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News Item8/19/08 9:47 AM
Christiana  Find all comments by Christiana
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[URL=]]]Failing to win over RCCers too[/URL]
When even the unregenerate can figure
out that an action is immoral, those
who claim to know the truth should be ashamed IF they're too hard hearted to see the truth.
one good thing about antichrists, is that they tend to fight with each other, too.
1 Jn 2:18 Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.
Surely, a person who would condone this is without a soul. This atrocity is equivalent to Hitler's atrocities.

How can anyone with a conscience promote such?

News Item8/19/08 9:10 AM
Christiana  Find all comments by Christiana
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Lurker wrote:
Just as all scripture was given by inspiration of the Holy Spirit, so is the proper meaning of scripture revealed to those indwelled by the same Spirit and concealed from the rest.
I love the way you state this truth.

My brother and I have had completely different backgrounds in terms of experiences, education, etc.; and God has worked in each of our lives differently to bring us to Himself and to save us.

It still amazes me when we agree 99% of the time on Scripture, because our experiences even as Christians have been so different. Even when my brother was a new Christian, he knew when to reject that which was false in the study notes of his Bible.

The point is that we have the same Teacher, the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit who leads us in all truth, and that is why we agree, and have sweet fellowship in the Spirit, our spirits bearing witness one to another.

News Item8/18/08 7:09 PM
Christiana  Find all comments by Christiana
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I'm pretty sure that Jim was talking to me: his post got messed up because you were quoting me.
He's not the kind to 'off the cuff' go after anyone, and is quite patient, and gracious with our somewhat heated back and forth on this issue: he probably just hadn't noticed that the post was accidently labeled to you.
In context, he was saying he was glad I read his link, and then was commenting on the fact that I thought the NIV recommendation by MacArthur to be silly.
I got sidetracked in talking to hidemi williges
(about the same point)
and forgot to note that I thot the post was mis-labelled.
Jim Lincoln has many useful posts in other areas in SA, and helps to sharpen our sword on this one.
Iron sharpeneth iron.
I should have jumped in to keep the post from seeming to be to you: betcha Jim will note a retraction TO YOU when he has time.
And then try to go after me...and the rest of us who have a perfect Bible in our hands.

Thanks for the time you took to graciously explain.

News Item8/18/08 5:24 PM
Christiana  Find all comments by Christiana
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hidemi williges wrote:
Don't let fools discourage you from expressing your opinions. It doesn't matter whether you know Greek and/or Hebrew. What matters is what direction the Holy Spirit guides you.
Examining the Bible versions issue is an important one, requiring thorough study. May God bless you abundantly in this endeavor.

Thank you for the encouragement. God Bless you. I appreciate your posts.

News Item8/18/08 5:13 PM
Christiana  Find all comments by Christiana
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Christina, The KJV Controversy[/URL], your attacks on what may be any of his other positions outside the realm of that article are of no consequence. [/URL]

I think you meant me in your post. Honestly, I have no idea what you are talking about when you say "attack."

I saw a bumper sticker today that I liked - "More wag, less bark." I thought of this site. There's a lot of bark, and for no reason. I have no desire to attack anyone, or to prove that I am right. So, please do not use provocative words like "attack."

My only desire in engaging in dialogue is for an exchange of information - hopefully, my thinking can be challenged, and I may have something to offer that would challenge someone else's thinking.

I have posted at least one "thank you" for your links to information that I have appreciated.

So, again, I don't have a dog in the fight.

Although, I would not be considered a scholar by those who know Gk. & Heb. on this site, I do have a B.S. degree. More importantly, I know the Word of God. I am always a student, and, if given the opportunity seek to encourage, inform, or pass along truths that I have been taught.

I have no desire to have a "gotcha" moment on this site.

News Item8/18/08 1:34 PM
Christiana  Find all comments by Christiana
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I agree,he's got a lot of good stuff,
but worthy of rebuke: MacArthur's teachings on the blood of Christ, "confusing".
His recommendation of the NIV as
"an accurate English translation " is
plain silly. Not many of the 'no bible' types that are on this thread contra the Authorised Bible would put up with the paraphrase NIV. But it explains confused doctrine.
MacArthur's versions are NKJ, and NASB. He doesn't have an NIV.

Again, the monies received go back into the ministry. He has sent me a free study Bible, as he does to so many. He never asks for money on his broadcast, which is the reason we have continued with our support for him, while dropping support for those who "beg" and use precious airtime for such, not trusting God to provide and extend the ministry according to those whose hearts He moves to give.

God uses clay pots, "cracked" at that, to do His work. Look at the Apostles - they were not scholars; nor were they perfect in their understanding, but, rather grew in the Grace of the Lord. The Peter who wrote the epistles is barely recognizable of the Peter who walked with Jesus.

Perfection is reserved for when we meet Him. Then, we shall be perfect as He is perfect.

News Item8/18/08 1:07 PM
Christiana  Find all comments by Christiana
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You obviously have your reasons for not wanting Bible commentary included alongside of God's Word, and also, for not wanting dollars earned from someone placing his (in this case, MacArthur's) name on the Holy Word of God. I respect that.
However, your premise is wrong for the reason MacArthur has done so. It is my understanding that monies received through contributions, and through materials offered, go back into the ministry so that Grace to You now reaches an audience around the world. That ministry provides free materials to those who would not otherwise have access to the materials.

As to commentary alongside God's Word - I actually find it distracting to my reading of the Word. Scripture is "powerful and effective even to dividing asunder of soul and spirit." So, in that sense, I agree with you. No man's interpretation of Scripture is as powerful as Scripture itself. And, I do not think MacArthur would disagree. So, this is not a battlefield that I will die on.

I think MacArthur in his faithfulness to God, and seeking to serve Him and to bring Scripture to bear on the lives of Believers, and as a testimony to those who are lost, is doing what He believes God has called him to do. And, many, such as myself, have been blessed by his ministry.

News Item8/18/08 10:38 AM
Christiana  Find all comments by Christiana
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How can one not agree with the statements in the link that you posted?

The powers that be, that want to stay in power, and use a political position to secure wealth for themselves, have a "vested interest" in keeping the masses "dumb."

Was it Ben Franklin who said, "We give the people a Republic, let's see if they can keep it?" Someone else made a statement worth remembering, (maybe it was John Adams), "Only an educated people can keep it." Well, that's a loose translation, but, the point is made. An informed people, and, as others have said, a "moral" people, are necessary for the survival of America.

Of Course, my allegiance is to the Lord, but, I love America as given to us by the founding fathers. It is the greatest country on earth to live, in spite of the great evils that come from having a free society.

Great freedom allows for freedom to worship Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, but it also allows one to worship self, and every expression of selfish indulences, especially the "love of money," and every kind of sinful sexual desire.

May God have Mercy when He pours out His Wrath on all ungodliness. "The people perish for lack of knowledge."

News Item8/18/08 9:40 AM
Christiana  Find all comments by Christiana
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As a taxpayer, I do not want to support the heinous practice of abortion.

As a Christian, the only solution to the problem of sin, is the proclamation of the Word of God, and lives changed by His Grace and the work of the Holy Spirit.

When the Grace of God changes the hearts of people, laws are not needed to dictate behavior because the law of God written on the heart will change behavior.

As Christians, we can expose the sin of abortion, and prolaim the message of forgiveness in Jesus Christ.

Beyond that, we are not to entangle ourselves in the affairs of the world. But, we are to press on toward the mark of the upward call of Christ Jesus. We are to run the race with endurance.

Consider the observation of the French philosopher De Tocqueville in 1856: "America is great, because America is 'good,' and when America ceases to be 'good,' America will cease to be great." This observation was made after his visit to America, and having looked all around, he visited the Churches, and, there, he found the reason "why" America was different.

Let us pray, that once again, Christians in America will humble themselves before a Holy God and call upon Him for Mercy, trusting that He and He alone can bring salvation to a lost America and to the world.

News Item8/18/08 8:54 AM
Christiana  Find all comments by Christiana
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kenny wrote:
John MacArthur is a good preacher and a fine man for all I know, but I wouldn't put any credence in the thoughts of someone who peddles a Bible with his name all over it. He's in the bu$ine$$ of peddling God's Word

Your assertion is just NOT TRUE. We support John McArthur having listened to him for 30 yrs., knowing the life that he lives, and the purpose for which he lives his life.

His whole life, being the son of a preacher, has been to serve the Lord. He has studied and made notes available in the Bible with his name, because he wants to give the person a better understanding based on the historical and cultural times in which Scripture was written, as well an understanding of the language spoken. It is only to assist in one's understanding.

To claim that John McArthur produces books and commentaries for money is just WRONG. He loves the LORD above all else, and is "laying up treasure in heaven where moth and rust does not corrupt." His heart is to serve the LORD, faithfully, by doing what God has gifted him to do.

Unless you have met John MacArthur, listened to his teaching, read his books and commentaries, please do not make such an evil pronouncement.

He is not perfect, but he is a man of integrity.

News Item8/17/08 12:27 PM
Christiana  Find all comments by Christiana
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Daniel Lee Ford wrote:
[URL=]]]Warren America's pastor[/URL]
Jer.10:21 For the pastors are become brutish, and have not sought the LORD: therefore they shall not prosper, and all their flocks shall be scattered. 12:10 Many pastors have destroyed my vineyard, they have trodden my portion under foot, they have made my
pleasant portion a desolate wilderness.

Obama:I oppose dying babies and want to make it a rare event.That’s why I want abortion kept safe & legal& subsidized.."

Obama contradicts himself. On Rick Warren's interview last evening, Obama first quotes Jesus, "As you have done it unto the least of these, my brethren, you have done it unto Me." Then, without considering this statement, he deflects the question about when life begins (I wonder at what point he celebrated the life of his two girls - after birth?), saying, that is "above my paygrade." Does he not consider "the least of these?" It is "false empathy" to declare oneself emphathetic to the impoverished, yet, lacking in empathy for "those who cannot speak for themselves."

Rich Warren, OTOH, missed the opportunity to make this connection. The door was wide open, and he didn't even attempt to go through.

News Item8/15/08 6:42 PM
Christiana  Find all comments by Christiana
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Michael Hranek wrote:
People today are in desperate need of the Fear of the LORD, and that would especially include those in church because it is so easy to profess Christ and know all the right religious words to say and not know Him at all.
I wonder if this is because we are in the end times and the Holy Spirit who convicts of sin has withdrawn His restraining influence. It would seem that wickedness is now "running its course?"

You are right, "There is no fear of God." Surely, this must be because people have been told that "God loves them" without telling them of God's coming wrath, and the wrath that rests on them as sinners. But, it is also because this is in God's plan - "The Lord hath made all things for Himself; yea, even the wicked for the day of evil." Prov. 14:4

I've been listening to Dr. Carl McIntire on SA, and I have been encouraged by his messages on "The days of Noah." He is one of the featured broadcasters.

As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the days of the coming of the Lord. Jesus told us this so that the generation living during that time would know.

Dr. McIntire's messages (9 in the series) are sobering, but so encouraging for the Believer.

Hope you will have a listen.

News Item8/15/08 1:53 PM
Christiana  Find all comments by Christiana
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Wayne wrote:
Dear Christiana:
I agree with you wholeheartedly! That is why I gave my life to Christ at the young age of 15, and have been walking with Him every since. I am tired of turning on the news every evening and hear Fox news denigrate Barack Obama and his wife, while at the same time we never hear of any negative comments about John McCain and his lack of character!
Dear Wayne,

May I suggest that you not watch Fox News? The media do what they do to make money. The bigger following they have, the more money they make.

Fox news has a following because their viewers dislike the liberal media bias one gets on other news networks - MSNBC and CNN.

Fox plays to the conservative audience. If you are conservative, and yet, dislike them, stop watching, and get your news elsewhere.

And, may I suggest, you start thinking of individual responsibility. We would like for the world to be different and we are accountable for our own actions and for those we are responsible for, but we are not accountable for "groups of people" or for "whole segments of the the population."

I think you would be happier if you concentrated on "being" the person God has called you to be, and leave the rest to Him. He alone is Omnipotent.

Sermon8/15/08 1:29 PM
Christiana  Find all comments by Christiana
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“ Great Sermon! ”
This message is for those who are weary with the the darkness in which we live. It is a message of hope for the redeemed of the Lord. Listen to the end, and be encouraged as the message builds. Thanks be to the person who made it possible for us to hear Pastor McIntire, and thanks be to the Lord for His glorious message of hope to us. Remember the saying, "the darkest hour is just before the dawn." "Look up! for our redemption draweth nigh."

News Item8/15/08 9:21 AM
Christiana  Find all comments by Christiana
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A born again person sees people made in the image of God, saved, and a brother or sister in Christ, or unsaved, and on their way to eternal hell where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. In other words, we look at the eternal state of the person.

The born again person desires the salvation of the unsaved person and grieves over that persons's lost condition - prays for their salvation - and shares the good news of Jesus Christ when given the opportunity.

This world is passing away, and everything therein. Only that which is Holy will live with the One Who is Holy in His Holy Kingdom. "Without Holiness, no one will see the LORD." Are you holy? - Cleansed by the blood of the spotless Lamb of God?

Let your focus be on serving the One Who made you, for we shall all meet Him soon. Will you meet Him clothed in His Righteousness - made ready to live with Him where there is no sin? Or, will you be condemned to eternal hell?

May you know the Savior - then, your focus will not be on the things that are passing away.

News Item8/14/08 9:58 PM
Christiana  Find all comments by Christiana
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Hello, Michael Hranek,

Truly, you have the heart of an evangelist. And, you have patience with those who seem to have no interest - I'm speaking of your post to Wayne, So. Cal.

It is a blessing to see God's work in and through you. You are sowing seed. May the Lord cause it to grow and bear fruit.

News Item8/14/08 4:52 PM
Christiana  Find all comments by Christiana
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DJC49 wrote:
I want you KJVOs to be honest now ...
You all claim to read the KJV exclusively. You all claim that no other version of Scripture has come before your eyes. Now let's be deadly honest here: IF you had ONLY the KJV to go by, no commentaries to reference, no one to give you explanation, would you know what 2Cor 8:1 meant?
"Moreover, brethren, WE DO YOU TO WIT of the grace of God bestowed on the churches of Macedonia;"
And how about 1Thess 4:15?
"For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive [and] remain unto the coming of the Lord SHALL NOT PREVENT THEM which are asleep."
Try this one:
"For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now LETTETH [WILL LET], until he be taken out of the way." [2Thess 2:7]
As for me, I will happily continue to read not ONLY the KJV, but also the NKJV, the NASB, and the ESV. I will also continue to refer to the NIV upon occasion. The paraphrases can all be thrown in the circular file.
And I will not make an idol of ANY version ... as the Scriptures SPEAK of God; they are NOT God!
"Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me." [John 5:39]
You listened to Alan Cairns. I agree.

News Item8/14/08 4:12 PM
Christiana  Find all comments by Christiana
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
There should be a trend based on, [URL=]]]The Truth Behind The Church's Purpose[/URL].

I've appreciated your links from your posts in the past. So, thank you. And, I've listened to your pastor, and read some of his writings that you have linked.

Here, he makes a statement that one who is not in the local church is not a christian. That is too broad a statement, and one that should be re-thought.

Something else - his emphasis is on "going to church" rather than "being the church." No where in N.T. Scripture do we find Christians "going to church" - rather, they are called the church. They function as a living organism, not an organization, though they are given instructions for organizing and using their God-given gifts.

Too much emphasis has been placed on "where" one "goes" to church rather than "being" the church.

We have been "members" of 2 churches over the past decade. One moved toward antinomianism, and the other toward mysticism. These would call themselves evangelical.

Your pastor did not consider a situation like ours, nor others, when he made his broad inclusive statement.

News Item8/14/08 1:17 PM
Christiana  Find all comments by Christiana
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DJC49 wrote:
When I read from the KJV the phrase: "that holy THING which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God," it just makes me cringe. Absolutely NOWHERE else in the Bible is any woman referred to as giving birth to a THING ... holy or otherwise.
The KJV translators must have taken their cue from the Geneva, Tyndale, Bishop's, Great and/or other versions
Jeremiah 31:22 "How long wilt thou go about, O thou backsliding daughter: for the LORD hath created a new 'thing' in the earth, A woman shall compass a man." KJV

NKJV ". . .For the LORD has created a new thing in the earth - A woman shall encompass a man."

News Item8/14/08 11:55 AM
Christiana  Find all comments by Christiana
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[URL=]]]Dr Cairns of Translation of the Bible :GREAT stuff[/URL]
[URL=]]]Trustworthiness Of Scripture Dr. Cairns[/URL]
I think that series by
Cairns is the classic on this site,
of the "only King James" position.
WOW! Thank you for posting this message by Dr. Cairns. This made me consider the implications of the newer versions of the Bible.

I've only perused the on-going discussion on which version of the Bible one uses, but I haven't been that interested.

I grew up reading the KJV, and have to say I love the language, and, in fact, most of my Scripture memory goes back to the KJV, even though I have used the NASB (first edition, I think) for 30 years.

This message made me realize the importance of which translation one uses.

Years, ago, my dear grandfather challenged me on using any version other than the KJV, and I dismissed it as him "not knowing." Recently, someone else challenged me, and again, I dismissed it as them not knowing history.

This message changed my view on that. How about that? My grandfather would be happy to know, I can see his reasoning.

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