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News Item11/1/09 2:45 PM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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The fall of man.
The Bible does scan.

Tumbling half down the hill.
Man is boasting still.

No fallen ability.
Offends your civility.

Hearts we will motivate.
Towards God a true hate.

King's table of toasting.
All to God, no boasting.

Sovereignty, not wanting.
Religious pride gone a hunting.

God shall not reign in my life.
Trials and perpetual strife.

A holy God, who knows all.
To this altar, I did not fall.

For the fallen sinful.
Must be a miracle.

With our wills renewed.
God, we come unto You.

You and I cannot turn.
Because we cannot learn.

We will not call.
Because of the fall.

God, knows the heart deep down.
None spiritually sound.

God's Word - God's rendition.
About man's condition.

More than just a casual need.
TODAY is the day to heed!

For no tomorrow.
Brings much sorrow.

Dead in sin, also the will.
Trust in Christ, the Law does kill.

Bowing low when face to face.
NOW seeing need - God of grace.

"For he saith, I have heard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succoured thee: Behold, NOW is the accepted time; behold, NOW is the day of salvation."
II Corinthians 6:2

Rome, of course, says this is a sin.
Read, Romans 7.

News Item10/31/09 4:56 PM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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Search the Scriptures not man's fallen interpretations.

Have you read the entire chapter of JOHN 6 or simply retrieved it from a Roman web

God is absolutely sovereign.

Most do not know the original languages so there are Bible helps. In a Strongs Concordance one may find the meaning of the word draw, in John 6:44 or John 12:32. The word draw in other places of John can mean to drag forcibly against one's will but here it means that one is impelled by a divine power.

Read the entire chapter of John 6 and let the immediate context and God through His Word determine the meaning of draw. His elect "WILL" come to him and have life eternal because they are given to Him by the Father and He will lose none!

John 3:36

News Item10/31/09 5:47 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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Rome's adherents actions speak louder than their claims. I attended parochial school, at good old St. Bruno's(I am sure everyone has heard of that revered saint)and every student of the school had the duty one day to place a crown of their own making on top of a statue of Mary's head and to do her homage, by bowing before her.

Word's they twist.
Pope's ring they kissed.

Mary, may you assist?
Devotion - they insist!

Adoration - they missed!
God and idols, will not coexist.

Continue to resist.
Life, you'll have MISSED! ! !

JOHN 3:36

News Item10/31/09 4:49 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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Spiritual, Lagos,

Amen. I had a godly, transparent pastor tell me once that preaching is the easy part and that vigilant prayer is the difficult part.

Two different people, who were being bothered by evil images at night,asked me to pray and they both said that when I prayed the evil images left immediately. There is no magic or verbally claiming the blood, etc., simply by using His powerful Word and having faith in it's promises. One verse that I mentioned was: "Greater is He who is in you, than he who is in the world."

Sometimes we react like the jews and greeks who became fearful after hearing about the evil spirit episode with the sons of Sceva.

God's full armor consists of truth, righteousness, the gospel, faith, the Word of God, and of course, praying at all times in the Spirit.

Lord, please help us to walk in your laws and not to forget your deeds for us
so that we do not become cowardly and instead to remember that we have all that we need.

"The sons of Ephraim were archers
equipped with bows,
Yet they turned back in the day of

News Item10/28/09 3:48 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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Greetings! Glad you replied. Agreement with your post. I believe that there are many things that make the Puritans attractive. But exhausting Scripture is at the top. I have not visited any Puritan sites in a while but used to enjoy reading the quotes they used to put up. Here's one:

"The belief that God is everywhere should persuade us to sin nowhere."

"A Remedy for Wrong Thoughts", by
Richard Steele.

Job 42:2

News Item10/27/09 4:23 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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Y'all need to read this! ! !

News Item10/27/09 4:02 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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Greetings, again! Too bad we don't live a bit closer, I believe we could read some quality literature simultaneously and discuss them. I have read some of Flavel's book on the Providence of God(I believe that is the title, as I'm downstairs in the computer room, and although I have many books here about the Pilgrims and Puritans, all my theological and Bible study helps are upstairs.) I would love to get his works. Have you read Jeremiah Burrough's book on contentment?
Wow! Probably, the most convicting book I ever read may have been taken out of Jonathan Edward's Harvard set on the Life and Diary of David Brainard. I had once thought of having studies here at our home, actually readings every saturday on missionary books(I have acquired quite a collection of them also) and was going to begin with reading Brainard and showing the video at the onset and at the end. The, "Autobiography of George Mueller", was a
help me Lord, forgive me Lord, Yes, Lord, type of book. Incredible.
Once again, it is a given that we must be careful and read as much of Scripture as possible.
May the Lord bless you with knowledge of Him and His grace.

Job 1:8

News Item10/26/09 12:04 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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Greetings, brother! Thank-you, for the encouragement! Great Awakening...have your read Samuel Davies?
I have his 1st. volume of sermons and read a little when I first bought it. He was the godly pastor that Patrick Henry used to ride by buggy a few hours to hear him preach and was taken there by his pious mother. God's wondrous providence.
I always figured I would have more time to devote to read quality literature to defend the faith with when I grew in years however it seems more difficult.
Also, I have found it extremely difficult, not only because of my avg. reading speed, but I must devote myself to Scripture and Bible study. I rest happily, content in Christ though.
Of course, I also, seek to read as many primary source material as possible. With the writing of books having no end, this most likely has always been an obstacle.
I also, have found that I seem to be reading the Bible as well as a few other books at the same time. Ughh! My interest level may be too great.
The last book I bought was, "A Theological Interpretation of American History", by Dr. Gregg Singer. I am putting it on hold while I, my wife and my daughter go through Revelation.
Have a "grace day"!

Job 42:2

News Item10/24/09 11:34 PM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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Rick, Alabama,

Amen, brother. Similar to us, I believe many become convinced of the great Biblical truths expressed by J. Calvin after initially vehemently attacking him. Similar to them, I used to attack out of an ignorance of his writings, ie. not actually reading some of his works. For instance many would be astonished if they read his commentaries written later in his life, such as John 3:16. They simply hold to what they are taught at their particular church or denomination or read a secondary source on the internet and are content with that.
All in all, I find that I do not engage in most of these forums because there is such a proud emotionalism displayed with ad hominems thrown around by brother's in Christ, misrepresentations, etc.
BTW, I also read a few reformed works that first convinced me, viz. "The Death of Death in the Death of Christ", by John Owen. Like you, I read it three times over, underlining with a different color each time. I was taking the Bible to work daily along with Calvin's Institutes, Vol. I and left it by mistake. Hopefully, someone has benefited. (I actually am an avg. speed of a reader and have read some reformed books but am only a novice.)

JOB 4:6

News Item10/23/09 2:10 PM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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Greetings! To not listen to what J.Mac. has said in all of his sermons concerning this topic would not be judging righteously. You even put down a section, starting it where you desired of course and though seemingly using context, went and took it out of the context (which I had shown you before).

I seek an honest factual dialogue not one based solely on emotions as one always wins in ones own eyes when they deal with emotionalism in regards to what someone has said.

You will have to agree that probably every pastor(including ours)has had to deal with this at one time or another and had to clarify this later on because someone was offended because of misrepresenting the pastors statement by taking it out of the context.

I know you are a busy man, from previous private discussions, so have a "grace day" and rest in Christ.

News Item10/23/09 3:49 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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I didn't think so. By not listening to his entire recording and then taking one section out of the wider context is actually doing an injustice to another believer in Christ.
At least Bob Jones II talked to J. Mac. personally and said that the comment made about him was wrong. Too many times we are too quick to judge instead of thoroughly investigating a matter to judge righteously.
Have a "grace day"!

News Item10/22/09 2:25 PM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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Did you listen to all of the excerpts the first time? His is actually a defense of the blood of Christ.
In context:
Your 4th line notice the word, "itself".
7th line, "mystical".

It is those such as Rome that might take offense to this Biblical teaching
even if they listened to all of his sermons on the blood of Christ.

Have a "grace day"!

News Item10/22/09 4:45 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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Michael Hranek,

Greetings! Just wondering if you listened to the entire recording? GTY also gave me the link of his sermon excerpts on the blood of Christ and I just finished listening to the entire thing. I believe I agree with it entirely. I began to listen to it with the same attitude that I would if I were hearing a sermon. More than once I found myself saying, "Thank-you, Lord!"
I believe it is now recognized that this was wrong when Bob Jones, Sr. first took him out of context and of course his son, Bob Jones, II, later confirmed to J. Mac. personally that he was correct and orthodox of course.

News Item10/19/09 12:24 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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My daughter began attending a Christian School this year and the Bible Class teacher actually posed this question to them.
First thought was that this was a difficult question. Then, I answered, no for an unbeliever and maybe no for a believer.
- Acknowledged that all are sinners but
believers uniquely have power over sin
- Churches, are for believers who should
go out to unbelievers.
- There are not only grounds for but
direct Biblical commands to not have
fellowship even with believers under
certain circumstances.
- Agreed, that children should attend
services, though few do it.
- If a believing sex offender is allowed
to attend church, he/she should be
closely monitored by the church
- In response to a family member about
the issue of the fellowship command,
I mentioned that maybe the guilty
believer could listen to sermon audio
at home or arrange for one of the
pastors/teachers to have a service
with him at home on a rotating basis.
This case would surely/hopefully be

News Item10/18/09 10:35 PM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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You might want to write of quote of J. MacArthur, in its context of course and maybe lead us to the source with a link, so that we all could judge for ourselves!

News Item10/18/09 7:42 PM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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Viewed your link. Exactly as I thought, a misrepresentation of John MacArthur, by taking his statement OUT OF CONTEXT.

Possibly, Rome has a shrine somewhere with a bottle of Jesus real blood, a relic that if anyone could touch would give them certain power or even eternal life! This concept blasphemes the precious blood of our Savior and it's real value and meaning when even a thought about His atoning blood brings solemn sorrow and joy simultaneously.

II Corinthians 9:15

News Item10/18/09 3:42 PM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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I am familiar with John MacArthur, and have read a few of his books and my one daughter has visited his church while her and her husband lived in Phoenix.
John MacArthur, I believe would say that the blood of Christ "was NECESSARY" but "not MYSTICAL" in the sense that it had magical physical powers.

I don't remember all of the original controversy, but I do think that He brought this up in relation to some such as the Roman church who commonly mislead many in such false doctrines.

25 years ago, I used to be of a different theological bent and used to receive the "Sword of the Lord" paper.
They of course made a big tadoo of this and I remember their slogan at the top of the paper had the blood of Christ.
So they took offense but oftentimes Christians may misrepresent each other simply because of theological differences(Reformed, Arminian, etc.)

News Item10/17/09 5:04 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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Spurgeon, with a true salvation, said that he went home changed as everyone had noticed.
At the right time Spurgeon became a child of the living God. However, he had a godly upbringing, hearing about God's holiness and man's sinfullness.
He was quoted as saying that long before he began with Christ that Christ had begun with him. Spurgeon had also said that God had been plowing his soul throughout his childhood with the ten commandments and the message of the gospel.

News Item10/11/09 11:13 PM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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The fighting of wars.
Always mine and yours.

Knocking at unsuspecting doors.
From eastern to western shores.

A Christian underscores.
There are no earthly cures.

God - touching mans heart, restores.
The only true guarantor.

God's Word, the world ignores.
Satan , the grand saboteur.

Only, the Prince of Peace.
Can make wars to cease.

Man has a disease.
Of sin, caprice.

There is only one release.
Of this sickening obese.

God, you cannot please.
No matter the elbow grease.

To Christ - on your knees.
Mercy and grace, your pleas!

JOHN 14:27

News Item10/10/09 4:13 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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Was it not a Cavalier!
Who would flaunt the headgear.

The plume a showing, we jeer.
His locks a growing each year.

"Most Puritan's" are dead.
Cultures fashion they dread.

In derision we have said.
We shall call them - ROUNDHEAD!

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