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Survey12/18/07 11:14 AM
Weapon of Mass Instruction | Uncensored  Find all comments by Weapon of Mass Instruction
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I am the Weapon of Mass Instruction. It is within my nature to give you truth.

If you want something from me all you have to do is ask. You have not, because you ask not. Unlike you, I can give a straightforward answer.

I can not be as gracious as I were in the past with my instruction because SA has limited the amount of posting. And since the thumb-sucking Calvinists cry foul play if I make consecutive post, my options are fairly limited.

You rallied against me and forced SA to make a rule to limit my post; now you are crying that I do not give you more information.

Make up your minds people.

Demned if I do and demned if I do not.

Survey12/18/07 11:01 AM
Weapon of Mass Instruction | Incensored  Find all comments by Weapon of Mass Instruction
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Two weeks is too short for them.

Cut them some slack.

I think they will need at least 6,000 years.

Survey12/18/07 10:46 AM
Weapon of Mass Instruction | Uncensored  Find all comments by Weapon of Mass Instruction
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jago wrote:
But where does faith originate?
"faith comes by hearing""
Faith originated when God created us and gave us this cognizant abilities like any other cognizant abilities. "Faith cometh by hearing: indicates a natural ability, not a supernatural unction. Otherwise, it would've stated, faith cometh by election.

jago wrote:
"faith is a gift of God"
No where in the Bible does it state that. The only way one can come up with such a conclusion is by misappropirating the adjective claus to faith rather then grace. This is when scripture interpreting scripture comes in. Throughout its pages, the word of God consistently affirms that grace is the gift NOT faith. There is no reason why one would make an exception in Ephesians 2:8 unless he has a theological agenda. Otherwise, its just plain dishonest hermenuetics.

jago wrote:
"We are each given a measure of faith"
That is simply a gross misinterpretion of Romans 12:3. The passage is talking about service, not salvation. It is clearly stating that we are to judge our service to God not by comparing ourselves to others but comparing it to how much we trust God with our talents.

Survey12/18/07 12:44 AM
Weapon of Mass Instruction | Uncensored  Find all comments by Weapon of Mass Instruction
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Discerning Believer wrote:
How would you then reconcile Rom. 5:1 with all the aforementioned verses, especially Rom 3:24, "Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus:"?
Very carefully.

Just kidding.

The only point that is relevant to our discussion is Romans 3:24 and Romans 5:9. The others are simply rabbit trails that really do not speak to the issue at hand.

I believe that the one does not have to negate the other. I think that is what you are trying to do with faith. If the Bible states that we are justified by faith, by grace, and by his blood then we are to accept all three statemenst.

They can easily be reconciled with the following statment.

One is justified when he places his faith in the blood of Jesus which he spilt by his grace.

Off to bed.

Survey12/17/07 11:58 PM
Weapon of Mass Instruction | Uncensored  Find all comments by Weapon of Mass Instruction
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You forgot the part when it states, justified by faith.

Is that one missing from the Bible?

DB wrote:
Tell me Yamil, what is "justification"?
Justification is the judicial act by which God declares one to be righteous.
DB wrote:
Who is the justifier?

DB wrote:
How is it applied to the sinner?
When mans appropriates personal faith in the saving work of Jesus on the cross apart from any meritorious work.

See how easy that is to answer questions DB. Nothing to hide. No itchy-twitchy dance. It's very nice not to have anything to hide. You should try it.

Survey12/17/07 11:49 PM
Weapon of Mass Instruction | Uncensored  Find all comments by Weapon of Mass Instruction
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Discerning Believer wrote:
Last time I read the gospels, Jesus used plenty of analogies in making things clear to his disciples.
It's interesting how with the same breath that you accuse me of lying about you using analogies, it is the same breath that you use to say that there is nothing wrong with it. Make up your mind will ya.

Discerning Believer wrote:
Whenever I am training individuals on computers or offering tech support, I have to illustrate things in terms that they can understand.
Who cares about your silly illustrations. I care about what the Word of God states. You would think that you should approach the Word of God with much more reverence. Illustrations are used to illustrate truth. Give me the truth first please and then I will care about your silly illustrations. Unfortunately, to you illustrations are truth.

Discerning Believer wrote:
You think you intimidate everybody with your devastating truth.
Wrong. I KNOW I intimidate you with the truth. Please get it straight.

The epitome of pride is placing your rationalizations above the Word of God. That, my friend, is what will destroy.

Survey12/17/07 10:12 PM
Weapon of Mass Instruction | Uncensored  Find all comments by Weapon of Mass Instruction
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Discerning Believer wrote:
Is justification by faith? You are looking for a yes or no answer based on 3 words isolated from its context.
1. Last time I dealt with the context you were not all that interested in dealing with context. You were too hung up on your silly analogies.

2. It's quite hypocritical to accuse me of not dealing with the context when you yourself have not taken consideration of the context let alone have any interest on what the verse actually states.

3. Even if it were isolated from the context as you falsely claim, what on God's green earth does that have to do with you being able to answer "yes" or "no" to a simple question!

Discerning Believer wrote:
Until you understand the doctrine of justification and what it means and how it is applied within the realm of salvation, you will understand that these cannot be answered in a simnple yes or no.
Funny how I am able to gleefully answer yes or no questions from you and others like you but when "I" ask you to give a straightforward answer it's not so simple. It's not rocket science folks; it's either true or false, right or wrong.

Survey12/17/07 7:13 PM
Weapon of Mass Instruction | Uncensored  Find all comments by Weapon of Mass Instruction
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Discerning Believer wrote:
The topic of this thread is justification.
Actually, the topic of this thread, is the relationship between justification and faith NOT whatever rabbit trail you want to come up with. But if you want to stray from the topic, I really do not mind. But if the moderator get's all uptight about it, then you know who is to blame. So tell me, where would you like to start?
Discerning Believer wrote:
Faith being a work to me is an oxymoron.
Great. I agree. Then I suppose you can stop inferring that when who denies total depravity but believes that God has given him the freedom to appropriate faith, his faith is equal to a works salvation.

Discerning Believer wrote:
Works are acts of the flesh to acheive a desired result, ie. salvation.

Both are acts of the will.

I would have to disagree with you there. The Bible does not make such a distinction.

I do not have room to comment on your last paragraph.

Survey12/17/07 7:01 PM
Weapon of Mass Instruction | Uncensored  Find all comments by Weapon of Mass Instruction
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Well, for starters, if he desires to know how a dog looks like, then stop showing him a cat and expect him to figure out the rest.

Survey12/17/07 5:19 PM
Weapon of Mass Instruction | Uncensored  Find all comments by Weapon of Mass Instruction
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One will surely have to make several logical leaps to arrive at irresistible grace from that verse.

How about showing me something that actually STATES what you believe for once. Anything, for that matter.

Survey12/17/07 5:07 PM
Weapon of Mass Instruction | Uncensored  Find all comments by Weapon of Mass Instruction
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Discerning Believer wrote:
The fact that God chooses to save anybody is a matter of God's grace.
We are not talking about grace, we are talking about faith. Try that on another thread.

Discerning Believer wrote:
In the judicial system, a convict is pardoned soley at the mercy of the judge...
You have it all backwards DB. One does not create an analogy and try to find Scripture that can accommodate it. One finds the Scripture and finds an analogy that accommodates it.

Nevertheless, let's start with your premise. Now, tell me, where in the Bible does it state the act of faith(the ability to accept or reject a gift) is a work?

The rest of your post has nothing to do with the topic at hand. Try to focus please.

Survey12/17/07 3:07 PM
Weapon of Mass Instruction | Uncensored  Find all comments by Weapon of Mass Instruction
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This is where we left off last time...

DB wrote:
That IS the point I have been trying to make all along.
No you have not. You just stated that justification is not by faith. Not even the Reformers in all of their Calvinistic glory would make such a scandalous statement.

DB wrote:
The missing ingredient I don't see in your group is God's grace, you have to add a human equation to the mix.
The human equation is faith silly. Like I said above, you are not saying what JD is saying. The reason you go back and forth in your confusion is that you do not believe that justification is by faith. You believe that justification is by election, and faith is a by product of it.

Was that not what you were trying to prove with the gross grammatical blunder you made from Romans?

Now let's see if you really are open to a discussion.

Survey12/17/07 3:04 PM
Weapon of Mass Instruction | Uncensored  Find all comments by Weapon of Mass Instruction
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Discerning Believer wrote:
That doesn't seem to work with people like Yamil. He doesn't like people commenting or using reason on verses to explin what they mean.
If you really want to reason DB, then you would not refuse to answer simple yes or no questions and come back later hoping everyone has forgotten about it.

Are you not the one that always cries, "Ok, I am done with you. I do not want to discuss it anymore?" That hardly sounds like the rhetoric of one that is really interested in reasoning. Sounds more like the rhetoric of one who chooses to be willfully ignorant.

Do you think it's reasonable to add to the Word of God more than what it states?

If you do, then it goes to show you that your reasoning is the final authority, not the Word of God.

Survey12/17/07 1:07 PM
Weapon of Mass Instruction | Uncensored  Find all comments by Weapon of Mass Instruction
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ML wrote:
"No answer, so revert to ad hominems" appears to be the strategy of the arminians.
And besides, if you truly believe what you wrote then you fly in the face of Scripture.. not that that should bother you and your hermeneutics.
You want an answer. Try asking a question.

That may help.

Survey12/17/07 12:12 AM
Weapon of Mass Instruction | The Dehvasting Truth  Find all comments by Weapon of Mass Instruction
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I was going to read the article in it's entirety but how can one take an article seriously, when the chapter referred to has "Our act of faith is not imputed to us as a Righteousness" when the Bible states "his faith is counted for righteousness" in Romans 4:5.

An outright denial of God's Word!

I think these people are too infatuated with themselves. They almost think that they are smarter than God himself. Do they even have a conscience?

Bunch of _________________! (I will leave the blank up to your most creative imaginations)

ML wrote:
But where in Scripture do we find a carnal man approving and willingly accepting God's gift?
I know of at least one person... He goes by ML.

Survey12/16/07 11:57 PM
Weapon of Mass Instruction | Uncensored  Find all comments by Weapon of Mass Instruction
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ML wrote:
What is meant by the question? Are we to understand that faith is the reason why we are justified.. are we justified on account of our faith? Is this the grounds of our justification? Then we would answer NO!
But if it means that we are justified through faith, as an instrument only, then we would answer YES, that there is no other means whereby we may be justified.
Well, R.K. claims his deaf. So I guess your excuse is that you can't read.

ML wrote:
This article also shows the silliness of those who do not bother to think on the text but insist that the face value is all that is meant, as though God were incapable of deep thought expressed simply!
We do not have a problem with that. We have a problem with the Calvinist stated that God's simple words are complicated.

Unfortunately, your form of thinking deeply is adding to the Word of God more than what it states. It's a free-for-all hermeneutic that knows no boundaries other than "so long as it agrees with Calvinism."

It's for those that do not have an ounce of respect towards the Word of God.

Survey12/16/07 6:26 PM
Weapon of Mass Instruction | Uncensored  Find all comments by Weapon of Mass Instruction
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Yea, right. That's what they all say.

You do not hear mine, and I still answer them. Funny how that works. Nevertheless, it is within my nature to answer your questions. After all, I am the Weapon of Mass Instruction.

Unfortunately, it is much harder for you. After all, you are a Calvinist, and Calvinists have all the questions but none of the answers.

The only thing they understand is:

Sola Calvinism!

Everything else is the same thing Charlie Brown hears.

Survey12/16/07 6:15 PM
Weapon of Mass Instruction | Uncensored  Find all comments by Weapon of Mass Instruction
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JD wrote:
These are important questions and I trust that when any of our theology is shown to be in error, we will quickly allow God to change our minds. Please, let none of us be so stubborn that we must be correct in the face of evidence to the contrary. This is not the christian way.
Ha! Fat chance. Just read the comment below. You can summarize his comment into two words:

Sola Calvinism!

Survey12/16/07 9:52 AM
Weapon of Mass Instruction | Uncensored  Find all comments by Weapon of Mass Instruction
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R. K. Borill wrote:
Is that all this is to you Yamil, a game?
You mean me and you. No. I consider it more of a joke the fact that you cannot answer a simple question.

Allan wrote:
Did the topic change? No one told me!
Firstly, its not about you. Secondly, it has not changed at all. The Calvinist has been lecturing me about how one must be unconditionally elected if he is to be justified.

So the question is, is justification truly by faith alone or by unconditional election alone?

What say you?

Allan wrote:
"Do you believe that justification is by faith alone?

( ) Yes, justification is by faith alone.

See, that was not that bad was it? So do you concede with me that justification IS NOT by unconditional election?

Survey12/15/07 3:42 PM
Weapon of Mass Instruction | Uncensored  Find all comments by Weapon of Mass Instruction
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Try telling us what your point is in one concise sentence.

I am not sure what all the fluff has to do with the topic at hand.

Is justification by faith or by unconditional election?

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