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News Item5/18/08 3:05 PM
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Neil wrote:
Minnow, that doesn't begin to explain. 1st, covetousness is a personal sin, whereas capitalism et al. are social/economic systems in which covetous & non-covetous persons operate. 2nd, are you implying that an alternative is necessarily non-covetous, or are *none of these* non-covetous?
Oh I see Neil!
Sin is inherent and never endemic.

News Item5/17/08 9:48 AM
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Neil wrote:
Mike, what's unchristian about capitalism? Please explain.

1Tim 6:10 For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.

News Item5/17/08 9:32 AM
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Mike wrote:
I wonder if alien males can be married to several wives. According to the Bible.
Nuh Mike;
According to Vatican rules they have to be celibate.

News Item5/17/08 9:26 AM
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Only the just know God.
Sadly the rest are fools.

17 "For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from FAITH to FAITH: as it is written, The just shall LIVE BY FAITH.
18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;
19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.
20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became VAIN in their imaginations, and their FOOLISH heart was darkened.
22 Professing themselves to be wise, THEY BECAME FOOLS"

Even if they do profess themselves to be "wise scientists."

Survey5/15/08 12:54 PM
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Mike wrote:
You see, I don't hold that faith is a work. But that's just me, I know. Nevertheless, grace and faith are prior to salvation still. If that be salvation by works, it must be by your definition, no?

When I use the term “salvation by works” I do not mean the doing of some external good deeds or otherwise, outside of your being as in a job or service to others. I mean seeking to initiate the process of coming to Christ by your own self volition. And this prior to any input or action emanating from the Trinity.
My view of coming to Christ begins with Him. He makes the first move for no other reason (foreseen or otherwise) than He has received you, because God drew you to Him. Grace and the Holy Spirit then come into the sinner to change them in such a way that the sinner perceives for the first time, that “choosing” God/Christ is the perfect way. Regeneration, of the Spirit, then provides faith – the believing and trusting in God for everything.
Prior to all of this I perceive the sinner as being totally unable to seek or choose Christ, indeed not even caring to consider it. This wretched estate, the natural state of man, being at enmity with God and dead in sin, – thus unable to even live the choice.

News Item5/15/08 12:10 PM
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"For the Queen’s first state visit in 1971, tens of thousands of Turks turned out. Abdullah Guler, 60, said: “We see famous people on the TV all the time nowadays so it’s less of an event than it was then.”"

I think it is "less of an event" for all true Christians too. She is recorded as being the "Head of the C of E" but whats the C of E, these days, to the true Believer?

News Item5/14/08 3:27 PM
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"Believing that there are little green men who one day will land on earth does not contradict Catholic doctrine"

Hey! How about that!
This is the first time I've agreed with the Roman Catholics. Believing in RC doctrine is just like believing in little green men.

Now where is GG and Lance?
Hey fellas what planet are you from?
And isn't it time you came down to earth and went to a real Church.

Survey5/14/08 2:40 PM
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Mike wrote:
Grace and faith both precede salvation, therefore they both precede regeneration. See how easy?
Hey Mike;
How goes the struggle.

Now lets not encourage folks to try salvation by works.
Let put our confidence in God alone

Phil 1:6 "Being confident of this very thing, that HE WHICH HATH BEGUN a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ"

1Peter 1:2 "Elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through sanctification of the Spirit, unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ"

= See no need for human handiwork.

Eph 2:1 "And you hath he quickened, (MADE ALIVE) who were dead (Means "DEAD") in trespasses and sins"

Only God raises the dead.

*ALL* the glory to God.

NIL to man.

News Item5/14/08 2:23 PM
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"Hagee said he now better understood that the Book of Revelation's reference to the Catholic Church as "the apostate church" and the "great whore" are "a rhetorical device long employed in anti-Catholic literature and commentary.""


Survey5/14/08 11:19 AM
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Michael Hranek wrote:
I do not agree with Calvinism's order of salvation of regeneration (new birth) before repentance and faith.

Romans 10
13 For “whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.”
14 How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed?

Hello Michael;
Ah you see I didn't misrepresent you after all. I thought you would try to put Michael's action in before the Lord's action. You want the sinner in his "natural" estate to overcome sin and take the initial step without any help of the Lord. This is called salvation by works. The free will religions teach it like Roman Catholics, Arminians, JW's etc.

Romans 10 - Yes a wonderful chapter about *Israel* and the great difference between the righteousness of the Law and the Righeousness of grace IN Christ. The chapter exposes the error of Israel relying on a self-righteouness. They did not receive nor believe on Christ (and of course His Imputed Righteousness) - Thus they were not saved.

Chapter 9, of course illustrates what they lacked namely - election v11 - God's choice v15 - (Not man's v16) - and God's Sovereignty,= v21 "Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour?"

News Item5/14/08 9:08 AM
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Doesn't matter a hang how "smart" man thinks you are.
If you have no Faith, - Then you know nothing about God and Truth.

News Item5/13/08 4:09 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Minnow, I think I will point out two things, First, there KJV Onlyers who can be considered Catholic Protestants, they accept tradition over even an accurate version of the Scriptures They are like arguing with Catholics. The KJV Ryrie Study Bible, is an excellent aid for people to get at the meaning of the changed words, and other problem areas of the KJV. You don't have to read the comments of the Ryrie if you don't want to, Ah, being English must be the reason you don't use the ASV....
Ooohh Jim;
What have you done?....

Now I don't mind if you call me heretic. Or say that we grace filled Calvinists have come from the Roman church in the 16th century. Or even call me crazy.....

But Jim - Don't call me "english"

Did ye no ken....
I'm Frae Caledonia laddie.

Survey5/13/08 3:56 PM
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Michael Hranek wrote:
kindly do not missrepresent me as one who would "insist the sinner can overcome sin, to initiate salvation by human volition..."
Good Evening Michael;
(well at least it is at this side of the ocean)

I apologise if I have "misrepresented" you.

Therefore I assume you will agree with the following....

1] The Lord elected/predestined you before the world began.

2] The Lord called you, by Gospel.

3] Grace and the Holy Spirit came into your heart.

4] Thus you were inwardly called.

5] By this means you were regenerated.

6] *THEN* - By Faith you repented and were converted.

7] At this juncture you were justified by Christ alone.

8] The process of sanctification is now at work on you.

Is this your doctrine Michael?

Or do you place your own independant action prior to #2/3, of the above?

Survey5/12/08 4:42 PM
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Michael Hranek wrote:
Sorry, but I just can't "take" Augustine for an example.
Long time no speak!!!

I know you are anti-Calvinist, and one of the free will types who insist the sinner can overcome sin, to initiate salvation by human volition. So we will both disagree about history and how it has been recorded. I remember you telling us that you came out of the RCC, and yet I find you're still convinced of the works based version of doctrine. Thus Augustine could write anything he wanted to, so could Calvin and Spurgeon (and me) and you won't agree with our doctrinal position. So as for you "taking" Augustine or understanding the vast difference between his teaching and that of Pelagius, or his pupil Cassion (they were like you free will advocates), we can at least agree to differ.

May God bring you into all Truth.

News Item5/12/08 3:35 PM
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"The 11 bottles in the company's collection bear prayers and impressively detailed images of Jesus Christ, St. Michael and the Virgin Mary."

One for the Christians.

One for the JW's.

One for the Roman Catholics.

Good selling ploy.

News Item5/12/08 3:24 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Users of the KJV can be Christians, as can people who prefer a more accurate version of the Bible.
Ah Jim;
It's a complex world we live in, is it not? I have books here on my shelf that describe all the errors of the modern versions, so I guess it depends on your favourite authors.

I was brought up on the KJV, moved later to the NIV Then tried the NKJV and finally came home to the KJV, by His grace.
This journey included doing Greek at theol college, and I'm happy now that the Holy Spirit guides me into all truth.

PS I've got a copy of your fav, the NASB, BUT I don't speak American...

Survey5/12/08 3:13 PM
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Mike wrote:
We can agree that there were Christians around before the Reformation, right? Even if they weren't Reformed.
Hey Mike
How are you doing?

Yes there were a few Christians around. Only a Remnant though.

Take Augustine for example, in the 5th century, he was a good Calvinist you know.

Survey5/12/08 11:48 AM
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PILUT wrote:
Luther hated the true Church (the anabaptists), and wished them gone.
Oh NO!! Not another baptist trying to rewrite history according to baptist hypotheses. Why don't you guys just accept that your denomination is a relatively modern invention. The Anabaptist version was started in 1521 and initially comprised many heterodoxies, (I'm being nice), which even YOU lot have long since ditched.

Faithful (?) Remnant wrote:
There were already "protestants" around long before Luther and the Reformation. Call them what you will---Anabaptists, Hussites, Waldenses,
M. Luther 1483-1546
M. Luther 95xTheses Wittenberg - 1517

Anabaptist formed 1521.

Wanna try again FR?

You know you guys don't have to RE-Invent history to become acceptable.
We really don't mind if you want to get all wet and authenticate baptism with a human statement.

Survey5/11/08 2:19 PM
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PILUT wrote:
1] How can the Protestant Church be the TRUE church when it came out of Rome?

2] Do you people ever use any deductive reasoning?

3] How could the Church Jesus built be in Rome? It was Rome who was killing them.

4] And It was Luther who could have joined the pre-Rome True Church, but he joined in the hatred of the true Church.

5] You can not be intelectually honest and say that the Church Jesus started was not in existance, (and under persecution) before, during and after Rome.

1] Because God removed His Church from the world in an historic event called the Reformation. God can take people from the world and make them Christians you know.

2] It's your common sense and/or your historic perspective that worries me.

3] Ro 1:7 "To all that be in Rome, beloved of God, called to be saints: Grace to you and peace from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ."
= Well according to God it can happen.

4] I think you've got your "True churches" mixed up.

5] The Invisible Church, ie the Elect, have been in Christs hands since the beginning. Eph 1:4 "According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love"

Survey5/11/08 12:10 PM
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Casob wrote:
The "solas" are appealing to the worthless fleshly pride of religious humanity and is a means to draw attention to the elevated status with which they regard themselves. (In My Opinion)

It is criminal of you to post to me.
You are supposed to be ignoring me.
Now don't dare indulge in such "fleshly pride" again.

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