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News Item7/27/2020 5:59 PM
Watchmanrem | Australia  Find all comments by Watchmanrem
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Equation is simply oxygen is paramount! As soon as oxygen levels go below on memory 18% you can either faint or have a heart attack or many other symptoms...Law ,Thats is why runners or those whos work HAS extensive need for oxygen are exempt
Microbes are 200 times smaller than can spays and you can see what usless thing they Are against a mask.. next time in a cold day and look as you breath out and see what cloud come out of your mounth unto the face of others who you are talking too or even not talking to...but travels way way away. 😁. Mask, anti bacterial gell which is full of POISON wood alcohol usless,masks ONLY incubation of bacteria in your mouth and carbon dioxide reentry. Not rocket science. I guess common sense is a gift. 😚
No VIRUS just poison. Microbes are Gods way of protection. 2 trillion of these. Beware of fear, fear human fear is a POISON. Unbelief a POISON.s
Assemble one another together, not Skype or zoom but together Holly kiss sharing bateria with one onother.😚 ok right of fellowship. For the non Europeans Peace and Grace on the Israel of God. 😚😚

News Item7/26/2020 8:53 PM
Watchmanrem | Australia  Find all comments by Watchmanrem
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Right on herbalmamma.

Also they tryed to infect people by getting spanish flu people to infect non by breathing 2 inches away then tryed to inject snot in the non infected no one could get infected.The media dont tell us about this medical test why because it dont fit... Then did it with horse those that had the flu horse had bags then would place the bags on the non infected.. no tranfer just like the bible say. My germs cannot pass to yours . Holly kiss everyone. Peace and Grace on the Israel of God.

News Item7/26/2020 7:31 PM
Watchmanrem | Australia  Find all comments by Watchmanrem
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Ezekiel 36. 26 and 27..
Wow 25 says....
Could the prezzys be right..
“Then will I sprinkle clean water upon you, and ye shall be clean: from all your filthiness, and from all your idols, will I cleanse you.”
— Ezekiel 36:25 (KJV)
Mode of Holy Spirit. The new birth. Sprinkle....😚😚😚

“Then will I sprinkle clean water upon you, and ye shall be clean: from all your filthiness, and from all your idols, will I cleanse you.”
— Ezekiel 36:25 (KJV)
Again its not the amount of physical water, but the Spirit BORN again..
Peace and Grace on the Israel of God

News Item7/26/2020 5:29 PM
Watchmanrem | Australia  Find all comments by Watchmanrem
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Matthew 7 (KJV)
² For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.
³ And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?
⁴ Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?
⁵ Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.

😚😚😚 love thy weakest brother and sister.

News Item7/26/2020 5:20 PM
Watchmanrem | Australia  Find all comments by Watchmanrem
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Just be weary of the too late gosple.Once Jesus returns tjats it THE END.😚 stay away from the blu star is not davids, David had a key.😚 1 vine , one BODY, one Gosple, 1 tree, one people out of all nations.“Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof.”
— Matthew 21:43 (KJV)
Zionist are now saying My Jesus is anti Semitic, paul is anti sem peryer anti sem I wmr anti sem.... one is a jew inwardly not outward...The spiritual People of GOD called the elect or PEACE on the Israel of God. 😚😚😚 Have a BLESSED Lords Day Tim rejoice in JESUS in english..😚😚Love thy weakest brother. 😚😚😚

News Item7/26/2020 3:17 AM
Watchmanrem | Australia  Find all comments by Watchmanrem
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The same bird of jusuit rome...
Everyone around the western world gets to vote for whom rome has put their.fake democracy..😚

News Item7/26/2020 3:12 AM
Watchmanrem | Australia  Find all comments by Watchmanrem
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Dave wrote:
Mate to deny this covid is complete nonsense, of you're in Melbourne open your eyes mate.
Prayer is needed not fairytales
Its appointed to man 70 years, not ETERNAL life till Jesus returns.. 10 death today thats all they are saying no ages anymore except a man in his 40'. The propaganda continues.. wait till Americas winter. Remember Tanzanian president who tested a paw paw and a goat test came back positive.
WHERE are the flu deaths, swapped.Keep watching tv and believe the lies and the so called experts. Proverbs 28.1😚
PEACE on the Israel of God

News Item7/25/2020 3:37 AM
Watchmanrem | Australia  Find all comments by Watchmanrem
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M.E.R.F Australia. A very good missionary endeavour which i support..
Radio broadcast, pastor training.
Middle. East. Reformed. Fellowship..😚😚👍
Seeing The Grace of JESUS Christ. Work in dark place. Peace and Grace on the Israel of God.

News Item7/25/2020 3:31 AM
Watchmanrem | Australia  Find all comments by Watchmanrem
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Today tally just came in.. 60 year old 70 2x80 and a 90.. read my bible . Its say three score and 10 by reason of strength four score. No VIRUS just death.
1 flu death for the whole year
Yet 70 c19 as harry whu would say amaazzzing ..😚😚

News Item7/24/2020 10:15 PM
Watchmanrem | Australia  Find all comments by Watchmanrem
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I guess their idea of fast was eat fish instead of beef. Miss a cup of coffee for 3 days,, not the true biblical Fast.

Fyi another 5 deaths here in Victoria all over80 2 x 80 3 x in their 90...all to c19 no flu deaths..😚
The scam continues..lying wonder...

News Item7/23/2020 5:38 PM
Watchmanrem | Australia  Find all comments by Watchmanrem
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Just remember eugenics is not just abortions... technocrats video.
N.W.O is about eugenics via vaccines, more deaths than abortions, that is why its the same bird all over the world left and right wing the same bird.
Eugenics!!! Darwin!! Dna!! They want to know your family tree they say.What tree do they really want to know! They want you to take the covid test .. They have a vaccine for everything even religious extremism... gods of alchemy their great AWAKENING a new man, Kabbalah the builders who reject Jesus the only CREATOR who is blessed forever..

And if i were any in America who gets sick like neumonia i would not ask for a a.i resporator pressurizing your lungs, it seem when you have these resporators your as good as dead, blood clots then chemical, after chemicals to undo what that machine has done.
God dod say 3 score years and 10 and by reason of strength 4 score..5 more death, in vic only for some reason,,all over 70 1 in his 50, now what was really wrong with the younger one.
Remember Bill gates of hell FATHER was high up in the eugenics movement...
Peace and Grace on the Israel of God

News Item7/22/2020 5:09 PM
Watchmanrem | Australia  Find all comments by Watchmanrem
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You should see this stuff when it catches on fire, its invisible, people have put it on then near a flame..

Update in Australia 2 more deaths from c19 2 men in their 90' 130 for the year in all of Australia, ever border in victoria closed mask are mandatory but say not enforced.. Just get your vaccine. 🤣 they say..

They dont tell you about the tally of extra suicides, people who have lost everything of this worlds goods. But we dont care for them?
Your winters coming where they will twist all sorts to trap you..

This video is already banned on utube, i wonder why. AMAZING..what are they afaid of in this video, the truth!
Technocrats thats all the video is about eugenics!

News Item7/21/2020 10:10 PM
Watchmanrem | Australia  Find all comments by Watchmanrem
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Interesting interview..
Daniel Mcarthy running in Phoenix i think anyone heard of him, sound pretty good but as i said they all do till they get in, but i am cynical i think.😚
What he says its all over the world conservatives end up being poisioned by globalists!
PEACE and Grace on the Israel of God.

News Item7/21/2020 8:02 PM
Watchmanrem | Australia  Find all comments by Watchmanrem
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Mike wrote:
Maybe the 100 year old lady died because she was 100 years old. But this way it does add another case to the totals.
You must of read my mind..😎😚
No VIRUS just died from 2nd law ..

News Item7/21/2020 5:08 PM
Watchmanrem | Australia  Find all comments by Watchmanrem
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“Greet all the brethren with an holy kiss.”
— 1 Thessalonians 5:26 (KJV)
The best one missed!
Can i kill someone for doing what God said to do.😚
“Greet all the brethren with an holy kiss.”
— 1 Thessalonians 5:26 (KJV)
Good bacteria help all. Love!

The 100 year old lady that died yesterday here the news said she lived through spanish flu but could not c19..

Some say the Spanish flu was a result of the electrification of the earth via prince and power of the air radiation radio? That is why it travel so fast to different country so fast, yet the fastest mode of transport was boat month's . Yet it was in other countries fast!

Anyway its just my opinion, thats all it is. Peace and Grace on the Israel of God.

News Item7/21/2020 4:53 PM
Watchmanrem | Australia  Find all comments by Watchmanrem
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Lurker wrote:
What of it?
😊 what of it? Well it matters. If may not to you. 😚

There is only one Christ! JESUS!
Again if you think trump saying in the middles of his ramblings I am the chosen one he looks to tje heavens. Is nothing?
He going to save America from china, you have no jobs because all your business's are in china using more slaves because they dont want to give you the money for a days work. Again it not just America its globalization Australia too the winsors england. Europe rape! Counter REFORMATION, heard of it. Its wasnt just 400 gears ago the head is healed. This virus that shut all churches around the world with a shot being fired no protest, the one that says i cannot give a holy kiss i may kill someone, they say i am uncaring if i do. I cannot hug my mum in a nursing home, have to put a protective suit, this is laughable, beyond laughing christian are caught up in the scam... gavi wont be my SAVIOUR, MODERNA wont be my SAVIOUR by the Grace of God! 5gee prince and power of the air darts spiritual or physical! 😊😚😚
Trump is not what he seems. Thats all. Peace and Grace on the Israel of God

News Item7/21/2020 4:37 PM
Watchmanrem | Australia  Find all comments by Watchmanrem
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John UK wrote:
If there had not been a heathen Abraham, there would not have been an Israel.
In God's mind today, there is neither Jew nor Gentile, only his elect chosen from both. And he calls them the church.

⁰ For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, specially they of the circumcision:

Titus 1 (KJV)
⁹ Holding fast the faithful word as he hath been taught, that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince the gainsayers.
¹⁰ For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, specially they of the circumcision:
¹¹ Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre's sake.
¹² One of themselves, even a prophet of their own, said, The Cretians are alway liars, evil beasts, slow bellies.
¹³ This witness is true. Wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith;
¹⁴ Not giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of men, that turn from the truth.
Zionist of today the one people i cannot talk about else i get banned. A.D.L.

Will the Noahhide laws come to America? Who trump supports! Who is surrounded by these deep staters, no different to the dems..Peace and Grace on the Israel of God

News Item7/21/2020 5:27 AM
Watchmanrem | Australia  Find all comments by Watchmanrem
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Here in Victoria, last 10 death to c19 all over 80, today's 3 deaths 80, 90, 100. Still only 2 flu deaths for the year, yet c 19 is i think is 60 for the year. Also as of Thursday mask will be mandatory in the main stores.But wont be policed? I dont like what i think will happen to u people once your winter comes. Praying🙏.
Peace and Grace on the Israel of God. 😚

News Item7/21/2020 5:14 AM
Watchmanrem | Australia  Find all comments by Watchmanrem
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Lurker wrote:
I've seen that video and I believeld has too.
But you're not hearing me.
You said 7/19/2020 10:52 PM" "Trump did say " I AM the chosen one " then looks up to the heavens."
And again 7/18/2020 4:59 PM "Trump did say he was the chosen One.. 😎Rev 9.11?"
I'm looking for the video where Trump says what you claim he said. The videos you linked to Trump says "I Am the Chosen One to Take On China".
And what's with the reference to Rev 9:11?
And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.
Are you saying Trump is Abaddon/Apollyon?
And for what it's worth, you brought it up 7/18/2020 4:59 PM.
Do what you want but I'd suggest you quit while you're behind.
Again i said ...that he said, trump said, I am the the chosen one.. notice the question mark. Is he? Question! Rev...?? Dont you get it. Its a question. As for consideration.
For your interest his parent have a middle name. Who whould have a middle name as "christ"

Now do u you get what I meant. If not,You better quite while your not getting what a question is. 😊😚

The Republican party are not saints their love for Gavi, trump gavi they kill more unborn t

News Item7/20/2020 5:51 PM
Watchmanrem | Australia  Find all comments by Watchmanrem
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Dr. Tim wrote:
Watchmanremo, you have no idea what people are dying of, and you ought to just shut up about it.
And you do.

😚 no virus. POISON ,
Bacteria too much of it in the wrong place. Bacteriophages. Immune response..Gods army..😉

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