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Survey9/30/07 10:09 AM
Seaton  Find all comments by Seaton
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People whom God effectually calls to salvation, are also justified freely by HIS grace.

God does this NOT by making them righteous, But HE pardons their sin, thereby accepting them as righteous.
NOT for anything worked IN the sinner - NOR indeed done by them; BUT for Christ's sake alone.

This is NOT imputing faith to them, but by imputing the obedience of Christ Crucified unto them.

They then rest completely upon Christ's righteousness by the GIFT of Faith.

Ro 3:24 "Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus"

1Cor 1:30 "But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption:
31 That, according as it is written, He that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord."

2Cor 5.19 "To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation."
21 For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him"

Devastating still does not have an -h- in it.

Survey9/30/07 9:44 AM
Seaton  Find all comments by Seaton
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The problem in JD, Yamil and the other Arminian/Free willers on site - and the term "justification by faith" - is that the Arminian/Free willers see faith as human effort and ability, thus they seek to justify their salvation by works, such as the Roman church does.

The problem then is in the definition of "faith."

For the Christian "faith" is a gift of God.
Eph 2.8 "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and THAT *NOT* OF YOURSELVES: it is the gift of God:
9 *NOT* of works, lest any man should boast." = ((WHY does he here repeat the idea of human works? = "Grace" clearly is NOT human, - only the error of assuming faith to be of entirely human origin, justifies this addition))

1Cor 2.5 "That your faith should NOT stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God"

For the Arminian/FW's "faith" is not a gift of God, it is an entirely human work and attribute. Their version of Eph 2.8, would be to exclude faith from the gift and see grace as being God's "cooperation" with THEIR essentially human effort of THEIR faith ability.
Thus do they achieve salvation by works, which of course doesn't work.

News Item9/29/07 3:35 PM
Seaton  Find all comments by Seaton
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b.a. wrote:
talk about misappropriating scripture!
i stand behind my own denomination on this one.
The reason I would share Scripture with you is because I expect you to understand it's teaching there.

Come now ba, do we not have the right to debate your post without the aggro?

Even if we are "both" of the Christian struggle here on earth.

God be with you sister.

News Item9/29/07 3:28 PM
Seaton  Find all comments by Seaton
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Ah now you should also read the story of the Dunnotar Covenanters of 1685, who were shipped off to the plantations in America, for their Christian stance against English episcopalians. Their suffering and privations, notwithstanding the martyr deaths which occurred, make the modern Christian seem like a whimp.

Survey9/29/07 3:05 PM
Seaton  Find all comments by Seaton
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Don't forget the "Wesleyan" influence which changes some of the parameters of historic Arminianism.

"These sentences point us to the basic difference between the Remonstrant and the Wesleyan Arminianisms. In seeing man's acts as contingent so far as God is concerned, and in thinking that moral agency presupposes "free-will" in the special and particular sense of indeterminacy of action under God, the two were agreed. In claiming that all men actually have power to respond to such revelation from God as reaches them, and that revelation sufficient to save actually reaches every man, whether he hears the gospel or not, they were agreed also. (Historic Calvinism would query all these positions.) But the two Arminianisms divided over the question whether capacity for response to God had been wholly lost at the fall. Wesley said it had, but held that it was now restored to every man as a gift of grace. The Remonstrants (not, it seems, Arminius himself) said it had never been wholly lost, and "total inability" had never been a true diagnosis of man's plight in Adam."(Packer)

Survey9/29/07 11:59 AM
Seaton  Find all comments by Seaton
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Yamil the Infection.

You've changed the spelling Yamil - Before you were posting under "Infecting" now it sounds more accurate with your last two posts as an "Infection"

But your address is still spelt wrong it should be "Devastating" - NO "h" in it.

You said
"Now Walt where are the words that state that God has chosen an arbitrary few unto salvation and the rest to hell?"

Sorry. We can't give you this information, if God has not revealed it to you in the first place. I guess you're not elect.

News Item9/29/07 11:45 AM
Seaton  Find all comments by Seaton
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Your not going to give up till you've destroyed him are you?

Remember you are living amongst all the people who democratically elected everybody in Stormont.

Rp 13.1 "Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.
2 Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation."

Paul wrote this at a time of military occupation. At least you and your neighbours got the democratic choice, from God.

Ro 14.10 But why dost thou judge thy brother? or why dost thou set at nought thy brother? for we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ.

Survey9/29/07 11:30 AM
Seaton  Find all comments by Seaton
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JD wrote:
The calvs apply the following verse to themselves, out of context of course, and cannot be convinced otherwise in spite of those like me who exegete it for them correctly. (( ))
Joh 15:16 Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, ....
Nuh. JD's right here - This 1st choice was to the local football team, or was it soccer???

"True, the subject now in hand is not the ordinary election of believers, by which they are adopted to be the children of God, but that special election, by which he set apart his disciples to the office of preaching the Gospel.
BUT if it was by free gift, and not by their own merit, that they were chosen to the apostolic office, MUCH MORE is it certain that the ELECTION, by which, from being the children of wrath and an accursed seed, we become the children of God, IS OF FREE GRACE.

Besides, in this passage Christ magnifies his grace, by which they had been chosen to be Apostles, SO AS TO join with it that FORMER ELECTION by which they had been engrafted into the body of the Church; or rather, he includes in these words all the dignity and honor which he had conferred on them."
(John Calvin)

But JD, will still hang precariously on to salvation by JD!!!

Survey9/28/07 5:50 PM
Seaton  Find all comments by Seaton
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(This survey is no longer available)
Clearly it must be in relation to what you read or listen to.
For example I have read Protestant newspapers and mags, which clearly show by their statements that the Pope is antichrist and his dogma is heresy.

As to the perception of the individual, then surely the Real Christian will know the difference between the Roman false church and the True Church anyway. This being so the mere mention of "RCC, Pope, Vatican" etc, will be enough to highlight that the reference is to satans followers.

Survey9/28/07 4:29 PM
Seaton  Find all comments by Seaton
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"Arminius held that man had free will for the initiation of repentance and faith. Yet when asked why some men exercised this freedom by responding and others by refusing the overtures of God, he replied in effect,
"It is the grace of God working in them that makes them respond."
"Then why does not the grace of God act to make all men respond?"
"Because the grace of God is directed only towards those who God sees will respond."
And so we end up with the conclusion that the grace of God which brings a response is exercised to bring a response, and that it brings a response because this is why it is exercised. All men can respond, but only some do. Why only some?
"Because God enables them to by his grace."
"Why does He not then enable all men to respond?"...............???

The discussion becomes never-ending and there is no way to break out of it. Calvin's answer to this same problem obviates this circularity by preventing it in the first place"
(A. Custance)

News Item9/28/07 4:18 PM
Seaton  Find all comments by Seaton
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"...we are interested in asking you questions about the disconnect/controversy that exists in America between evolution, creationism and the intelligent design movement."

This copy of an e'mail separates creationism from intelligent design. and justly so.

Dawkins, the servant of Satan, says
"At no time was I given the slightest clue that these people were a creationist front,"

Thus "creationism" is attacked.

Satan's ways are always subtle, cunning and deceiving but directed at the authority of Scripture.

Survey9/28/07 4:04 PM
Seaton  Find all comments by Seaton
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Spiritual wrote:
Now, no one here on these forums, besides Abigal, believes in any of the promises of Christ.
(Her name is Abigail, with an "i" 2nd letter from last.)

No one but you two can read Scripture???

Now I wonder, why does that seem suspect???

Survey9/28/07 3:53 PM
Seaton  Find all comments by Seaton
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Abigail wrote:
Why do some of you Calvinists always depend on some commentary to express your views? Don't you know your theology well enough .....

The TRUTH does not change with time or centuries, What was true doctrine and teaching then IS the same today. The True Church, - the Reformed Church - Has been teaching and preaching Biblical Truth, by the Grace of God in all it's life since the beginning.

Survey9/28/07 3:17 PM
sEATON  Find all comments by sEATON
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Abigail wrote:
I pray you will come to the understanding of the truth and repent of your sins and be filled with the Holy Ghost.
NOT by your method of sinner's own ability over divine that's for sure, and Biblical.

Salvation by works does not work Abigail. Thats the Papal antichrists method and has long since been rejected by the True Church.

"Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (BY GRACE ye are saved)"

"For BY GRACE are ye saved through faith; and that NOT of yourselves: it is the gift of God:"

"Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began"

Survey9/28/07 3:09 PM
Seaton  Find all comments by Seaton
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Abigail. & "spiritual"

1Cor 2:14. "The natural man, the animal man. Either, (1.) The man under the power of corruption, and never yet illuminated by the Spirit of God, such as Jude calls sensual, not having the Spirit, v. 19. Men unsanctified receive not the things of God. The understanding, through the corruption of nature by the fall, and through the confirmation of this disorder by customary sin, is utterly unapt to receive the rays of divine light; it is prejudiced against them. The truths of God are foolishness to such a mind. The man looks on them as trifling and impertinent things, not worth his minding. The light shineth in darkness, and the darkness comprehendeth it not, Jn. 1:5. Not that the natural faculty of discerning is lost, but evil inclinations and wicked principles render the man unwilling to enter into the mind of God, in the spiritual matters of his kingdom, and yield to their force and power. It is the quickening beams of the Spirit of truth and holiness that must help the mind to discern their excellency, and to so thorough a conviction of their truth as heartily to receive and embrace them. Thus the natural man, the man destitute of the Spirit of God, cannot know them, because they are spiritually discerned." (Matthew Henry)

Survey9/28/07 2:56 PM
Seaton  Find all comments by Seaton
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You're obviously one of the Pope's children.
Your friend "spiritual" below is of the same ilk.

I pray you may be converted to Christian Truth one day.

Survey9/28/07 2:49 PM
Seaton  Find all comments by Seaton
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Spiritual wrote:
The natural man must confess his sins, depart from all inquity, renounce his own ambitions, desires, ........
Oh No!

Not another Arminian wrapped up in the Popish dogma of salvation by works????

Who needs a crucified Christ, Holy Spirit or Grace when you can do the lot yourself????

Can't you read plain english?

1Cor2.14"But the natural man receiveth **NOT** (R) **NOT** the things of the Spirit of God:"

v10 "But God hath revealed them unto us BY HIS Spirit
v11 For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him - (Hence TWO types)
v12 Now we have received, *NOT* the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God = (*TWO*)
v13 ....*NOT* in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, BUT which the Holy Ghost teacheth"

It is blatantly obvious that Paul in these verses is comparing the [1] unbeliever state, - with [2] the believer state, and pointing out that they are very different.

ONLY Made different by God the Holy Spirit.

For someone who calls himself "spiritual"(?) you appear to lack the Spirit's guidance in perceiving Scripture Truth.

News Item9/28/07 12:15 PM
Seaton  Find all comments by Seaton
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Isn't God in charge of longevity?

Or are Arminians/Free Willers in charge of that too?

Survey9/28/07 12:08 PM
Seaton  Find all comments by Seaton
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1Cor 2.14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

= The "natural" state is that Pre-Christian state of the unbeliever whereby the mortal finds himself in, prior to any grace or work of the Holy Spirit.
Thus the natural person cannot receive the things of the Spirit. They seem rediculous to him and in his current state he cannot know about them.
Further qualification of this is evidenced by Paul's final sentence viz, that these things are "spiritually discerned"

So the conclusion here must be that in his natural estate the person cannot repent nor come to Christ in any way, without the prior gift of grace and spiritual discernment.

Therefore the Reformed teaching of Effectual call, regeneration THEN Faith/Repentance complies with Paul's teaching.

Thus verse 12, in 1Cor 2 on the "Christian state" explains that the knowledge, which grace and the Spirit impart are essential to know the things of God and the grace/Spirit "enables" the person to proceed from there.

Viz -
12 Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.

Survey9/28/07 7:44 AM
Seaton  Find all comments by Seaton
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To the Arminian-free willers like JD, Yamil, Abigail....etc

"The world has grown old in sin. It has now more than ever hegun to trifle with it, either as a necessity which cannot he cured, or a partial aberration from good order which will rectify itself ere long. It is this tampering with evil, this refusal to see sin as God sees it, as the law declares it, and as the story of our race has revealed it, that has in all ages been the root of error and of wide departure from the faith once delivered to the saints. Admit the evil of sin with all its eternal consequences, and you are shut up to a divine way of dealing with it. Deny the evil of sin and the future results of that evil, and you may deny the whole revelation of God, set aside the cross, and abrogate the law."(H Bonar)

Don't underestimate the power of sin in the human condition.

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