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News Item12/13/17 2:05 AM
Bro. Big C | Brooklyn New York  Find all comments by Bro. Big C
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Have you ever noticed, all of these liberal people that believe in global warming do not believe in the sovereignty of Almighty Jesus.

It is amazing, you can ask a 5 year old child who created the Heavens,the earth controls controls the weather, and many of them may honestly say, Almighty God.

But you can ask one of these liberal global warming Quacks the same question, and they would never come to the conclusion that it is Almighty God who is in total control of the entire universe.

It is so so sad how blonde are, that's why we who are true believers in the Christ of the Bible, must pray that God will remove the blindness from the eyes of so many that are on their way to hell and the Lake of Fire if they don't repent.

May we continued to work while it is still day, because the laborers are few but the Harvest (unsaved) is plentiful. Amen

News Item7/26/17 11:56 PM
Bro. BIG C | Brooklyn N.Y.  Find all comments by Bro. BIG C
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Oh, I thought the Muslim religion was a religion of peace.

What happened are they now being exposed for who they are.

As the Bible state: all darkness comes to light.

News Item7/26/17 11:54 PM
Bro. BIG C | Brooklyn N.Y.  Find all comments by Bro. BIG C
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There is no such thing as a moderate Muslim, either you are a Muslim or you are not a Muslim.
Either you follow what (satan) the Quran say or you do not!

The Quran clearly tell all people that follow that satanic book to Kill the Infidel by cutting off their heads and hands over 109 times (Google it). It's just like saying a person is a Christian or a cardinal Christian. There is no such thing as a carnal Christian! Either you are a born again Christian or you not a Christian. It's either one or the other.

So we should not be surprised when we see an Iman teach such wickedness or Isis carryout such wickedness against non-Muslims. They're only following their wicked book the Quran.

That's God States in His Word, there's nothing new under the Sun!!!!!!!

News Item3/4/17 4:43 AM
Bro. BIG C | Brooklyn N.Y.  Find all comments by Bro. BIG C
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Islam or any religion can be the majority, buy that does mean they have the TRUTH!

If Jesus Christ is not the Chief Cornerstone of you faith in God, you have no Truth, nor do you have a future in Heaven with God forever

Jesus is the foundation of Truth and there is only one truth and that's Jesus Christ, whom is the Way the Truth and the Life, no man can come unto the father but by JESUS (John 14:6)!!! Amen

News Item3/4/17 4:30 AM
Bro. BIG C | Brooklyn N.Y.  Find all comments by Bro. BIG C
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I live here in New York and I was watching Channel 7 Eyewitness News. The other day the liberal News reporters was speaking about this same abominable garbage.

It was just amazing to see how these liberal news media people were just smiling and loving this type of an abomination! And one of the reporters had the nerve to say he wants to go see it because he know it's going to be good.

It is so so sad! We really need to pray for this Nation. God states in His Word, in the last days it would be just like Sodom and Gomorrah, they will be marrying and eating & drinking,then shall the Son of man come as a thief in the night (unexpectedly)!

This is just more direct proof that we're closer the Jesus coming back and it's trimmed is my faith that the word of God is true. We really need to pray for this nation because any nation that turn their back on God, God said he would turn them into hell!

Woe,Woe unto this nation!

News Item3/2/17 6:00 AM
Bro. BIG C | Brooklyn N.Y.  Find all comments by Bro. BIG C
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This is Food For Thought of why transgender bathroom/showers should never exist.

Let's say that you have a 12 year old daughter that plays for her school basketball team. The game is over, she and her young girlfriend's go into the shower to wash off the sweat from the game. However, a big strong 6 ft 2 inch man walks into the shower with no clothes on and states to your innocent daughter & teammates that "he" feels like a woman today and "he" begins to shower next to your 12 year old daughter! How would any parent feel at that moment just knowing something like this can and may occur in any transgender bathroom/shower at your child's school?

I would hate to really say or think of how I might react, but if it was my daughter they probably will be taking me to j??l for defending my daughter's privacy.

Every parent in America should be outraged at this type of garbage that President Obama tried to implement for our children. Every parent should of been marching in the streets instead of worrying about being politically correct.

Thank God for Attorney General Jeff Sessions!

This is why Target need to be boycotted, because if you let the devil get a toehold in the door, he's going to get his foot in the door, and eventually satan will squeeze his whole body into

News Item3/2/17 5:25 AM
Bro. BIG C | Brooklyn N.Y.  Find all comments by Bro. BIG C
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Yes the reason why Target is losing so much money it's because the Christians that have a backbone are standing up against this utter foolishness of transgender bathrooms!

This is just one of many wicked demonic policy's that President Obama conjured up in his mind, but God is putting this perverted wickedness to nought!

If a person was born a male (according to their birth certificate), they will die a male no matter what body part they try to change.



So Target's need be very careful because God's hand of judgment is against them. Not only targets, but God's hand of judgment is against Amazon too! and they need to be boycotted. Why? Because they sell Isis paraphernalia such as: Isis underwear, socks, t-shirts, ties, flags, jackets etc... so me being a Christian I personally do not believe that I know any Christian should be patronizing stores like Target and Amazon to help promote the devil's foolishness. That's my opinion and that's why I don't shop at either one of them no matter how convenient it might be God will hold me accountable. I guess I just burst your bubble my Christian brothers & sisters...

News Item3/2/17 4:38 AM
Bro. BIG C | Brooklyn N.Y.  Find all comments by Bro. BIG C
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If God was against the abominable, detestable sin of homosexuality throughout the entire Old and New Testament, what makes Mr. TD Jakes think that God's infallible inerrant Word has evolved?

Jesus Christ the same yesterday today and forever more.

This man has lost his mind and he should be sitting down and repenting or excommunicated!





News Item3/2/17 4:17 AM
Bro. BIG C | Brooklyn N.Y.  Find all comments by Bro. BIG C
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God States in his Word that His Word is settled in heaven forever, and He changes not. Heaven and Earth shall pass away, but not one jot of His Word will pass away.

So for Mr.TD Jakes to make such a blatant statement as to: "homosexuals should find a congregation that will confirm their lifestyles" is an abomination! this man needs to be sitting in the Pew until he repents from his Wicked thoughts and ways.

How can he be a shepherd and Lead A Flock when he is blind to the sin of homosexuality and seems to be leading his congregation into HELL? How did call himself a pastor when he's lead his flock astray? Woe unto him, Woe unto him!!! He need to read the entire chapter of Jeremiah 23!

I guess he must believe that God should apologize for destroying Sodom and Gomorrah. However the God that I serve is not in the apology business for punishing sin!

If there's any Christians in that so-called church that have a backbone, they need to remove him from that sacred desk; the pulpit, sit him down until he repents. And if he refuse to take heed to God speaking to his heart,he may need to be excommunicated eventually

News Item2/27/17 3:10 AM
Bro. BIG C | Brooklyn N.Y.  Find all comments by Bro. BIG C
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Oops typographical error:

because God is not pleased with her but anyone that takes abortion likely......

News Item2/27/17 3:06 AM
Bro. BIG C | Brooklyn N.Y.  Find all comments by Bro. BIG C
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is being formed (Ecclesiastics 11:5; Jeremiah 1:5;Is 49:5; 44:2;Job 12:10;31:15) created in the image and likeness of Almighty God. If that's not a live human child, then why did John the Baptist leap (Luke 1:41) in his mother's womb after he heard Mary's greetings!

So for her or anyone to support abortion, the innocent blood of every child is crying from the ground (Genesis 4:10) to God for mercy! So she better watch out because God I please her or anyone to take abortion lightly......

News Item2/27/17 2:36 AM
Bro. BIG C | Brooklyn N.Y.  Find all comments by Bro. BIG C
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It is so sad that the daughter of former President George W Bush was support such a horrific organization such as planned parenthood. I don't know if she is a Born a
Again believe or not? that's between her and God. But I know that any form of abortion not only sin, but it is murder (Isaiah 9:6. That baby that is in the womb of a woman

News Item2/17/17 9:33 AM
Bro. BIG C | Brooklyn N.Y.  Find all comments by Bro. BIG C
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Well I do not have a problem with President Trump holding to his promise of protecting the LGBTQ community.

However, I do not believe that anyone should have special rights and special protection.

I believe that everyone should be protected by the law of the land. When any president such as Obama, single out certain Communities such as the LBGTQ community, and give them special privileges of protection, that's going to cause a problem with many of other people. So I don't think that the President should give anyone set of people special protection. Everyone should have the same protection regardless of what their culture, religion, race or background is, because we are all created equal in God's eye sight!

No one should be singled out as special, so this holdover from the Obamas administration should not need of his services any longer.

This is opening a can of worms in this new administration!

News Item2/15/17 10:19 PM
Bro. BIG C | Brooklyn N.Y.  Find all comments by Bro. BIG C
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Let's always be mindful that God commands us to pray for those in authority and (Israel) Jerusalem.

So let us be obedient to His word and He will bless it in the name of Jesus.

We must pray for this new administration and their families without ceasing, because we know that Satan is as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. But God the holy spirit will raise up a standard against him if we're consistent in our prayers! Amen

News Item2/15/17 10:12 PM
Bro. BIG C | Brooklyn N.Y.  Find all comments by Bro. BIG C
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You see why it is so important to know that Jesus Christ, who is the Chief Cornerstone is the foundation of Christianity.

As soon as Jeff sessions came into office , he immediately set the rules straight from a Biblical perspective by getting rid of the transgender bathrooms. Why? Because Jesus Christ is his and my Foundation.

When you have a foundation such as Jesus, you can stand on principles and morals. But when you do not have a foundation, like these liberals, you will FALL for anything. In other words, anything goes with them such as: transgender bathrooms, partial birth abortion, late term abortion, embryonic stem cell research, the after morning pill, so-called same-sex marriage, the removal of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), Civil unions, Don't ask don't tell in the military, transgender boy/girl scouts etc... these liberals are standing in sinking sand, that's why they would push such immoral agendas that will come to nought.

But thank God for Jesus, Hallelujah, and His Word... AMEN

News Item2/15/17 4:05 AM
Bro. BIG C | Brooklyn N.Y.  Find all comments by Bro. BIG C
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Thank you Jesus!

This goes to show you how important it is to have true men and women of God in the White House orchestrating that which is Godly.

I am a Christian black American, and I don't understand how anyone who call themselves a Christian do not support this Administration, yet they would support a wicked immoral perverted administration; such as the Obama administration for 4 or 8 years.

What the main problem is when Christians vote they're not voting from a Biblical perspective, and that's why they're not Crossing party lines when God's Word must supersede everything. The apostles said, I would rather obey God than man (Acts 5:29;4:19). Amen

News Item2/15/17 3:45 AM
Bro. BIG C | Brooklyn N.Y.  Find all comments by Bro. BIG C
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I do not understand, the main subject changed from the immoral abominable policy of TRANSGENDER BATHROOMS to a silly topless sporting event!

Are you guys kidding me?

This is exactly why so many people are on their way to HELL today! People that call themselves Christians joke about sin, when sin is no laughing matter. Jesus Christ gave His life so that we might receive eternal life by enduring the Wrath of Almighty God
at Calvary.
And we are repeatedly commenting about a sporting event? REALLY!

Shouldn't we be weep & praying about how this wicked perverted behavior of these transgender bathroom supporters is going to be effecting our children's children?

I think we all need to get back on track with our Father's business, because my Jesus is not on the right hand of God smiling nor laughing at sin (Psalm 7:11; 5:5)!

News Item2/12/17 4:12 AM
Bro. BIG C | Brooklyn N.Y.  Find all comments by Bro. BIG C
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Thank Christopher 000 from Rhode Island!

If it's not transgenders in the bathrooms of our children, it's transgenders in the stadiums now and in the boy/girl Cub Scouts.

Is nothing but the devil coming at this nation and our new & real Chief Commander President Trump with his fiery darts. So we need to really pray for this nation, our president and Israel so that God The Holy Spirit will raise up a standard against satan in these evil and last days (Isaiah 5:19). AMEN.....

News Item2/12/17 4:12 AM
Bro. BIG C | Brooklyn N.Y.  Find all comments by Bro. BIG C
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Thank Christopher 000 from Rhode Island!

If it's not transgenders in the bathrooms of our children, it's transgenders in the stadiums now and in the boy/girl Cub Scouts.

Is nothing but the devil coming at this nation and our new & real Chief Commander President Trump with his fiery darts. So we need to really pray for this nation, our president and Israel so that God The Holy Spirit will raise up a standard against satan in these evil and last days (Isaiah 5:19). AMEN.....

News Item2/11/17 4:59 AM
Bro. BIG C | Brooklyn N.Y.  Find all comments by Bro. BIG C
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I wonder how President Obama will feel if his two daughters was in a shower after playing a sporting event at their school, and a 6 foot 2" big strong man walking into the bathroom shower and say to Sasha and Malia that he feel like a woman today!

I wonder how the Obamas or any parent might feel about a situation such as that happening to their child?

to shower right next to them? For any parent to think it's okay for TRANSGENDER BATHROOMS, they need to get their head examined.

This immoral abominable foolish should never be an issue. Goodbye NFL! I hope Houston and every city would stand on the Word of God and get rid of all of these transgender bathroom.

Maybe these transgender people need to feel like living in the Middle East today, and buy a one-way ticket straight to Mecca.

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