Sweeter as the Days Go By
Author: Eliza E. Hewitt, 1851-1920
Musician: Joan J. Pinkston, b. 1947

The dear old story of a Saviour's love
Is sweeter sweeter as the days go by;
The glad assurance of a home above
Is sweeter as the days go by.

We'll fill the days with joyful praise,
We'll sing as the happy moments fly;
The song of love to Him above
Grows sweeter as the days go by.

The sunbeams shining from the living Light
Are brighter brighter as the days go by;
The stars of promise cheering sorrow's night
Are brighter as the days go by.

Hope's anchor, holding in the stormy strife,
Is stronger stronger as the days go by;
We feel the throbbings of immortal life
Grow stronger as the days go by.

The peace that Jesus gives to us anew
Is grander deeper as the days go by;
The prospects op'ning to the Christian's view
Are grander as the days go by.