of reconciliation with the Lords help but never divorce!

Sermon1/23/18 9:26 AM
B. McCausland  Find all comments by B. McCausland
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Considering Slavery
Derek Carlsen
“ Valid hermeneutics needed ”
In order to sustain that God ordained the institution of slavery as much as family and marriage, God at Creation ought to have created besides a female *help mate* for Adam, an owned realm of subordinates to work for him, but he did not. Man was given to subdue the earth, not each other. The 4th and 10th Commandments do not deal directly with slavery, but the issue is mentioned by means of wholesome application of the principle taught in those particular commands. The two different words used for servant, ebed in the OT, and doulos in the NT, are often used to mean either a bond person, or simply a servant. The difference between these two concepts is the contractual terms dictating the agreement, due to the different levels of contracts for hired labourers, slavery being the more inclusive personally. Slavery belongs to the labouring realm not to the moral setting of living, though it comes into it by its ethical practice. Truly, the work of salvation comes illustrated in Scriptures with the concept of the slave market purchase (redemption). However, this can not be used to assert that Christ, or the NT endorsed slavery. Rather in the light of 1 Cor.7 it seems the opposite: "Art thou called being a servant? care not for it: but if thou mayest be made free, use it rather."

Sermon1/21/18 10:22 PM
BWS  Find all comments by BWS
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Context Explains the Rule
Derek Carlsen
“ Great Sermon! Slavery Part 2 ”
Must hear this which continues from the previous sermon on slavery. Absolutely important and relevant to everyone.

Sermon1/21/18 9:17 PM
BWS  Find all comments by BWS
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Beautiful Wives
Derek Carlsen
“ Another Great Sermon! ”
The pastor is on a roll in 1st Peter. His opening is powerful and puts the Christian in marriage in context versus the world and it's values. He entirely blasts feminist and liberal ideas of marriage, the role of the wife, which have resulted in social tumult, high divorce rates and infidelity, and popular cohabitation instead of marriage. He underlines real attractiveness and the need for Christian wives to be submissive in the same manner with Christian husbands as they are instructed to be with unbelievers, which is normally overlooked. If a wife does not show respect to her husband, as per this instruction, the marriage is doomed.

Sermon1/21/18 8:19 PM
BWS  Find all comments by BWS
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Abraham's "Sin"
Derek Carlsen
“ Excellent Teaching, Abraham cleared! ”
Amen to the sermon, another example of conservative versus liberal interpretation. Clears Abraham of false charges from today and honors Sarah as an example of a strong and courageous woman of faith. Abraham acted wisely in a hostile and dangerous situation and Sarah followed his lead. Hear the Psalm comes to mind where God says "touch not mine anointed and do my prophets no harm". Telling Pharaoh "thou art a Dead man" God defends Abraham and Sarah twice in similar situations using the same strategy where Abraham justly calls Sarah his sister, both for hers and his own sake. Abraham was no paranoid or coward and had previously armed his slaves to rescue Lot when Sodom was taken captive by Kings with a considerably smaller Army. I've never heard a pastor teach this passage this way while always I had considered that Abraham told partial truth wisely for Just Cause, And appeared Vindicated. Here in a passage, which Feminist would call male patriarchy as if abusive, Sarah is shown to be justified and in fact protected by a just husband and faith in God in calling Abraham 'Lord' and obeying him with courage and honor! God's moral and social order is again upheld with dignity.

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