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News Item2/25/10 9:02 PM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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Frank Dombrosky wrote:
How true, Max. Your tactic is blunt and to the point. That's the best way to get the truth across when people ignore the gentler methods.
Max, Frank,

I am far from convinced as to the wisdom of that approach.
In principle, it does not seem consistent with the whole counsel of God.
Pragmatically, I cannot see it being very effective at making a debating point let alone winning an argument.

News Item2/25/10 3:53 PM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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prince charles wrote:
this is a significant step 'as in the days of noah'
The Lifesitenews article says
"Under current rules, parents have the right to withdraw their child from sex and relationship education (SRE) classes up until the age of 19. But the bill will lower that to 15, ensuring that students receive at least one year of sex-education. The BBC notes that currently, only 0.04 per cent of parents use the opt-out."

Of course, much of the damage inflicted by the public school system has been inflicted long before the age of 15.

Sadly, it is significant for only 0.04%, which is probably a fair reflection of the spiritual barometer.

Most schools have already been giving "children information on homosexual relationships as well as artificial contraception and abortion." This battle was lost long ago.

Christ's victory in the war however is assured.

News Item2/24/10 9:12 PM
Guinness | Pets-A-Millennium  Contact via emailFind all comments by Guinness
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Guinness wrote:
Email ME in the next 20 minutes and we'll double the price!
But hurry we CAN do this all day and every time we repeat the commercial.
For your pet's Millennium Experience call ME!
All our clients say "P-A-M WOW!"

News Item2/24/10 9:01 PM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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Neil - excellent observation re TE Lawrence's observations. However, for the most part such practices tend to be highly secretive or used as a form of abuse or humiliation committed on others by otherwise heterosexual men.

Chas - You may have misunderstood some (but probably not all of what you have seen) of foreign cultures. Wikipedia correctly states "Whether friends hold hands depends on culture and gender: in the Western culture this is mainly done by women and small children. In Arab countries, Africa and some parts of Asia it is done also by men. It is also fairly common to see teenage girls holding hands as a sign of friendship."

Ernie - as I intimated on another thread, with a public debt:GDP ratio of 94.27(
the USA needs the hard working labour of its productive aliens in order to pay it's debt.

Quite why any alien, legal or otherwise, wishes to voluntarily take on and voluntarily contribute to such a huge debt burden is beyond me. You and your compatriots can count yourselves very fortunate that there's one born every minute.

It is wrong to steal by taking on debt that you cannot pay.
It is wrong to steal from your children and immigrants.

News Item2/23/10 3:31 PM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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John UK wrote:
It makes me sick, to be honest.
How any Christian can justify these money grubbers is beyond me.
And because they are filthy lucreists, filling their coffers with pots of gold, they can become oppressors and steal the market, simply by their lies and subterfuge and claims, winning the propaganda battle through the media, and filling this world up with Bibles which I wouldn't give tuppence for.
Has no-one ever wondered how the Alpha Course came to be so big and international? Subterfuge and counterfeit Christianity!!
Praise God for grace to see it.

FYI - you quoted Neil on the fact that the Bible version used by the Bible Society / Amity Press is public domain.

Thus, the bible version debate has absolutely NOTHING to do with whether they are "money grubbers" or "filthy lucreists".

The issue is indeed the "PROPAGANDA BATTLE" where the Bible Society are in active, self-confessed, league with the Communist Chinese authorities.

Please see my post on 20th February for a brief timeline of this charade.

News Item2/22/10 8:33 PM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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Peter Doyne wrote:
That's not necessarily a scientific study but my own personal week to week observation.
Peter, your own observations are far more logically coherent than the USA Today news article which takes data specific to Anglicanism (when was that ever "once-dominant" in Canada?) and draws conclusions about Christian churches as a whole.

I can't access the original Globe and Mail article to see whether they made the same culpable errors. I hope not.

News Item2/22/10 7:44 PM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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prince charles wrote:
do people in america think that america is going to go bankrupt ? or do they think other countries will ?
In regards to your tangential question a good guide might be the public debt:GDP ratio.

If you compare it to a person taking on a mortgage at a salary multiple of 3 over a 25 year term, the following is an exhaustive list of countries that we can reasonably expect to pay their debts as they come due:-


Everyone else is overmortgaged and expecting their children and immigrants to pick up the tab:-

Iceland was one of the "better" placed countries in 2008 with a ratio of 23.0. Unfortunately they went bankrupt in 2009. Latest ratio is 100.6, even higher than the US' 83.4.

Of course, by implication there are those players who hold all the debt and can therefore toy with these governments at will ....

Pay Up Pompey, Pompey Pay Up.

News Item2/20/10 2:12 PM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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Bible Society wrote:
Although some four million Bibles were printed and distributed across China last year, the rapid growth of the church year on year means that demand for Bibles is now outstripping supply.
A long overdue admission by the Bible Society.

The background to this is that the Bible Society in collaboration with the stooge official Chinese religious bodies jointly declared in 1993 that "the era of bible smuggling is over".

I wrote in protest to them at the time, that even by their OWN statistics it would take well over one hundred years to get a Bible to every Christian in China. Their reply was mealy mouthed drivel.

Shame on them for their deceit!

Shame on them for their assisting the Chinese government propaganda and government control and restricting of the printing and distribution of Bibles. This leads to increased surveillance of the Christians in China and increased persuction.

News Item2/19/10 4:50 AM
Guinness | Pets-A-Millenium  Contact via emailFind all comments by Guinness
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I'm sorry the limited time offer on our $220 sign-up sale has expired. 72 minutes was just too long.

I can do you a deal for $330, and we can extend the contract to 15 years.

P-A-M Wow!

Engineered in Germany!
Augsburg Confession—Art. XVII.

News Item2/19/10 3:42 AM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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Mike wrote:
Do you suppose the KGB were the decency police?
In a perverted, totalitarian way perhaps yes a case could be made.

Example statements from wikipedia:-
"Extensive extra-judiciary (sic) powers were given to the Soviet secret police agencies... "
"Crime was determined not as the infraction of law, but as any action which could threaten the Soviet state and society..."
"In the 1930's under Joseph Stalin, male homosexuality, abortion and divorce were recriminalised in the nation. Article 121 explicitly criminalised male same-sex intercourse and with five years of hard prison labor as a penalty..."
"Homosexuality has sometimes been labeled by communists as "one of the effects of capitalist sociality" and the product of the bourgeoisie."

News Item2/19/10 3:20 AM
Guinness | Pets-A-Millennium  Contact via emailFind all comments by Guinness
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Alan H wrote:
Hey! You guys are laughing, but this guy is making real money off those who have bought into this foolish notion of a secret rapture.
Email ME in the next 20 minutes and we'll double the price!
But hurry we CAN do this all day and every time we repeat the commercial.

For your pet's Millennium Experience call ME!


All our clients say "P-A-M WOW!"

News Item2/19/10 2:37 AM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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Neil wrote:
"You 86 the rules. You do what just feels right. You do whatever you wanna-kah and to all a cheery night."
Secularists & modernists by no means have a monopoly on this informal antinomianism. But I'm not sure Ham is even aware of it, though the problem exists among many of his supporters, if my experience with Christian practical atheists is any indication. Even AiG plays manipulative games in their fund-raising.
"We have met the enemy and he is us." - Walt Kelly
We should remember that whatever games may have been played, "CMI and AiG are pleased to inform you that the dispute between the ministries has been settled to their mutual satisfaction.
Each ministry is now focused on its respective mission, having put this dispute behind them in April of 2009."

The previous evidence documented before the judiciary and arbitrators have been put as far behind them as terrorist weapons in Northern Ireland.

I find it strange (in the sense of highly irregular rather than unpredictable) that very public disputes and allegations, including "claims of unethical dealing in the handling of [public] magazine subscriptions", are then settled privately.

Yes, that that is how lawyers and The Mitchell Principles work, but biblically?

News Item2/18/10 1:56 AM
Guinness  Contact via emailFind all comments by Guinness
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"Promoted on the Web as "the next best thing to pet salvation in a Post Rapture World," the service has attracted more than 100 clients, who pay $110 for a 10-year contract ($15 for each additional pet.) If the Rapture happens in that time, the pets left behind will have homes—with atheists."

DON'T entrust your pet to an EVIL atheist after the 'secret rapture'!
Employ a non-dispensational Christian!
Send your pet to a loving Amillenial Christian home.
Genuine quality service at a suitably premium price.
Email ME in the next 20 minutes and we'll double the price!
But hurry we CAN do this all day and every time we repeat the commercial.
Send **ME** $220 per pet today plus your downpayment to cover applicable shipping and handling and **I'll** take care of your pet after the secret rapture.
Hurry! Offer limited to the first 300 million subscribers!

Nine out of ten pet owners say their pets prefer Amillenialists.

News Item2/16/10 3:13 AM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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An honourable response from the deceased man's father:-

"I am not going to sue anyone. My son proved that he is a strong sportsman. And he proved it to the whole world. God will decide who is to blame. "

News Item2/15/10 12:21 AM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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"Ralph Lee, Channel 4's head of specialist factual programmes, said he expected criticism when he commissioned the documentary, adding: “It is a natural reaction to the potency of getting Adams to tell this story.” "

Please let us know when he does tell his story and confess to his crimes.
In the meantime this just does not wash:-
"The 61-year-old Belfast-born Catholic has always denied having been a member of the Provisional IRA."

News Item2/11/10 2:07 PM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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Neil wrote:
He does indeed; thanks for the encouragement. And we are commanded to rejoice in suffering or persecution.
The sobering thing here is, 10 yrs ago I could've been party to such injustices.
Four years ago I was a party to such injustice. God was merciful to me.

Oftentimes God leaves us in our sin for it to work full measure before He opens our eyes.

"For a day in thy courts is better than a thousand. I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness."

"Places calling themselves "churches" " are not of necessity the house of my God. They can definitely be tents of wickedness sometimes, as all reformers would agree.

News Item2/11/10 1:54 PM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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Does the Lord not sent blindness upon people(sometimes in whole, sometimes in part) when He sends judgment?

Continue to pray conscientiously for the folk who are blind to unrighteousness or injustice. May the God of heaven be pleased to open their eyes. Testimonies abound to this.

Continue to pray too for the leaders according to your knowledge.

News Item2/11/10 1:14 PM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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Agree entirely.
And yes, you seem to discern the crucial difference between starting a small congregation and ordaining oneself. That's a very good starting point in my perspective.

I find it noteworthy that this survey:-
currently shows 77% of sermonaudio voters effectively say 'yes, it is getting harder to find a church in which you agree in most matters of faith and practice'.

Whilst we wouldn't all agree 100% on a single harmonious package, in a world of multiple evangelical associations and denominations, could it be that the absence of churches for conscientious believers is a sign of God's judgment already having come upon our societies?

Is it not the case that those who believe the most in Christ and His congregation are precisely those who are being shut out of it.

News Item2/11/10 1:06 PM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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Neil wrote:
Ever encounter a [URL=]]]Church Lady[/URL]? I've met a few, who seem to know everything, & often complain about the pastor's antics.
Ignoring the comedic element of your link, is it necessarily a bad thing?

Perhaps the prevalence of women is the evidence of God's judgment already having come upon the modern western church?

Yet, can we not thank our God in all things and in all seasons? Even in wrath, He may remember mercy.

And yes, on occasions some women can be more discerning and astute than the men. Deborah comes to mind.

News Item2/11/10 12:48 PM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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Neil wrote:
Guinness, with the alternatives before me, I have to choose between much bad worship, less (and protest at the risk of ostracism), or non-attendance.
Any recommendations? I have not been able to resolve this to my satisfaction as yet.

(I'll pretend to resist the temptation to suggest that you do whatever you think is right, and just make introductory allusion to it instead.)

Hard for me to comment meaningfully and constructively not knowing the specific church situation in Tucson, but what you say does not surprise me and does sadden me.

I find most Christians of every persuasion today to be de facto Episcopalians holding to a form of physical "Apostolic Succession" with a history that contradicts their own profession.

Perhaps you might start your own small congregation and see where the Lord takes it from there. It seems to me from many years on these forums that you have as much if not more biblical qualification than most of these "apostolic" men.

If you can find genuine biblical support and oversight for your congregation, get it. However, more often than not the added unseen episcopalian strings though would just get in the way of the simplicity that is in Christ.

Can't do justice to this issue in th

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