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News Item1/25/17 12:25 PM
Allie  Find all comments by Allie
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Real simple. Don't put your girls in the organization. Plain and simple. Take kids out of public school. Simple and quick solution. Me tinks that a lot of feminists are going to start showing their fangs once it occurs to all of them that the men in drag with start muscling in on their privileges. Wait until the competition heats up for jobs, sports, combat, etc. These guys are going to blow them out of the water. The same will happen for women living as men. Women are going to be hurt and left with the short end of the stick. They will be back to square one, but worse off.

News Item1/25/17 12:19 PM
Allie  Find all comments by Allie
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Senate has to pass it. House passes stuff they know the Senatw won't as a posturing jesture. We should pray for abortion to end and I know most of you are and want to see it done away with. Remember Wilberforce and be encouraged. He was tireless about ending slavery, not deterring it. He kept speaking up and out. Keep praying. Even if we don't live to see it end keep praying.

News Item1/23/17 8:24 PM
Allie  Find all comments by Allie
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I would not have gone down there. Those people were angry and belligerent. Like witnessing at a gay parade. Just my opinion. I would say that Ashley Judd and Gloria Steinem came from broken homes and I think their fathers had little to do with them growing up. Madonna's mom died when she was a young child. These women have anger issues that seemed linked to their domestic situations while growing up. I suspect a lot of these women at this march have a similar story. Couple that with not having a hope in Christ and we see this. I hope we are all praying for these folks. They desperately need Christ. This is not amusing and is heartbreaking.

News Item1/20/17 9:08 AM
Allie  Find all comments by Allie
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I think we should pray for Mr. Trump and Mr. Pence. Mr. Trump is not right, but we know from scripture God raises up the basest of men to rule. That has been the case in America for many years now. We are commanded to pray for our leaders and to live a quiet life. God is still on the throne and still has His primary concern of His glory and His people. Nothing has changed for the Believer. He is still beloved of God and on his way to glory. All nations will cease to exist when He comes in the clouds so let us not set our hearts in things here, but above. Where our heart is is where our treasure is as Christ said.

News Item1/19/17 6:31 AM
Allie  Find all comments by Allie
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I have said that transgender nonsense is the new misogyny. A man can be a woman and enjoy the privileges of a woman. Men who could not do well competing against other men can put on a dress and beat them in sports, claim scholarships, entry into organizations, be included in focus groups for women, etcetera. They could take jobs from women too. This is making a mockery of women. A dude in drag beating up a woman would not be frowned upon as he would were he dressed as a man and did it. This seems to be the final result of feminism. The extinction of women. Feminists did not have the forsight that this would happen. All woman suffer now because of those "pioneers". Man has still found a way to harm woman this time with the help of women.

News Item1/15/17 6:58 AM
Allie  Find all comments by Allie
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Salvation is through faith alone through Christ. By grace we are saved. It was only right to stop murdering the innocent, but that cannot atone for his sin. May God truly save his soul. We can all pray for that and thank God he stopped murdering babies.

News Item1/14/17 7:31 AM
Allie  Find all comments by Allie
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Shocking and heartbreaking! I do not recall people trying to make abortion holy in America until recent years. What is ironic is that most of the people in the photo were black. Blacks have the highest abortion rates of any ethnic group. Many blacks have gotten angry about some recent altercations between police and blacks, but support this? Is this like when Jews become antisemetic? These folks rally about a handful of incidents involving cops and blacks and then call on demons to bless PP. Our numbers never rise despite the abolishment of slavery, Jim Crow laws, better nutrition, better shelter, better healthcare. Could this be why? Why we are systemically killing off ourselves? Our own worst enemy? I remember the expression "Black is beautiful" if so, why are we snuffing out its beauty?

News Item1/10/17 5:26 AM
Allie  Find all comments by Allie
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Dave wrote:
Pray for total ban on abortion, end of if story.
So at 19 weeks it's not murder, but at 22 it is!
Sad isn't it. Pro-choice is abortion on demand. Pro-life is the regulating of abortion. God hates hands that shed innocent blood. That include its regulating of it.

News Item1/9/17 9:50 AM
Allie  Find all comments by Allie
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Christopher000 wrote:
This is going to be on my mind for the rest of the day...very disturbing that even toddlers are being raised to hate from diapers, and casually murder as if it's something fun, like some sort of a child's game. Woe to those adults who teach them such evil, and woe to them who encourage them to actually do such wicked, Satanic things.
Pray. Pray for the gospel to overcome the evil. That is the only hope. Pray for our leaders to respond rightly to such evil and to protect the US from this. Pray for godly leaders. Pray for the non-muslims who live amongst them. May I kindly and humbly suggest reading Corrie Ten Boon story? I think a good thing as a follow up to reading such horrific news. Remember......Jesus will return and squash this barbarity.

News Item12/28/16 8:51 AM
Allie  Find all comments by Allie
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Andy Stanley is a false teacher and in need of salvation himself. He has been spreading false teaching for years. Years. These statements are part of a laundry list of antchrist statements by him. SBC should kick him out for heresy, but they won't. SBC as a whole is not about orthodoxy. That denomination tolerates false teachers and won't root them out. There are some sound SBC's out there, but even they won't come out from among them. Why? Only God knows. I don't.

News Item12/18/16 3:36 PM
Allie  Find all comments by Allie
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Ignominious Emirakan wrote:
Abortion is wrong because it's a baby, and it's always wrong to intentionally kill a baby, and that's because children are made in God's image and God said, "Do not kill the innocent."
[URL=]]]Why Abortion is wrong[/URL]
[URL=]]]No exceptions- be abolitionist!Defend innocents[/URL]
You are right. Even ectopic pregnancies can go to term and there has been a procedure done to move the baby inside the uterus. Let's be honest and put the cards on the table. Abortion is murder everytime. Rape, incest, etc was just a back door to make it legal. Like "medical" marijuana. Now that people have accepted the "exceptions" so now abortion on demand is the reality throughout all 9 mos though that was not supposed to be the case. Now we have recreational marijuana since people have warmed up the "medical" reasons for it. Homosex is an orientation, then Civil unions, then gay marriage. Same old trick and it works everytime.

Sermon12/17/16 6:54 AM
Allie  Find all comments by Allie
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“ An encouragement ”
MJuney. Sounds like you need to talk with the leadership. Do you know if anyone else had voiced concerns? If they won't change find another church. Don't waste your time staying there if they do not repent immediately or if the congregation does not put a stop to it. One or both need to happen. So many churches are worldly and not really serious about the gospel. Not satisfied with scripture and preaching the Word. Be prayerful about it. Remember, don't stay at a church where they are not commited to the preaching of the Word. We have to record of The Apostles using Greek or Roman Theatre during worship services. He stressed preaching of the Word. Hope this helps. I will pray for you.

News Item12/15/16 11:03 AM
Allie  Find all comments by Allie
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Pastor Jon wrote:
Hate to break it to you Frank but God apparently isn't as strict in who he allows to be his Born Again children and whether they are old or young earth. Personally, I'm young earth, but I do recognize that that is simply NO scripture to back someone saying every Christian must take this young earth view or they aren't regenerate Christians.
Give some scripture for your dogmatic view
Good Morning Pastor. I think the questing is does the word "day" as translated mean 24hrs. If so, then to believe in Theistic Evolution would be put of line with scripture. It would be unbelief and calling God a liar. I do think some Christians not in a good orthodox church may have been taught error, but The Spirit will guide them into the truth and they will abandon such error. So, I guess you are both right in a way.

News Item12/5/16 11:29 AM
Allie  Find all comments by Allie
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Asa wrote:
Speaking of critters; does anyone know to get rid of pesky gophers? They are all over our property and destroying much of our vegetation.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
A gun would be effective. If you do not want to use a firearm you could find their holes and pour something foul smelling down it. I used a little bleach and the critter took up residence at a neighbor behind and to my left. Make sure they love bean plants so if you have a garden, secure it and take daily peeks to make sure they have not gotten in. You can also use a trap. Once trapped you can pop it or release it several miles (and I mean several) aways. It really depends om where you live and your property. Those things are very destructive and need to be gotten rid of. You could get a dog or two as well.

News Item11/30/16 10:14 AM
Allie  Find all comments by Allie
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pennelope wrote:
its communism folks, don't ya see it yet?
they go for the youth, destroy family, make the state god, destroy all that is sacred, and take land rights, people lose jobs, only value is in your victim class, people left to fight dystopically for what they are fed from the top.
the church is going to have to name this movement and call it out or they will be the persecutors of the brethren.
I think we can attribute this to Roman 1:18-32. As man rejects God he goes mad and does what is not fitting and irrational. Communism is a result of Rom 1:18-32. Believers know that Christ is ruling and that when He returns all physical governments will end. We need to call people to repent not just repudiate government systems. Christians have survived Communism and all other tyranny. We speak truth and want good for our fellow man. Communism is not good because it is against God. Let us pray to live quiet and peacful lives as scripture tells us and pray for those in authority that they would repent, fear God, and govern according to Rom 13. Have a great day!

News Item11/5/16 8:35 AM
Allie  Find all comments by Allie
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Mr b wrote:
Me either John. I dont respect false religions. And that's what it is
May Christ appear and end all this evil. I am sick to my stomach. ISIS is an apt picture of the depravity of man. May God have mercy on their victims. May the Gospel of Christ overcome this great evil. Jesus came to give life. The opposite of this.

News Item11/5/16 8:31 AM
Allie  Find all comments by Allie
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Bishop Baker wrote:
I noticed that ABC/Disney has been fudging polls this week so I felt in my heart that the fix is in. This Current administrator and the Clinton machine has been the most crooked politicians that we've saw in history.
Hopefully professing Christians will stop spending money on the Disney franchise. Movies, them parks, clothes, toys, etc.

News Item11/2/16 6:27 AM
Allie  Find all comments by Allie
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Maybe I am too plain speaking, but "poignant" reply isn't necessary. Jen spoke in defiance of scripture and called evil good. She is a wolf is sheep's clothing and an unbeliever. Period. She is a motivational speaker with a little Christianity stirred in. She should have been marked as a false teacher long ago. This is giving place to the devil by affirming her false teaching until she calls homosexuality holy. Lifeway did right to pull her material, but should have never sold her material in the first place. Let me add one other observation. If Jen Hatmaker is calling a sexual act holy that God calls an abomination and affirms it because the gov says it s legal what other sexual perversion will she say is holy? I hear bestiality is on some level decriminalized in Canda. Will she say it is holy and the church should offer resources to people and their animals? There is chatter in academia that pedophilia is an orientation (sound familiar?). Will she call that holy when it becomes legal? She is to be called what she is publically and then shunned by the Christian community never to be acknowledged again unless she gets saved.

News Item11/1/16 6:27 AM
Allie  Find all comments by Allie
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If they cave, do not let kids read it. I always see those mags in the Doctor and Dentist offices. I remember seeing them in school as a youngster. Pray they will not bow to this.

News Item11/1/16 6:25 AM
Allie  Find all comments by Allie
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Ireland and other nations of adult peoples obsessed with sex will no doubt corrupt its children. I am sorry, but the adults need to change first. It is the adult politicians that make it legal to possess and view. It is the adult entertainers that make and distribute it. It is the adult citizen that bring it into their homes where children dwell. It is adult women that go out in public dressed like hookers for all to see including children. It is parents who put tv's and computers with internet access in their kids bedrooms. Its adults giving their kids access to cellphone with internet and texting capabilities so they can view and send porn. Its the adults that present a steady diet of media to children so that they grow up addicted to mind stimulating fantasy. I am praying for American and will start praying for The West. We cause these problems and yet so blinded and hardened by it we can't see the root cause or way out. It is through repentance and faith in Christ. He needs to cleanse from sin.
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