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News Item4/15/07 6:35 AM
cindy | northwestern PA  Find all comments by cindy
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The operative word is "most", not all. Certainly I don't know all men but the majority of the ones I have encountered in my life, and that has been many, have been demeaning towards women.

I grew up in a household of men. I had 2 brothers only a year older and 2 years older than me and my dad of course. All of them are born-again, but all 3 of them criticised me throughout my growing up years and made me feel that my only worth was being attractive. If I put on extra weight due to puberty, immediately I was called fat or overweight. I was repeatedly called stupid.

Several men that I have dated, especially Christian men, had slandered me grossly when I rejected them physically and romantically, calling me whore (that's their favorite) and stupid (that also is their favorite) and many other things.

I don't know if it's because I am very attractive that just makes them especially insecure around me but I believe it is.

When I worked in a convenience store in North Jersey, I lost about 20 lbs. The regular men that came in every AM for coffee suddenly were interested in me. And that was the same for Christian men at church. Suddenly I was respected. Now that is Shallow.

You can say what you want but I know what I have experienced personally. And th

News Item4/14/07 7:47 PM
cindy | northwestern PA  Find all comments by cindy
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Obviously murdering your husband or wife is the wrong route to take...........but I am sure she took a lot of criticism from her husband. Most women I have known have taken a lot of verbal abuse from their husbands because like I have said before, most men treat women like they are stupid idiots. I grew up in a household like that.

Most men do not respect women. I have been called stupid so many times before by "Christian men" that it has totally turned me off towards marriage. I have no desire to get married and subject myself to that nonsense. Unfortunately women put up with it because they say that is just the way men are and they absolutely must have a man in their life to feel complete.

I am grateful I am not stuck in a marriage with a man who does not respect me!!!!!

News Item4/13/07 4:51 PM
cindy | northwestern PA  Find all comments by cindy
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Wow, maybe this is the cause of bad breath!!! Micro-organisms are everywhere looking for a portal of entry. Those nazi germs must be eradicated.

My brother works for Johnson and Johnson in Princeton, NJ. He is the Art Director there and he designs labels for their products. Hope everyone knows about it because he has little boys that rinse with this stuff.

Seems like everything is being recalled nowadays. Sloppy work and overworked employees. Even our pets aren't safe.

Survey4/12/07 6:40 PM
cindy | northwestern PA  Find all comments by cindy
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Thanks for your response seem like a mature woman who's grown in the Lord.

And yes we do agree with scripture that women are not to usurp the role of men in the church but nevertheless, that does not mean that women have no voice.

And understand I wasn't judging you, I just wanted to clarify what seemed to me a contradiction.....that's all.

Survey4/12/07 5:43 AM
cindy | northwestern PA  Find all comments by cindy
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Funny that Packer (J.I. Packer) should know about holiness when he compromises with Rome all the time and thinks nothing of it.

He even signed the ECT document to which they are coming out with ECT #2 and I am sure he will be endorsing it wholeheartedly and signing his life away.

I wouldn't listen to him at all just in light of that fact.

Survey4/12/07 5:38 AM
cindy | northwestern PA  Find all comments by cindy
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Because your very last sentence in your comment...."And maybe I should be quiet now"......implies that you are referring to this web site to which I have heard enough men make snide remarks to women who were posting comments essentially saying that women are stupid. That is why I made the comment to you because you imply that you are to be silent even here to which you have made so many teaching comments. So obviously you spoke facetiously.

When I first started posting here several months ago, many of the male posters made it very clear that women should not be posting here because they are in rebellion to the scriptures and it is important to me to clarify exactly what the scriptures mean (there is nothing wrong with women posting here, outside the church).

Too many Christian men are out of line with that scripture and frankly there are enough Christian men who are pastors that should not be in their postions because some of them are leading their flock down a dangerous road and should not be in the pastorate. There are many Christian who I simply would not give 1 minute of my time listening to because they do not stand wholeheartedly for the Truth without compromise and set no example for their other words they are above the law.

That is all I am saying

News Item4/11/07 9:29 PM
cindy | northwestern PA  Find all comments by cindy
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The U.N. is nothing but a bunch of unified nitwits! What comes out of that league is nothing but brainless morons and brainless programs.

But once again there is nothing wrong with a Christian white woman who wants to marry a Christian Chinese man or vice versa. But I will say this, if one wants to marry any particular person whether they are white, black, red, green, tall, short, fat, thin, handsome, ugly, they'd better take the time to get to know the person and have talks over important themes that are woven into marriage and do alot of praying if they want their marriage to last.

Oh and many great men of God from many years ago married outside their race. For example a white man marrying a japanese woman. I knew a white Christian man who married a girl from Singapore. Is he polluted now? Really, come on now....they both love each other very much and attend a wonderful church together and serve there.

Survey4/11/07 9:20 PM
cindy | northwestern PA  Find all comments by cindy
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Perhaps you should be silent if you do indeed obey scripture for you have made several teaching comments here on this forum already. What is your response to that?

I am not trying to be polemic, I am just trying to make out your hypocritical statement.

To the scriptures that women are to be silent in the churches, some take it to the extreme and are way out of balance and to this mentality woman are reqarded as stupid and inferior and insubordinate.

Women are not to be pastors leading a church congregation but that does not mean that they are without knowledge nor does it suggest surrender of any intellectual or spiritual capability outside the church.

News Item4/9/07 9:15 PM
cindy | northwestern PA  Find all comments by cindy
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I just want to add one more comment and I am done. Yes Chris, I do have a cat!

Acts 17:26 is speaking of God's sovereignty over man's will and power that He gave man.

The Tower of Babel in Genesis 10 and 11 is the beginning of different races, lands and languages....the consequence of man's disobedience to reach "god" on his terms and in his way.

God introduced the languages that divide our race as an act of judgement when the early descendants of Noah arrogantly attempted to "reach the heavens".

But nevertheless, there is nothing wrong with marrying outside your race so long as they are "in the Lord" as Paul said. In fact Paul actually said it was better to stay single than to marry.

News Item4/9/07 8:31 PM
cindy | northwestern PA  Find all comments by cindy
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"The young lions do lack, and suffer hunger: but they that seek the Lord shall not want any good thing"

Psalm 34:10

We do not lack anything if we have Christ. In another words, Christ will take care of all our needs.

News Item4/9/07 8:17 PM
cindy | northwestern PA  Find all comments by cindy
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You guys are so funny...........

I am white and the man who wanted to marry me.....who thought it was God's will for us to be married.....was black. I did not feel led to marry him. Does that mean I am against inter-racial marriages?
No, I believe it was Moses who married a black woman.

Personally though I don't want to get married. I enjoy my singleness and haven't felt led to marry and I will be 35 this summer. My oldest brother will be 38 and he is a Christian and he isn't married either. Singleness is a gift and I am grateful for it.

News Item4/9/07 4:05 PM
cindy | northwestern PA  Find all comments by cindy
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Matt says........."Any woman can call the cops and have her husband locked up lying about "abuse" that she deserved".................

I'm sorry but where is your Christian attitude that says do not return evil for evil. Remember we all deserve Hell, but God has graciously chosen to redeem us and forgive us through Christ. Don't forget that. If you mean boundaries, that is another thing.

I once had to set a boundary on that Christian man who would not take no for an answer which I had every right to say. God does not force or manipulate people to marry.........we are LED into marriage by the spirit and I did not feel led to marry this particular man but instead of humbling himself, he repeatedly, through a series of trashy letters, called me a whore and stupid and a piece of trash. This is what I am talking about. Not all men are like this, there are some that are humble and gentle and kind. They are not egomaniacs. But they are rare indeed.

Most men CAN NOT take rejection. BUT Jesus did, over and over. "He came unto His own, and His own received Him not".

News Item4/9/07 7:31 AM
cindy | northwestern PA  Find all comments by cindy
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Rev. Joel Garrett,

"Many of these things would not have taken place in our recent history, were it not for the irresponsibility of men and their disobedience to God's commands - mainly - that we must love our wives as Christ loves the Church"........

Couldn't be better said, for it is men who are the leaders and when their leadership fails is effects the whole family and many men have failed grossly in loving and submitting to their wives. Successful marriages will be when a man and a woman LEARN to submit to ONE ANOTHER out of reverence for Christ........not just the woman submitting to the man's authority.

Too many men act too arrogant in their so-called authority positions and this is why so many women have rebelled....we are not pieces of trash. And through the years, I have seen more than enough arrogant behavior coming from Christian men who treat women with disdain, looking down on them as inferior and stupid. I have been around enough men who literaly hate women and it definitely shows.

Once I rejected a so-called Christian man because I didn't feel led to marry him but he however, did feel it was God's will and he keep trying to manipulate me and when I refused he blew up and his way of dealing with his pride was to tear me down to pieces in several letter

News Item4/8/07 6:14 AM
cindy | northwestern PA  Find all comments by cindy
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The reason why most evangelicals believe catholics are saved is because many of our "evangelical" leaders have compromised with Rome and think nothing of it. Actually these people are called "new evangelicals".

The blind leading the blind. And so many people ignorantly follow them. Well they will be accountable to the living God for their "treason".

News Item4/7/07 3:51 PM
cindy | northwestern PA  Find all comments by cindy
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Hey, women are reluctant to marry as well, myself included!

Survey4/6/07 5:15 PM
cindy | northwestern PA  Find all comments by cindy
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Women should wear bags over their heads and bags over their bodies so no one will know who they are; and lest they entice any man............of course I say that all facetiously.

Survey4/2/07 5:19 PM
cindy | northwestern PA  Find all comments by cindy
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What about the old testament Neil?

Many times God gave the Israelites permission to go to war and sometimes God gave them the victory.

But look I have to go for my run (exercise) now because I just got home from work. My comment wasn't intended to start a conversation....not that I don't want to have one with you or that I am trying to evade the scripture you gave me. I will continue it later around 8pm if you are still around. So for now, I have to get out before the sun goes down.

Talk to you later........

Survey4/2/07 5:04 PM
cindy | northwestern PA  Find all comments by cindy
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I have been around lots of vererans. I have wiped their butts and assisted with their meds. I have been by their bedside many times for that is what I do. I am a nurse's aid and I have been taking care of the elderly and veterans for years. They all came out of it with facing the reality of life and death and it challenged them to think more about death and what happens to you when you die. Many veterans are the nicest people and most compassionate people I've been around because they don't live in a fantasy, chasing fantasies............they are real people who are intelligent and have been refined by war.

I've been around too many people who live in a fantasy that life is great and everything is supposed to go as planned. I've been around too many women who spend their time gossiping on frivilous stuff that really need to be shaken into reality. Being on the front lines might actually change them and make them a better person who is compassionate and real!

Survey4/2/07 4:32 PM
cindy | northwestern PA  Find all comments by cindy
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I'm all for it! It might actually make a woman stronger, mentally and emotionally. Futhermore, as believers we already live in a combat zone here in Satan's world. We get firery darts coming at us all the time. Paul said no soldier does not prepare himself for battle......and that is irrespective of gender.

News Item3/28/07 4:05 PM
cindy | northwestern PA  Find all comments by cindy
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Wishful thinking Paul!
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