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News Item1/8/08 8:58 AM
JOHN | FL  Contact via emailFind all comments by JOHN
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This should be of no surprise with legal abortion (murder) and Born again Christian men allowing their wives to take the pill which causes abortions. Sorry men, just because science gives you more liberty with your bodies doesn't mean that God intended it to be so. Even though I do not agree with alot of the RCC's theology, this webiste is very though provoking in regards to how we treat our bodies. Birthcontrol was very heavly preached against by our spiritual fathers in the faith earlier in the 19th century.

News Item1/5/08 8:42 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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When did "science" become so politicized, and when did so many
self-proclaimed guardians of "science" become such chicken-littles
(Thinking: Our president is "born-again"--the sky is falling--run
for your lives!!!....etc.)?

" 'If our country starts to behave irrationally whereas all the
other countries coming up and chasing us (to take over as the
world leaders in science and technology) behaving rationally,
we are doomed,' Omenn said. "

Most of the drivel that tumbles from the lips of the many
modern secular rationalists (like this guy!) isn't even worth
responding to, but this comment struck me as an example of how
two people can have totally different perceptions regarding a
nation's condition.

Omenn sees USA's condition as being backward, while I see USA as
a hold-out, while most if not all other nations are falling-away
into error (i.e. AWAY from God rather than TOWARD Him).

News Item1/4/08 5:02 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Harlan wrote:
Why? Our hope is in God not people making themselves better. In Christ saving his people the glory will all go to him. The Puritan Hope was the spring of modern missions. What liberals held was man saving himself and gradually getting better.
Like your comment, and your name.
My dad's name is Harlan also.

News Item1/4/08 4:11 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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If my memory serves, most of these so-called visions
that are reported in the news and other sources do NOT
involve Jesus, but the Virgin Mary, or some other
saint/sign/symbol...which may be and indication of
the source of such "visions" and the quality thereof.

News Item1/4/08 3:50 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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"Intelligent design holds that the universe's order and
complexity are so great that evolution cannot explain it."

Unfortunately it is simplistic definitions of ID like this
that prompt many evolutionary hard-liners to stereotype we
creationsists as worshippers of a "god-of-the-gaps".

' "Students should learn about the evidence for and against
evolution," he said. '

Though I couldn't agree more, we must be realistic regarding
human intellectual inertia and predjudice regarding prevailing
ideas/opinions. Afterall, I doubt very much that Claudius
Ptolomy and his ilk would've tolerated a serious consideration
of the Copernican universe, had the idea been presented in his

This whole struggle of ID/creationism vs. evolution is going to
be pretty rough-and-tumble for some time to come, I think.

News Item1/4/08 3:30 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Psalm 1 as well as the Beattitudes have some advice on
how to be "happy".

News Item1/3/08 6:36 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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OHHH...Why focus on women when it's just
as bad for us men if WE leave the church (become apostate), too!

News Item1/3/08 6:28 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Those who think they have God but don't tend to be
more succeptible to mysticism and subjective experience
to make up for the real lack of true blessings enjoyed
by those that truely belong to God.

Like the rich young ruler who thought he was righteous
but was still promted to solicit Jesus regarding his real
perceived lack of peace/contentment/(salvation?).

I see this EVERYWHERE in our modern/post-modern "Christian"
society...and it's REALLY sad!

News Item1/3/08 6:20 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Let's see...a WOMAN bishop is defending a GAY bishop.

To believeing Christians like myself, this is like Hitler
saying Salin was a GOOD guy! No real spiritual credibility
whatsoever here.

Bible indicates only honorable, family MEN have an opportunity
to become REAL elders/bishops/deacons.

These Anglicans, like so many others today, are not following
God but just doing there own thing.

News Item1/1/08 11:48 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Biblical wrote:
There are contradictions in the other
mostly the Nearly Inspirational Version

"Nearly Inspirational Version"--or NIV!
I LOVE it! So many of my fellow believers
are IN LOVE with this translation of the
Bible--which is not a translation at all
but a thought for thought--rather than
word for word conversion of the original
language. Don't you just LOVE the fact
that our most recent Biblical scholars
were so disdaining and condescending of
us to think we would be too stupid to
be able to struggle through a word-for-
word translation of the Bible so they
had to try to make things even simpler
for us?

I say give me the good old KJV, with
all it's faults, and a Strongs concordance
rather than have my hand held by someone
who thinks I'm a spiritual moron compared
to them!

News Item12/31/07 1:22 AM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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"Sex lessons must start at age five"

It's all a band-aid for a wound that would be better
served by cleaning up the filthy modern media that's
prompting an arificial "need" to bring our little ones
up to speed on topics they ought not to have to deal
with until much later in life.

News Item12/31/07 1:15 AM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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(groan!) This is the "Christian"version
of tristadecaphobia!

Nothing more.

News Item12/29/07 12:55 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Notice at the end of the article that the PRO position on this
issue is held by an expert in the field (Child Development)
while the CON position is held by what appears to be a beurocrat
(Children's Commissioner).

To me, that pretty much says it all!

Just what the heck IS a Children's Commissioner anyway?

My brother and I spent many hours playing with toy guns as kids
and turned out just fine as adults (we learned muzzle control at
a very early age). In fact today he and his wife are very much
ANTI-gun, which proves to me that playing with toy guns alone
doesn't turn people into firearms criminals.

Survey12/26/07 6:40 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Yamil wrote:
The U.S.
I agree. It's the U.S.

2nd would probably be Japan.

News Item12/26/07 5:59 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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'"The bottom line is that these young kids fought their way
through it and ultimately were winners. And that's the message,
that you don't have to give up. And you don't have to give in,"
he (Denzel Washington) said.'

'Echoing Washington's description of the movie as a "David and
Goliath" story, Cynthia Bond Hopson, an executive with the
United Methodist Black College Fund, proudly spoke of the
support the United Methodist Church provides to black colleges.
"We have moved mountains simply by educating people and giving
them a sense of 'I can do this for myself,'" she said.'

Even though I'm white, I have no problem with movies about black
people 'clobbering' white people (be it debate or other forms of
"combat"--as Washington's character describes debate), but at
least give the glory to GOD (as David did when Goliath fell) for
the victory rather than keep it for yourselves.

Washington, Oprah, et. al. are doing little more than puffing-
up their "brothers and sisters" rather than pointing them to
anything greater than themselves (i.e. God)...which is why I
detest movies like these so much.

News Item12/26/07 5:34 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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My "money" was on the current leader of
Iran--whom I believe to be much more
threatening that either Rowling or Putin...unless the latter helps Iran in
some "way".

Survey12/26/07 5:30 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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HUGE choice of quality sermons.

2nd favorite aspect is it's (SA's) capacity to draw several
sharp and blessed believing commentors to it's site.

I've learned quite a bit form what many of these folks have
written here.

News Item12/26/07 5:04 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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R. K. Borill wrote:
"What Does Hillary Believe?"
From what I have heard . . .
That she is god, and if you don't think so, you should. And, if she is elected President, you will, or else. . .
An exaggeration of course, but just BARELY.

Hillary wants to control everything from oil profits
to how much and what kind of health-care each and
everyone of us gets.

God alone is soveriegn but many fallen people, including
Hilary, want some of that soverienty for themselves!

Sermon12/24/07 1:20 PM
John | Dallas, Tx  Find all comments by John
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Good "Political" video from the Pulpit!!!

News Item12/24/07 12:35 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Guys like Dawkins would have a much easier time promoting
their positions if our "unenlightened" country were not so
much more blessed and prosperous than those countries which
Atheists consider to be more enlightened than we are.
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