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News Item9/20/17 2:01 PM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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Unprofitable Serant wrote:
are both views held by premillinialist.
classical premills, yes. but pretrib rapturists have lost essential doctrine.

I hesitate to post this link because those caught up in it may not even recognize the error....

they will see Jesus in the flesh and be saved????

flee from this.

today is the day of salvation. not tomorrow.

those who reject Christ now have no hope, unless in this life they repent...

News Item9/19/17 10:54 PM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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Christians are paying for this with their tuition and tax money thereby guaranteeing that their children will not have work, as work will go to those who are willing to and excited about studying safe zones for lgbt students and psychological studies on how to reaquaint re gendered kindergarners to their classmates.

either way, a generation of men who would use the bible to explain away their silence as the innocent get taken away to the slaughter just might be committing the sin of omission..... see how well the Israelites convinced God when the innocent were taken away to slaughter in their communities during times of peace, how God dealt with them.... see the old testament prophets. the weeping prophets who cried out about injustice while the hard hearted said, am I my brother's keeper? what does this have to do with me?

News Item9/19/17 10:45 PM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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decades ago they decided to replace the Christian and Constitutional view of history, science and reading with a globalist one... ie cultural marxism. this was taught in the colleges of education and through the large curriculum companies, in turn, taught the children revisionist history, whole language and evolution. they further kept states from having effective reform by federalizing the free lunch programs and taking over school functions.

they have the power of a generation in their hands, they aren't about to surrender their one world babylon system for someone who might remotely like Christians or want to keep the nation from folding.

News Item9/18/17 9:26 AM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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by: Jesse Lee Peterson

"The more you give in to angry peoplek, the worse they get."

News Item9/18/17 9:23 AM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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so thankful for this ruling. he sounds like a true gentleman.

seems like the kind of guy that would help you get out of a ditch if he drove by you on a dirt road.

lgbt lobbies seem to go after some of the nicest, kindest people.

do they really want a world where Christians are silenced by the boot and the ugly tear apart good families?

they really need to think hard about this cultural marxist project they are a part of... considering norma of Roe v Wade and how the lawyers used her for their agendas, and how she spent a lifetime in regret for letting herself be used.

american targetting fellow americans.

Lord have mercy on us.

News Item9/18/17 9:17 AM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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progressives wanted to replace any vestiges of Christian influence with something that will silence it. so now they can go into the heap pile of history as God lets the next "empire" replace the one before.

they don't have much to stand on anymore except to hold on to enough wealth to build themselves gated communities and hide in their homes in denial.

an illustration of how evil exists and how the west denied spiritual realities through "rationalism" and then "evolution and science".

but they now must face the harsh realities that they denied and ignored and the world that their foolish hearts created.

Lord raise up His remnant with strength and faith to walk through these days.

News Item9/15/17 4:58 PM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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is it any wonder media supported antifa comes out against people's "right" to speak (ie confront evil) when they begin to unroll these kinds of programs?

Title: New Netflix Show Promotes Pedophilia

News Item9/15/17 4:38 PM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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speaking of people being too afraid to speak....

Title: CDC-funded study confirms flu shots linked to spontaneous abortions… vaccine experts rush to explain away the findings

"The study found a more than 400% increase in spontaneous abortions / miscarriages among pregnant women who received flu shots vaccines in back-to-back years. As ABC News reports:..."

News Item9/15/17 4:01 PM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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a Christian seeks for truth. Deceivers twist the words of the brethren.

News Item9/15/17 3:59 PM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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Greetings to you Br. Lurker!

News Item9/15/17 3:54 PM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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Dave wrote:
Certainly Connor.
We've had a Satanist that I've been witnessing with for over a year now, he's obviously not a Satanist anymore, I do believe the Holy Spirit has worked in him, he knows the gospel, he completely fears the Lord YHVH, no doubt he believes in Jesus either, so I just keep praying that he'll truly repent.
He rang me once wanting to know about getting, christened, I explained it was baptized, but after a lengthy talk he said he was just doing it as insurance, just to cover his bases, I didn't agree to baptizing him back then, I still pray the Holy Spirit inclines his heart and regenerates him.
God bless.
PS. His name is Paul if any feel inclined to pray
thumbs up

News Item9/15/17 3:41 PM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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her campaign manager podesta.... seeing their family art collection should alert a nation to a serious problem.

when added their spirit cooking parties and what kinds of things abramovic, artist was doing in public meetings should also alert the public.

even weiner got into trouble for his texts to an underage girl.

and this is what is shown, not what is done behind the scenes.

its been happening right under our noses.

lets not forget the wall of shame,even a term commonly used now is "arkancide", the comments by albright in the late 90's, yes the death of 500,000 children to starvation in Iq due to sanctions was worth it.

yes, hitlery is a perfect name.

News Item9/13/17 5:36 PM
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News Item9/13/17 5:34 PM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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when luther met corrupted priests and corrupted teachings and corrupted laity, he didn't just sit there and argue with them.

he named the source of the problem.

as we see europe and US succomb to this agenda, we too will be powerless if we nitpick away at those on the bottom rung who aim to temporarily gain power or money by going along with "the program" while remaining silent as to the structures and powers carrying this out.

News Item9/13/17 5:27 PM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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electronics is a lot of it. the job market and college debt another. if I had my way, high school would end at 16, by 8th grade they should be well trained, separated genders for seriousness in their studies. and then get the boys apprenticed in trades, rebuild american communities around these trades (Instead of mark of beast social security numbers and surveillance) so that a boy can dream. a young man who is independent can find a wife and make a path for them, as God intended.

instead we put them together in mindless schools until 18 and then its few jobs, few industry and years of college and debt.

and with the high level of transition and competition (and so many jobs going to foreigners or non citizens) -- they have to get advanced degrees to look good on paper.

then with high college debt and after 15 years of living in abject rebellion to nature itself (young people were meant to be married and have children), at the age of 30 they might get work or wait years for a good job.... putting off having children in their 30's

get rid of the nasty shots, encourage young marriages and bring jobs back!

our problems are a result of rebellion to God.

News Item9/13/17 5:16 PM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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every God-fearing man or woman must "come out of babylon" to follow Christ.

Does the pagan illusions of the RCC fit the bill?


but Babylon existed from ancient times.

many claim they are saved from babylon because they are not Catholic.

But the world system, the mark of the beast is greater than one false religion and can come in many other forms.

in their day, the reformers faced babylon with the RCC.

in our day, we have the pope advocating the global new order that is erasing borders, bringing in sharia law to europe and the end of many Christians around the world.

This babylon is hollywood and kabbalism. its the lgbt lobbies and psychiatry proclamations that intend to enslave generations.

its the abortion industry and all the money they make in "sciences" trading fetal body parts.

these things are an abomination and these idols must be rejected to follow Christ.

Christ is King.

The CHristian today cannot serve God today by following in the reformers footsteps alone.

as these brave men faced the fallacies and deceptions of their day, the true remnant doesn't follow their coattails for a free ride to pie in the sky, rather they shed their idols and live to glorify the Living God as revealed through the Messiah Jesus Christ.

No relic

News Item9/12/17 2:50 PM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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an astute student of the bible would notice that this is nothing more or less that bringing back the pagan religions and the s@xu"@l abuse of the temple. this is dealt with in scripture with balaam the donkey. when they went into the land, God told them not to make them into eunichs for their perverted worship.

News Item9/12/17 2:12 PM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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the whole new order system was based off this lie and very few believe it.

what now will be their excuse for taking away our homes, cars, businesses, land, children, lives, livelihood, health, language, nations, history etc for a global tax to a one world bank that owns everything?

the pope seems to be all in on it, the collapse of europe to sharia... wowsers. even the popes of the middle ages held that back.

News Item9/12/17 2:06 PM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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Another Michael wrote:
Good Morning! Everyone
I hope you all take this brief news article as another bit of warning evidence we are only about a half step away from SERIOUS, LIFE AT STAKE, PERSECUTION
My question for us is:
thank you for this post.

its about time we speak up...

News Item9/10/17 10:41 AM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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indeed Sr Ladybug, for those who have been through the hurricanes know the destruction, we all pray for those in harm's way today.
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