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Survey12/29/08 5:21 AM
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irritated wrote:
Almost, immediately, the Israelis had to defend themselves from a people intent on their destruction, the surrounding Arab nations with their millions of people and expansive land.
The Jewish people fought with bravery, much like Gideon with his small number, to defeat the enemy. They won.
The Arabs thought if they grouped the Jewish people geographically they would be able to ..annihilate them. They were WRONG!
Thank you for your post and sorry to be raising questions here, but these things you say are not logical or historical to my understanding.

It wasn't the Arabs who arranged for the "birth of Israel" as you call it so they could group the Jews and kill them -- but the Rothschilds themselves made deals at the beginning of WWII to bring the U.S. into the war in exchange for Palestine at the end. Truman pulled the political strings and the Rothschilds financed it and placed their coat of arms, the occultic "star of David," on the flag.

If you're saying that once they had their tiny nation "carved out" that the Palestinians flew the coop to get out of the way of the bombs, that I can believe.

Either way, it is wicked the way the Jews treat the Palestinians, as if stealing their land weren't enough.

Survey12/29/08 3:50 AM
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Anti-antichrist wrote:
I know that true faith produces good works as a result, and I did not say otherwise.
There are a couple shrews posting here who I don't think even read the posts, but jump into discussions shooting from the hip. They will nag you to death, call you a liar, demand you produce their quotes if you post w/ them. When you comply with their demands, they then deny they meant what they said, put different meanings on the words, reinvent the English language, and go on as before.

The moderators here let posters call other posters liars, even though it should be against the rules. If you respond to their bossy, shrewlike postings, SA is liable to remove your posting and not theirs, and it's possible they are just hitting the "abuse" button.

I probably got 15 posts from them haranging me with demands I prove I was or was not a Muslim.

Either one of them can kill a discussion with nagging, demands you document their words or that magic word "liar" that puts them in control so you have to prove a negative, that you're not a liar.

DJC49 is very rude but at least he is lucid and doesn't harangue. There's about three others here tho who I wonder if they are old enough to be posting.

Survey12/28/08 8:43 PM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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irritated wrote:
After the Holocaust, the state of Israel was carved out of a tiny piece of land known as Palestine, but the people living there were generations left after the dispersion of the Jews. One post earlier said that there are no Palestinian people as a race or ethnic group. That is true.
Oh, you mean the Palestinians don't have a unified religion or the right kind of genes like the Jews do? Therefore, the Jews have the right to "Carve out the state of Israel" on these inferior people's homes and lands?

And you do realize that in addition to their terrorism and violence, they did this "carving" with Rothschild money and with 33 degree Freemason Harry Truman's finagling on their behalf.

Must be nice to have such a religion that it entitles you to just walk up to somebody and tell them to scram, that you are a higher kind of being, more deserving of such lowly ones as these who have no real race or ethnic group.

And what race perchance are the Jews? Is this something you can tell by their genes? Sammy Davis was a Jew, Marilyn Monroe, and many others who have not a drop of Israeli blood. In fact, the Palestinians have more of Abraham's genes in their blood than anybody.

Survey12/28/08 8:35 PM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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John UK wrote:
As for those who believe the Jews are a personification of God, who are these, Banned?
Quote from lyn's debunking website she's been urging on us:

From "Refinersfire" --

"Really? WHEN did Christians "replace" the Jews as God's Chosen? We challenge Marrs to provide us with chapter and verse! Marrs personifies the rampant anti-Semitism espoused in some churches! Perhaps someone should remind Marrs that he is a "grafted-in" Gentile believer who does not support the ROOT (ISRAEL); the root supports him (Romans 11:18)! May it be understood clearly and never forgotten: Gentile believers have been grafted into Israel's tree, and they are nourished by the ancient Jewish root."


This is what Lyn's over-the-top website she keeps promoting -- "refinersfire" -- says. WHO AGREES WITH THIS??? The JEWS or ISRAEL as it says, is the ROOT of EVERYTHING, the root of the WHOLE TREE??!! My, my, my. Not Jesus but THEM.
These Messyanix say the root is ISRAEL, the tree is just something growing out of THEM. Talk about GRAND DELUSIONS!

If you don't agree that the Jews/Israel are the root producing the tree, why then you are a mean antisemite, and Homeland Security might want to investigate you.

News Item12/28/08 8:13 PM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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Anti-antichrist wrote:
DJC49, tell us where your so-called knowledge appertaining to popular world events comes from.
Probably the debunking sites the government puts up, plus Fox News and World Net Daily. That's where it looks like he's getting his information.

It is shocking how many debunking sites there are up now. You can hardly find a 9/11 Truth site because there's just pages and pages of govt. debunking sites. So you have to keep trying different search words.

We need to start saving our information because I hear the Internet is going down fast, meaning Internet as we have known it.

All I can say is, it sure was good while it lasted and I'm so glad I indulted myself to the absolute maximum while I've had it.

Survey12/28/08 7:41 PM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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irritated wrote:
Survey says???? Just how many Jewish people have you surveyed?
The Israelis are not the provocateurs - the people displaced by their own, when the Jewish state was born on May 14, 1948 are the ones who continually harass the Israelis.
I've not done a survey. I do know the Talmudic and Cabalist doctrines, and I read Brother Nathanael's website, Bro. Nathanael was born and raised a Jew, converted to Orthodox Christian, and is now a whistleblower telling what the Jews really think and say about nonJews, Christians and about Jesus, what is really on their minds.

I do a lot of reading by the way.

I am against Zionism, and there was no "Jewish state born." It was a violent Jewish takeover of Palestine. I don't support the occultic Jewish religion, their goals to rebuild the temple that Jesus cursed (and knock down the Dome of the Rock) or to bring on their phony antichrist messiah to rule the world. I also don't support a nuclear holocaust to kill the billions of people the Jews hate and think should be exterminated to make life better for their selfish exalted selves.

News Item12/28/08 7:31 PM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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Gaza Endless Israeli Atrocities
By Mary Sparrowdancer (born Jew)
Copyright © 2008

Today was the end of the world...for hundreds of unarmed civilians, including children. The Israeli military, one of the most powerful military forces on earth, has held the 1.5 million civilians captive within Gaza for years. Israel has deprived these civilians of basic necessities of life, food and water. Still not satisfied with their under-reported, nearly black-out atrocities against Palestinian civilians; hunger, fear, malnutrition, misery and slow death Israel has delivered to the Palestinians; not satisfied with Palestinian homes, lands and orchards Israel has already stolen from rightful Palestinian owners, the Israeli interlopers have now ordered their massive military to bomb Gaza neighborhoods in a ferocious air attack.

Israel justifies this latest brutality by claiming they cannot "tolerate" the homemade, sugar-propelled Qassam projectiles fired out of Gaza toward Israeli "settlements" such as Sderot. The fact, however, is that the Qassam projectiles rarely hit anything other than desert sand as was even noted by Israeli Defense Minister, Yaakov Toran. He stated, "We need to remember that Qassams are more a psychological than physical threat."


Survey12/28/08 7:20 PM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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irritated wrote:
What WOULD you die for????
Do you have any Jewish friends? Have you ever had a close relationship with a Jewish person?
Not enough to want to start WWIII over or hand over the government to Mossad and dual-citizen Jews or to adopt their same hatreds and bigotry toward other people and want to go kill them.

In fact, the Jewish friends I have had in the past, if I were to see them now I would tell them they should be ashamed for the way they hate Jesus, and that they are in big trouble with God, and that they need to get saved, that I know they won't, but don't say I didn't warn you when you are standing before Jesus on Judgment Day.

I would further tell Christian friends in the church who are bragging about digging up Jewish ancestry, what is your problem here? You think you are special because of this? Do you think everybody should bless you now as part of God's covenant, and if they don't that God will curse them?

That's what I'd tell them.

And the Messyanix, I would give THEM a real ear full, with their Yeshua stuff and their shawls and their Hebrew and all that nonsense. I can't stand pompous people with delusions of grandeur.

Survey12/28/08 7:12 PM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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lyn wrote:
Banned/AAC~ FYI, the 'ancient Jewish root' is a reference to Jesus Christ.
You need to dust off your reading comprehension skills and go back and read the quote again. It specifically says the root is the JEWS.

And this is in fact what Jews believe, that they are a collective God on earth.

And apparently there are a few posters here who agree with that, which is why you are thrilled to see Israel massacring men, women and children in the Gaza strip, where these people are trapped, living in poverty, in terror for their lives.

I think you might make a good "Chosen" -- and maybe you might want to consider taking up the Talmud like Madonna did?

Survey12/28/08 7:04 PM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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Irritated wrote:
I'm am really tired of your rantings against Jewish people.
I, as a gentile, have personally known and have been friends with many Jewish people, and have been included in their family celebrations.
I have been to Israel and I have seen first-hand how the press distorts the news regarding Israel.
Jesus was Jewish. Enough said.
Stop with your generalizations about the Jewish people.
One person cannot speak for a whole group of people. So, get some differing views for a more balanced understanding. Maybe a trip to Israel would give you better perspective.
Sorry, but the world is about to go to war for the Jews, and a lot of people are going to die, probably including me and you. I don't WANT to die for the Jews. I think the Jews need to BACK OFF.

I think also that Christians need to stop coddling the Jews because nobody is doing them any favors by treating them like they are supergods who don't need Jesus, and that it's just fine to go through life thinking Jesus was a scoundrel and an imposter and a loser and they are glad their ancestors gave him what he deserved.

Truth is a wonderful thing, and the time to start dishing it out is NOW while we still can. Time is short.

Survey12/28/08 6:35 PM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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From Former Jew: Bro. Nathanael's website


* “We Jews don’t believe in Jesus Christ because he was a mere man who pretended to be God.”

Translate: “We Jews find it repugnant to believe as the goyim.”

* “We Jews are God’s chosen people and do not need to convert.”

Translate: “We Jews have created our own god: â€Jews!’”


A CHRISTIAN NATION would make the Jews second-class citizens.

This is something that the Jews fear. Jews want to be on the top of the ladder and be the leaders.

But this is a bad idea. Why? Because Jews hate Jesus Christ and who wants Christ-haters telling us what to do?

Jesus Christ was so beautiful. He taught us wonderful things like “love your enemies and do good to those who hate you.” But the Jews don’t like this teaching. Jews see all men as their enemies and wish to bomb them into annihilation.

Do we really want these Christ-hating Jews to lead us? Or do we wish to put the fear of God into the Jews’ minds and hearts by telling them:

“Hey Jews. We are Christians. You are haters of Jesus Christ. And you MUST repent! (And oh! - how the Jews will quake and tremble!)

Survey12/28/08 6:20 PM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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From "Refinersfire" debunking website:

"Really? WHEN did Christians "replace" the Jews as God's Chosen? We challenge Marrs to provide us with chapter and verse! Marrs personifies the rampant anti-Semitism espoused in some churches! Perhaps someone should remind Marrs that he is a "grafted-in" Gentile believer who does not support the root (Israel); the root supports him (Romans 11:18)! May it be understood clearly and never forgotten: Gentile believers have been grafted into Israel's tree, and they are nourished by the ancient Jewish root."


This is what Lyn's over-the-top website she keeps promoting -- "refinersfire" -- says. WHO AGREES WITH THIS??? The Jews are the root of everything, the root of the tree??!! My, my, my. So I thought the tree was Jesus, but these Messyanix say the tree is THEM. Talk about GRAND DELUSIONS!

If you don't agree that the Jews are the root, the whole tree, why then you are a mean antisemite, and Homeland Security might want to look into your activities.

Survey12/28/08 4:16 PM
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DJC49 wrote:
The terrorist events surrounding September 11, 2001 are NOT theories.
It's your conspiracy crowd who holds all the "theories," all of which are total bunkum... blah, blah
Yeah, you're right, DC49, the government is good and it never lies, and we need to crack down on all these terrorists who seem to be lurking everywhere.

Since the Muslims are so dangerous, I wonder why our borders are wide open and why the government is letting so many of them in? Does this seem like the logical thing a government would do if it was under attack by Muslim terrorists -- just open the borders, and have liberal immigration laws for Muslims besides?

But at the same time to be surveilling every movement, using naked xray machines at the airports, random traffic stops on American citizens?

I hate to be asking these questions, but since you are so smart and have such contempt for people like myself who haven't figured things out as well as you have, I thought you might have an answer, because if you do you will be the first to come up with one.

Survey12/28/08 3:43 PM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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Since so many of you believe the Jews, and not Christians, are God's Chosen, that if you bless a Jew you get blessed and if you ignore them or fail to cater to their demands you get a curse -- hey, don't you all think you are in the WRONG RELIGION?

Shouldn't you all march yourself straight down to the rabbi, get yourself a nice skullcap, a Talmud and start reading and studying like Madonna and the Hollywood stars do? They know a good thing when they see it. Don't be modest. You can be a Chosen One also.

Judaism is so special that here in America where there is to be separation of church and state, no government support of any religion, Israel gets American help in stealing Palestine and setting up their country, then nukes, planes, billion$ every year gratis, U.S. soldiers to fight and die for them, all because of their religion.

Israel also gets to run our government through their Mossad and/or dual citizens.

I agree it does look like Jews are chosen for sure over the Christians,that the Jews and their religion are way more special, and Christians have obviously signed up on the wrong dotted line. Now I understand why there are so many Christians pretending to be Messianic Jews. How else can you be a walking blessing factory unless you become a Jew?

News Item12/28/08 11:09 AM
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John UK wrote:
Hamas and any other militant Islamic group who seek to break an official ceasefire in order to carry on their murderous attacks on Israel...
The "militant Islamic groups" you speak of are fathers and brothers and husbands of people who have been murdered, their homes stolen and bulldozed by people.

And if the Jews destroy the Dome of the Rock so they can rebuild their temple that Jesus cursed that will be an evil thing, no matter what Joe Farah might think about that.

Israel needs to help the people it kicked out of their homes and took their land and killed their children. They need to stop treating the Palestinians like unwanted termites.

And the Mossad and CIA need to stop stirring up the pot, because a lot of us are on to what they are doing, as well as the govt making the Muslims out as terrorists and then opening the doors and letting 50 times as many of them in, trying to stir up war at home as well as abroad when the Banksters close down the economy and everybody is left fighting for a few jobs and little money.

Do unto others. How would you feel if Israel came here and did to us what they did to the Palestinians? We may be finding that out since the Mossad has taken over the U.S. govt top to bottom.

Survey12/28/08 9:10 AM
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DJC49 wrote:
Two points:
1. Show me ONE post on this entire SermonAudio forum -- any thread -- in which someone cheers the bloodshed going on in the Mideast.
2. Show me ONE post ANYWHERE on SermonAudio where someone states -- or even implies -- that more Palestinians should have been blown away.
Both of these 2 assertions you make nicely illustrate and manifest your conspiratorial mindset and show your tendency to over-dramatize.
Go read Jim Lincoln's remarks in the news story re the Gaza Strip killings, and also click M Hranek's magnifying glass, his remarks about putting down the Muslims before they get a chance to hurt anybody, likening the Iranians to Hitler and that it would be a mistake for us to "pacify" them. The whole tenor of people like you and the others who support Zionism is toward war and bloodshed, stirring up hate to the Muslims, Chicken Little warnings about what a big threat they are to us when they have no weapons and just want to be left alone.

If you will at least watch Terrorstorm online I will post with you. Otherwise, your behavior is obnoxious, your wilful ignorance is not attractive, and you can just continue to post your ridicule and false accusations without reply.

News Item12/28/08 8:46 AM
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Publican wrote:
I wonder if those who believe that hate drives the godly man in his anti-homosexuality, have ever considered that there might be another motivation.
Telling the truth in love doesn't seem to occur to those who hate anyone who disagrees with them.
Thank you for your post here. I admit to that, and probably the only reason I'm not lashing out at people here who disagree with me is because I used to be just like them. I can remember when somebody on a forum was trying to say the same things to me that I am trying to say to others here, and I called him an antisemite and a few other words. He was a Catholic, so I blamed his wrong-headed beliefs on that as well. But later when I found out he was right, I sent him a note, a note to everybody else on the forum (it was a private yahoogroups forum) and admitted he had been right all along.

One thing about UK John, even though we disagree about some things, he is always pleasant and kind. I won't post with people who call me horrid names and accuse me of being a liar. That's just totally uncalled for, off-the-charts wrong.

News Item12/28/08 8:36 AM
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over come evil wrote:
En Route to Military Rule
The military’s domination of law enforcement training in Iraq and Afghanistan have created police forces that "have been unnecessarily militarized –
The same all-devouring militarism is at work here as well:
(1) the huge and expanding role played by the military in narcotics enforcement.
(2) the Pentagon’s plan "to deploy 20,000 U.S. soldiers inside our borders by 2011.
(3) as of December 12, active-duty U.S. Marines conducted a joint highway sobriety checkpoint with California Highway Patrol officers.
Things are happening very quickly, and they will speed up even more when Obomba gets inaugurated. Colin Powell even gave a date of January 22 when the new president will be as he says "tested" and will be forced to take "Unpopular actions."

One reason I'm trying to get in a few good licks before the Net is possibly shut down and maybe we can't speak out anymore.

News Item12/28/08 8:29 AM
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hidemi williges wrote:
A lot of what I read here sounds like propaganda from Herbert W. Armstrong's Worldwide Church of God.
Armstrongism is British Israel, that everybody and his neighbor has Jewish genes that means he is a godlike creature who if people will bless they will get blessed back.

It's: Bless me, I'm Jewish!

Problem is, that's not at all what the Bible teaches. The scripture to Abraham referred to his seed, (Jesus) not "seeds" meaning all the physical descendents of Abraham would be blessing the earth as long as people were willing to bless THEM.

This is S P E L L E D O U T in the New Testament to the point of redundancy.

It shows that people who post here are NOT reading their Bibles, maybe reading commentaries and Scofield footnotes or watching TV, but NOT READING THEIR BIBLES.

News Item12/28/08 8:20 AM
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wayne wrote:
to banned
i suffer the same
keep it up brother
watch warn study scripture
pray for the lost
Thank you for your encouraging words and good counsel. A little truth puts out a whole lot of lies, and truth stands on its own. That's why I love it so much, finding it and telling it.

Christians have a powerful tool with the Internet, and it's too bad more don't appreciate it for that, take advantage of it to learn and to stand for the truth.

I do thank Sermon Audio for providing me that opportunity on this forum and I pray God's blessings on them for being willing to stick their neck out in these dangerous days we live in when those who do not agree with the government are labeled as "terrorists."

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