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Sermon1/18/2022 4:41 PM
Abigail | Selmer Tn  Find all comments by Abigail
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The Man That Doesn't Need Grace
Caleb Waycaster
“ Great Sermon! ”
This is exactly what is needed now days. And what I have been studying on! Amen! ✋

Sermon1/12/2022 4:55 PM
Abigail | Tennessee  Find all comments by Abigail
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They Found Nothing But Leaves
Br. Todd McKeehan
“ Great Sermon! ”
Never thought knew or studied about fig trees like that before.

Sermon2/23/11 6:16 AM
Abigail  Find all comments by Abigail
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“ Great Sermon! ”
It's been years since I have accepted the Lord Jesus and submitting to His lordship--I have never been to the church of Christ for I am married to an unbeliever. He threatened to disinherit me and drive me away from the house if I offend him regarding my desire. Am I under judgment if I neglect the church. I need help.

News Item5/17/08 4:02 AM
Abigail | Oregon  Contact via emailFind all comments by Abigail
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Praises to Jehovah, the God of all creation and to His Son Jesus Christ who died on the Cross of Calvary to redeem the lost and to save humanity from the pits of hell.

In the love of Jesus Christ our Lord

Survey12/30/07 8:41 PM
Abigail | Oregon  Contact via emailFind all comments by Abigail
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Judge Me wrote

" And Abi
I notice no reply to #4
You don't like the Jesus of Revelation
more than just love, the Gospel"

Your post does not make sense. What you are accusing me of, I do not know.

I love the Jesus of Revelation, and Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and the rest of the Bible."

In the love of Jesus Christ with prayers

News Item12/30/07 8:32 PM
Abigail | Oregon  Contact via emailFind all comments by Abigail
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Check It Out wrote

"I believe, JD, you are in need of prayer. Anyone who wants to aggressively force their version of what scripture means on others is dangerous and borders apostasy. In this age of great deception and apostasy, it is essential to allow the Holy Spirit to teach, and earnestly pray over and meditate upon God's Holy word. He will guide anyone through His word, if they sincerely ask Him and allow Him to take them through each passage. "precept upon precept, here a little, there a little" "

In a prior post

In reading Abigail's posts she implies Christians must strive to attain to sinless perfection and in so doing she denies the imputed righteousness of Christ and betrays herself as working to achieve perfection in the flesh. Instead of striving to continually reckon the old carnal nature dead (which is what we must do by grace) and looking to and resting on the righteousness and sinless perfection of Christ by faith; she works iniquity for whatever is not of faith is sin.

Contradictory, to say the least!! You mean if anyone studies and meditates upon God's Holy word, He will guide them through His word to embrace your theology, don't you?

In the love of Jesus Christ with prayers

News Item12/30/07 2:53 PM
Abigail | Oregon  Contact via emailFind all comments by Abigail
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R. K. Borill wrote

"Thanks Abigail,
Does this mean there is a chance of you crossing over the fence?"

Not a chance, R. K.

2Ti 1:12 ...for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day.

In the love of Jesus Christ with prayers

News Item12/30/07 2:15 PM
Abigail | Oregon  Contact via emailFind all comments by Abigail
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Act 13:46 Then Paul and Barnabas waxed bold, and said, It was necessary that the word of God should first have been spoken to you: but seeing ye put it from you, and judge yourselves unworthy of everlasting life, lo, we turn to the Gentiles.

In the love of Jesus Christ with prayers

Survey12/30/07 2:03 PM
Abigail | Oregon  Contact via emailFind all comments by Abigail
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Jago wrote

"Also Abigail Jesus does promise the fires of hell to those who do not believe."

Amen, Jago!!

Believe what? Your interpretation of the Scriptures?

All who do not believe the words of Jesus Christ, repent of their sins, accept His atoning blood for remission of their sins, be filled with the Holy Ghost and walk in newness of life, will burn in the fiery pits of hell.

Mat 7:13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:

Mat 7:14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

Luk 13:24 Strive to enter in at the strait gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able.

Luk 6:46 And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?


In the love of Jesus Christ with prayers

News Item12/30/07 12:20 PM
Abigail | Oregon  Contact via emailFind all comments by Abigail
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Aubrey wrote

" No country
No nation
Is, was or ever will be "Christian" "

Great wisdom in few words, Aubrey! Amen! Jesus' Kingdom is not of the world—the world is Satan's domain.
The Saints are strangers and sojourners in a foreign land.

In the love of Jesus Christ with prayers

News Item12/30/07 12:10 PM
Abigail | Oregon  Contact via emailFind all comments by Abigail
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R. K. Borill wrote

" Christianity is not divided. There is no division among those who hold to the truth. The division is within the house of Satan who is the master deceiver and desguises himself as an "angel of light". So, what you see as division is actually the work of the devil using the many "forms" of Christianity he has devised as his greatest tools. There will and can be only "one truth", and it is not the truth that comes from the traditions of men. It comes from the Bible alone, the Word of God. There is the truth. It is that form of doctrine which conforms to that Word which is Christianity. It is that objective form of doctrine that the Holy Spirit has inspired and continues to use to teach the children of God. Anything else is subjective and subject to be manipulated by men who lust for power and will not stop short of using religion to gain it."

Excellent Post, R. K.! Even though you and I are on the opposite sides of the fence.

In the love of Jesus Christ with prayers

Survey12/30/07 11:28 AM
Abigail | Oregon  Contact via emailFind all comments by Abigail
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Judge Me wrote

"1./2 Nor do we today, Kevin wants to relive the past, if he was back there
at that time, he would be toast
I do not condon nor condem
You + Kevin, have a problem with
what Jesus did, what we are to do, what
Jesus will do, and what christians are
to do
3. But you do "

All of us would be toast if we did not keep silent about our beliefs if our beliefs were not in agreement with those in control, i.e., Catholics in their heyday, Reformers, etc.

You are not speaking the truth when you say you do not condone or condemn; you judge every time you post an opinion as does everyone else. You say we have a problem (your opinion). That, my friend, is judging.

In the love of Jesus Christ with prayers

Survey12/29/07 6:29 PM
Abigail | Oregon  Contact via emailFind all comments by Abigail
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Judge Me wrote

" Thank you Abi
I would not attempt to say if God hears your prayers.
And upon the return of Jesus, He will
destroy MANY.
Where in the Bible does it state,
a christian should allow heresy to be
preached, wow,that could influence you.
Woa, to you
Not Christ like.

Jesus Christ did not kill those who opposed Him; He warned them of the wrath of God to come, if they did not repent. Neither did He send His disciples to kill those who preached a false Gospel, but rather to use the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God, to show them their error.

So where do you get the idea that it is Christlike to burn others at the stake over a low fire? If it were not for the laws of the land with punishment of offenders of the law, many "christians" would still be doing the same. People have murder in their hearts.

Luk 9:54 And when his disciples James and John saw this, they said, Lord, wilt thou that we command fire to come down from heaven, and consume them, even as Elijah did?

But he turned, and rebuked them, and said, Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of. Luk 9:55)

For the Son of man is not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them. And they went to another village. Luk 9:56)

In the love of Jesus Christ

Survey12/29/07 12:23 PM
Abigail | Oregon  Contact via emailFind all comments by Abigail
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Jago wrote

" yes Murray. By their standards Paul could not have been a Christian because he was complicit in the killing of early Christians. We are all sinners and all need the faith and righteousness of Christ to be saved."

There is no comparison of Paul with Calvin, Luther, and Knox. Paul committed his acts of Christian persecution before he was born of the Spirit. He was a Hebrew of Hebrews, and according to righteousness of the law, blameless. Paul is not mentioned in the Gospels, therefore it is uncertain where he was during the ministry of Christ. God chose him because he was completely loyal to the Law and was true to his convictions. He was even more dedicated to Christ; his sufferings proved his unwavering love and devotion. He was martyred because of his faithfulness and love for Jesus Christ and the cross of Calvary.

Phi 3:5Circumcised the eighth day, of the stock of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of the Hebrews; as touching the law, a Pharisee; 6 Concerning zeal, persecuting the church; touching the righteousness which is in the law, blameless.

In the love of Jesus Christ with prayers

Survey12/29/07 10:34 AM
Abigail | Oregon  Contact via emailFind all comments by Abigail
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Judge me wrote

"ps I'm I worthy of being burned at the stake for being anti-calv
The answer, no
But when added to the rest of your comments, mostly your theology
(if it can even be concidered that)
Yes, and at a low flame.

And one other thing Kevin
Matthew 5:44
But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you
And please don't try and say anything
about the translation
I know who was lost in the translation
Do you?
And I'll say a prayer for you, and its not because I FEEL like it."

Sick! You don't love your enemies or you would not want to burn them with a low flame. No need to pray (which I seriously doubt you will do anyway) because your prayers are not heard. You are no different than the Catholics that slaughtered millions, the Reformers that put to death their those that opposed their doctrines, and the Muslims. You can hurl the same comments to me because I speak the truth to you about your condition, but I am not suggesting burning you with a low flame—I am suggesting you repent (and I will pray for you).

In the love of Jesus Christ with prayers

News Item12/29/07 12:05 AM
Abigail | Oregon  Contact via emailFind all comments by Abigail
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Hated by the World – “One of the most searching and condemning sentences which ever fell from the Saviour’s lips was that uttered to His own unbelieving brethren: ‘The world cannot hate you’ (John 7:7). If ever I become so one with the world, so tolerant of its spirit and atmosphere that I reprove it no more, incur not its hatred, rouse not its enmity to Christ–if the world can find in me no cause to hate me and cast me from its company, then I have betrayed Christ and crucified Him afresh in the house of His friends. On intimate terms with this world that nailed Him to the tree? Perish the thought! In full identification with Christ the world can regard me as only fit for crucifixion. And as a disciple of Christ I should no more covet the favor of this crucified world than I would court and covet the smile of a cursed and crucified and expiring felon.†–from Born Crucified (p. 38) by L.E. Maxwell.

In the love of Jesus Christ with prayers

News Item12/28/07 4:07 PM
Abigail | Oregon  Contact via emailFind all comments by Abigail
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Church Fathers' Teachings on Free Will

Tertullian said, “I find, then, that man was constituted free by God. He was master of his own will and power…For a law would not be imposed upon one who did not have it in his power to render that obedience which is due to law. Nor again, would the penalty of death be threatened against sin, if a contempt of the law were impossible to man in the liberty of his will…Man is free, with a will either for obedience or resistance…I find, then, that man was constituted free by God. He was master of his own will and power…For a law would not be imposed upon one who did not have it in his power to render that obedience which is due to law. Nor again, would the penalty of death be threatened against sin, if a contempt of the law were impossible to man in the liberty of his will…Man is free, with a will either for obedience or resistance.

Irenaeus said, “By means of our first parents, we were all brought into bondage by being made subject to death…But man, being endowed with reason, and in this respect similar to God, having been made free in his will, and with power over himself, is himself his own cause that sometimes he becomes wheat, and sometimes chaff.†(A Dictionary of Early Christian Beliefs by David Bercot, published by Hendrickson P

Survey12/28/07 3:12 PM
Abigail | Oregon  Contact via emailFind all comments by Abigail
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Observer wrote

"God commanded the Jews to obey the Law perfectly, when he knew that they would be able to do no such thing…"

It is presumptuous thinking to say that no one that lived under the Law kept the Law. Paul said touching the righteousness which is of the Law, he was blameless.

Phi 3:4 Though I might also have confidence in the flesh. If any other man thinketh that he hath whereof he might trust in the flesh, I more: 5)Circumcised the eighth day, of the stock of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of the Hebrews; as touching the law, a Pharisee; 6)
Concerning zeal, persecuting the church; touching the **righteousness which is in the law, blameless**.

The Law gave knowledge of sin and provided sacrifices for atonement of sin. You cannot lump all people of the Old Covenant together, and say that none kept the Law.

Luk 1:5 There was in the days of Herod, the king of Judea, a certain priest named Zacharias, of the course of Abijah: and his wife was of the daughters of Aaron, and her name was Elisabeth.
6) And they were both righteous before God, **walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord blameless**.

There are also others that did the same.

In the love of Jesus Christ with prayers

Survey12/28/07 2:54 PM
Abigail | Oregon  Contact via emailFind all comments by Abigail
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Juxtapose wrote..

"It always amazes me why some denominations must twist history to make their particular brand of heresy acceptable. But our NeoPapists the Arminians, such as Kevin and his ilk, still continue to try this."

If you have a defense for your argument, give it. Accusations against others is ludicrous. Much of the Calvinist's response is attack instead of reasonable debate. Another method they use is abuse of language. If a Scripture does not say what they want it to say, they change definitions of words to accommodate their doctrine, and falsely accuse others of doing the very thing they do.

In the love of Jesus Christ with prayers

News Item12/28/07 2:38 PM
Abigail | Oregon  Contact via emailFind all comments by Abigail
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The article states:

"But it wasn't until the postwar era -- and a pair of evangelists from Tulsa, Oklahoma -- that "health and wealth" theology became a fixture in Pentecostal and charismatic churches.

Oral Roberts and Kenneth Hagin -- and later, Kenneth Copeland -- trained tens of thousands of evangelists with a message that resonated with an emerging middle class, said David Edwin Harrell Jr., a Roberts biographer. Copeland is among those now being investigated."

The only ones that are getting rich are the televangelists that exploit the gullible.

"The love of money is the root of all evil."

If people would believe the Word of God, they would know these wolves in sheep's clothing are frauds, but greed blinds their eyes.

In the love of Jesus Christ with prayers

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