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News Item1/9/08 5:32 PM
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Ah, the "we have the power" and "we have the theological goods" crowd.

May God preserve his saints from them.

Neil - I agree with you on the "progressives". Interestingly, Tony Campolo was advocating such share buying about 20 years ago, with a very different agenda though.

God raised up a Reformation to free the saints from the "compel them to come in" crowd. The label has changed and there are new Popes but it is still a form of Romanism whatever confession of faith they pin to themselves.

News Item1/9/08 3:49 PM
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Jim - Nothing to with Great Britain (Northern Ireland is not in GB) nor even the UK.

News Item1/9/08 12:57 PM
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... and from some of the professing 'pastors' I've encountered attending their 'church' can be even more deadly to one's soul.

News Item1/8/08 6:30 PM
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Much as Bible believers would all agree on the foul and offensive nature of the EU Directive some interesting phraseology is used:-
"The First Minister is to be congratulated on the stand he has taken on this issue thus far in blocking it. We would ask that he continues in his opposition to it."

"Thus far". It seems to me that there is a tacit admission here that the First Minister and the Northern Ireland Legislature has no ultimate right in law to block legally sovereign EU Directives.

Thus he is to be congratulated in "thus far blocking it" but only being asked that he continue to "oppose" it .... as the EU is the legally sovereign power that overrides?

News Item1/7/08 12:12 PM
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Finally a news story on here that reports the overhwelmingly positive aspects for the US economy about a weak dollar. Sadly, it's only used as an intro to doom and gloom for missionaries.

Yet, God rules and reigns even over the currency markets. If missionary "projects" are being cancelled perhaps it's time for those involved to fall on their knees and pray God what he would be teaching them.

News Item12/31/07 5:02 PM
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Doug wrote:
For those of you who have 20 bucks to invest in a newly-released book by expert climatologist Dr. Greg Singer of George Mason University, which is filled with years of research, read "Unstoppable Global Warming . . . Every 1,500 Years".
Dr. Singer is not an entertainer, or politician, but is a chaired professor with years of research experience.
Hi Doug - I googled and I think you meant Fred Singer. I haven't seen the book you quote myself but one Amazon reviewer reports
"The causes of the 1,500 year cycle are not well understood although 600 of them have been identified in the last million years."

As a Bible believer and consequently a young earth creationist I would NOT myself endorse such a "million years" thesis regardless of which side of the coin it came up on in the global warming debate.

News Item12/31/07 4:58 PM
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Doug wrote:
This tells me ALL I need to know about
Pick up a copy of "Unstoppable Global Warming . . . Every 1500 years", written by a known and well-respected climatology researcher, Dr. Greg Singer, with affiliation with a major Virginia University. Al Gore??? C'mon . . .
Hi Doug - I googled and I think you meant Fred Singer. I haven't seen the book you quote myself but one Amazon reviewer reports
"The causes of the 1,500 year cycle are not well understood although 600 of them have been identified in the last million years."

As a Bible believer and consequently a young earth creationist I would NOT myself endorse such a "million years" thesis regardless of which side of the coin it came up on in the global warming debate.

News Item12/30/07 10:40 PM
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Kenny thank you. I knew you could state something that Al Gore ACTUALLY SAID.

"Apparently you are either a Gore supporter or a believer in 'global warming' or both."
So because I would not join you condemning a man's character by the look of his eyes when he talks I am a "Gore supporter"?

Is that your "biblical" standard of evidence? How about examining what I ACTUALLY SAID?

I last heard such "look of the eyes" reasoning from an ARBCA church's deacon at a church members' meeting.
(Next day, we heeded the words of a godly reformed baptist pastor years before who had always exhorted his flock to leave a church if we ever saw it depart from the Word of God).

Kenny - I exhort you to follow the teachings and example of God rather than unrighteous men.
"Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment."
It's about how you judge, not just the answer you come to.

News Item12/30/07 9:27 PM
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kenny wrote:
Yes. I am being objective.
I have watched Al Gore for many years. I base my opinion of him on my observations of him over time. His recent appearance on David Letterman's show only reinforced my opinion.
I am no expert on the ins and outs of mental health and stability so "certifiable nut" is conjecture on my part. "Stupid", however, is stupid and if Al Gore is not some kind of robot being controlled by sinister forces, based on his own words and behavior, I believe him to be stupid.
Since this is indeed a Christian website, I will henceforth refer to him as "brutish" rather than "stupid".
Therefore, based upon years of observation, I am of the opinion that Al Gore is brutish. He also scares me so I stand by "scary", too.
Kenny - from your "many years" and "observations over time" amd "years of observations" is there not one single objective documented fact that you would like to bring forward in support of your opinions?

News Item12/30/07 2:32 PM
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"The heated Chinese reaction to a controversy over whether officials actually had issued an order to ban Bibles in Olympic facilities being built for the 2008 games shows there is an underlying worry over issues involving religion, according to a Christian ministry. "

Utter rubbish from WND once again being propagated.

Yes, there is a grave concern over China's persecution of Christ. The evidence is ample.

But No, the Chinese government's indignant reaction to a pack of lies in the media does not show one jot that there is an underlying worry over issues involving religion in China. Indignation is a perfectly appropriate reaction to lies.

The fact that such ridiculous statements are put out by WND and "a Christian ministry" only serve to show an underlying worry about WND and "a Christian ministry".

It would be more Christian to apologise for the garbage story propagated in the first place. That might serve as a Christian witness to the Chinese government. This "news" reporting will not - it is a disservice to the cause of Christ in China (and also throughout the world wide web).

Thank you again Sermonaudio for bringing to our attention the nonsense peddled by WND.

News Item12/30/07 1:53 PM
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kenny wrote:
Watch his eyes when he talks.
Kenny - I know this is a Christian website but with all of Gore's on the record public statements couldn't you base your beliefs about him (being "stupid", "crazy", "scary", "certifiable nut") on something more objective?

Doug - does Dr Greg Singer claim more than say, 4, of these every 1500 year global warmings?
How old do you believe the earth to be?
How old does Dr Greg Singer believe the earth to be?
Are you being consistent with your own belief system when you advocate his theory?

News Item12/30/07 1:42 PM
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If they were Christian wouldn't it have been easier to just read Psalm 23?

A pointless 40 year battle.

Oh no - 666 is in my validation code. What does that mean?

News Item12/30/07 12:57 PM
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No Susan, that is not what you said was a joke.
I am not asking you about the mainstream media.
I am asking you about your statement.

Why do you believe that not having vast sums of money makes someone a 'joke' and unworthy presidential candidate?

News Item12/30/07 5:09 AM
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Yes, Susan, very good, you noticed my scepticism of US foreign policy in my comment.

Buy, why do you believe that not having vast sums of money makes someone a 'joke' and unworthy presidential candidate?

News Item12/28/07 3:44 AM
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AntiVaticanistAmercian wrote:
"GK": Give "gg" some credit; After All "A Broken Kooky-Clock is At Least Right Just Once a Day" !
Really? "Just Once a Day" you say? I didn't know it was as few times as that.

News Item12/28/07 3:34 AM
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Susan Miller wrote:
The Huckster only raised 75k, what a joke! Ron Paul wakes up with that in his bank account every other day.
So a man with only $75k is by that measure "a joke" and by implication unworthy to be President?

Do please keep on spreading "democracy" across the globe.

News Item12/27/07 6:08 PM
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Robert Perry wrote:
Interesting claim; she apparently ignores the fact that the Bible does not attack Rome for failing to provide for the education and medical care of the poor, and does not fault Rome for failing ot have a progressive income tax.
Unconvincing argument from silence.

Robert Perry wrote:
She also seems to ignore the fact that the main roles for government (Romans 13) are to punish the wicked and commend the just.
No, surely this main role for government is implicitly assumed throughout.

Robert Perry wrote:
Any help for the poor from government, Biblically speaking, is by protecting them from those who would victimize them.
Your key word there is "any". It seems the author's belief in the rule of law and the impartial active exercising of it is assumed throughtout.

Robert Perry wrote:
the politics/economics of Galbraith are a chief contributor to human misery around the world.
A bold, sweeping assertion on a par with the assertions of the left or religious conspiracy theorists. Sounds as plausible as blaming Bush/CFR/Illuminati/Castro/Sir Alex Ferguson as chief contributors for most of what goes wrong in the world.

News Item12/18/07 6:56 PM
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For a man with a Suffolk name you need to be advised that that insult (which I assume Sermonaudio will have the good grace to delete very soon) "always" applies to YOU and your ancestors!

Kettle calls kettle black.

News Item12/14/07 6:51 PM
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Well Mike E, I share some of your political concerns and echo the sentiment
"Numerous Evangelical and Fundamentalist groups (especially the Dispensational variety) have refused to support mission activity in Palestine as if evangelizing the Palestinians is an affront to God because it stands in the way of Israel's unquenchable Zionist appetite. "

However in my estimation your post loses Christian credibility with the silly jibe about "YOUR criteria for being born again".

The "criteria" (your word) is Christ's criteria but more than that is His good and perfect work. Thankfully that view is shared by many Arab Christians too - to the praise and glory of Christ!

Blog12/13/07 4:27 PM
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Looks like I missed the show.

I'm struck by the assumption that the key issue addressed is the absence of a "Biblical worldview".

I would suggest in answer to the question "Do You Really Believe What You Profess?" what is missing today is an absence of HOLINESS and REPENTANCE.

I have seen the most blatant and appalling breaches of the 10 Commandments by professing pastors, deacons, churches and Christians in general. Whilst not an absolute rule it has often been the case that it is those who spoke the most about "Biblical worldviews" who were unrepentant for their sin.

"Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord: Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled; Lest there be any fornicator, or profane person, as Esau, who for one morsel of meat sold his birthright. For ye know how that afterward, when he would have inherited the blessing, he was rejected: for he found no place of repentance, though he sought it carefully with tears."

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