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News Item11/26/10 3:23 PM
Rob | NI  Find all comments by Rob
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So John,
you have access to the autographs?

And therefore can pronounce judgement upon so called modern versions?

News Item11/26/10 3:17 PM
Rob | NI  Find all comments by Rob
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Dear John

you said:

'You will still need an INERRANT Hebrew and Greek text in order to analyse and promote so-called "errors" in ANY Bible.'

Is the same not the case for you and your assumptions tha there are errors in (so called modern, as they are indeed based on older MSS than the kjv ) modern versions?

News Item11/26/10 3:06 PM
Rob | NI  Find all comments by Rob
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Dear cudripod

Now I am being called a liar, which is even worse than an Arminian, for stating the fact that W&H did not write two GK manuscripts, that were actually written some 1500yrs before they were born.

You do not do your cause any good.

I am talking about Planet earth which is a lot bigger than the UK, stop being so short sighted, yes the Church in the Europe and the Uk is shrinking, but what about China? South Korea? and the like, none of these nations use the kjv, so wake up, and stop denying God's wonderful works of grace just because you want to use a 16th (well actually the version you use is 18th) century translation.

Finally stop equating the truth with exclusive KJVism that is disgusting indeed.

You certainly have proved you have no clue about what you are talking about, please repent from the foolishness you have been spouting here, remember you will have to give an account for every idle word spoken.

News Item11/26/10 12:50 PM
Rob | NI  Find all comments by Rob
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'RE:: KJV; The reason I defend this version of God's Holy Writ and not the modern version is because (A) God used it for 400 years, (B) KJV comes from a superior Greek text. (C) That Text did not use the input of Two heretics and their textual criticism. (D) Nor would I use the Nestle-Aland.'

A. Yes God has indeed used the KJV, but he has also used other versions to His glory. In the past 50yrs the Christian faith has progressed at a faster rate than ever before, not via the KJV.

B. The King James version does not come from a superior text (texts)it is a translation from comparatively very few later manuscripts.

c. It still amazes me that people think, or act like Wescott and Hort actually wrote the GK texts B and א Surely this nonsense about W&H needs to be shelved, what on earth do they have to do with the great versions we have today?

Nothing that's what!

D. Well that's not much of an argument!

Please refrain from imposing unbiblical traditions and requirements upon God's people, I say this for your own good, as God hates it, and will demand an account, from you for it.

News Item11/26/10 11:36 AM
Rob | NI  Find all comments by Rob
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I totally agree!

News Item11/26/10 11:31 AM
Rob | NI  Find all comments by Rob
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Citing the fact that the evangelical church (of which I am a part) is a laughing stock is not name calling. It is definately not calling someone an offensive name, like Arminian!

News Item11/26/10 11:09 AM
Rob | NI  Find all comments by Rob
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If all else fails, why not resort to name calling? again the point is proved!

By the way I love, hold, and preach the doctrines of God's free and sovereign grace, but hey perhaps you are right just to slander someone without the facts, but you will give account for that!

News Item11/26/10 10:51 AM
Rob | NI  Find all comments by Rob
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Earlier I said

'The evangelical church has become a laughing stock, and the sooner we can put to bed these superstitious, traditional hobby horses the better.'

The comment below, is a perfect example!

News Item11/26/10 7:56 AM
Rob | N.I  Find all comments by Rob
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'I had rather be rent in pieces by wild horses, than any such translation by my consent should be urged upon poor churches'
Dr Hugh Broughton Puritan scholar, commenting on what he saw as an awful modern version, the KJV.

John Gill also famously said the translators had moulded the kjv to suit their own opinions while 'they put the truer renderings in the margin'

These arguments are so similar to what we hear from advocates of exclusive KJV use, it is almost frightening.

The evangelical church has become a laughing stock, and the sooner we can put to bed these superstitious, traditional hobby horses the better.

Sermon11/4/10 9:06 PM
Rob  Find all comments by Rob
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In This Corner
Pastor William Poss
“ Great Sermon! ”
a must hear for anyone whos eyes have just been opened to the doctrines of or infact any calvinist or even arminian, its so easy for us to get entrenched, this sermon is and will i think be a great help to me and many others, bless you Bill i have really enjoyed listening to you recently.

Sermon10/31/10 10:57 AM
Rob  Find all comments by Rob
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Is Suffering a Blessing?
Pastor William Poss
“ amazing! ”
if we could hear this in every pulpit the world would be mightily affected by the gospel

News Item10/25/10 5:45 PM
Rob | Hidden Valley Lake CA  Contact via emailFind all comments by Rob
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Pastor MacArthur did not say the physical exercises involved in Yoga were demonic. He related that if Yoga was done in context of spirituality focusing on anything other than Jesus Christ then it was evil. I'm sure Pastor McArthur would say the same about attending or playing in a football games if the attendee made an idol out of the sport. If you're a Christian doing Yoga ask yourself a question. Is Christ being glorified while I perform this type of activity or am I glorifying myself. This same question should be asked for everything in our lives. If you truly seek Christ to be glorified, then there will be evidence of your personal relationship with him. The problem with fallen man is as the Apostle Paul says in Romans 1:22-23 "Claiming to be wise, they became fools, 23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man and birds and animals and creeping things."

Can't you see it's not about Yoga per say, but rather it's about what you choose to worship.

Sermon7/1/10 7:22 PM
Rob  Find all comments by Rob
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When Things Don't Go Your Way
Pastor Mark Chappell
“ Great Sermon! ”
wow! this is making my faith bite! trying hard not to ask the lord for more trials! its all in Him, we need Him so much. this sermon really makes me want to know Him for who He is instead of for what he gives, thankyou mark

Sermon5/28/10 7:44 PM
Rob  Find all comments by Rob
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Thanks again Don, thats left a great hunger in me for more of him, i need to listen to it again right away.

News Item5/4/10 12:45 AM
Rob | Australia  Contact via emailFind all comments by Rob
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Amen to this!!!!!!

Ricky St. Claire wrote:
Is it really wise for SermonAudio to feature a "news" item like this that is tied to conspiracy theories, mostly associated with nutjobs, debunked by fact-checking websites (like, for instance), and is very, very partisan in its claim? Regardless of anyone's opinion on the topic of Obama's birth, I don't think it serves or honors Christ at all to feature this kind of news/propaganda and, through the nature of your website, associate it with God, Christ, and Biblical truth.
Please be more discerning. It's nice to have those news bits, and everyone is entitled to an opinion, but remember Who we are representing. Bashing Obama, for whatever reason, hurts our testimony.

News Item5/3/10 9:25 PM
Rob | Australia  Contact via emailFind all comments by Rob
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Don't quite understand some of the comments that followed - guess all I wanted to say Christ never was, or will be a Republican and he wouldn't be spending his time on conspiratorial gossip about any king, PM or president. He wouldn't be left wing either!!!!

He would be having something to say about how the poor are being ripped off by Wall Street (rampant Capitalism) the hypocrisy of the current religious establishment that is currently losing its power.

And oh yes he would say something lovingly to homosexuals like "I forgive you - don't keep up that lifestyle because I can set you free from that"

Don't see what any of this has to do with some of the comments that followed.

And he would never wrap himself in an American, Australian, Israeli, UN or any other flag either.


News Item5/3/10 5:19 AM
rob | Australia  Contact via emailFind all comments by rob
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How come there is so much red neck crap on what is supposed to be a Christian website. Who is responsible at Sermon Audio for allowing such preposterous nonsense on a regular basis?

Sermon1/3/10 6:55 PM
Rob  Find all comments by Rob
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God's Perfect Time
Jim Ehrhard
“ Lovingly delivered ”
Thankyou Jim, what a blessing, this sermon will truly breed humility and quiet confidence in Gods children, makes me want to trust my Father with my whole heart, He truly knows what is best at all times.

News Item12/28/09 11:54 AM
rob  Find all comments by rob
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Whale says look out for Big Boo boos.
Whale, hello, boo-boos are little cuts one covers with a bandaid. The WoF mvmt is full of heresy. That would be SIN open rebellion. Calling ourselves little gods?
SIN. Saying God wants us rich? SIN. Saying someone did not get healed because they did not have enough fiath (according to the definition of the faith healer) SIN!
This truly is Another Gospel about another Christ preached by another entity called Satan, another god.
& of course, we'd all better guard our lips.

Sermon11/23/09 5:30 PM
Rob  Find all comments by Rob
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The Causes of Suffering Part 1 - 05
Pastor Jim Gables
“ Great Sermon! ”
Excellent! this is the kind of balanced teaching we all need. Bless you Jim.
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