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News Item1/28/13 11:46 AM
Martin | Texas  Contact via emailFind all comments by Martin
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Randall, I'm not sure how you find "inspiring" the words about refusing to let people run our country who died over two hundred years ago. What the "learned professor" means by that is that we should no longer allow a 200+ year old document called the U. S. Constitution to put restraints on modern-day legislators. The only problem with that way of thinking is that the Constitution, despite its age, is still the highest legal standard in our land. If there are things in it the professor regards as outmoded, and if he can get enough people to agree with him, then he change the Constitution by amending it. What no legislator can ever do without becoming a tyrant, however, is to ignore the Constitution. In this country, it is not "rex lex" but "lex rex"-- the law itself is our king, not any man.

News Item1/28/13 10:57 AM
Martin | Texas  Contact via emailFind all comments by Martin
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The Constitution is not simply 'advice' to present-day legislators on how to govern the country. It is the binding law of the land. Politicians who think the Constitution can be ignored, or who think it imposes no restraint on their legislative authority, should be kicked out of office for promoting tyranny. As John Locke said, "The legislative or supreme authority cannot assume to itself a power to rule by extemporary arbitrary decrees, but it is bound to dispense justice and decide the rights of the subject by promulgated standing laws." The Constitution represents the highest "promulgated standing law" in our nation, and whoever thinks it can be ignored is not fit to govern a freedom-loving people who desire a government of laws, not men.

News Item1/25/13 2:44 PM
Martin | Texas  Contact via emailFind all comments by Martin
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We are living at a time in which the forces of secularism are pushing harder than ever before to 'purge' our legal system in the United States of all Christian principles. Their goal is to remake our nation into the anti-Christian, secularized 'scientocracy' foreseen by writers like C. S. Lewis-- a society in which public policy is dictated by a godless elite who see themselves as the founders of a new world order-- a secular utopia based on redistributionist Marxist policies and the denial of moral absolutes. Men like Cuomo think nothing of trampling upon God-given human rights in the pursuit of their agenda. To them nothing is sacred-- not sex, not the lives of unborn children-- nor is there any authority superior to that of the state, which needs no justification for its policies other the raw power it has to impose them.

News Item1/25/13 12:26 PM
Martin | Texas  Find all comments by Martin
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What better proof do we have than this video of the blindness, wickedness, and outright insanity that characterizes the pro-abortion movement? I can't believe the producers of this video actually put flames in the background! Were they trying to remind us all of where the pro-abortion movement originated?

News Item1/22/13 9:02 AM
Martin | Texas  Contact via emailFind all comments by Martin
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"If we are truly created equal, then surely the love we commit to one another must be equal as well." What sort of asinine logic is that? Would he say that the love which an incestuous brother and sister commit to each other is 'equal' to the love two unrelated heterosexuals commit to each other in marriage? Would he say that the love which a pedophile commits to the child he is sexually abusing is 'equal' to the love an adult man and woman pledge to each other in marriage? It doesn't follow logically that if people are created with equal rights under the law, then whatever 'love' they pledge to any sexual partner (or partners) they choose is 'equal' to the marital love that God commands husbands to show their wives and wives their husbands. Equal rights under the law does not translate into the moral equivalency of all forms of 'love' under the sun. Moreover, Obama's statement rests on the false assumption that the statutory definition of marriage is nothing but a means by which society gives formal approval to people's subjective feelings of 'love' for each other. But that's not true. Society gives legal benefits to heterosexual unions, as opposed to other unions, because such unions lead generally to the propagation and nurture of children-- a compelling state interest.

News Item1/21/13 7:24 PM
Martin | Texas  Contact via emailFind all comments by Martin
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The Pope has no understanding of the form of government that was established here by the Founding Founders. To encourage the president to ban weapons is to encourage him to engage in unlawful violation of the 2nd amendment to our Constitution, which prohibits the federal government from infringing the right of law-abiding citizens to keep and bear arms. Clearly, the government has no business removing from such citizens firearms that are most effective in self-defense in crisis situations-- for example, in the event that a person's home were invaded by a group of thugs, or in the event that one had to participate in state-led resistance efforts against enemies foreign or domestic. Abolishing the 2nd Amendment outright is not the only way to remove the right to keep and bear arms. Another way is to erode that right gradually by putting in place senseless gun bans that do nothing to curb criminal gun violence in this country, a country in which there are already 300 million guns in circulation. Believe me, the government will never succeed in confiscating all those guns; it will only succeed in weakening the power of law-abiding citizens to defend themselves-- nothing more.

News Item1/17/13 6:38 PM
Martin | Texas  Find all comments by Martin
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It is true that we enjoy the blessing of religious liberty in this country. The federal government can make no law mandating that all citizens profess or practice a particular form of religious belief. It is somewhat misleading, however, to say without qualification, "We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus, Sikhs and non-believers," as if all these different belief systems contributed equally to shaping our nation's culture, customs, and laws. The fact is, from its inception, the legal system of the United States was based on principles of English common law which were themselves derived from biblical teaching. Our nation's culture was "birthed," therefore, out of a distinctively biblical world view, with biblical principles of justice and righteousness determining the character of our laws. A sizable majority of Americans professed some form of belief in the Bible as the Word of God. While the United States was never "officially" or "formally" declared a Christian nation by its founding documents, unofficially and informally, its laws were of a Judeo-Christian (not a Koranic or secular humanist) character. There is nothing "unconstitutional" about that; so there is no reason Christians need to surrender this country without a fight to atheists.

News Item1/16/13 8:40 AM
Martin | Texas  Contact via emailFind all comments by Martin
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Mr. B,
"Every state should do this."
I couldn't agree with you more. I am appalled at the way our elected officials-- both Democrat and Republican-- seem perfectly willing to go along with Obama on every aspect of unlawful, anti-Christian, Marxist, globalist agenda, whether it be raising taxes, postponing spending cuts, eroding the second Amendment, refusing to fight for states' rights, refusing to defend marriage and the life of the unborn, etc. It is utterly sickening. People are afraid of looking like extremists simply for standing up for what is right. We are in a terrible state as a country. People seem to have forgotten that tyrants throughout history generally seek to 'weaken' the people's liberties by degrees, before acting to remove them entirely. Every concession by a naive public and naive politicians simply emboldens them. May God have mercy on us and show every citizen in the U.S. at what point civil disobedience to the unrighteous, unlawful, and un-Constitutional demands of our federal government may be necessary, both to oppose tyranny and to preserve the blessings of liberty for future generations.

News Item1/11/13 7:14 PM
Martin | Texas  Find all comments by Martin
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Postdestruction writes:
"Once the SCOTUS finds and hands down yet another freedom, Same-Sex Marriage, in June, this triggers the requirement that all 99,000 public elementary schools shall teach homosexuality to every last kindergartener even in Tupelo, Mississippi."
I tell you, this is NOT going to happen. There are still many people in this country who strongly oppose our government's agressive efforts to 'mainstream' homosexuality; they have not drunk the "kool-aid," and they are simply NOT going to comply with the anti-biblical demands of a tyrannous government. The "Daniel moment" is coming when true believers all across our land will remain standing as others bow down to the perversion-loving "idol" Mr. Obama wants us to worship. They simply will not be bullied into submitting to dictatorial decrees. What that will lead to, I don't know-- but our government is simply too inefficient and broke to spend resources hunting down, convicting, and jailing millions of Christian citizens, school teachers and administrators who refuse to comply with wickedness-- after all, it can't even enforce our immigration laws!

News Item1/4/13 8:26 AM
Martin | Texas  Contact via emailFind all comments by Martin
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It is not that Christians are "obsessed" with sexuality, but that they have to fight for truth where it is being attacked at the particular moment of history in which God has placed them. The militant homosexuality community has initiated an attack on biblical morality as "outdated" and "oppressive," in an effort to eradicate existing marriage laws as discriminatory; their whole argument is based on a misrepresentation and twisting of Scriptural teaching. That is why the Christian community must be diligent in responding to this attack. The people mentioned in this article who changed their view on homosexuality failed to see that the exclusively heterosexual nature of marriage is rooted in Genesis 2-- God's teaching on creation-- not in Leviticus, which admittedly contains certain regulations, such as dietary regulations, that no longer apply literally to the church. Jesus affirmed clear in Matthew 19 that God ordained marriage precisely because He created mankind male and female. The sexual union in marriage is really a "reunion" between the two halves of humanity that bring about a "wholeness" necessary for the socialization, proper emotional formation and psycho-sexual development of children who are brought into being through the marital union.

News Item12/22/12 3:04 PM
Martin | Texas  Contact via emailFind all comments by Martin
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This is utter lunacy on Gingrich's part. Instead of "caving in" on the issue of marriage because of widespread public ignorance on this issue. conservatives need to take an even stronger stand and educate the clueless voting public about the negative consequences of legalizing so-called "gay marriage." As Christians, our supreme appeal is to the Word of God, of course, but there is also a place for using "common sense" arguments to show the negative effects of redefining marriage in our society. We should utilize arguments like those used by Adam Kolasinki in his essay "The Secular Case Against Gay Marriage" in commending the wisdom of God's standards to our fellow citizens. We also need to demonstrate that "economic" issues are inseparable from "moral" issues. Check out this article:

News Item12/17/12 7:06 PM
Martin | Texas  Contact via emailFind all comments by Martin
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Mr. B,
Many are surprised, not at what the government is doing, but at the way that so many professing Christians are yawning about it and raising no voice of protest at what are clear violations of our constitution. Nowhere does the constitution say that business owners must set aside deeply held religious principles when running their business, or that they must operate their business on principles of secular humanism. Christians ought to make their voices heard; they ought to let government leaders know that assaults on religious liberty are not acceptable. I don't agree with Daniel B. when he says that serving God is not a right but a privilege, if he means we have no God-given right to serve the Lord in freedom. From the standpoint of what God owes us, it is true He "owes" us nothing but judgment. But in His grace to us, He has granted us certain rights. The government does not have any legitimate authority to grant us those rights or take them away. Human governments are established to secure and defend rights which God has granted to men. Governments will be judged by God when they refuse to recognize the God-given rights of their citizens.

News Item12/17/12 6:07 PM
Martin | Texas  Contact via emailFind all comments by Martin
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There is a huge difference,in my opinion, between the government prohibiting the free exercise of religion (e. g., Obama attacking Hobby Lobby by forbidding it to operate according to the religious principles on which it was founded), and the government giving grants to "faith-based initiatives" that serve the public interest(for example, faith-based drug rehab programs that help U. S. citizens get off drugs.) I am not saying I support the latter, but I don't see how you can regard that as an "attack" on religious freedom in the way that Obama is so clearly attacking religious freedom by fining Hobby Lobby a million dollars a day. Faith-based initiatives are under no obligation to receive a penny of federal money; Hobby Lobby is under obligation to pay for abortions for their employees-- or else shut their doors. Remember, even Thomas Jefferson supported using federal money to finance Christian missions to Native Americans-- a fact that surprises many people. He would never have said that businesses which operate on moral or religious principles must give up those principles-- or else stop operating.

News Item12/17/12 8:45 AM
Martin | Texas  Contact via emailFind all comments by Martin
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This is an outrageous assault on religious liberty in this country, and it shows the hypocrisy of the Obama administration in their claim to be concerned about working people. They would rather put a company out of business that employs thousands of workers, rather than allow the company to continue to operate in accordance with the religious principles on which it was founded, if that threatens in any way their efforts at total government control of the private sector. How can one interpret their attack on Hobby Lobby as anything other than clear evidence that they are more about the implementation of their statist policies than about the interests of working people who already have jobs.

News Item11/7/12 10:31 AM
martin | Texas  Find all comments by martin
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The government cannot make Christians do what God forbids or prevent them from doing what God commands. They can only make demands and punish those who fail to comply with those demands; it is we ourselves who freely choose either to obey or disobey ungodly demands. If Obama tries to make Christians deny their faith through prohibiting free speech or mandating that they compromise their religious principles, then Christians must simply refuse to comply with his ungodly demands. The choice is ours. What we need, therefore, is a firm resolves stand firm in our faith, be bold in our witness, and be prepared to suffer persecution in coming days if Caesar demands that we burn incense on the altar. To such demands, we must say by word and deed, "Jesus alone is Lord."

News Item6/26/12 9:41 AM
Martin | Texas  Contact via emailFind all comments by Martin
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To "from my Bible,"
Are you saying faith is not essential for salvation? Then I don't know what Bible you are reading. To say that faith is essential for salvation is totally biblical. Of course, the reason faith is essential for salvation is that faith is the sole instrument that lays hold of Christ, who alone can save us from our sins. I never said or suggested that the object of faith is non-essential; nor did I deny that faith is a gift of God. It seems like some people on this web site just like to argument, and are looking for anything to disagree with. Sheesh!

News Item6/25/12 4:14 PM
Martin | Texas  Contact via emailFind all comments by Martin
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The Bible is very clear that we are saved by faith, which is described in John 3:14 as a "look." The one who believes in Jesus looks away from himself and all his own works (including his own "sighs, and prayers, and tears") to Christ alone for salvation. The snake-bitten Hebrews were not saved by "saying a prayer for healing" but by looking to God's provision for healing-- the bronze serpent. So, too, we are not saved by the outward act of "saying the sinner's prayer" but by looking to God's provision for salvation-- Jesus. Now, when we look to Jesus for salvation, our hearts go out to him and our voices may audibly cry out to Him-- but the OUTWARD AUDIBLE prayer is NOT the essential thing. It is the inward looking to Jesus, the inward "receiving and resting" on Christ alone that is essential. Cornelius received the Spirit while he was listening to Peter preach because, in his heart, he was looking to Jesus. He prayed no outward "sinner's prayer," as far as we know-- but he did look to Christ inwardly. The thief on the cross did not pray a formulaic prayer to "receive Jesus." Rather, he asked Jesus to "remember Him"-- but behind that prayer was an inward looking to Jesus with the eye of faith- so Jesus pronounced him a saved man. Faith is the essential thing.

News Item6/20/12 10:54 AM
Martin | Texas  Contact via emailFind all comments by Martin
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Marco Rubio says, "I believe marriage is a unique and specific institution that is the result of thousands of years of wisdom, which concluded that the ideal -- not the only way but certainly the ideal -- situation to raise children to become productive and healthy humans is in a home with a father and mother married to each other." That one statement tells you a lot about where this guy is coming from, and the unbiblical character of his faith. Marriage is definitely NOT a "unique and specific institution that is the result of thousands of years of wisdom." That would make it the result of an "evolutionary" process in which society itself decides over "thousands of years" what is best for itself. That is a flat denial of the biblical teaching regarding the origin marriage. Marriage originated on the sixth day of creation, when God took material from Adam's side and formed a woman and gave her to Adam. Marriage is God's institution, not man's. It is not the 'result' of a millenium long process. It was instituted by God at the very outset of human history. Therefore, God alone is "Lord of marriage," and He has designed it to be the holy and sacred union of one man with one woman for life. Woe to any arrogant politicians who dares to "revise" what God has ordained!

News Item6/11/12 10:17 AM
Martin | Texas  Find all comments by Martin
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To "patently true"--
I agree. It seems pretty obvious that the current capitulation of so many politicians to the "gay agenda"-- and the seeming indifference of multitudes to what is happening in our culture-- is clear proof that our nation is being judged by God for its contempt of marriage as a divinely ordained institution-- and for its rejection, generally, of God and the authoritative teaching of His Word. Just look at the divorce rate in our country and the number of couples who now 'shack up' without the benefit of marriage. Is it any wonder that a nation that holds in so little regard the sanctity of sex and marriage will be given over by God in the end to the perversion of sodomite marriage, having lost its ability to distinguish right from wrong, and santity from lunacy? We have not just lost our way as a nation; we have lost our minds, as a result of losing our soul. If gay marriage is 'inevitable'in our land, its inevitability is the inevitability of decay in bodies that have lost the spark of life. Is it not "inevitable" that corpses will decay over time? So gay marriage is a sign of 'progress,' after all-- progress in the moral decomposition of a nation that has lost its soul.

News Item4/5/12 8:36 AM
Martin | Texas  Contact via emailFind all comments by Martin
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You will notice that Obama spoke of "all that Christ endured-- not just as a Son of God, but as a human being." He replaced the definite article "the" with "a," referring to Jesus, not as "the Son of God," but "a Son of God." That tells you where he is coming from theologically; whatever his view of Jesus, he apparently does not view of Him as in a category by Himself-- as "the" only-begotten Son of God,the incarnate Word made flesh, who died on the cross as a substitute for sinners-- rather, he sees Him as "a" son of God who suffered, leaving us a example of how to face our own trials victoriously. Is this the way a true Christian would speak of his Lord?
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