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Double Speak by Government Officials at the Highest Level
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This is such a frustrating at every level. Officials in the Obama Administration continue to deny that we are at war with radial Islam. Here is a somewhat elongated (though it didn’t need to be) response by “Hon. Stockton” to Rep. Dan Lungren. Talk about wanting to throttle someone (that’s a figure of speech!), this is it.

Stockton cannot even answer a simple question because of the rhetoric he has been taught to respond with, which effectively allows him to avoid addressing the issue specifically.

Notice how tried to answer Lungren’s questions by not answering them. Each time, Lungren must interrupt him with “that’s not my question” and then he must ask the question again, in several different ways so that Stockton has no problem understanding the question.

The real problem is that Stockton doesn’t want to lose his job and if he is not faithfully politically correct, he may well find himself out on the street.

This is tragic but it simply shows how officials high in the Obama Administration absolutely refuse to acknowledge what everyone else knows. We are at war with radical Islam and it has nothing to do with political correctness and everything to do with reality. Those are the facts. Radical Islam wants to destroy Democracy and freedom wherever they find it.

Unfortunately, there are too many people in various parts of the world, including the United States, who believe (wrongly) that Islam is a peaceful religion. If they would actually take the time to READ the Qur’an themselves, they would be hard-pressed to come away with that same understanding.

The Qur’an is the source book, or manual for Islam. This is NOT to say that there are Muslims who do not take the Qur’an literally, because many have chosen to view the Qur’an allegorically. Because of this, much of the somewhat hateful rhetoric found within the pages of the Qur’an is personalized and taken to mean what the individual Muslim must go through himself (or herself) in order to please Allah.

In other words, this is why some Muslims see “jihad” as a personal struggle with their own sin, while many more Muslims (unfortunately) see “jihad” as a physically outward struggle against all who oppose Islam. If someone opposes Islam, they oppose Allah. If they oppose Allah, they are worthy of death. It is that simple.

The radicalization of Islam – even if these Muslims are in the minority (which they are not) – is becoming so powerful that Muslims have managed to take over major areas of many nations and in some cases like the Netherlands, the entire country was nearly lost to Islamic extremism.

Yet here in our country, we have politically correct individuals who deny that either we are fighting a way against radical Islam, or that radical Islam is at war with us.

This determination to be politically correct is what will destroy this country, if left unchecked. It cannot be left unchecked! It must be opposed as often as possible.

As a Christian, I realize that many other Christians do not see the need to be politically active or motivated. However, to ignore the obvious responsibility is to allow this country to change for the worse. If we have the ability to change things, we should do so. In the end, nothing in America may change and we may continue down this road toward destruction.

Let’s not forget that Jesus said “give to Caesar what is Caesar’s” the truth of that means that Jesus was condoning paying taxes (though some disagree with that today). Jesus essentially stated that taxes should be paid. Since we as Christians pay taxes, we also have a right to do everything we can legally to correct improper situations in our cities, counties, states, and nation.

Again I would like to emphasize though that even with our involvement in doing what every legal citizen of this nation has a right to do, nothing may change. Does that mean we don’t do anything?

That would be like saying that I have tried to witness to the people in my neighborhood for years and years and yet not one of them has turned to Christ. I guess I should give up, correct? Of course not. While obviously the state of a person’s soul is eternally more valuable than the state of a city, county, state, or nation, it is important for us to take advantage of all avenues in order to spread His Word, the gospel of grace.

Who knows, but in trying to correct things that are politically broken, we may actually wind up being in a place that allows us to explain to people why we believe things should be fixed.

As it is, when I talk to people about our political situation and explain why I believe God is judging this nation, they often look at me like I’m a bit crazy. However, the truth is that I am able to explain to them that when we begin supporting Israel again, God may well remove His judgment from our nation, I’m hopeful that it will at least make them think!

I further point out that Mr. Obama does not seem to be the one to accomplish that, in spite of his attestation that he is the fourth best president, which his interview with “60-Minutes” recently, edited out.

In times such as these, we can act like people who are merely wandering through to the city built on an eternal foundation, or we can make use of every opportunity we encounter to find a way to preach the gospel. Aren’t we supposed to be as wise as serpents and as gentle as doves?

Did not Paul use the “unknown god” as a jumping off point to introduce Jesus to the crowd at Mars Hill? Is it wrong of me to use the current political situation to do the same?

People need to be saved, but first they need to realize that there is hope beyond the scope of the situations our country (or yours) finds itself in. Our goal should always be to preach the gospel using whatever situation is handy to do that. If the political situation does not change, so be it. I can live with that because I know God still reigns. However, if the state of their soul does not change and they continue to reject salvation, that is far more difficult to live with and the best that can come out of it is that I’ve either planted a seed or watered one that someone else planted.

I truly do not believe that Christians need to be afraid of the political situation at all. Fearing means a lack of faith. At the same time, to ignore the obvious is not a lack of faith, but a lack of common sense.

If I am hungry, do I not go to the refrigerator to eat something? If I am out of food, do I continue to go back to the refrigerator believing that this time when I open the door, food will appear after praying? No, that’s called testing the Lord. I go buy food to put into the refrigerator. Then I can eat.

God provides me a job, which gives me money for which I can buy food that allows me to eat. God is faithful.

He has placed me in a country (through birth) that is the best country in the world. In spite of that, it will go down in smoke sadly enough, as will everything else in this world at some future point. However, am I doing what I can to help make things better for people, or am I on the sideline thinking that it doesn’t matter because it’s all going the way it is scheduled to go and in the end, it’s all gone? Certainly, the choice is yours, but consider this the next time you go to the refrigerator. Food doesn’t just appear. Laws don’t simply change by themselves.

Here in Georgia, up until recently, it was against the law to buy alcohol on Sundays. To me, that’s a reasonable rule. If you can’t figure out ahead of time that you want a sip of wine on Sunday and run out, that’s your fault.

However, it was recently voted on because there are people in Georgia who think it’s a stupid law and wanted it overturned. Our pastor indicated that we – as Christians – have a responsibility to vote to keep that law from being overturned.

I’m happy to say that while some nearby counties caved, the county that I live in did not. You still can’t buy alcohol on Sundays and I like that!

Christians are to participate in the process and while we are participating, we need to use every situation as a means of explaining the gospel of grace to those who have probably heard it a million times, but maybe…just maybe…this one time, God will choose to open that person’s eyes. If a person is breathing, it’s not too late. Once they take their last breath, it’s game over. As Christians, if we cannot use every opportunity as a means to spread His Word, then we are doing something wrong.

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