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News Item12/26/15 11:14 PM
FG | USA  Find all comments by FG
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Your rendition, to say nothing of Gil Rugh's or John McArthur's, is nothing short of robotic distortion(More like torture) of this passage. You and they are not the last word on a proper exegesis of this passage. I'm glad the apostles weren't listening to you guys. I don't think I would have wanted to be a Jew hiding in your houses in Nazi Germany. Submission to government has to be balanced with the rest of scripture and direct obedience to God, which may at times require disobedience to government. You guys don't seem to get that though do you? Well, we shall forever be in disagreement on this issue.

News Item12/26/15 10:51 PM
FG | USA  Find all comments by FG
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As a former Marine I find this shameful. Could be that W.M. ex drill instructor of hers is a lesbian and she was "offended." I kind of wondered about some of those W.M. DI's when I was in boot camp. If there were lesbians among them they would've most definitely remained in the closet, where they belong. Not today though, not today.

News Item12/20/15 4:15 PM
FG | USA  Find all comments by FG
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Issue #1 - Biblically speaking, the Gospel is actually the seed of the church. The persecuted church is more likened to spreading or watering that seed. (Acts 8:1-4)
Issue #2 - Don't these people know they're supposed to be in unconditional submission to government? Boy! Where are those Romans 13 bots when you need them?? Oh yeah, I forgot. They're in the U.S.

Sermon12/11/15 12:18 AM
FG | USA  Find all comments by FG
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Answering Tough Questions About the...
Pastor John MacArthur
“ Great Sermon! ”
Correction: Should read, "The government that serves God has its citizens as its primary beneficiary and not itself. It is concerned primarily with rewarding good and punishing evil THAN with "continuity of government."

News Item12/6/15 6:10 PM
FG | USA  Find all comments by FG
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
I will say both men gave religous examples, but not in the support of political action. I would say that both could be considered negative example in that part of their lives, but...

[URL=http://]]]Mark 6:14-29[/URL]
One can surmise many things from the life of both men, and for me anyway, politics should leave a bad taste in a Christian's mouth
It's not about politics Jim. It's about bringing the Word of God to bear upon the responsibilities of leaders in government, to remind that they are accountable to God both personally and professionally, whether they are believers or unbelievers. They are commanded by the scriptures to
Psa 2:11 Serve the LORD with fear, and rejoice with trembling.
Psa 2:12 Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little.
If Christians don't do this, who will?
Interesting little statement in the middle of your Matthew Henry post: "But it is better that sinners persecute ministers now for faithfulness, than curse them eternally for unfaithfulness."
God before government, and especially when a government's priorities have become its own preservation and continuity.

News Item12/6/15 5:39 PM
FG | USA  Find all comments by FG
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Jeremiah Wright is an apostate Protestant preacher of liberation theology and Father Flanagan is a Catholic liberation theologian. They have an awful lot in common. One thing being that neither one of them are evangelicals.

News Item12/6/15 12:59 AM
FG | USA  Find all comments by FG
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
summary for [URL=]]]Testimony By Submission to Government[/URL]
Also there is a recommended booklet to read which you can read at the above URL as a PDF--file or see this HTML file, [URL=]]]Rendering To Caesar---A Biblical Perspective On Govt.[/URL]
Mar 6:18 For John had said unto Herod, It is not lawful for thee to have thy brother's wife.
Was John the Baptist in violation of Romans 13?
How about Bishop Hugh Latimer when he preached a sermon entitled "Whoremongers and Adulterers God will judge" to the adulterous English king of that day?
Let's get the biblical balance folks.

News Item12/6/15 12:36 AM
FG | USA  Find all comments by FG
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Just curious wrote:
Reading through the general gist of most of the comments makes me wonder. Do those who post here go to churches where the majority of the congregation has no desire to live for and please God? Do you think that there are not groups of believers who want to live godly lives and serve the Lord? Does not the Bible teach that those who are genuinely born from above have the seal that they depart from iniquity? Maybe it is just those who post don't go to church for various reasons. Just curious.

News Item12/6/15 12:12 AM
FG | USA  Find all comments by FG
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Did Franklin Graham say anything when the Pope visited and gave speeches to Congress and the UN calling for a new world order for the preservation of our ecological system? (I.E. UN Agenda 21 or modern day equivalent)? Don't think I heard him say anything about that.

News Item12/4/15 9:35 AM
FG | USA  Find all comments by FG
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75 years of ecumenical compromise with the enemies of the gospel among the people of God in this country has brought the ever increasing curse of God upon it. This country is headed for a day of reckoning. I don't claim to know the mind of God, whether revival are in his plans or not, but without it this day will most certainly come. Only the coming of our Lord himself will prevent this. I'm not exactly a fan of Billy Graham(a severe understatement) but I'll cite him anyway when he said that if God doesn't judge America he'll have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah. Salt has been made reference to as a preservative. But when one brings belief and unbelief under the same evangelistic umbrella in one's crusades, his salt loses its savor and is cast forth to be trampled underfoot by men as irrelevant.

News Item12/1/15 11:57 AM
FG | USA  Find all comments by FG
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Allie wrote:
Many entertainers if not most grew up going to church and hearing the pure gospel of at least a resemblance of it. They go into pagan hollywood and give themselves over to debauchery and then claim Atheism. Nothing shocking or surprising. What is shocking is the money that believers spend having the apostates entertain them.
This is because the doctrine of Christian liberty either has been stretched almost to the point of breaking or is used as a cloak to justify spending the Lord's money on or partaking in any questionable activities we can't find "chapter and verse" against in the Bible. Paul directs us in Phillipians that we're to "approve things that are excellent" Where do you find these things in Disney, or Fox, or anywhere else in Hollywood for that matter? If there is any excellent thing in Hollywood you would have to dig for a long time and through an awful lot of trash to find it. It kind of boils down to the sad situation where we don't want people messing with our pet liberties. And there seems to be more individuals in the church that contend for their "right" to watch R rated flicks than to contend for the faith once for all delivered unto the saints.

News Item12/1/15 10:27 AM
FG | USA  Find all comments by FG
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Brad Pitt's problem is not that he's an atheist (there really is no such thing as a pure atheist) Nor is it his "Christian" upbringing. It is simply that:
Joh_8:44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

News Item12/1/15 10:13 AM
FG | USA  Find all comments by FG
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O God, no longer hold thy peace, no longer silent be;
Thine enemies lift up their head, to fight thy saints and thee;
Against thine own whom thou dost love, their craft thy foes employ;
They think to cut thy people off, thy church they would destroy.
Thine ancient foes, conspiring still, with one consent agree;
And they who with thy people strive, make war, O God, with thee;
O God who in our father's time, didst smite our foes and thine;
So smite thine enemies today, who in their pride combine.
Make them like dust and stubble blown before the whirlwind dire;
In terror driv'n before the storm of thy consuming fire;
Confound them in their sin till they to thee for pardon fly;
Till in dismay, they trembling own that thou art God most high.

Sermon11/28/15 1:22 AM
FG | USA  Find all comments by FG
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Answering Tough Questions About the...
Pastor John MacArthur
“ Great Sermon! ”
Wickedness is always done under the cover of darkness, especially by our throne of iniquity which frames mischief by law(Ps. 94:20), like this, the North American Union, and the NDAA. Shall it have fellowship with God? It shall not. The government that serves God has its citizens as its primary beneficiary and not itself. It is concerned primarily with rewarding good and punishing evil and with "continuity of government."

News Item11/28/15 1:17 AM
FG | USA  Find all comments by FG
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Wickedness is always done under the cover of darkness, especially by our throne of iniquity which frames mischief by law(Ps. 94:20), like this, the North American Union, and the NDAA. Shall it have fellowship with God? It shall not.

News Item11/28/15 1:06 AM
FG | USA  Find all comments by FG
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Yeah but Christians aren't supposed to be concerned with things such as a looming police state or mass surveillance, right?

News Item11/27/15 7:41 AM
FG | USA  Find all comments by FG
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And there are enough zombies in this country to swallow this trash hook' line and sinker.

News Item11/24/15 12:34 AM
FG | USA  Find all comments by FG
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Psa 82:5 They know not, neither will they understand; they walk on in darkness: all the foundations of the earth are out of course.
Ignorance is knowledge, war is peace, slavery is freedom, good is evil, evil is good. Oh WOE to this nation!

News Item11/23/15 9:12 PM
FG | USA  Find all comments by FG
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For you Romans 13 bots (left and right wing), I suggest you read Charles Hodge on Romans 13 and get a full orbed perspective on what the passage really teaches. As for Obama, this pastor is right. He is the leader of the free world and he does indeed owe Christians a shamefaced apology. He has been nothing short of an unmitigated disaster. You would have to search some dark times in history to find an individual who not only supports but promotes and bold-facedly forwards the sodomite and muslim agenda. This guy takes the cake and it's time for the states to revolt in accordance to the rights given them by an in line with Romans 13 Constitution. It is opposite of the role of government, according to Romans 13, for a leader to allow 200,000 foreign refugees to invade their country and continue to maintain an open border, thereby endangering the lives of its citizens. It's time to seriously call Barak Hussein Obama to the carpet along with all his Republican and Democrat cronies, call a spade a spade and stop what adds up to nothing more than this insessant defense of our favorite political football teams.

Sermon11/15/15 12:28 AM
FG | USA  Find all comments by FG
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Tragically a day late and a dollar short for my church. Have to endure the discomfort of the occasional use of New Calvinist or New Frontier "hymns" when my conscience is not at ease promoting these "hymns" by singing them in worship. Stuart Townend's attitude is especially bad, stating that Jesus would be playing heavy metal and rockin out if he were on earth today. Sounds like another Jesus to me and not the Jesus of the bible. I hope he's not worshipping another Jesus.
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