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News Item8/14/16 3:35 PM
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kjg wrote:
Also, see how quiet the Obama administration is about the 28 page redacted report on Saudi Arabia and 9/11. The US is scared that that OPEC will dump the petrodollar.

I remember reading like a month or so ago that the government finally admitted that they knew the whole time Saudi Arabia financed the 911 hijackers. Why wasn't this top news? Oh yea, Trump.

News Item8/13/16 10:14 AM
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BRF wrote:
Makes me wonder if he is doing it deliberately for some friends?

Trump is too big an ego maniac to run for president to loose on purpose. His problem is he runs his mouth before thinking, and he says sarcastic things that the media blows out of proportion.

News Item8/13/16 1:14 AM
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Rodney K wrote:
Most modernists don't believe in the second coming of Christ. I don't suppose you would quake in fear if you don't think He is coming back to judge the world.

The day when they will truly fear God is coming, only it will be too late by then.

Proverbs 1:22 How long, ye simple ones, will ye love simplicity? and the scorners delight in their scorning, and fools hate knowledge? 1:23 Turn you at my reproof: behold, I will pour out my spirit unto you, I will make known my words unto you. 1:24 Because I have called, and ye refused; I have stretched out my hand, and no man regarded; 1:25 But ye have set at nought all my counsel, and would none of my reproof: 1:26 I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh; 1:27 When your fear cometh as desolation, and your destruction cometh as a whirlwind; when distress and anguish cometh upon you. 1:28 Then shall they call upon me, but I will not answer; they shall seek me early, but they shall not find me: 1:29 For that they hated knowledge, AND DID NOT CHOOSE THE FEAR OF THE LORD: 1:30 They would none of my counsel: they despised all my reproof. 1:31 Therefore shall they eat of the fruit of their own way, and be filled with their own devices.

News Item8/12/16 10:02 PM
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You know, there might actually be a method to his madness. Trump didn't get where is by being a loud mouth idiot. He keeps saying outrageous things and he's soaking up free media time. A lot of times what he says isn't even outrageous, its just twisted by the clinton media machine. When you look past the unpolished, crude speech, a lot of times there's truth to what he says. I think he's gonna continue to blast and ridicule Hillary right into oblivion. Look how he played Cruz. Trump knew he couldnt handle Cruz in a debate so instead he ridiculed Cruz and got under his skin. As soon as Cruz stooped to Trumps level, he was beat. I think Trump is saving his best for later and letting the media go all out for now. I'd wait till the debates to see how this election is gonna go. If Trump can't destroy Hillary in a debate with all her corrupt, scandalous baggage then he's toast. I don't say any of this as a Trump supporter, just calling it like I'm seeing it.

News Item8/12/16 2:14 PM
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WWE is unthinking trash. Makes perfect sense they'd go this direction.

News Item8/12/16 2:12 PM
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John Yurich wrote:
Who cares that the Catholic Church states that it is anathema to believe that salvation comes only through justification by faith in Jesus alone?

We should all care. Thats over a billion people who believe a false gospel. We need to be about our fathers buisness and bring these poor souls the true gospel. I freely admit I fail miserably in this regard.

I've got to go back to work.

News Item8/12/16 1:27 PM
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SteveR wrote:For salvation to be possible, HE must be both perfect man and GOD.

For salvation to be possible, it must be all of grace. We wicked beings must be imputed the righteousness of Christ, for there is no way we can justified by our works. The RCC believes this is anathema.

News Item8/12/16 11:58 AM
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Wayfarer Pilgrim from Lubbock,tx writes:
We all drink from the cup of propaganda

I agree. It doesn't matter where we get our info, its likey biased and less than objective. One must use their critical thinking skills and read between the lines.

As to the article, it isn't any wonder the leftist sycophants in the media are going after Trump like they've never gone after anyone before. Hillary is such a terrible candidate that the only viable tactic is try and make Trump look worse. Unfortunately, he doesn't do anything to help himself in this regard.

News Item8/12/16 9:29 AM
GSMontana  Find all comments by GSMontana
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I agree Chris. People need to quit making excuses and take responsibility for their own actions. Our economy isnt the best right now, but if one has the right attitude and ambition, there are still plenty of opportunities for success. The real problem is that the values the article speaks of aren't being taught at home. Parents don't invest any time in their kids and they are instead brought up by TV, and our God hating, liberal education system. With that in mind is there any wonder why the things are so bad today?

News Item8/8/16 10:11 AM
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Chapel Library

I also recommend Louis Berkhofs Systematic Theology. He is a Presby, but his book is pretty good. Personally, I still think you're better off reading scripture first and praying for guidance.

News Item8/8/16 1:13 AM
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You can't help yourself, can you Jim? The more you try to divert attention to Trump, the more apparent it is that you support Hillary.

News Item8/8/16 1:11 AM
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I'd start with the book of John

News Item8/7/16 10:14 PM
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A thread about Hillary and Jim is talking about Trump. Who saw that coming?

News Item8/7/16 2:52 PM
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Slavery has been outlawed in the US, however eugenics is probably still goal of PP which is why they build their facilities in minority neighborhoods to take advantage of their willingness to abort their unborn children. I do agree however that the main focus should be on the murder of the unborn, I just think they still are all about eugenics.

As for sc, if you go back to the beginning of the comments, she arbiltrarily judged this mans motive so she could go on another one of her double standard rants. She looks for double standards in everything, all the while ignoring her own.

News Item8/7/16 2:08 PM
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SteveR wrote:
These accusations today only strengthen PP

I would disagree. The left hails Margaret Sanger as a champion of women's rights, and even though they champion themselves as paragons of tolerance, they leave out the fact that Sanger was a blatant racist. Most people don't even know this about her or PP. I wouldn't be surprised if the dumbed down masses in this country don't even know what eugenics is. People need to speak out.

News Item8/7/16 2:07 PM
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SteveR wrote:
These accusations today only strengthen PP

I would disagree. The left hails Margaret Sanger as a champion of women's rights, and even though they champion themselves as paragons of tolerance, they leave out the fact that Sanger was a blatant racist. Most people don't even know this about her or PP. I wouldn't be surprised if the dumbed down masses in this country don't even know what eugenics is. People need to speak out.

News Item8/6/16 11:55 PM
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s c from Oh writes:
Again,if a fair skinned player had been speaking only to the fair skinned regarding abortions,he would have been accused of being a racist.

I didn't read the whole article, but from what I gather he's just saying PP primarily targets minorities, which is a fact. Nobody is saying minorities are not responsible for their own actions, just that eugenics has been the goal of PP from the start.

News Item8/6/16 4:18 PM
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sc wrote:
This guy is a player and appealing to the pride of "blackness".

How do you know thats his motive? You don't even know the guy.

News Item8/6/16 11:38 AM
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JohnUK wrote:
He believes that all men have the ability (without the Holy Spirit) to believe the gospel and respond to it, as he said earlier.

This is semi pelagianism

News Item8/6/16 11:34 AM
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I want to say they've done a successful head transplant on a monkey before, but I can't remember. I do remember reading about some whackjob that cut off a dogs head and successfully sowed it onto the side of another dog. This two headed monstrosity didn't live long if I remember right.
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