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Wayne Boyd | Almont, Michigan
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First Baptist Church
881 North Van Dyke
Almont, MI 48003
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Live Stream only at 10:30 a.m. and Wednesday at 7 p.m.
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Psalm 93:1 “The LORD reigneth, He is clothed with majesty; the LORD is clothed with strength, wherewith He hath girded Himself: the world also is stablished, that it cannot be moved.
Hello everyone,
Hope this note finds you safe at this time. Take comfort, beloved of God, in the fact that our God reigns right now just as He always has from eternity.
We will be live streaming the service from the parsonage again at 10:30 AM.
Here is a direct link to where you can find our live stream tomorrow the live stream will appear at this page at 10:30 AM:
Also, the Wednesday night service will be uploaded late Wednesday night and will be available on Thursday at the link above.
Hope again that everyone is safe at home, looking forward to when we can meet again at the church.
With much love in Christ, Wayne
Here are some articles for this week which I hope will be an encouragement for you.
He will sustain you!
“Cast thy burden upon the LORD, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved. “ Psalm 55:22
The promise is not that the Lord will remove the load we cast upon Him, nor that He will carry it for us — but that He will sustain us so that we may carry it.
He does not free us from the duty — but He strengthens us for it.
He does not deliver us from the conflict — but He enables us to overcome.
He does not withhold or withdraw the trial from us — but He helps us in trial to be submissive and victorious, and makes it a blessing to us.
He does not mitigate the hardness or severity of our circumstances, taking away the difficult elements, removing the thorns, making life easy for us — but He puts Divine grace into our hearts, so that we can live sweetly in all the hard, adverse circumstances.

2 Corinthians 12:9 “My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness.”
“I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me!” Philippians 4:13
--J.R. Miller
Blood Before The LORD
Note in scripture how many times the blood is said to be before the Lord. Whether any man saw it or not was of small account, for it was offered for sin before the Lord. When the Passover lamb was slain in Egypt, where was the blood placed? It was on the OUTSIDE of the door; before the Lord. He said, When I see the blood, I will pass over you.

The suffering and death of Christ on behalf of His people was BEFORE the Lord, UNTO the Lord, to declare the Lord’s righteousness, to satisfy the Lord’s justice, to fulfill the Lord’s purpose, to glorify the Lord’s character, to enable the Lord to be both just and Justifier!

The atonement does not change the NATURE and character of God, but rather the atonement HONORS and MAGNIFIES the character of God. The death of Christ is NOT the cause of God’s love, but the result of it. God is not merciful because Christ died; Christ died because God is merciful. In order that every attribute might be expressed, glorified, and honored, God gave His Son to be the Savior of the chosen people! Thank God we have an atonement; before the Lord.

--Henry Mahan
As your days — so shall your strength be!
“…As thy days, so shall thy strength be!” Deuteronomy 33:25
Here is a precious promise for a trying day! It belongs to every Christian who is traveling to the Celestial City. It provides for every part of life's journey; for every day — as each day may require.
It is especially suited to the dark days, the wintry days, and the trying days — when all our earthly props fail us; the days when our fellow man cannot help us.

Fellow pilgrim! Are you dispirited, depressed, and cast down? Are you looking back upon the past with sorrow — and forward into the future with fear? Cheer up! The Lord will not lay on you more than He will enable you to bear — nor will He allow any other to do so.

However weak you may feel in yourself,
however rough the road you may need to travel,
however heavy the burden you may have to carry —
God will supply you with sufficient strength for the day!

He has never allowed you to be crushed yet, though you may have staggered under some heavy burdens. He who has helped you in the past — is still your helper today. He will also help you in all the future. “As your days” — be they as troublesome as they may — “so shall your strength be.”

Whether your day brings life or death, joy or trial — it does not matter. God will send you exactly what you need to pass through it! Do not look at your trials, do not dwell on your inability — but lay hold on the promises of God and seek His grace to exercise faith in Him.

Then let Satan suggest what he pleases, or the flesh object as it may — you will be able to say, “I will not fear; for as my day — so shall my strength be. He who has promised — will also fulfill His promise.”
Blessed Lord, I praise You for this precious promise! Help, oh, help me to trust in it; and day by day as duty or trials may require — enable me to look to You and expect sufficient strength from You!
“In the day when I cried Thou answeredst me, and strengthenedst me with strength in my soul.” Psalm 138:3
--James Smith
Reading Schedule March 29 - April 4
29- Judges 7-8; Luke 5: 1-16
30- Judges 9-10; Luke 5: 17-39
31- Judges 11-12; Luke 6: 1-26
1- Judges 13-15 Luke 6:27-49
2- Judges 16-18 Luke 7:1-30
3- Judges 19-21 Luke 7:31-50
4- Ruth 1-4 Luke 8:1-25

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