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News Item3/11/19 5:01 PM
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Jacob was first a deceiver.
We're all brats until we have the fear of the Lord.
Spiritual pride is not taking a stand for that which is true.
People with big toes always accuse those who are in disagreement with them as being self-righteous.

News Item3/11/19 3:10 PM
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Well, you could almost have a point if we wrestled against God in the flesh but then God did say that we wrestle NOT against FLESH and BLOOD. I don't know of any Christians who have had this experience as Jacob did. It was God with whom he was physically wrestling.
Sadly, this is all that you have to support wrestling, as a sport, no less. appear to have lost the bout.
I think God in His wisdom just laid out enough principles in the Bible so that hardened hearts or those who love the world would stay confused. He wants us to obey Him but also knows when we love the world ,... if one cannot understand spiritual things, they are of the natural and so prefer it.
It's almost beyond comprehension how one who says that they are a Christian could condone wrestling...attacking other people...certainly not an example of esteeming others before ones self...probably a little pride of life there too.
As far as nakedness...God laid out for us what constitutes nakedness. Much to the chagrin of many, his standards are actually stricter than most of whom you would call "legalists". He would not tell us on many occasions to not be naked if He did not make clear what "naked" is.
All of his words are true.

News Item3/11/19 1:42 PM
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Jacob wrestled with the Lord. What's your point? ...we wrestle not against flesh and blood as previously stated.
Apparently,Unprofitable doesn't approve of God's definition of nakedness.
I hate to lay this on you but women shouldn't expose their legs's in there.
"Doc", if you cannot or refuse to grasp that we ought not to beat on one another for fun or sport....can't help you.
Yes, Canuck, it is sad.
people so bent on defending that which is immodest and violent for their own convenience. One wonders why they pray for the world when they so love it in so many ways as it is.
They should be so zealous to defend Scripture as they are to slam those who do.

News Item3/11/19 12:19 PM
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L bug, nakedness is defined in many passages of Scripture...the one I cited, for instance. While Aaron was a priest, he was also a man. If one searches for many passages regarding attire and nakedness, one may have a better understanding of what constitutes nakedness.
Since we all (men and women) are to avoid being naked or uncovering others nakedness, it would behoove us to know what that is and not align our cultural standards with those of Scripture.
One clear example of being naked in the Bible is exposing ones loins and thighs.
People who think that lay people are allowed to walk around naked while God makes an exception for just those in service of the Lord (which, aren't all of His children, any way?) are really choosing the world's ways over the Lord's.
Of course, I wouldn't expect most to embrace God's standards on the modesty issue because then they would have to abandon many of their idols...which would run the gamut of most of their sports and entertainment and every day apparel.
How can people fathom the thought of not running around naked in swimming (cess) pools?
...and we wonder why we have been turned over to that which is vile.

News Item3/11/19 10:34 AM
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Ladybug and Frank...

Exodus 28:42 - And thou shalt make them linen breeches to cover their nakedness; from the loins even unto the thighs they shall reach: much for Scripture not addressing men's attire

News Item3/10/19 5:12 PM
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We do not judge hearts but we do judge actions. I never said that I didn't judge. I do judge actions.
If one has to be biblically naked or harm others for their sport, they are contrary to Scripture.
I noticed that you conveniently use the word "sport" rather than the topic at hand, which was wrestling.
As far as is the prayers of a righteous man which God hears...

News Item3/10/19 3:25 PM
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I can, with a totally clear conscience speak against being naked and beating up on people for sport, l bug, as I do not partake of such.
If I wrestled for sport then I would be a hypocrite to speak against someone else wrestling.
I appreciate canuck's input as he is a Christian who has come out of that.
If we are to be totally sinless before we can judge anything, then we need not have a judicial system, discipline our children, or squawk "legalism","legalism" on open forums.
This fellow is better off hearing the concern in regards to his choice of sport rather than be commended because he won't beat on a girl.
We do others no favor and cannot possibly love them if we do not point out unChrist-like behavior.
Seemingly, you have arrived and are free from sin as you have no qualms about judging my heart...which one cannot.
Apparently, any principles set forth in Scripture are too legalistic for you.
Having liberty is being free NOT to sin and license.
It is very telling when people get defensive when one makes a comment against modesty,drinking,etc.

News Item3/10/19 2:13 PM
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You are judging me because I believe that Scripture speaks against people being naked (biblical definition)and beating on one another for entertainment? Really?
Your problem, l bug,is that you have limited understanding of what the Bible says in these matters...there are principles clearly laid's simply a matter of understanding...which is to depart from evil
Calling someone a legalist is being a legalist. If those who hate the appearance of evil or evil are not your cup of tea, then so be it...I rather have the approval of Jesus than those with big toes.

News Item3/10/19 1:36 PM
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Instead of wanting to be homemakers and take care of babies, women want to be homewreckers at the office, independent, with their own careers.
barbie didn't help but is representative of that which most hold dear

News Item3/10/19 1:31 PM
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Stevenr...yes! if the Bible could be of any more value...what blasphemy.

News Item3/10/19 1:29 PM
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Laurie,as you look outward to make your comment...the guy in the story professes to be a Christian but is commended for not wanting to wrestle a girl while he has no qualms about giving boys a good clout.
Christopher, all of these devastating things happening around us,...we pray about and sometimes need little comment.
The church looking like the world, on the other hand, needs comment,especially, should the world be tuning in.
One of the biggest stumbling blocks for the unsaved is hypocrisy.
If Christians look like the world, they have no positive influence.

News Item3/9/19 1:11 PM
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Wayfarer, ..not just the millennials..very common for the baby boomer crowd to not want to release "control" of their lives as well, even when they understand that it is futile.
Leese has a valid point and I believe that is why so many churches have dwindled in numbers. I understand that we should not forsake the assembling of others. Sometimes that might be connecting with other local believers in a bible study or visiting many who are challenged in getting out who might be in nursing homes, for example, and evangelizing there/connecting there.
I think that there is a vast difference between a perfect church which doesn't exist and compromising churches which, sadly, have become all too common.
I often have greater respect for someone like Luther when I see how the majority of Christians cannot hold to Scripture by holding tight to vain traditions...often looking very RC or pagan in the end.

News Item3/9/19 12:59 PM
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We don't wrestle for the purpose of sport.
Scriptures that speak of such are not, in any way, allowing for the sport of wrestling. The student in the article wrestles other students (flesh and blood).
Physically wrestling someone for entertainment value is in no way condoned in the Bible.
Thank the Lord,we won't have to wrestle in the spiritual realm one day either.

News Item3/9/19 8:50 AM
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Unprofitable, you seem to miss that it is not against flesh or blood with which we wrestle and I hardly think that Jacob (the deceiver) was wrestling for the sport of it...again, he did not wrestle against flesh and blood.
When we wrestle, it is not an entertaining or fun endeavor.
Further,'s curious to me that any Christian would partake or watch people engage in such aggression towards one another even with "rules".

News Item3/8/19 2:45 PM
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Unprofitable, we wrestle NOT against flesh and blood and we certainly don't wrestle for sport...which is what the article is addressing.

News Item3/7/19 10:29 AM
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Neil,if he was into zen buddhism,why would that be inconsistent with the characteristics to which you ascribe to him?
Buddhists are lost too and pot users are lost in space.

News Item3/7/19 9:38 AM
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I appreciate your comment, Canuck.
We should be spreading the gospel but our lives are often a silent witness as to Whom or what we serve.
I know of a lady at a nursing home who resides there who professes to be a Christian and will hold bible studies but still will watch movies like the 'god'father and ghost, and also smokes.etc.
I really care about her but can't help wondering if she knows the Lord.
The other day she was "pleading the blood" in prayer... :/ ...charismatic,RC trash.
Please pray for this lady to see the futility and errors of things which she seems to embrace.

News Item3/6/19 9:15 AM
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Reread Ephesians 6:12 doc,
we do not wrestle against flesh and blood

News Item3/5/19 11:59 AM
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Wrestling is a foolish "sport" any way.

News Item3/5/19 10:30 AM
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Well, J, I certainly wouldn't want anyone using it to be operating a vehicle around me or operating on me in surgery, to name a few. Are we at the point that we can't figure out that things which control or dull our faculties aren't beneficial for us ? There is the principle of giving intoxicants and anesthesia to those in need but do we really need another drug legalized for "health" reasons? There are a lot of things in the world which exist naturally that are poisonous or dangerous to humans but one wouldn't advocate their use. I still haven't figured out what is beneficial about tobacco or alcohol. God has allowed the existence of the thorns and venom as a consequence of sin. We live in a fallen world. There will be no intoxicants in Heaven or on the new Earth.
Further,if smoking is detrimental to the lungs, how could smoking pot be any different?
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