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Father of the Never Ending Revolution
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Father of the Never Ending Revolution;

Blood His Writings Shed Greatest in History

Jean Jacques Rousseau is embraced as the Father of the French Revolution; in truth, he is the Father of the Never Ending Revolution. Much of my material comes from the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy and a discussion between Tom Woods and Professor Jared Casey who authored, Freedom's Progress?{The Totalitarian Jean Jacques Rousseau. Tom Woods Show.}. The vast changes occurring in Western cultures, especially America, are not random but flow directly from Rousseau's disjointed and confused ramblings embraced as philosophy. Within eleven years of his death the French Revolution occurred based primarily upon his ramblings and it has never ended though it has hidden away only to arise in various forms from time to time: Soviet or Lenin's Revolution, Marcuse's Liberation Movement philosophy and Postmodernism. Today we know it as Social Justice but its slogans come from Rousseau's confused writings.

The Man

Rousseau was not French, he was Swiss and eventually moved to France. Rousseau sought to benefit only one person: himself. He was intelligent but undisciplined and therefore unable to spend the time and effort to structure his thinking coherently; and he did not need to since his writings gained him popularity from equally shallow readers. Rousseau was in love with Greco-Roman history, as he understood it, which influenced his concept of government and citizenship forming the basis for what we call socialism today. Rousseau had little concern for controlling his passions. When it was convenient he engaged in sexual relationships that supported him. In Paris he had a long term relationship with a woman and fathered five children whom he deposited unsolicited on the steps of an orphanage; he could not be bothered with family in his important endeavors.

Rousseau developed his philosophy, if I may be so bold, to rebrand his immorality as morality. This was the basis of the promise Satan made to Woman, " will be like God, knowing good and evil" (Ge 3:5). Rousseau rejected God and His Bible because that is what the Lost always do (Ro 1:18-28). Yet, he also rejected science as unnatural curiosity that can lead people astray. Thus, Rousseau was an immoral man seeking to make a name for himself among the philosophers of his day without putting in the discipline or gaining the knowledge necessary to develop cogent logical arguments. His logical fallacious appeals to history and common sense did appeal to a great many people who were also wanting to be considered high brow; especially among Parisian upper classes. Rousseau wanted to be an elitist without bringing anything to the table but his own fallacious thoughts; height of laziness.

The Natural Man

Rousseau viewed original man, and woman I guess, as free from all constraints. People lived in an idyllic loose social structure. Sexual relationships were casual and without responsibilities. People were free to be one with nature and each lived life to the fullest; or so he writes. He does not detail how to survive in unfriendly environments, how to survive diseases or privations or how to live in deteriorating old age alone. Rousseau painted an utopian picture apart from the Bible based on nothing more than his own beliefs; i.e., he was transmitting his religion as not a religion.

What destroy this utopia? Satan? No! It was the unmitigated gall of one person to claim ownership! This was the source of ALL evil! This was the beginning of civilization! Hence, Rousseau saw governments and their associated religions as the chains that enslaved all Man. And, just as Man and Woman could not reenter the Garden, so also was it impossible for Modern Man to return to Natural Man. But, he did have a solution.

The Social Contract

Rousseau envisioned a binding Social Contract between government and its citizens. One was automatically bound by this unbreakable Contract simply by existing under government. Rousseau did not mean any government but only a government as he would describe since he rejected the relationship between government and citizens put forth by Hobbs and Locke-Republic. Rousseau envisioned Athens as his model government with citizens bound to that government which acted for them and held them accountable for their dissension with that government: I refer of course to Socrates. Athens was not an idyllic government but forced its Control over its citizens and other Greek cities {Delian and Second Athenian Leagues}. Those who "...attempted secession would be hard to bear because any intention of revolting or an attempt to secede from the League will be deal with severe punishment {The Development Of The Athenian Imperialism History Essay}. Thus, individuals were automatically bound to government and could not willingly leave though they could be eliminated if they violated the General Will.

The General Will

Rousseau's General Will is not the will of the people; not even the majority. Rousseau's conception of this concept is confused, not surprisingly, but generally means that there is a certain General Will that the government is to fulfill for its citizens; it its for their own good whether they know it or not. This ephemeral Will guides government actions and laws. People do not vote for it neither do they need to agree to it but they are bound by it for their own good. Those who disagree with this General Will are to be forced to submit or be eliminated as they pose a threat to fulfillment for all other citizens. A Legislator will determine what is the General Will on any matter and bring appropriate force to bear to insure its success; this was Robespierre of the Committee of Public Safety in the French Revolution. Then he was deemed to be an enemy of the General Will and eliminated; a common action in socialism.

These Social Justice Terms are Rousseau
Refusal of General Will Dealt With Intolerantly

Rousseau wrote to enrich himself; however, he was used of Satan to popularize Satan's socialistic message. We know it is of Satan because of the vast numbers of deaths it willingly inflicts on nonbelievers (Jn 8:44). It is not based on Truth but on lies springing from the mind of a self-centered, immoral and vain man whose only thought was of self gratification regardless of the cost to others. Yet, he inflicts a type of morality on others that he rejects for himself.

Why are we to wear masks that science has proven do not work? Because it is the General Will to protect others {even though it does not protect anyone}. Why are we to be injected with material that is labeled as vaccine but is not a vaccine? Because it is the General Will to protect others even though many suffer disability and death from these untested, untried injections. Why was President Trump vilified? Because he represented market economies, albeit distorted by his own ignorance, which are the source of ALL evil in society and work against the General Will. With Rousseau's logic intolerance of those who violate the General Will is tolerated, even justified. Even Reflexivity and Fertile Fallacies are enjoined as tools to promote the General Will even though they are LIES to deceive people into acting as if they were true until they become true.

Rousseau's Promotion of Scientism
Science is the Enemy of Socialism

Science, and thus knowledge, are the enemies of socialism as they may not support the General Will. Hence, public education in the 20th century moved away from science to embrace scientisms whose goals are to promote concepts supporting of the General Will; these would include education, psychology, Austrian economics, etc. Also rejected are governments that promote citizens expressing their own wills or desires which are viewed as force against those who are seeking the General Will or violence. Religions are accepted only as they acquiesce to the General Will; however, true Christianity is rejected since it teaches that everyone is subjected to Christ {Ro 14:11; Ph 2:9-11}.

Rousseau's French Revolution never ended; it merely changed into various forms as Satan experimented with how to implement this satanic Control into every nation until there was only one government on the earth: his! Logic, facts and logic make no impact as it is viewed as hostile to the General Will. As Rousseau said in the first graphic: "Truth has only one mode of being" and that mode is as defined by the General Will. It is popular because it allows people to redefine their sins as good and their immorality as moral. It ignores the truth that all it has brought about is violence, degradation and death on a vast scale unknown to ancient history. This is not of God but of Satan for even sane people would recognize these as the consequences of their poor philosophical choices and choose a different path for safety if not for peace. This is the the cancer that is devouring Western cultures today and with their consent because it is for the Common Good or Will {Constitutional Clause}.

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