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News Item7/20/2020 10:02 PM
Lurker  Protected NameFind all comments by Lurker
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Watchmanrem wrote:
I have. Is it not coming up?
You brought it up not me. Watch the link, i have provided twice..
😚 PEACE and Grace on the Israel of God.
I've seen that video and I believe the whole world has too.

But you're not hearing me.

You said 7/19/2020 10:52 PM" "Trump did say " I AM the chosen one " then looks up to the heavens."

And again 7/18/2020 4:59 PM "Trump did say he was the chosen One.. 😎Rev 9.11?"

I'm looking for the video where Trump says what you claim he said. The videos you linked to Trump says "I Am the Chosen One to Take On China".

And what's with the reference to Rev 9:11?

And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.

Are you saying Trump is Abaddon/Apollyon?

And for what it's worth, you brought it up 7/18/2020 4:59 PM.

Do what you want but I'd suggest you quit while you're behind.

News Item7/20/2020 3:47 PM
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Mike wrote:
Guilty until proven innocent is another "new normal" being introduced while we "stay safe." Amazing how much can be done in a short while by simply creating an emergency. Ah, longing for the good old days of 15 days to flatten the curve. I wonder how flat it has to be? It's horizontal in NY, but Cuomo is still issuing emergency derived executive orders. It's so hard to let go when you're liberal and obsessed with your own messianic importance.
Cuomo. You sure know how to pick em!

News Item7/19/2020 11:35 PM
Lurker  Protected NameFind all comments by Lurker
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Watchmanrem wrote:
As you can see and now hear lurker Trump did say " I AM the chosen one " then looks up to the heavens.. You really need to stop being annoyed and hear truth from some one else..
This again? And who is this "someone else" who has the truth? You? Ha!

Just post a link to the video that apparently only you have seen and I'll concede you were right. If you can't, I'll conclude your allegation is a creation of your very fertile imagination.

News Item7/18/2020 9:33 PM
Lurker  Protected NameFind all comments by Lurker
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Watchmanrem wrote:
1) No he looks up to heaven.when he say it..

2) remember God choses our leaders based on His Will.

1) Got video? Maybe he was looking up for a fly buzzing his hair thinking it was a Cheeto?

2) So he is the chosen one. So what's your deal?

News Item7/18/2020 7:02 PM
Lurker  Protected NameFind all comments by Lurker
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Dr. Tim wrote:
Thanks, Lurker. Watchmanremo is a Mason. He said so himself. Okay, maybe he didn’t really, but I said he did, so that is proof. And there is no such thing as a virus. Just juju.

And to sisters MS & Ladybug.

News Item7/18/2020 6:41 PM
Lurker  Protected NameFind all comments by Lurker
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One of Trump's tweets has been twisted into a pretzel by his haters and is what I was thinking of in my first comment. It was asserted that Trump said he was ‘The King of Israel’ and ‘the second coming of God’.

Nothing could be further from the truth but the haters aren't interested in truth or facts.

Snopes set the record straight for anyone interested in the truth:

News Item7/18/2020 6:06 PM
Lurker  Protected NameFind all comments by Lurker
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Watchmanrem wrote:
Your right he said of others, but did he disagree. I am not. And what chosen one is he referred too, very subjective. Not roman 13.Deeper.
😚 what about what he loves ..he said he was a mason.. what else..
"President Trump said his life would be easier if he had not mounted a trade war with China but said “I am the chosen one” to take on Beijing, Reuters reports.",chosen%20one%E2%80%9D%20to%20take%20on%20Beijing%2C%20Reuters%20reports.

We've had to listen to lies about Trump from the democrats for 3 1/2 years so we don't need you to add to it.

News Item7/18/2020 5:25 PM
Lurker  Protected NameFind all comments by Lurker
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Watchmanrem wrote:
Trump did say he was the chosen One.. 😎
NO he didn't. Someone else said that of him. But I challenge you to prove me wrong. Post up the direct quote or withdraw your false allegation.

News Item7/10/2020 2:10 PM
Lurker  Protected NameFind all comments by Lurker
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DKH wrote:
Last I checked the RCC obeys the pope, not Jesus. They certainly dont love their enemies anyways.
Doesn't change the fact that the RCC would agree with every point. And the reason is they espouse synergism and reject monergism. Apparently you do as well. It's a well traveled road to destruction and you seem bent to travel it too.

News Item7/10/2020 12:45 PM
Lurker  Protected NameFind all comments by Lurker
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DKH wrote:
They believed...
...we all sinned and need a savior to save us from our sins.
...Jesus blood is available for all men everywhere (Acts 17:30).
...Jesus forced no one. All men have free choice to either believe Jesus or reject Him.
...we cannot save ourselves by obeying the law. We must have faith in Him and repent of our sins.
...when we have faith, He gives us grace and the HS which works in our lives and gives us the power to be obedient.
...God forgives our past sins and is faithful and just to forgive us if we sin in the future, if we repent and confess (1 John 1:9).
...we Christians have assurance of salvation, But if we walk in sin and dont continue to the end we will be cut off.
...obedience to all of Jesus commands was important and was proof of your relationship with Jesus. They took it literally when Jesus said, "Love your enemies", "Dont divorce and remarry", "Swear not at all".
...we are saved through CHRIST alone.
The RCC would give a hearty amen to every point.

News Item7/10/2020 12:33 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Why, WFP, you were doing pretty good until it's only the craziness of the left-wing bunch is to be considered rather then remarks from such people as Franklin Graham. I certainly didn't quote a liberal source. I did point out the nuttiness that comes out of the "religious" council that advises Trump. Fortunately even a goodly number of GOPers are not happy with the racist handling the various problems we are having.
excerpt from,"A Letter on Justice and Open Debate"
Now the above may be from a liberal source❗
A balanced approach is certainly lacking.
You seem to forget the concept of SA's comment section. They post news articles for the purpose of comments from a Christian perspective. It's not for you to decide that the news articles they post up are lacking "balance".

But then we all know your so called "balance" is nothing more than a diversion to draw attention away from godless, liberal insanity with which you seem to identify. I'd say it's an instinctive reaction that you do without even thinking about it and have no control over. Such are the reactions of a liberal mind.

News Item7/9/2020 4:47 PM
Lurker  Protected NameFind all comments by Lurker
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DKH wrote:
Lurker, my point was that Jesus has the right to put requirements in order to receive the gift of salvation.
What God the Father and God the Son have the right to do is a distraction. They had the right to let us all go to hell after Adam's transgression but they didn't.

My question to you is simple. What are the biblical requirements placed in front of us in order to receive salvation? If you know something that we don't, are you honoring God by keeping it a secret? How will you answer God when He asks why you didn't tell everyone what He has shown you?

And thanks for your follow up comments but they seem a small thing right now.

News Item7/9/2020 3:59 PM
Lurker  Protected NameFind all comments by Lurker
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DKH wrote:
Its not logical to conclude a system of belief is right because its been more commonly believed or more well known. You could make the same case for Catholicism.
If that's what you got from my comments then I owe you an apology for poorly expressing myself. But never mind that. You've said things to John which are raising a huge red flag. I'll not interfere in your dialogue with John but I sure hope you will elaborate with specifics on this comment:

"If Bill Gates came and offered you $1 million every month for the rest of your life as a free gift, would you be thankful? of course. But what if he required you to pick up three pieces of roadside trash ***in order to apply for the free money***? [...] Its the same with the gospel. Paul told the Romans not to think that they worked for the gift of Salvation but he did not say God requires nothing of us to be saved. In fact, he said quite the opposite (Romans 6)"

***in order to apply for the free money***?

In order to receive the free gift of redemption, quickening, justification, life, etc. one must do what exactly?

News Item7/9/2020 1:31 PM
Lurker  Protected NameFind all comments by Lurker
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DKH wrote:
Id rather understand scripture the way the early Christians understood it because they spoke the same language, lived in the same culture, and were taught by the apostles themselves.
The Protestant Reformation gave us bibles in our own language 500 years ago. Except for the RCC, I don't know of anyone who doesn't agree that God's fingerprints were all over the Protestant Reformation and especially the bible in the common language. But the early church writings you apparently hold up as superior to the teachings of the reformers have only become available in the last 25 (+-) years by means of the internet and only to those who seek them out.

So here's something to consider. If these early church writings are the real deal and the Protestant writings are but sinking sand; why did God allow them to be hidden away for another 500 years after the publication of the bible in common language?

Regarding your relentless drumbeat of obedience: The Jews were extremely obedient to every word, jot and tittle of the letter of the law and were given a letter of divorcement from God for it. Clearly they didn't understand what God required of them. So my question to you: How can you be certain that you understand what is required of you?

News Item7/9/2020 12:56 AM
Lurker  Protected NameFind all comments by Lurker
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This is what happens when a nation, mightily blessed of God in the past, turns its back to God. It's hard to comprehend that in four short months this could become a reality. Turned into another Venezuela in five short years.

News Item7/6/2020 1:42 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
"239 Experts With One Big Claim: The Coronavirus Is Airborne"
Four more months till election day. Gotta keep feeding the panic till then.

News Item7/5/2020 2:01 PM
Lurker  Protected NameFind all comments by Lurker
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DKH wrote:
I dont understand it all but there must be an at least an aspect of salvation that happens in the future. Im wont expound because im not studied on that topic.
What prevents you from asking? You wrote "Salvation is about a relationship with Jesus" and I challenged you. But I'm also willing to show you what scripture has to say about salvation. This forum is a great place to learn from others but if you take the attitude that you've got it all figured out you're going to encounter resistance and even rebuke.

I went back in your history and remember that you are a young man (I have 4 grandchildren older) and clearly zealous about the things of God so I would prefer to be an encouragement to you. At your age it's alright to not have it all figured out. I've been studying the bible for years and am certain I'll never have it all figured out in this life. It's when we decide we have "arrived" that we stop learning.

So if you want another perspective on what the bible has to say about salvation, let me know and I'll send you an email.

News Item7/5/2020 1:38 AM
Lurker  Protected NameFind all comments by Lurker
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MS wrote:
I will not answer for Bro. Lurker as I know he is on the forum today. But remo has spoken a lie in regard to an incident that took place on another thread about a week ago. Hopefully he will see this and address it accordingly.
I did notice, sister MS, but I wasn't going to say anything. God knows what I said and I'm content to leave it there.

All the best to you and yours. You are appreciated. Stay safe.

News Item7/4/2020 11:54 PM
Lurker  Protected NameFind all comments by Lurker
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DKH wrote:
I didnt say that. You fail to understand me.
Salvation is not a means for our own good. Its a means to glorify God and God is glorified by the redemption of sinners. God wants a relationship with people. Not because He needs it but because He wants it. Thats why He created humans in the first place. Salvation was Gods way to "save people from their sins" so they could again have a relationship with God and God could show His power and love through them to rest of the World who rejected Him. Paul had this relationship.
No, you didn't say that and yes, I fail to understand you. But what I do understand is biblical words have very specific meanings and it's not for us to misuse them to bolster some flowery idea about God's purposes. They are His words, not ours, and we must reverence them as we do God.

You wrote "Salvation is about a relationship with Jesus". I gave you a text from Romans which clearly teaches at that time, Paul and the Romans he was writing to, had not yet receive salvation but were waiting for it in hope.

Can you answer what Paul and the Romans were waiting to be saved from? When would they be saved from it? By what means? If not, by what authority do you offer a commentary regarding God's purpose of salvation?

News Item7/4/2020 2:39 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
excerpts from, "Donald Trump says the US leads on coronavirus tests, but some experts want 30 million more a day"
✓ fortnight = "A period of two weeks"
More tests won't fix anything. Just more data for the "experts" to manipulate for their agenda. I'd say this economist owns stock in the Covid-19 test kit business.
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