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News Item12/23/07 1:17 AM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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As a former free-willer myself I can understand the
struggles people have with the counterintuitive
but Biblical nature of Calvinist Doctrine.

I'm also a bit suprised to hear that it's popularity
is increasing in SBC and elsewhere, then again,
nothing is impossible with God, who alone can open
the eyes of the blind--spiritually and physically.

News Item12/23/07 12:45 AM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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"That initial interpretation of the newfound gospel says that
the apostle was following Jesus' orders when he gave Jesus
up to enemy soldiers. "


According to one of the four REAL gospel accounts, Jesus did
NOT order Judas to betray Him, but he DID "order" him to
hurry up and do what Judas himself was planning (betrayal).
See John 13:27.

"Judas was a traitor—even a "demon"—according to a new translation
of the recently revealed Gospel of Judas."

Judas was a DEMON??!!

I suppose that a hasty read of John 6:70 could lead someone to
believe this...and then write their own "gospel" account based
on the resulting bad hermanutics.

Judas was DEFINITELY a man, as Acts 1:18 most graphically

News Item12/21/07 2:14 AM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Jhawk44 wrote:
Lol, with our country's education scores, should the statement be instead "Humans match monkeys in arithmatic tests"?
Anyway, the title is misleading:
The monkeys scored 74% and the humans score 94%. That not "matched" in my book.
Also, it was just extremly simple addition facts. Let's see how the monkeys score against the humans in solving complex calculus equasion. I bet the monkeys don't do well there.
I too laughed out loud, reading your
comment...but I also GROANED--knowing
that the true motivation of this article
and study is yet another attempt to prove
human-animal equivalence, which is an on-
going goal of the un-Godly, atheistic,
evolutionary set.

News Item12/21/07 2:06 AM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Spain needs to humble herself.

She wouldn't even EXIST had her people
not been able to dicipline her children
in times past--including smacking the
kids when neccessary.

So many of us in the West have become
such wussies that I'm not suprised that
the radical Islamists continue to beleive
that we as defeatable as they think we are.

Survey12/19/07 5:24 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Dr. Yamil Luciano wrote:
Amen! Just got done listening to that sermon. It is so encouraging to hear other men of God shunning the culture and preaching the unadulterated principles of the Word of God.

Some points of interest:
1. Jesus makes a irrefutable distinction between fornication and adultery.
2. God instituted marriage to be a picture of Christ and the church. Just like God does not divorce us when we go and commit adultery with other Gods, so he expects the victim of adultery to be.
2. The issue of forgiveness. Now this is a point that I have not made but it is worth noting. Divorce is nothing more than a complete disregard of Jesus's command to forgive.

Just got through downloading that sermon and listening to it myself. I agree with Yamil, here. VERY encouraging sermon--expecially...uh...the FIRST of Yamil's 2nd points listed above!

Survey12/19/07 1:47 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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I'm TOTALLY fine with church services on Christmas day,
but clearly not everyone is.

2 years ago a huge fight broke out at my dad's place, where
we were all gathered for our usual family celebration,
because some (the believers) wanted to go to church before
opening presents while others (the non-belivers) wanted us
to "skip" church for once, and open presents this time.

Spiritual division in the family became very apparent when
the non-belivers became very offended by our insistance of
emphasizing church over family-time, which they insisted
was more inportatant than Sunday worship.

It was a VERY ugly situation that, thankfully, was quickly
resolved AFTER we (the believers) got back from church,
which only ended up delaying the family gift-exchange by
about 90 minutes.

Satan and his people can be such crybabies, but by God's
grace, we were not intimidated by them this time.

News Item12/19/07 12:32 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Sounds almost like God is dealing with our state's public school kids
the same way he dealt with the "Children" of the church of Thyatira
in Rev. 2:23.

The residual moral capital that existed when I was in public school
back in the 70's (less than a decade after God was kicked-out of public
education) appears to be all but used-up today, resulting in little more
than the philosophically and spiritually anarchistic wasteland that we
see around us and described in this news article.

News Item12/18/07 12:40 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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"All of GO 1 deals with moral issues," he said. "Beside banning sexual relations,
the first General Order also bans the possession of pornography, the consumption
of alcohol, gambling and religious proselytizing.

Wow! Any organization that would include "religious proselytizing" in such a list
of general vices as that listed in the above quote RICHLY deserves any and all the
current problems (role-diffusion, etc.) it's now enduring, and then some!

Bible promises "woe" to those who call evil good and good evil.

We need to pray God will be pleased to grant our armed forces victory over ALL
"enemies" that seek to destroy them and not just the terrorists.

News Item12/17/07 1:36 AM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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PreacherJonD. wrote:
John from CA, Amen! The resurrection should have been the most important part!!
What about the more modern day production of the "Passion of the Christ"? That movie did exactly the same thing-- going on and on and on with the brutality and then almost nothing regarding the ressurection. (Not to mention infusing the audience with the catholic doctrines of the stations of the cross, and putting unbiblical emphasis on Mary.)
I do not care for any media productions about the Bible or Jesus Christ. They only care about making money and not about upholding God's Word.
You said it.

In every case where Bible accounts are
committed to film, the filmmaker's bias
always ends up compromising the account
being portrayed.

As powerful as "The Passion" was, I was
IMMEDIATELY turned-off by the portrayal
of SATAN in the Garden of Gesthememe,
instead of God. After all, according
to the Biblical account, Satan was in-
dwelling Judas at this time--NOT in the
Garden of Gestheneme! GOD was the one
who was crushing Christ in the Garden,
NOT Satan. I'm afraid Mel Gibson, who
I respect as an artist, ended up unwittingly
glorifying the Devil in this movie much more
than he should/could have.

News Item12/17/07 1:24 AM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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In any country where common sense
becomes controversial, THAT county
is in DEEP trouble.

This man's testimony and motives
are based on common sense wisdom--
which appears to be increasingly
despised by low-self-esteem-motivated
post-modern folk of my own and
subsequent generations of Americans.

Christ's salvation sets one free of
this "chasing of the wind" of trying
to puff-up one's esteem, which seems
to motivate our more liberal folk
into bending over backwards to try
to accommodate others in ways that
they should not.

News Item12/16/07 9:43 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Hopfully this means they're being
genuinely convicted.

News Item12/16/07 9:32 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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This is nothing new.

I got a Christmas card from the Bush's, one they sent
out to all their supporters back in the year 2000,
which contained the passage:

Jer. 29:13

I thought this was pritty slick, since quoting from
the OT rather than the NT is more likely to appeal
to Jews as well as Christians.

Also, this verse is probably the closest thing in the
OT to John 3:16 and definitly less provocative than
Isa 55:6-7, which I actually like even better.

News Item12/14/07 12:26 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Somebody gave my non-Christian sister-in-law an action figure
of Sigmund Freud as a gag gift, since she's a big fan of modern
freudian psychology.

As a believer I'm no fan of Freud by any means, but even I was
insulted by the demeaning portrayal of such a great (if reprobate)
man of history.

How much more offensive then is a similar portrayal of the one who
created freud as well as the rest of the physical universe?

As a fan of military history I was somewhat interested to find out
that Hazbro/G.I. Joe recently produced a series of their dolls that
portray famous historical military men, but one look at their George
S. Patton doll (though a very faithful representation) seemed to me
to be more of a characature than a collectable.

News Item12/14/07 12:09 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Even though I was only in the 4th grade when this musical came out,
and yet to be born-again/saved (though I was attending a Christian
church at the time); I was STILL able to "smell a rat", in that I
was troubled that this musical ended without depicting Christ's

Why (I puzzled) would anyone want to make a story about Christ
without using his total victory over death as an obviously huge,
dynamic climax and/or finale?

Don't get me wrong. It's a fabulously crafted work of art (musical),
but for me--even back then--there was no sense of closure/resolution
that all other good movies/musicals seem to have. As if the film
broke right before the end--or was never finished.

News Item12/10/07 11:40 AM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Nice to see that there are oases of normal
family developement within the vast social
desert that I've been experienceing here in
this country since my youth (resulting from
divorce, role-diffusion, over-population fear-
mongering, etc.)

Sermon12/8/07 5:24 PM
John | Medford, NJ  Find all comments by John
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Repentance and Faith
Doug Hammett
“ Great Sermon! ”
This message will really test if you are saved. You need to listen to it!

Sermon12/8/07 5:21 PM
John | Medford, NJ  Find all comments by John
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Message from an Angel
Doug Hammett
“ This is a Must Listen! ”

Sermon12/8/07 5:20 PM
John | Medford, NJ  Find all comments by John
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Why Be A Baptist?
Doug Hammett
“ Very Stong Case ! Must listen! ”
Very informative! Pastor Hammett makes a very strong case.

News Item12/7/07 11:48 AM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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"Forty states have broad right-to-carry laws, but even within these
states it is the "gun-free zones," not other public places, where
the attacks happen."

No suprise here. Perpetrators with even a modest amount of smarts
are always going to persue the weakest victims.

In similar fashon, invading armies tend to avoid areas that they
know are well-defended.

Survey12/6/07 2:05 AM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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I gotta admit that if it weren't for the presence of JD, Yamil, Abigail, and
others like them on this forum; I might never hear all the good stuff I'm
hearing from the likes of Evans, Seaton, Lurker, R.K. Borril, etc.

I honestly hope you guys (in the former group) NEVER leave this forum, as
Walt and others might suggest you do. Otherwise my OWN education would almost
certainly suffer!

Proverbs 29:9...and so this thread will no doubt continue for some time, I'm sure

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