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News Item12/16/2020 12:52 PM
Ladybug  Find all comments by Ladybug
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comments - Over the years, however, some American medical researchers have deliberately violated the rules to gain the inside track to scientific knowledge, usually at a horrific cost to the innocent people involved. The results of these human experiments were atrocious.

Human Experiments: The Horrors Of Mustard Gas.A squad of soldiers from New York lines up waiting for orders to enter the gas chamber. Once inside, the mustard gas would be sprayed over them and the men would sometimes be ordered to remove their masks. .Of course, nobody in their right mind would volunteer to have mustard gas tested on them. The “gas” is actually a sticky, oily resin that causes chemical burns on exposed skin and uncontrollable bleeding in the lungs when it’s inhaled. That’s probably why the Army didn’t bother asking for consent from the soldiers it exposed in Panama in 1942."
Once again, humans are being used as guinea pigs for an untested MRNA vaccine😓

News Item12/16/2020 11:42 AM
Ladybug  Find all comments by Ladybug
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birds of a feather.
When a spouse leaves you for another of the same sex, that bitter root takes hold and is unleashed on others. It carries over and consumes that person. When the ego is bruised because someone refuses to see another as their sole mentor, they spend the rest of their days in attempt to retaliate. A domineering spirit is evil. This again is a by product of a bitter root taking hold. Hatred comes in many forms and disguises, particularly in 'religious' circles/cliques. God protects His sheep from false brethren❤️💜

News Item12/16/2020 9:23 AM
Ladybug  Find all comments by Ladybug
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"Biden and Harris deservedly have been described as the most pro-abortion ticket in the history of U.S. presidential politics — exceeding even the extremism on abortion of the previous two Democratic presidential nominees, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton."-

"The Democratic Party strongly and unequivocally supports Roe v. Wade and a woman’s right to choose a safe and legal abortion, regardless of ability to pay, and we oppose any and all efforts to weaken or undermine that right.”

“2008 Democratic Party Platform,”, Aug. 13, 2008 -.

News Item12/16/2020 9:18 AM
Ladybug  Find all comments by Ladybug
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"Trump has already had thr virus and survived. It makes no logical sense to vaccinate him." Exactly, the recovery rate is 99.95% for those under 70 and 95% for those over 70. The vaccine has a 90% effective rate, so why get it?!? Some have taken it and had false positives for hiv afterwards. These madmen need to inject themselves first, then let's wait and see what happens.

News Item12/16/2020 8:14 AM
Ladybug  Find all comments by Ladybug
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Ecumenists hate the truth of God's word, they cling to their double minded religion that says you can make decisions, after all, so many were saved under that false gospel right? Mysticism is acceptable as well in double minded religion. Misogynists hate it when Christian women challenge and expose their Babylonian religion. They go off on a tangent, hurling their devilish accusations, they attack anyone who exposes their error with truth. That is what strong delusion looks like, and it is sent by the God they rail against. Pharisees like to talk about their prayer walks, their 'testimony' etc. The sheep speak of Christ alone and rest in Him❤️

News Item12/15/2020 8:44 PM
ladybug  Find all comments by ladybug
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Great points James. This isn't over just yet. Whatever God has ordained, that's what it will be. Either way, we pray for mercy.

Tim, I just now saw your response, sorry I missed it. You are right, they know this is fraud. If this continues, there will be a war in this country. People are NOT going to be robbed of the simplest of things like being able to shop w/o getting vaccinated. No one has a right to control the health decisions of another person. They're all for that, it will help with their depopulation agenda.

News Item12/15/2020 8:40 PM
ladybug  Find all comments by ladybug
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CES- Good to hear from you, I pray all is well.

Mike, great point, I never thought of it that way

News Item12/15/2020 6:43 PM
ladybug  Find all comments by ladybug
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If this were an actual Christian forum, with true blood bought born again believers and nothing else, and monitored as such, then yes, some would be kicked off the forum. Those who exalt decisionism style of religion, like the Grahams, or mysticism, or any dead works based conditional kind of Babylonian religion, would get the boot.
But, it is a news based forum that posts a some variety {not much} of news stories, mainly political and RCC type stories.
It's funny how some come to Jim's defense, in a round about sort of way, yet any other time they are slapping him down for his political views. Some will side with the devil just to try and get their 'digs' in
What a sad kind of religion some hold to....some call others 'brother' regardless of what gospel they hold to, discernment is surely scarce. Doesn't really matter what you believe, as long as you say 'Jesus'. Like a dear believer often says, 'check your Gospel'. Those who are deluded never see it, you cannot truly repent of your dead works until God shows you those dead works. That is the only repentance that counts, it's a 'repentance towards God', yet most miss this. Only God can grant insight....

News Item12/15/2020 3:29 PM
Ladybug  Find all comments by Ladybug
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You quote commentary and sermons, I will quote His word- , “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel.” from strong's 'to think differently or afterwards'. It's a mind change about what you think concerning Christ and His way of salvation, with no mention of sin. If repenting of sin were necessary, no one would be saved, for no one is ever sinless. If you think you must repent of sin, you are in deep trouble with your god, you hate Trump, you condone abortion and homosexuality via your political affiliation. Thank God He grants understanding to His elect.

News Item12/15/2020 2:43 PM
Ladybug  Find all comments by Ladybug
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Being right wing or left does not matter Jim Lincoln, you fail to see this because of your darkened mind. You think one is better than the other, yet BOTH are evil. One isn't saved based on a stance in politics. Being morally upright does not save anyone. The only way to salvation is believing on Christ's atoning sacrifice, He alone is the only propitiation for the sins of both Jew and Gentile. You live for this life Jim, you have both feet in the world, you look to politics to be your guide in life. You mishandle the word of God to suit you, how dreadful it will be for you. You worship at the feet of Baal...

News Item12/15/2020 2:35 PM
Ladybug  Find all comments by Ladybug
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Anybody that proclaims a false kind of religion, a false jesus, a different gospel is an enemy of Christ and His elect. This the cry to come out from among them. There should be no spiritual fellowship, no calling them brother or sister.

Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. Romans 16:17

Embracing wolves and false brethren is what opens that ecumenical door.

Concerning Jim, he claims to be a Christian per the Roman Road, a branch of Arminian heresy. Most here don't embrace him, some do. None address his Roman road gospel😓😓

News Item12/15/2020 1:37 PM
Ladybug  Find all comments by Ladybug
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QC, I cannot see how it is considered gracious to allow the pushing of anti God agendas on a continual basis. But, this really isn't a Christian based forum. It's a news based forum that covers a lot of politics, for example. It's more secular than anything, my mistake for forgetting that.

News Item12/15/2020 1:17 PM
Ladybug  Find all comments by Ladybug
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Harris is about as Christian as you are jim, iow, she isn't. "Harris seems to disdain people of faith actively, and her record shows this too. When Hobby Lobby approached the Supreme Court asking for an exemption to Obamacare’s contraceptive mandate, Harris was already the attorney general of California. In 2014, she filed an amicus brief, telling the Supreme Court not to give Hobby Lobby a religious exemption. "Rights to the free exercise of religious beliefs, whether created by statute or by the Constitution, likewise protect the development and expression of an 'inner sanctum' of personal religious faith," she wrote. "Free-exercise rights have thus also been understood as personal, relating only to individual believers and to a limited class of associations comprising or representing them."
Here's another link
Nowhere does Harris or Biden talk of Jesus Christ or His atoning work, instead they use generic terms like 'people/person of Faith', or "Christian' which is a broad, inclusive term. They play the religion card like you do, whenever they think it may benefit them

News Item12/15/2020 12:52 PM
Ladybug  Find all comments by Ladybug
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It's only just begun, once Harris is sworn in the global elite can go full steam ahead with their reset. There will be loss of life, and civil war, cyber war, etc. Many people will die as a result, along with the toxic vaccine. Jim delights in all this, sick demented mentality runs deep in the far left mind. This is not about trump and Biden. This is about doing away with America, the constitution, freedom to travel about for all countries, etc. It's about getting on board with them ruling over mankind. Trump can't save anybody, Biden sure can't. He doesn't even know where he is most of the time. They will have their one world government/rule. This horrific evil is swallowing up the globe, Jim Lincoln is estactic
..what a sick man... Satan delights in chaos too, like Jim, Satan delights in the death of others, even the unborn.

News Item12/15/2020 12:04 PM
Ladybug  Find all comments by Ladybug
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Several covid vaccines contain aborted fetal cells -

"Vaccine makers using at least one of these fetal cell lines in the development of their COVID-19 vaccines include:15,16,17

AstraZeneca (HEK293)

Jansen Research and Development (owned by Johnson & Johnson), (PER.C6)

CanSino Biologics (HEK293)

University of Pittsburgh (HEK293)

ImmunityBio (HEK293)

Altimmune (PER.C6)

News Item12/15/2020 8:47 AM
Ladybug  Find all comments by Ladybug
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Jim Lincoln is just like his father in john 8:44. Only a sadistic mind would think it acceptable to slaughter an innocent unborn child. What's more disturbing is that SA gives Jim Lincoln a platform to come here daily and push satanic agendas and lies👺☠️

News Item12/15/2020 8:42 AM
Ladybug  Find all comments by Ladybug
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Audit Finds Mich. County's Dominion Voting Was Rigged to Create Fraud--§ion=us&keywords=antrim-county-michigan-forensic&year=2020&month=12&date=14&id=1001505

"We conclude that the Dominion Voting System is intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results," the audit report prepared by Allied Security Operations Group read.

News Item12/15/2020 8:31 AM
Ladybug  Find all comments by Ladybug
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This excellent video shows us the next pandemic on the global elites list, cyber attacks. The world economic forum has all the bases covered in their takeover -

News Item12/15/2020 7:54 AM
Ladybug  Find all comments by Ladybug
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Several covid vaccines contain aborted fetal cells -

News Item12/14/2020 9:11 PM
ladybug  Find all comments by ladybug
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"Dr. Romeo Quijano, retired professor of Pharmacology & Toxicology at the College of Medicine, University of the Philippines Manila, noted some of the dangers of the experimental gene editing when applied to human vaccines- “the danger that the vaccine might actually “enhance” the pathogenicity of the virus, or make it more aggressive possibly due to antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE), as what happened with previous studies on test vaccines in animals. If that should happen in a major human trial the outcome could be disastrous. This serious adverse effect may not even be detected by a clinical trial especially in highly biased clinical trials laden with conflicts of interest involving vaccine companies. Even when a serious adverse event is detected, this is usually swept under the rug.” He cites the case of another Gates mRNA vaccine candidate, Moderna, where “three of the 15 human experimental subjects in the high dose group suffered serious and medically significant symptoms. Moderna, however, concluded that the vaccine was “generally safe and well tolerated,” which the corporate-dominated media dutifully reported, covering-up the real danger.”-
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