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Sermon10/21/07 10:31 PM
Norman Smith | New Haw,Surrey,England  Find all comments by Norman Smith
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Reaction Time
Marc Monte
“ Another heart searching sermon ”
What is our reaction to circumstances which are beyond our control ? Is it always Biblical? Pastor Monte encourages us as beleivers to have the right reaction to circumstances in our lives which could discourage us if not reacted to in a right and Biblical way. He sets before us examples such as Job and David and Paul,as well as persecuted believers in Islamic countries. Bless the Lord for such faithful preaching.

Sermon10/21/07 7:04 AM
Norman Smith | New Haw,Surrey,England  Find all comments by Norman Smith
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God Forgives
Michael Phillips
“ Most humbling sermon! ”
After a while without a computer,it has been a real blessing to be back online listening to sermons on Sermonaudio. I really enjoyed the series on forgiveness by Pastor Phillips,but this was the icing on the precious and humbling to be reminded of the forgiven attribute of our God . Lovely,lovely sermon.Thankyou.

Sermon10/21/07 6:42 AM
Norman Smith | New Haw.Surrey,England  Find all comments by Norman Smith
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When the Rocks Fly
Marc Monte
“ A really needful,reassuring helpful sermon! ”
After a while without a computer,it is a great blessing to be back online and listening to sermonaudio . This sermon was just what was required in my personal walk with the Lord. Thankyou Pastor Monte for preaching it,and for bringing before us some aspects in relation to your own ministry...and for directing the Christian listener to look at the bigger picture in why people criticise,...and what our Christian response should be to it.

News Item10/20/07 3:04 AM
Norman Smith | New Haw,Surrey,England  Find all comments by Norman Smith
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Hello Susan,
excuse me for butting in !

You may be pleased to know that the Lord has used me to open air preach after all these years,a dream come true !

It was a great blessing ,oh those poor people without Christ,and so without hope,my heart breaks for them!

Praise the Lord,i have been able to preach twice,the first time i preached from the text *This night thy soul shall be required of thee*,contrasting with *This day is salvation come to this house*,and the second time on *God commandeth all men everywhere to repent *.

Still displaying the placard and handing out gospel tracts and speaking one to one, as well.

It is lovely being part of an evangelically outreach minded church.

Oh my burden that the Lord's will will be done,and that lost souls would come to know my lovely Saviour,whom to know is life eternal.

How i wish that there is an evangelical outreach thread on sermonaudio where one can give glory to God and encourage the saints.maybe there is?

Going off again soon for another days evangelising with a dear brother in Christ.

We serve our generation then fall on sleep.

regards to Michael H if he reads this .

God bless you both,and hope Susan that all is well with you,my dear sister in the Lord.

God bless you all.

News Item9/10/07 4:57 PM
Norman Smith | New Haw,Surrey,England  Find all comments by Norman Smith
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Coming back just this once to say hello to Susan and Obvious Truth, Lurker and Michael H.

In 12 hours time ,my time,i shall have a minutes silence in remembrance of those who were horribly plunged into eternity on 9/11,most unsaved .

Coupled with the sounds from hell that i have heard on the Jesus-is -savior website,has made me realise how needful it is that i will be in Guildford ,God willing,on wednesday, with my placard with the Word of God displayed,urging people to repent and flee to Christ,and giving out gospel tracts and speak to people.

My heart breaks for the lost.

Please may i humbly ask NOBODY to place a negative comment, or try to put me right, on what i have just written.

This comment is to Susan Miller,and Obvious Truth,and Lurker,and Michael H ONLY. Other brethren please respect that.


I weep.

O Lord have mercy.


News Item9/8/07 11:06 PM
Norman Smith  Find all comments by Norman Smith
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Hi Kenny,
thankyou for calling me brother,as i did not think anybody on here considers me a brother any more.

I pray for all the household of faith daily though.

The Lord bless you and yours Kenny.
Jude 21

News Item9/8/07 4:20 PM
Norman Smith  Find all comments by Norman Smith
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thankyou for your comment to me.

Have a nice day.

News Item9/8/07 9:01 AM
Norman Smith | New Haw,Surrey,England.  Find all comments by Norman Smith
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[removed by editor]

News Item9/8/07 3:45 AM
Norman smith | New Haw,Surrey,England  Find all comments by Norman smith
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Yamil !
Nice to see you back.

Hope that you are well.

Take care,will catch up again soon.

Lovingly in the Saviour,

Stormin' Jude 21

News Item9/8/07 3:43 AM
Norman Smith | New Haw,Surrey,England  Find all comments by Norman Smith
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Hello Susan,
we havent dialogued before,but i just wanted to say,what a super post,excellent quotes and scripture references.

May God bless your walk with the Lord,dear sister.

..And to Seaton,
hello dear brother,again,as far as the beleiver is concerned,excellent Bible quotations.

However, in the providence of God,He has given folk like Alex Jones understanding of the times,like the children of Issachar.

I would challenge you to watch Terror Storm,and then you may be shaking your head for different reasons.

There are numerous Scriptures that tell us of the designs of wicked people ,which go beyond conspiracy theories,but people were ignorant of.

For example....How aware were the children of Israel of the wicked designs of Balak towards them ?

How aware was Naboth of the wicked designs of Jezebel ,in her plan for Ahab to seize the vineyard ?

How many of the disciples were aware of the state of Judas Iscariots heart whilst he was among them ?

As Christians we of course know that all things are working according to the purpose of Gods will,and your post does make sense in that aspect,but after spending a lot of time in searching out these things,[particularly 9/11)for myself,(i was a sceptic ),i am now more aware of what is going on .

The Lord bless.

News Item9/7/07 12:57 PM
Norman Smith  Find all comments by Norman Smith
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Hi JHawk,
i concur with everything Obvious Truth has said about Alex Jones.

Visit his website dear brother,he certainly isnt a crazed conspiracy theorist,but deals in hard facts,finding things out at great personal danger to himself,...however,i beleive the Lord has a hedge about him.

Lovingly in the Saviour,

News Item9/6/07 4:15 AM
Norman Smith | New Haw,Surrey,England  Find all comments by Norman Smith
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Sounds good dosent it.I dont buy any of that at all now,i distrust anything governments say,whether here,USA or Germany.

However, God has raised up people who have understanding of the times (for example Alex Jones who is a brave Christian, who is not into conspiracy theories,but hard facts).

One encouraging thing is those whom are wanting to establish global dominion now know that their evilness has been uncovered (for example,the facts that 9/11 was an inside job ,available online for the world to see.)

They know that they are being watched.
God will say ,thus far,and NO FURTHER !

They will only get away with their evilness as it suits the Lord to use them,for HE is in control.

I take heart in that fact, by Gods grace i will keep witnessing to a lost world with the gospel in street ministry,the times are so neccessary to do so.

The Lord has blessed me with seeing fruit come from this recently. Praise His lovely name.

Obvious Truth,i encourage you to keep warning,very few are heeding,and may God bless you in your faithfulness, but, as a Christian , try not to despair,keep yourself in the love of God. Jude 21...

May the Lord bless all my dear brethren and sisters on sermonaudio forums.

Sermon8/31/07 6:09 PM
Norman Smith  Find all comments by Norman Smith
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“ Heartwarming Sermon! ”
Another awesome sermon on prophecy,which i found so enlightening,encouraging,and heartwarming. What a wonderful Covenant keeping God we have.What a blessing if He has begun a work in you ! Thankyou brother Monte, (or whoever) has placed these srmons on here for the world to look at,listen,learn,and if not saved,repent and believe the gospel. For us saints,these wonderful truths build us up in our holy faith!

Sermon8/30/07 5:56 PM
Norman Smith  Find all comments by Norman Smith
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Lessons in Forgiveness Part 5
Michael Phillips
“ A sermon on discipleship ”
Brother Phillips said something which was a choice saying during this sermon....Do you HOLD a GRUDGE,or do you HOLD onto CHRIST ? If anyone has problems in forgiving because of being hurt by somebody else,.. then this series will be a help to you. Having a forgiving nature is part of discipleship. I like sermons which are series on a theme,they help build me up in my holy faith. What marvels of technology,to think that a sermon preached the other side of the world is available to listen to,as clear as day,on Sermonaudio. We are certainly blessed to have this wonderful providence by our caring,loving God. Praise His lovely name.

News Item8/30/07 5:28 PM
Norman Smith | New Haw,Surrey,England  Contact via emailFind all comments by Norman Smith
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Hello Seaton,
just coming back here very briefly to say i hear you loud and clear,and offer my humble apologies for my own nasty comments to you.

Please forgive me dear brother,i love you in Christ,and i send a cyber hug to you.

My offer of apology also applies to Obvious Truth,Cindy,and any other dear brother or sister whom i have been less than gracious to in my posts recently.

O wretched man that i am....

A special hello,and goodbye, to Michael H,you have been such a joy to me dear brother,and i truly thank the Lord for the fellowship we have had on Sermonaudio. It will continue,but i am only going to comment on sermons listened to for the forseeable future.

God bless you all.

Sermon8/30/07 5:12 PM
Norman Smith  Find all comments by Norman Smith
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Lessons in Forgiveness Part 4
Michael Phillips
“ Take heed to our attitude kind of sermon ! ”
Brother Michael Phillips is in the top two of my favourite speakers on Sermonaudio (Marc Monte is the other.)His preaching is so practically challenging,without shouting or bawling,but delivered in such a gracious way, but also so christ centered,and i could listen to him preach all day long ! This is the fourth message on this series,and he still brings out fresh aspects on the subject of forgiveness.Beautiful subject ,what a blessing the Lord has provided to the world in general,and His people in particular,in being able to listen to the word of God preached online.

News Item8/30/07 2:46 AM
Norman Smith | New Haw,Surrey,England  Find all comments by Norman Smith
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no need to worry about what Norman's real name is,i post it for all to see.

my name IS Norman Smith,and i live in New Haw,Surrey,England.

Nothing to hide,i am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ.

May the Lord bless your walk with Him,hopalong.

Seaton,you read me wrong,but you nasty guys can carry on biting and devouring one another,you stand before the Lord one day and give an account. my Bible also tells me to love the brethren.

I warn people of hell on the streets,so you cannot point the finger at me at soft pedalling the gospel or watering it down.

two sides of every coin,Seaton.

JD,yes,bro,i remember walt turning on me because i would not go down the road of the doctrine of occasional hearing,he ignoring the Bible verses i posted as to why i would not.

Also,shock horror,i am no longer a Calvinist !!!

This is indeed a dangerous place to be,and to be frank,is a disgrace to the name of my lovely Lord.

If *nice* people are not wanted ,i will leave.

Survey8/29/07 11:46 AM
Norman Smith | New Haw,Surrey,England  Find all comments by Norman Smith
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Thankyou Helper !

John UK told me that this land needs an army of open air preachers,because it is in darkness and ignorance and needs the light of the gospel.

Well,for those who pray for my outdoor street witness work,please may i ask your prayers for me on saturday,...i am going to preach in the open air ,God willing,...properly for the first time.(i have had 3 kind of preaching times,but really were just a few words.)

May the Lord through His holy Spirit grant strength + wisdom,and may He be glorified,and perishing sinners blessed.

I have in mind to preach from Isaiah 1;18-20.

I will still have my placard with me.

*Rescue the perishing,care for the dying*,!

The Lord has given me boldness and courage,for which i praise His lovely name. (I get your drift JHawk in your post),and i really do think the time has come to do this now,and then i will be able to help my Pastor and my brother in Christ whom street preach every six weeks.

Please pray for me dear brethren and sisters !

Thankyou very much.
Oh those poor .poor perishing sinners,their is salvation and forgiveness to be proclaimed !

Survey8/29/07 11:25 AM
Norman Smith | New Haw,Surrey,England  Find all comments by Norman Smith
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God bless you dear brother for coming on a public forum and sharing your testimony !... and your family,Praise Him,His word will not return unto Him void.I shall paray for the souls you encountered !

I would like to continue with another message on this forum...please help me somebody ?

News Item8/27/07 3:45 AM
Norman Smith | New Haw Surrey England  Find all comments by Norman Smith
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Dear Mike from Mex,
i havent spoken to you for a while ,so just to call in and say,hello,how are you and your dear family ?

How is the ministry going along in Mexico ? Are you being blessed with encouragements along the way ?

Also,to GG,how are you keeping ? we used to have interesting dialogue a fe w years back (it is amazing how time flies on sermonaudio ! )you may remember,there was you (DM Stannard ),Walt from Michigan and myself.

As people ,i love you both,oh my heart yearns that all three of us will be found praising the lovely Lord Jesus Christ,throughout eternity,having had our robes washed in the blood of the lamb.

Sorry to interupt the debating,but just wanted to say hello.

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