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News Item6/12/08 9:02 PM
The Lone Wolf | Crying in the Wilderness  Find all comments by The Lone Wolf
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From reading the context of Matthew chapter 3, it would seem apparent that Jesus was baptized in public as well.

Survey6/11/08 6:13 PM
The Lone Wolf | Crying in the Wilderness  Find all comments by The Lone Wolf
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Michael, let ask you a straightforward question and I want an honest answer.

If it were not for the grace of God working in your heart to bring you to a place of repentance, opening up your eyes, your ears and your heart to understand the gospel, what were the pssibilities of you ever coming to Christ on your own?

Survey6/11/08 5:56 PM
The Lone Wolf | Crying in the Wilderness  Find all comments by The Lone Wolf
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However, if Jesus paid their penalty, redeemed them, then God is unjust in sending them to Hell anyway. Jesus already paid their sin debt, why would God require it again.

If Christ did not secure the salvation of His elect by his death on the cross, but only made available, then we are all doomed.

Survey6/11/08 5:36 PM
The Lone Wolf | Crying in the Wilderness  Find all comments by The Lone Wolf
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Basically what you are telling us is that if Jesus died for all of those who are in Hell, then his satisfaction wasn't good enough and that somehow man must interject his part to complete the transaction. Thus God wasn't able to accomplish his purpose because man would not let him.

Scripture tells us,

Mat 1:21 And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he SHALL save his people from their sins.

It doesn't say he will try, it says he SHALL.

Eph 5:25 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;

Who does it say he gave himself for, the world? or the church?

Survey6/11/08 5:09 PM
The Lone Wolf | Crying in the Wilderness  Find all comments by The Lone Wolf
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I'll ask you the same question quote asked you. Did Jesus die, shed his blood and made satisfaction to the divine justice of God for sin for those who are in Hell?

Yes or No?

News Item6/11/08 4:42 PM
The Lone Wolf | Crying in the Wilderness  Find all comments by The Lone Wolf
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My personal opinion is that they need to get back to reading and preaching the old book. God can build his church much better than Rick Warren's "Purpose Driven Life", "The Prayer of Jabez","WWJD", "Promise Keepers", "Holman Christian Standard Bible" and all of the other fads and bandwagons they jump on. Every year it is a different fad. Get back to preaching the cross of Christ, repentance of sin and the holiness of God.

Instead of coming out with a new bible translation every year, teach them the doctrines of the old King James. Our young children have no problems with it, our young teens and young adults have no problems reading and understanding it and our older adults have no problems reading or understanding it either.

God builds His church when His Word is first honored and preached.

Survey6/11/08 11:04 AM
The Lone Wolf | Crying in the Wilderness  Find all comments by The Lone Wolf
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Here is a good verse for these folks to chew on.

James 1:13 Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man:

v14. But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed.

v15. Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death.

God doesn't make them sin, he leaves them to their own sin.

For some reason, people like Michael, Mike from NY and JD feels that God owes them something; He owes them forgiveness; He owes them a chance at eternal life.

Fact is He owes us nothing but eternal damnation in a sinner's Hell.

Survey6/9/08 11:20 PM
The Lone Wolf | Crying in the Wilderness  Find all comments by The Lone Wolf
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Preacher wrote:
Gentile or Gentle????

That is what happens when I don't proofread my work.

Amen to the remainder of your post.

Survey6/9/08 10:12 PM
The Lone Wolf | Crying in the Wilderness  Find all comments by The Lone Wolf
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Preacher, I am with you. All he is doing is tit for tat games like JD and Yamil. I have no more time to help someone who is unteachable. I once thought he was and had a sweet, gentile, tender spirit.

Survey6/9/08 7:39 PM
The Lone Wolf | Crying in the Wilderness  Find all comments by The Lone Wolf
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Michael Hranek wrote:
The Lone Wolf
Apparently they didn't come to Jesus to be saved from their sins DID THEY! because they continued to live in them. But are you accusing Jesus who has told us, 'the one who comes to Me I will in no way cast out' of being dishonest?
You are the one who is being dishonest here by citing only part of the verse and leaving out the first part.

***All that the Father giveth me shall come to me;*** and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.
(Joh 6:37)

All that the Father gives to Christ will come to him. You conveniently left out God's role in salvation.

Talk about dishonesty

Survey6/9/08 6:24 PM
The Lone Wolf | Crying in the Wilderness  Find all comments by The Lone Wolf
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Norman Smith wrote:
To the 2/3 people who are interested, and know that i went self employed last year,praying that if it was the Lord's will,that he would fill my diary.
My first customer, and first job, was on January 2nd 2007.
Tomorrow,10th June 2008, i am booked in to mow the lawn of a 91 year old gentleman who *is finding his garden just a little bit too much for him to cope with now.* !
He will be my 100 th customer.!
...i prayed that the Lord would be pleased to fill my diary if it was His will...He has done that .
What a wonderful Lord and Saviour we have...who provides for our temporal needs as well as spiritual blessings.

May God continue to bless and use you as a witness of His marvelous grace.

Survey6/9/08 6:11 PM
The Lone Wolf | Crying in the Wilderness  Find all comments by The Lone Wolf
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Michael Hranek wrote:
quote, whatever your name is
Let me ask you a question, "Is there a single person who has ever lived or ever will who came to Jesus Christ to be saved from their sins that Jesus didn't save?"
The Arminians,
Mat 7:22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

Mat 7:23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

The rich young ruler, Matt. 9:6-26, Mark 10:17-27.

Survey6/9/08 2:13 PM
The Lone Wolf | Crying in the Wilderness  Find all comments by The Lone Wolf
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Dr. Phil wrote:
Lone Wolf,
Please let me caution you about the dipsy Alice In Wonderland rabbit trails.
Notice, He didn't answer any of the questions, but went into the ad hominem attacks on my handle. Did not address the issues.

Survey6/9/08 1:19 PM
The Lone Wolf | Crying in the Wilderness  Find all comments by The Lone Wolf
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JD wrote:
Lone Wolf
1) How do you know what kind of methods I employ?
By the common practice among so many fundamental baptist to go for the numbers game.

JD wrote:
2) Are you god to know who makes a false profession and who does not?
(Out of all the people that you claimed you saved or that you won to the Lord, how many show up for church.)
By their fruits or lack thereof. Christ's sheep hear his voice and will follow, another voice they will not hear.

JD wrote:
3) Why do you have a handle of "wolf" when all the connotations in Scripture are negative and Satanic? This boggles my mind.
Not relevant to the discussion

JD wrote:
4) Are you in the wilderness of Australia?

JD wrote:
5) What is your method of evangelism?
That al men dead in tresspasses ans sin and are totally depraved of any moral goodness whereby they can save themselves.

Jesus paid the satisfactory justice for sin and meet God's demand for perfect righteousness.

God justifies the sinner on the merits of Christ and his righteousness is imputed on the believing sinner.

-out of space

Survey6/9/08 11:10 AM
The Lone Wolf | Crying in the Wilderness  Find all comments by The Lone Wolf
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JD, Is the spiritual climate in the US any better than that of Australia? Afterall the US has a larger percentage in IFB churches than Australia. The Baptist only make up about 1.6% of the Christian denominations and Presbyterian or Reformed make up about 3%.

How does your group handle the many false professions of faith that is a result of your 1-2-3 repeat after me, 4-5-6 let's see if it sticks, 7-8-9-10 let's try it again soul-winning gimmicks. Out of all the people that you claimed you saved or that you won to the Lord, how many show up for church.

Anyway, wasn't it Jesus himself that said that He would build his church. Our responsibility is to preach the saving grace of Jesus to all of the world, rely on the power of the Holy Spirit to prepare and work on the hearts of the hearer to bring them to repeentance and faith unto salvation.

When churches preach the gospel of salvation to the lost and leave the resaults up to God, all that the Father gives to Christ shall come to him by faith and repentance and will in no wise be cast out.

Survey6/5/08 5:39 PM
The Lone Wolf | Crying in the Wilderness  Find all comments by The Lone Wolf
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jago wrote:
Thank you for the links. They really do seem to hold a strange mix of beliefs.
Same here Minnow. Thanks for the links. Whoever wrote the first article did a great job.

Survey6/5/08 4:59 PM
The Lone Wolf | Crying in the Wilderness  Find all comments by The Lone Wolf
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jago wrote:
I think I'm beginning to understand. Biblical Fundamentalism is the term you use if you do not hold all the points of armenianism or all of the points of calvinism. Yet people with this theology cherry pick the points of each belief that they like.
Am I correct?
Pretty close I am afraid. Most hold to human philosophy themselves, but will not admit it. They accuse everybody else, but can't see the beam that is in their eye.

If they want to stick true to biblical fundamentalism then they need to throw away their Scofield Bibles. Stick to the fundamental basics of the bible itself.

Survey6/5/08 3:38 PM
The Lone Wolf | Crying in the Wilderness  Find all comments by The Lone Wolf
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Mike wrote:
Thus have the words been spoken. What do these words mean? On the one hand this so-called corpse-dead unable man can in no way discern any spiritual things, cannot see, hear, understand, and does not care about sin or salvation. On the other hand he must somehow be able to discern God, who is a Spirit, in order that he may care enough to hate Him. There is a big problem here. Yet some have no problem with it. Now there is some twisting!
The flesh is at enmity with God to start with. No twisting here. The flesh is corrupt because of the fall of Adam. The flesh loves and cares for the pleasures and the things of the world, the very things which God hates.

1 Jn 2:15 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.

1 Jn 2:16 For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.

Rom 8:7 Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.
Jas 4:4 Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is

Survey6/5/08 11:46 AM
The Lone Wolf | Crying in the Wilderness  Find all comments by The Lone Wolf
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Thanks for the info. It is quite remarkable what passes off as biblical fundamentalism. They accuse the reformed group of human philosophy, but yet they are given in to the philosophy of John Darby and Scofield, Larkin, Hal Lindsay, Jack Van Impe, John Hagee, et al and all of the so-called "prophecy experts" of the last few decaded.

Survey6/5/08 7:55 AM
The Lone Wolf | Crying in the Wilderness  Find all comments by The Lone Wolf
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Now that Preacher is real biblical fundamentalism. Well said
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