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News Item7/13/18 9:35 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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they don't have to shut down churches here.

they simply brought in the cultural marxist factions (conducive to 501c3 statutes) and all the happy little church people think they are helping God out by doing sermons on antibullying, antiracism, etc.... leaving behind the defense of their communities from its destructive effects....

feminists who declare themselves to be traditionalists but want to uplift women into the new order matrix instead of returning our society to traditional practices...

..people with heavy metal poisoning suddenly don't need "counseling" when the heavy metals are removed and the neuro pathways are no longer poisoned.

funny how that works.

but if you can get the strong leader to step down out of guilt, its far better to have state churches and effeminate preachers than to have to go to the trouble of sending in boots.

News Item7/13/18 9:25 AM
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you ruin the endocrine system of a child with injections.... fill them with heavy metals (endocrine disruptors, ie flouride, aluminum, lead, mercury, plus formaldehyde type stuff from the asptme put into all the gums)....then take out iodine....

....they will never be able to be thin....

then as they are low immune system from above, as they get ill fill them with antibiotics (we are now in the post antibiotic age where they are failing and having to be made stronger and more harmful for any effect) which kill the gut flora....

and the gut is where 80 plus percent of the hormone production happens....

...and not have the mothers feeding them traditional probiotics where every meal, which replenish the flora, which are essential for all these functions in the various organs....

....then you have a sick society due to its own unrepentant practices.

add to that that bill gates openly states abortion and vaccns meant to depopulate the world

add to that the abortionist that told me that gms would "make them sick" that they are "cattle to be herded to the cities" all makes very clear sense.

to everyone, unless their eyes are glued shut.

News Item7/13/18 9:18 AM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Is pure foolishness to think that you are going to turn a secular Nation like Australia, or the United States into a Christian one by government action. This is an idea from false religions such as Buddhism or Islam, not Christianityâť—
isn't it something that buddhist countries can help their fellow buddhists and muslems bring sharia to the world and kabbalic groups dominate banking and entertainment systems and catholics the supreme court....

....but the moment a true born again Christian speaks up in defense of other Christians or to speak a biblical view on a matter, that there is this antiChrist rhetoric that they must stand down?

this lie should've been run out of the churches a generation ago.

it makes sense that we would watch out for the brethren being genocided. and that this would bring us blessing.

instead we are forced to endure with near absolution that if we enter into this racial tats about the middle east we will be blessed.

what we've reaped is the rainbow agenda.

"how dare" a Christian not comply with this new order to uplift what is good and right!?

News Item7/13/18 9:06 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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this autistic crisis is massive and a great tragedy that the nation has turned its back on our youth.

it is tragic that there is a very long list of health practitioners that have gone against establishment and have had an early demise.

and that many of these were using enzymatic therapies, etc, that were not only cyuring autism and cancer but inadvertantly admitting causation

populations cannot endure under such harsh treatment.

the baby boomers are dying frequently now of cancer, its somewhat the norm at this point

wasn't it nearly a decade ago that I commented on the cancer viruses in the polio shot?

that alone should get an entire generation and stop and think about what exactly is this process sold to them as "progress" when they were children and easily manipulated by propoganda.

the chickens do come home to roost.

if you sow illness as a society, so shall you reap.

course it doesn't have to be this way.

the chemical model has filled us with chemicals and the people are neurologically unsound.

as a nation we could repent, there is much we could do. the shackles of evil defend what is destructive. it was the evangelicals who were the progressives.

let us remember Jonathan Edwards, even the man at the hands of an angry God, was deceived,

News Item7/13/18 8:58 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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they've also banned lgbt marches.

they also countered the obama/clinton/ISIS brigades in Syria that were decimating the Christians who endured beheadings, crucifixtions and cannibalism.

but let's make sure to run lots of anti russian propoganda as the president moves to meet with putin and possibly put an end to the Israel/ISIS v Iran proxy war played on the turf of the syrian people.

instead.... of maturing into a greater understanding of the events and why certain people are screaming so loud to prevent success.

in their most recent show they did live coverage in England and discuss the importance of the coming meeting with putin...

News Item7/13/18 8:53 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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unraveling of corruption at every level. no wonder all they can do during this admin is try to kick the president out of his duly elected position!

thank God that in some places on the earth there are still men who have not been overcome by statism and step in the gap for the next generation....

Title: Samoa Halts MMR Vaccine Program Following Death of Babies

"The babies were brought to Safotu Hospital in Savai’i and given “routine” MMR vaccines. They died within minutes of receiving it."

in the west, unless the story is played on their propoganda box...... they......don'

News Item7/10/18 5:04 PM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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rick santorum and others are concerned with his prolife record.

from washington, establishment pick

on the other hand.....the democratic catholic senators are thinking of voting against him to vote pro choice! now that's interesting

News Item7/10/18 4:49 PM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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they allow islamic treachery posted but not protest to islamic treachery.

thought police.

News Item7/10/18 4:40 PM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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Don Tian wrote:
Any story about Haiti must add a comment about former President William Clinton's involvement there. What happened to all the millions of dollars that he went around the world raising? I guess the same answer as to what happened to justice in the case of Benghazi with his wife, who was Secretary of State at the time, and the President, who was mostly playing golf and going on vacation to Hawaii, his wife to Spain, etc. I haven't seen too many stories of President Trump playing golf---I wonder who would win that contest--most golf played while President?
90 plus percent of the money in their name never made it to the island. and there are many stories of child trafficking and names connected to this. truly sickening what they did to haiti.

News Item7/10/18 4:38 PM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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Christian wrote:
I always find it rather surprising when the biblical view of the Lord's day being a set apart day of rest (which had been the church's view for centuries) is rejected.
me too!

News Item7/10/18 4:29 PM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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Hi Jim, the congress will be working on passing an unmasking of antifa bill, putting antifa in same category as their democratic cousins in the KKK.

Marxists have murdered hundreds of millions of real human beings, not conspiracies, in the last century.

News Item7/9/18 9:12 AM
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Wayfarer Pilgrim wrote:
In the 1970’s , east Germany had transsexual athletes winning events and getting caught were kicked out of the Olympics. We’ll grow tired and accept stupidity. The next hurtle will be man/boy love. Look to the infamous Department of education to be the tip of the spear on this.
Lots of people are glad Justice Kennedy retired. He waxed insanely about how queers we’re lonesome, thus we need queer coupling ( known as marriage). I hope Ruth B Ginsberg retires and Trump puts a real evangelical Christian ( a baptist), on the Supreme Court. But either way, Trump will have 3 Supreme Court picks, and amen to that.
indeed, what is the religion of Ruth B Ginsberg as she and others have ruled over the US for so many years and there has been a subversion of Christian based law?

why are we being prevented from basic information as to who rules over us and what their world view is that makes them bring in every perversion to dismantle the Christian ethic in order to make a more "progressive" world?

do we not as evangelicals have professors that teach classes on the cults? is this not part of heritage to know the philosophies of the day?

News Item7/9/18 9:07 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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Dr. Tim wrote:
Christ did not abolish the sabbath, Jim. He fulfilled it--Matthew 5:17. The "Christian sabbath" is neither Saturday nor Sunday, but Christ Himself. He not only provides our rest, but He IS our rest.
Correct! Christ is our completed rest! Amen!

News Item7/9/18 9:04 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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NeedHim wrote:
So Jim L promoting of another gospel message & Murder by Abortion on here regularly is okay?
it isn't ok.

any man of God in an old fashioned fellowship would ask a wolf that comes into the fold to demoralize (as is the agenda of the left) the brethren through insinuations, half-truths and wear them down with repetitive accusations, that person would be asked to leave the fellowship, per the teachings of Paul

HOwever, we are not in an old-fashioned free association here

but we are in a 501c3 corporation and they must abide by the rules of being accessible for the greater good, and all treated equally.

so we are left without a steerer of the boat and must endure such things

News Item7/8/18 7:56 PM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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Are we seeing more of the DITZ formula applied here?

News Item7/8/18 7:45 PM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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interesting and edifying conversation

News Item7/7/18 8:30 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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the ADeeL worked with O on the antibullying campaigns some 5-6 years ago

now this summer the agenda is to go to the public libraries of the nation with trangenders

all Christians can do at this point is feign shock as they continue to bring in education programs to the children

feign shock

for they could never

ever admit

the false kingdom is at work.

the two kingdoms of God theory

the pretrib rapture based on how well this kingdom be defended

the relgion of rothchild

and yet.... all the rapturists are still here.

and their grandchildren sitting like helpless sheep in the public arena

"you shall reap what you sow"

News Item7/7/18 8:14 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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what is zuckerbrg's religion that he would feel the need to put controls over the speech of the american and CHristian and antiglobalist?

commnst's agenda is countered by the dec of indep concept that every human being is individually accountable to God and each given inalienable rights (ie others do not have write to take his life, ie 10 Commandments)

the cmmnst agenda must obliterate individual rights in order to advance the idea of group guilt because the next step after cultural mxsm is when it goes hot.

judging from comments like maxine waters.

comments that sound like stalking anyone not on the left.

comments from what is it bill maher? that he'd rather see catastrophe? than see trump successful?

these are the words of those who see their cultural agenda may not prevail so they go to the next step.

what happens when you let the wolves in with the sheep?

watchmen are there to protect the flock, not to keep the flock calm while they let in the wolves.

News Item7/7/18 7:55 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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american Christians have got to come to terms with what these social media types are doing.

the stories out of europe are horrendous!

local police invaded a guys home, think it was Germany because they had footage of a local mslm beheading a baby, what he had witnessed.

these social medias are being used to track down those (because this is where things are posted) that out the globalist agenda, be it the genocide of europe or us

the number of assaults on those who are in support of restoring our nation has multiplied

now look at who runs these organizations and think it through

for instance, what is zuckerberg's religious background?

what is the motivation to create a grid over humanity that shuts down the Christian voicce?

is this not foretold in Revelations?

are we jealous for one another that during our times of trial we will remain faithful to Christ?

for tribulation has ocme for many

News Item7/5/18 7:59 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
It gave them a Prestige boost that they've been looking for and no other phresident before Trump was going to give themâť—đź‘Ž
this present leader has never been a war type and indicated he wanted to talk some time ago, but as a whole of three generations, and what this means to the north, seems you are just making stuff up. the religion of the north crumbles when meeting with trump in the same way that the left does as well.... propoganda religion coming from the dems currently is eerily similiar in many ways to the north's communist rhetoric. earily similiar.

and so yes, you can say it is effective, if watching people starve for generations is a symbol of successful central communist government.

or are you saying the north korean government are the good guys like the rest of the media right now?

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