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News Item12/27/07 2:06 PM
Walt | Michigan  Find all comments by Walt
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Abigail, you ask Lurker if he believes the scripture...what about you?

"Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection." 1 Tim. 2:11

"And if they will learn anything, let them ask their husbands AT HOME." 1 Cor. 14:35

As RK has time and again pointed out, how is it that you don't understand these verses? They are perfectly clear by themselves and indeed apply to you.

Is there any hope you will follow them, and take your heretical teachings to your husband for guidance and understanding?

When the rulings were made against Pelagius, Calvin was not even known or alive. You can think this is a Calvin issue, but your heretical teaching has been around all the way back to Pelagius. You, Finney, Wesley, Arminius and others from the fruits of Rome have just expanded upon the heresy in every generation. Trying to make this a Calvinist issue is not going to work unless you can remove the Pelagian heresy from history and that is only possible in your mind, but not in ours.

You simply cannot teach what Pelagian teaches and not consider yourself a Pelagian heretical follower. Sorry!

Survey12/27/07 1:58 PM
Walt | Michigan  Find all comments by Walt
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Yes, lawful divorce is biblical. The Roman Catholic Church forbids divorce and some Anabaptist sects, but God does permit lawful divorce for the innocent party of adultery and dissertion.

And because that marital bond is dissolved in a lawful divorce, another marriage is permitted (as we shall see in the text of Matt.19:9, 1Cor.7:27-28, Jn.4:18 and Deut.22:19).

The Lord permits lawful divorce for the reason of fornication or sexual sin in Matt.19:9 and Paul does so for a second reason in 1Cor.7:15.

Fornication refers to all sexual sin whether one is married or single (1Cor.6:18, also cf. Hos.2:2, 4:12).

For those of you who have been involved in a lawful Divorce which Rome or some Baptist minister has refused to allow you into the visible church of Christ, please appeal to Scripture and not their traditions for a firm foundation.

It is like blindly following Abigail because people have learned how to paste Scripture, but ignore the proper meaning of the verses in context of God's total intended meaning. The exception clause ("except it be for fornication") is totally removed by these folks, but God rightly keeps it in the Scripture.

News Item12/27/07 11:24 AM
Walt | Michigan  Find all comments by Walt
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Abigail, you wrote:

"Being crucified with Christ is death of the old Adamic nature with the indwelling Christ reigning as Lord in our mortal bodies by the power of the Holy Ghost, leading in paths of righteousness and holiness."

Actually, Abigail, you are a full blown Roman Catholic with that statement.

You just need to take your vow of poverty and vow of celebacy to complete your outward perfect, sinless nature.

In fact Abigail, I would say that you are likely not even saved yet. You really need to go back to the fundamentals.

News Item12/27/07 9:14 AM
Walt | Michigan  Find all comments by Walt
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You are bordering on a cultish mentality. You proclaim that you are the only one in the world, perhaps as you say all Pentecostals believe the way we do, yet somehow only you have been given this direct revelation.

It is so obvious that you have been possessed with the devil or some evil spirit that has taken over your mind. You proclaim how you are striving for a sinless perfection, and yet, it is obvious that you violate the first three commandments, and the ninth and tenth commandments. For all I know you are breaking four through eight as well, but you have this crazy idea that just because you don't violate the 7th commandment you are somehow filled with sinless perfection. Abigail, there are lots of people who don't break the 7th commandment but break all the rest.

Until you come to grips that you are a sinner, daily in thought, word and deed, you will never overcome this heresy you have bought and are trying to sell to everyone on this site.

Again, pasting a lot of Scripture without knowing what it means is not helping your cause, as more and more people are beginning to see that posting something you don't understanding is a common error in our generation. You are no different.

News Item12/26/07 8:39 PM
Walt | Michigan  Find all comments by Walt
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According to Westminster justification is not a subjective moral transformation, but rather an objective judicial act whereby God imputes to the believing sinner the perfect righteousness of Christ and declares him to be righteous. Westminster correctly distinguishes justification and sanctification.

"Those whom God effectually calleth, he also freely justifieth: not by infusing righteousness into them, but by pardoning their sins, and by accounting and accepting their persons as righteous; not for any thing wrought in them, or done by them, but for Christ's sake alone; not by imputing faith itself, the act of believing, or any other evangelical obedience to them, as their righteousness; but by imputing the obedience and satisfaction of Christ unto them, they receiving and resting on him and his righteousness by faith; which faith they have not of themselves, it is the gift of God" (WCF 11:1).

News Item12/26/07 7:21 PM
Walt | Michigan  Find all comments by Walt
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Abigail wrote:

"The churches are full of adulterers, murderers, liars, cheats, and thieves that claim the imputed righteousness of Jesus Christ."

Wow! This is perhaps one of the most serious statements I've ever heard from anyone calling themselves a Christian, whether Arminian or not.

According to Rome justification is a change in the moral nature of a sinner. According to Rome justification is not a judicial act of God whereby He objectively imputes the righteousness of Christ to the believing sinner and declares him to be righteous on the ground of Christ's perfect righteousness, but rather a moral transformation by God whereby He subjectively cleanses the heart of sin and corruption and renews man within by giving to man the righteousness of God. This confusion blurs the biblical distinction between justification (an objective judicial act) and sanctification (a subjective moral transformation), thus removing the judicial nature of justification. Just as our sin was imputed to Christ, so His righteousness is imputed (not infused) to the believing sinner.

"Justification is not only the remission of sins, but also the sanctification and renewal of the interior man" (CCC, p. 536, #1989).

Blog12/26/07 6:55 PM
Walt | Michigan  Find all comments by Walt
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(This blog entry is no longer available)
Don writes:

"Anyone who believes that salvation is determined by his free will rather than God's sovereign will is lost. Anyone who believes that salvation is dependent upon his works to any degree rather than upon Christ's finished work alone is lost."

Wow, that is straight forward, to the point and right on target. Nice to see a Baptist preach the gospel truth!

Yamil, can you please go away and leave this faithful minister alone!?

Thank you!

News Item12/26/07 6:50 PM
Walt | Michigan  Find all comments by Walt
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Abigail wrote, "Why you are comparing me to Finney, I know not."

Because it was declared in the article, "Charles Grandison Finney was a heretic!" and you are teaching the exact same things as he was teaching right down to the last argument. If anyone wants to read the article, they too will see that you teach the same things as Finney, and closely to John Wesley, Arminian and Pelagius.

You are what we call a Finnite! Much of the Pentecostal movement comes from Wesley and Finney's doctrines, which again, are considered mostly heretical.

You write: "Adams sins were not imputed to his progeny, each person is accountable for their own sins and will be judged according to their own actions."

Read the section on what Finney thinks of Original Sin and you will fall right perfectly into the same classification of his views, but only with a slight twist. In summary, he denies original sin and you deny original sin. Simple.

Abigail, I guess it is good that some of your heretical doctrines are exposed so people with some learning can see the distinctions, but I feel sorry for the weak who you lead astray.

News Item12/26/07 6:22 PM
Walt | Michigan  Find all comments by Walt
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The article on Finney states:

"Finney spends a considerable amount of time in several of his works arguing against "that theological fiction of imputation" [Memoirs, 58]. Those who have any grasp of Protestant doctrine will see immediately that his attack at this point is a blatant rejection of the doctrine of justification by faith alone (sola fide). It places him outside the pale of true evangelical Protestantism. The doctrine of imputed righteousness is the very heart of the historic difference between Protestantism and Roman Catholicism."

Abigail writes:

"Imputed perfection of our Lord and Saviour is a manmade doctrine. The righteousness of Christ is ***not imputed to us,*** but FAITH in Christ Jesus is imputed unto us as rightesouness,"

As one can see, these arguments are not new offered by Abigail, but they are the same old heretical positions restated by men and women in the Pentecostal, Spirit movements. The article mirrors Abigail:

"Finney was insisting that all men and women have a natural ability to obey God. Sin results from wrong choices, not from a fallen nature. According to Finney, sinners can freely reform their own hearts, and must do so themselves if they are to be redeemed. Once again, this is sheer Pelagianism...Charles Grandison Finney was a

News Item12/26/07 6:02 PM
Walt | Michigan  Find all comments by Walt
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enough already wrote, "Abigail, No one is interested in your heresy, you lack discernment. Please keep your heretical teachings to yourself, lest He rebuke you..."

It is very interesting to see how Abigail has discerned only a cultish mentality. She ignores all current ministers on the subject of sinless perfection, and rejects all past ministers who have written commentaries on the subject matter.

The only ministers I believe who have held somewhat close to her opinion is John Wesley and Charles Finney. If people are not familiar with Charles Finney and his teachings (which mirror
Abigails views near identically), you may want to see this article:

It says:

"Finney's credibility is further marred by the fact that when he later read the Westminster Standards and realized he disagreed on almost every crucial point, he did not resign the commission he had received under false pretenses."

Abigail writes, "The WCF is not the Word of God and is filled with errors."

News Item12/26/07 1:16 PM
Walt | Michigan  Find all comments by Walt
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Well, I can see that Lurker, RK, checkitout and PreacherJonD have all reached agreement in unity against Abigail.

This is great news for the true Gospel of Christ and I do hope others also see her continued errors on this site.

I am afraid that she has led many others astray on this site by ignoring the perfect nature of Christ, the grounds of our salvation, and rather shifted the righteousness to herself and others. She deceives others to think they can earn their way to heaven by a sinless perfection, and those who don't are either not saved, or will loose their salvation. This is the core of a work's righteousness gospel, and Pelagian, Arminian and Weslyan/Finney gospel. This is why the Pentecostal sect is so dangerous.

Beware people of this false gospel and these false teachers. Your soul depends upon you rejecting her teaching, and clinging to the alone righteousness of Christ for salvation. Focus on Him and all righteousness shall be added unto you, and then shall begin your sanctification ad mortification of sin. It is a grace given you by Christ, and striving for blamelessness in this life is what the Puritans and Covenanters taught, but only this perfect sinlessness is of the devil. Beware!

News Item12/26/07 9:34 AM
Walt | Michigan  Find all comments by Walt
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Mike wrote:

"How did you get from that false religious system that is dominated by Popes and Tradition, etc. to be such a impassioned Calvinist?"

Making the decision to walk away from my tradition and started reading the bible. My Catholic Priest in College suggested that I start with the book of John. I would then jump around to various books and began to see things differently than what I was taught growing up in the RCC.

Then, in 1995 I went through a financial crisis and started accumulating a large library of books from all over Europe and America on history, religion, money and banking. Once I started reading, I could not stop. In January 1997 I committed to read Scripture every day, in the mornings or evenings, starting from cover-to-cover. The more I read and more I compared various commentaries on various difficult passages, the more I knew from Scripture interpreting Scripture that the best exegetical ministers came from the first and second reformations. They did not come from Rome, nor did they come from the Pilgrims, nor our generation.

Calvin was one of the early one's with Luther and Knox, but the best of the best came from the Covenanters and Puritans in my opinion. They did not just paste Scripture like Abigail based upon weekly visions and dre

News Item12/26/07 8:30 AM
Walt | Michigan  Find all comments by Walt
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Abigail has no interest in promoting the truth of Scripture, but only that which her presupposition and visions teach. Calvin saw these people has having a sort of mental deficiency, and almost claiming a angelic proclamation to the world. The cult leaders often have the same thing, and it is the Pentecostals that I believe are a big cult.

I see what they have done in Africa where my work is extensive, and these poor people are running around with all sorts of visions, dreams, tongues and everything but faithful bible reading. I wish I could make a difference and had a long talk with my MD over there to please start reading Scripture every day. He started with his wife a couple weeks ago, but this movement is taking down an entire continent with its belief system. Women Pastors are everywhere because they believe God speaks with them more easily and freely so their visions and dreams have authority.

Abigail is the same thing in this country. She does not know Scripture, nor history, but just can post it with software very fast using key word searches. The problem is that so many people on this site believe her power comes from God, but it really comes from the devil. She calls it sinless perfection and God calls it sin.

News Item12/25/07 6:31 PM
Walt | Michigan  Find all comments by Walt
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I've tried to post those Scriptures to Abigail requesting that she demonstrate her alleged "sinless perfection" and abide by the Scriptures. Those passages are very clear and helpful for those women who truly desire to love the Lord with all their heart, soul, mind and strength.

Unfortunately, there is a women's right movement that believes God has errored in asking a women to be submissive to faithful male ministers and teachers. One of the posts I challenged Abigail on when I first started to see her on SA was her WILLINGNESS to SUBMIT to faithful Ministers and Pastors as having direct God given authority over her. Her views were that currently no such Pastors existed, and the Holy Spirit was her only authority.

The pentecostal and methodist movements have all but rejected the idea that any male minister should be appointed over them, in opposition to the ordinance of God, and that is why they basically say publically that God spoke to them directly in a dream or vision telling them to go into ministry. Anytime we see these visions, dreams or tongues going against the infallible Word of God we can be guaranteed it is from the devil. You will get nowhere with Abigail to submit or sit silent.

News Item12/25/07 2:39 PM
Walt | Michigan  Find all comments by Walt
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For those who have fallen into the trap of Abigail's public heretical views, I would encourage you to read someone else on the subject beside her. One enormous error promoted by a form of cult leader, which Abigail seems to me to be possessed with those characteristics, is that they do not want anyone to read any other opinion except for their own.

However, I have no disagreement with her that the Scriptures should be the fundamental basis for all opinion of men (as I hope to complete my 39th time through the bible cover-to-cover by the end of 2007), but those who reject other ministers and authors except for themselves need to be avoided.

A Warning Against Backsliding, False Worship and False Teachers

Exposes the subtlety of false worship and false teachers and counsels all Christians to remove themselves from under ministries that practice such things. Promotes family religion and house gatherings in times of great declension and apostasy (such as ours). Flavel (1627-1691) was a English Presbyterian (Puritan) who was ejected for nonconformity to the dictates of the forces of Anti christ in the "great ejection" of 1662."

News Item12/25/07 2:23 PM
Walt | Michigan  Find all comments by Walt
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Abigail, you are ignorning the question.

The Scriptures says: "Whosoever abideth in him sinneth not: whosoever sinneth hath not seen him, neither known him."

You correctly stated that those who are not yet regenerated are not Christ's.

However, can you please clarify your position using the above text when you write below:

"A person cannot sin while abiding in Christ because that would make Christ the author of sin. A person cannot be led of the Spirit and sin simultaneously because the Spirit leads and guides in all truth."

So like the Pelagian, and even to a great degree John Wesley and Charles Finney, you believe that a person that is Jesus Christ's will not sin in this life once they are regenerated.

Please be very clear. Don't be ashamed of your doctrine, even if some of us consider it an error, as you have (as I see below from some unwilling to make themselves known) believe you. Your teaching is getting the attention you believe it deserves (from London or otherwise).

Now, let me ask you if one is regenerated, can they loose their salvation if they sin once or twice in this life?

News Item12/25/07 2:07 PM
Walt | Michigan  Find all comments by Walt
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Calvin rightly states the true meaning of 1Jn.3:8:

"And this is what John immediately adds; for the next sentence, where he says that those who sin not are born of God, is a conclusion from what is gone before. It is an argument drawn from what is inconsistent, as I have already said; for the kingdom of Christ, which brings righteousness with it, cannot admit of sin. But I have already said what not to sin means. He does not make the children of God wholly free from all sin; but he denies that any can really glory in this distinction, except those who from the heart strive to form their life in obedience to God.

The Pelagians, indeed, and the Catharians did formerly make a wrong use of this passage, when they vainly imagined that the faithful are in this world endued with angelic purity; and in our own age some of the Anabaptists have renewed this dotage. But all those who dream of a perfection of this kind, sufficiently shew what stupid consciences they must have. But the words of the Apostle are so far from countenancing their error, that they are sufficient to confute it." Calvin's Commentary.

I hope Calvin's words against Abigail, when he says, "sufficiently shew what stupid consciences they must have." will not be too harsh on this site!

News Item12/25/07 11:58 AM
Walt | Michigan  Find all comments by Walt
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Abigail writes: What do you do with these Scriptures?

1Jo 3:8 He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.

Ok, Abigail, read verses 5-7 before verse 8. John states..."Whosoever abideth in him sinneth not: whosoever sinneth hath not seen him, neither known him." In its most literal interpretation, as you would claim, anyone who is Christ's and born again "sinneth not" and anyone else that "sinneth hath not seen him". Right?

In your context may we assume that you believe that anyone that sins in this life, before or after regeneration, is not Christs? The passage does say, "Whosoever abideth in him sinneth not: whosoever sinneth hath not seen him, neither known him."

Thus, is it pretty clear to you that anyone that sins, even in the least, before or after regeneration "hath not seen him, neither known him."?

But wait, John says, "We know that whosoever is born of God sinneth not; but he that is begotten of God keepeth himself, and that wicked one toucheth him not." (5:18)

News Item12/25/07 11:26 AM
Walt | Michigan  Find all comments by Walt
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You are a hypocrite and deceiver. Why? Because you teach that once man has been born of the Spirit, they no longer will sin. You teach man can reach a sinless perfection in this life, and that is just a big lie.

Being the extreme deceiver that you are, it becomes so clear to everyone on this site except for the Pentecostals, who are often possessed with devils and master deceivers (look in the mirror), that when one challenges your false doctrine they are promoters of sin.

Our Terms of Communion teach, "6. Practically adorning the doctrine of God our Saviour by walking in all His commandments and ordinances blamelessly."

To claim the Puritans and Covenanters were all promoters of sin because of your ignorance on Scripture, and your absolute ignorance on Church history, is laughable. Pasting a bunch of Scriptures out of context, or like Van Impe quoting them in every sentence inaccurately, does not impress anyone on this site except the weak brethren and other Pentecostals.

Again, you are a deceiver and liar!

News Item12/25/07 11:00 AM
Walt | Michigan  Find all comments by Walt
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"IV. When God converts a sinner, and translates him into the state of grace, He frees him from his natural bondage under sin; and, by His grace alone, enables him freely to will and to do that which is spiritually good; yet so, as that by reason of his remaining corruption, he does not perfectly, or only, will that which is good, but does also will that which is evil.

V. The will of man is made perfectly and immutably free to do good alone in the state of glory only." (WCF, 9:4-5)

EPH 4:13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ.

HEB 12:23 To the general assembly and church of the firstborn, which are written in heaven, and to God the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect.

1JO 3:2 Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.

JUD 24 Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy.

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