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Sermon A Firm Foundation for the Christian Faith | Philip Beachy
David Fields from Texas
"Mr Beachy, in his message, didn't say what God..Elohim, did after..."
-39 hrs 
Sermon Out of the Depths | Malachi Moody
jfurialau from Northern California
-41 hrs 
Sermon As Christ Loved Us | Clay Curtis
Fred Tuttle from Georgetown KY
-42 hrs 
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Sermon8/1/2022 10:40 PM
JJ | Southwest  Protected NameFind all comments by JJ
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“ Great Sermon! ”
My wife and I both found this to be a fresh perspective and a helpful sermon! Thank you.

Sermon7/10/2022 7:31 PM
JJ | Southwest  Protected NameFind all comments by JJ
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The Prayer That Changed Everything Part 9
Pastor Clarence Simmons
“ Great Sermon! ”
We hope the best for you, Brother, and we praise God for you and your family.

Sermon6/11/2022 11:30 PM
JJ  Protected NameFind all comments by JJ
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Righteous Anger (1 of 5)
Max Doner
“ Now in Book and Lesson Form ”
This series has been turned into a book and is available from Chapel Library in print or free e-book formats. Mount Zion Bible Institute also offers a lesson based on this series. Both are titled "ANGER! by Max Doner".

Sermon3/6/2022 2:39 PM
JJ | Southwest  Protected NameFind all comments by JJ
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“ Outstanding Sermon! ”
My wife and I were blessed today greatly by this sermon! We rejoice!

Sermon2/6/2022 3:11 PM
JJ | Southwest  Protected NameFind all comments by JJ
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Wow, what a blessing this sermon was for my wife and I today! Outstanding! Glory to God!

Sermon9/28/2020 11:26 PM
JJ | Southwest  Protected NameFind all comments by JJ
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I was so helped by this today. I hope with the Lord's blessing it will have a lasting effect. Outstanding teaching!

Sermon8/30/2020 10:23 PM
JJ | Southwest  Protected NameFind all comments by JJ
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Conspiracy Theories
Max Doner
“ Great Sermon! ”
We found this to be a helpful and timely sermon. Take a break from the media and listen to this sermon. By God's grace, it will do you some good.

Sermon2/3/2020 4:24 PM
JJ | Southwest  Protected NameFind all comments by JJ
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Under God's Eyes and Ears
Pastor John Ashwood
“ Great Sermon! ”
This is a fine and helpful sermon; just what I needed to hear. Thank you.

Sermon11/3/19 9:17 PM
JJ | Southwestern USA  Protected NameFind all comments by JJ
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The Word 'Amen'
Rev. W. Klaver
“ Great Sermon! ”
My wife and I found this to be an outstanding sermon; full of instruction and uplifting. We rejoice!

News Item4/7/18 10:17 AM
JJ | jo  Find all comments by JJ
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The flat earth cult is a TROLL SCAM created by a shameless indifferent Antichrist atheist known as Eric Dubay. He literally created it so he can mock Christians, he literally proved how utterly gullible and naive a vast majority of Christians are since he enslaved them all to his utterly pathetic troll scam cult known as the flat earth.

Dubay to the end of his life like Hinn, TBN, Popoff, Joshua, etc. are all shameless atheists who live only for mocking christians, taking them for their money, sexual favors and adoration, and the fool Christians because they have been indoctrinated by such pathetic pacifistic turn the other cheek sickening doctrines, will CONTINUE to the end of time to follow after atheists who front as Christians.

News Item3/16/18 7:07 PM
jj  Find all comments by jj
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Thanks for the comment, Penned.

What kind of institutions have flags outside? What kind have flags inside AND outside?

Why can't we see this? Why would a we fly any flag? Why would it be inside too? Creepy. Are these the same people who support Israels' nationalism?

Why don't we talk about this 501c3 issue more?

Anyway, thanks.

Sermon2/22/18 1:46 PM
Jj | Usa  Find all comments by Jj
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“ Unmasked ”
Thank you for unmasking yourself with this I will be sure to avoid your shows

News Item10/16/17 1:23 PM
Jj | everyone  Find all comments by Jj
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Everyone is going to hell according to the Bible because it clearly states that whomsoever sins willfully after knowledge of the truth, there remains no more sacrifice for their sins.

There is not even one of you arrogant manipulating self proclaimed holier then thou keyboard warrior pacifists who does not sin every single day willfully, therefore you should KNOW you are going to hell.

The FACT of all human existence including all so called christian existence is that no one ever truly repents, one only reduces the NUMBER of their sins if one claims to accept the gospel. Until your dying day YOU WILL sin willfully, and you will go to hell unless the Bible is contradicting itself, of course which it does almost every other verse.

Believing in Jesus is not enough, Jesus Himself stated so. Many will believe in Him, do "wonderous works" and Jesus will still say to them depart from me into everlasting fire.

All we can hope is that the Bible is not God's word at all, but merely contains generalities to point one towards general commandments, but if the Bible were to be taken literally, then everyone will be damned, and this God the father being is one very very sick vicious freak.

connor7, research long term water fasting at true north health center.

News Item9/23/17 2:45 PM
JJ | USA  Find all comments by JJ
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If the lie of Darwin were right there would be billions upon billions of "intermediate" ape-man beings living today all over the world, and also found in all the fossil records.

They are not, all these "expert" atheists do is find a skull that looks different than a white man's skull, this is easy to do when you go to a historically cannibalistic culture like Papua new Guinea, etc where their inbreeding and cannibalism deformed a lot of their facial features. Once an "expert/aka scientist" digs up an old Papua new Guinean's skull they then claim it is a "missing link", when it is nothing but a few hundred year old dried out Papua new Guinean's skull.

Another thing they do is take old human skeletal remains and say they prove an intermediate being because of it being hunched over. NOPE when humans get old, they get hunched over and when those hunched over people die that is how their skeletal remains stay forever, finding them centuries later proves nothing except that humans get old and have old people problems.

News Item9/23/17 2:31 PM
Jj | Usa  Find all comments by Jj
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They are not showing the love of Jesus nor the love of neighbor. Neither are they subjecting themselves to the state which God has ordained.

Rom 13:1 KJV - Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. (the LGBT, atheist, Muslim and other powers who rule the world now which the bible says here clearly GOD PUT THERE). Whosoever therefore resisteth the power (LGBT, atheists, Muslims, and whoever else ever has power), resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. (DAMNATION THAT'S RIGHT, don't you dare resist the powers or you will get damnation) For rulers (lgbt, atheists and Muslims rulers) are NOT a terror to good works, but to the evil. (SEE they are not evil they are a terror to the evildoers, the bible said so) Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same: For he (LGBT, atheists, muslims leaders) is the minister of God to thee for good!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.

Give your children over to whomsoever has power, or receive damnation.

News Item9/21/17 8:40 AM
jj | usa  Find all comments by jj
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PMG wrote:
The statement that flat earthers are TROLLS is ridiculous.
You are ENTIRELY lost, mind drone. You are proof of how easy it is to manipulate the minds of the weak, especially so called Christians, some of the weakest most gullible people who have ever existed. You have zero discernment, absolutely zero.

News Item9/21/17 8:35 AM
JJ | usa  Find all comments by JJ
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Its all for Jesus, turn the other cheek to show the love of God to them, let them corrupt your children and the country for Jesus, maybe you will save a few of the wicked's souls and your children and country will be damned for it by being corrupted by them in the end, good trade off for Jesus isn't it. Remember OBEY the higher power, there is no power but that placed there by God remember. Atheists are the power, OBEY THEM or you are damned by God because they were given their power by God. Turn the other cheek and OBEY you pathetic sheep.

The days of righteous Christians waging war against the wicked to wipe them all out is gone. Now you all bow, turn the other cheek and obey. You are the reason the end of the world has come. Pacifist sheep, you would all bow and pray for the Antichrist himself to show your "love of Jesus".

News Item9/21/17 8:28 AM
JJ | usa  Find all comments by JJ
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Its all for Jesus, turn the other cheek to show the love of God to the wicked, let them corrupt your children for Jesus, maybe you will save the wicked's souls and your children will be damned for it by being corrupted by them, trade off for Jesus. Obey the higher power, there is no power but that placed there by God remember.

News Item9/15/17 6:13 PM
JJ | here  Find all comments by JJ
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The flat earth movement is what is called a TROLL. It is a shameless to the death lying troll cult created by an atheist named Eric Dubay in order for first self mocking of what he views as Christianity, and secondly to gloat how easily it was for him to create his own cult and to manipulate the minds of millions of very weak minded people. He finds entertainment in this in a very sick deviant way that certain other types of people who when asked for directions give you utterly wrong directions on purpose just so they can laugh at you to themselves after you leave. There is utterly no Biblical or scientific truth to the claims of the atheists running this troll cult, just learn that they are shameless to the death just like tv "healers" and will go to their grave before they admit it was all a scam and they are atheists. But because most people are weak minded and deceived by the sheer confidence of pathological liars, they can't get their head around someone who is a troll, who pathologically lies every day of his life just for the self entertainment of it.

News Item8/23/17 3:52 PM
JJ  Find all comments by JJ
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Babylon usa will soon burn and her smoke will be seen from afar as Revelation foretold. All of this vile evil is free to roam wherever it wishes because Western Christianity has accepted the Satanic lie of pacifism. Jesus could come after people with a whip in violence merely for selling things in the temple but modern day christians would not lift one finger of violence to stop children from being indoctrinated by Satan himself. Burn babylon burn.
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