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Jesus, the Beginning of the Creation? and other q & a from Revelation 2 & 3.
MONDAY, JULY 17, 2017
Posted by: Hackberry House of Chosun | more..
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  1. Revelation 2:17. What might the hidden manna and the white stone be?

Unless we know what Jesus was promising, the promise is meaningless to us.

With help from an online source I am able to see the hidden manna as a direct reference to the manna of the wilderness. One portion of it was to be kept “hidden” in the ark of the covenant, symbolizing, quite possibly, the resurrected Christ, who is the true Bread from Heaven, as He said in John 6.

Christ is hidden from us now, but Jesus seems to be promising here that the very life of Jesus, the Bread of Life, will be given to those who overcome now and ultimately.

As for the “white stone”: A multitude of possibilities are out there. I read one author who says we should never use pagan customs as a way to interpret Scripture. Rather we should look for the interpretation of Scripture in the Scripture itself.

Fair enough. That rules out everyone’s favorite view of this passage, known to the people of Jesus’ day and therefore a valid comparison in my opinion. The custom allegedly was that “a white pebble was placed in a ballot box by a Greek judge, pronouncing a sentence of acquittal (a black pebble indicating condemnation). (

Thus, the white stone says, you are not guilty. Sins forgiven. Go free. And for your new life, here is a new name, which I will write on the stone itself! I like it!

But can we find a more Scriptural view? Some that are advanced:

  • Based on the headdress of the high priest, it is stated that the believer will receive a precious stone from Christ and wear it in his new headdress. “Holiness to the Lord” was inscribed on the priest’s covering, but Jesus will add to this our own name? Seems a little distant, but it is Biblical.
  • Perhaps this refers to the stones of the Urim and Thummim, means of revelation from God on the Jewish High Priest, which will be transferred over somehow to His new priesthood.
  • The stone tablets of the law might be referenced here.
  • Or what about the white-washed stones from Jordan on the day when Israel crossed over that river. The entire Decalogue was written on them.

All of these last possibilities seem a bit strained. I must return to the (sorry) pagan-based example. I remember that when Jesus spoke of the waters of the Holy Spirit that would come, He was referring to a water-source near Him at the moment. All of His parables are based on natural parts of the creation. His talk of Gehenna was an example of Hell, not necessarily Hell itself. Gehenna was a known location of the day.

And so forth. The writers and speakers of Scripture did not seem to be bound to Scripture only, when giving their ideas.

  1. Revelation 3:3. Will the Lord come as a thief for His children?

I Thessalonians says yes, at first, then follows up with a big NO. (5:2-4) “…the day of the Lord will come just like a thief in the night… but YOU brethren are not in darkness, that the day would overtake you as a thief…”

God’s people will be ready, as the five wise virgins were ready. Lamps full and bright. Lives productive. Busy about their Father’s business. No surprise here. Only the wicked servants will be shocked at the return of Jesus.

  1. Revelation 3:5. Can a name be blotted out of the Book of Life?

May I suggest a companion verse here? The words of Jesus in John 10:28-29. “… I give eternal life to them [my sheep] and they will never perish. And no one will snatch them out of My hand. My Father, who has given them to Me… no one is able to snatch them out of the Father’s hand…”

These sheep of John 10 are the overcomers that this same Jesus is now speaking of in Revelation. They will not be erased from the book. Ever.

Then who shall be erased? If the book of life is merely the book of all living, then there shall be erased all who rejected Christ, all who feigned Christianity but were false, the ones to whom Jesus will say, “I never knew you,” etc. Many, many, will be erased. But the elect? The chosen? The sheep? Never!

Many will be called to Jesus over the centuries. But only a few, He said, are chosen. Their names are in the Book of Life now, and shall stay there for all the ages.

  1. Revelation 3:7. What is the “Key of David”?

Seven hundred years before Jesus came, a man named Shebna managed the Royal Palace in Israel. But he wasn’t doing such a great job. Isaiah recounts (22:15-25) how Shebna is replaced by one Eliakim. On Eliakim’s shoulder is to be placed the “key of the house of David.”

The key refers to the authority. The House of David is to continue, per God’s promise to David himself. And in every generation there are men who are to steward that house, to be sure of its survival and prosperity.

Revelation 3:7 lets us know that the key has been passed on to the Son of Man, Jesus. He holds the key now. He is the security and the prosperity of the House of David. He in fact is the House of David, the very reason there is a house of David. He shall sit on the Throne that rests in that House. Glorious Jesus!

  1. Revelation 3:9, 2:9. What is the “Synagogue of Satan”?

Romans 9:6. “Not all who are descended from Israel are Israel.” Jews trusting in their ancestry instead of their God have some serious surprises awaiting. Jews who have ignored the Jew Jesus and His sacrifice are said here to be not Jews at all. When they say they are Jews, they are lying, whether they know it or not. They are not true Jews.

Put a group of these denying Jews together, and you have a synagogue of Satan. During the first century, false Jews persecuted true ones on a regular basis. They were even able to convince Roman authorities to come against Jesus and His followers, as with Pilate and his successors in Judea.

The people of God have always been hated by someone somewhere. Radical Muslims seem to play the role in our own day. But in the early days of the church, which was largely Jewish, Satan used Jews of the flesh to persecute Jews of the Spirit.

  1. Revelation 3:10. Is this proof for a pre-tribulation rapture?

If you are one who believes in the strange assembly of historic facts known as “church ages”, then you believe that “Philadelphia” is the current age, soon to blend into the Laodicean age when there will be widespread falling away. You believe that Jesus is going to keep you from the Tribulation, based on 3:10.

Verse 10 poses some difficulties for non- “church age” folks too. The prediction here is that a testing hour is about to come on the whole earth. Though this sounds like the Tribulation, it is obvious that that event did not take place in the first century, nor has it yet. Even if the Tribulation were in mind, it is obvious that that Philadelphia church did indeed escape it…

The Roman destruction of Jerusalem, by the time of the writing of this letter, was easily 20 years past. So, what time of testing is being referenced? A Roman persecution? Emperor Trajan would certainly qualify for that, A natural disaster? A huge earthquake rocked the territory around Asia Minor during that time period.

Whatever is to come, Philadelphia has already passed their test and will not be given another.

  1. Revelation 3:12. Why does Jesus refer to the Father as “My God”?

Four times the Son of God refers to His Father as “My God.” What about the Deity of Jesus Himself?

This is a fascinating verse, in my opinion. Thomas said to Jesus, “My Lord and my God” and Jesus did not stop him. Jesus is Thomas’s God, and yours and mine.

This is not the first time that Jesus referred to Father in this way. On the cross a suddenly distant Father had to be addressed thus. “My God, My God…”

It would seem then that the Son is showing true deference to His Father, for functionally they are separate. The Father is His God, to be sure. But see the Father, in the Psalms, returning the truth: (Hebrews 1:8) “…of the Son He (the Father) says, ‘Your throne of God, is forever and ever.’”

Father calls Son, God. Son calls Father, God. There’s a pattern here. And a wonderful mystery.

  1. Revelation 3:14. How is Jesus the “beginning” of the creation?

Jesus is the origin and the source and the head and the ruler and the author of all the creation. The Greek behind all these words can mean chief in time or chief in place or rank. It is the number one position that Jesus holds.

In this context, it is not to be understood that Jesus was the first one created. Jesus created all things per John. He obviously did not create Himself.

  1. Revelation 3:18. How is it that we can “buy” things from God?

As in all purchases, we approach the seller, offer the price quoted, and take the goods away.

God has, in this verse, three things “for sale.” Fire-refined gold, white clothing, and eye-salve. The price is not mentioned here, but at least we assume that whatever we are holding onto that opposes such a sale, due to no perceived need, must be laid down at the check-out.

The gold of earthly riches is laid down first, and in exchange, Jesus gives the gold of refinement. The cross. Persecution. The narrow way. Self-denial. For these rich Christians, perhaps poverty would be a good exchange also.

White clothing will be distributed to those willing to abstain from the lusts of the flesh. Adultery and homosexuality must stop. All immoral practices must be surrendered. Repentance must be real. Then the purity of Christ will bathe the soul and cover the shame of the past.

From that day on, life must be seen through God’s eyes. A special salve is available for this. The Scriptures. Prayer. Fellowship with true believers. Given up is most if not all of the media’s influence, ungodly entertainment and activities. Tele-vision must become the vision of God. “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God,” and see with God’s eyes.

The challenge is real to the Western Church in this passage. Will we meet it?

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