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News Item3/31/10 5:46 PM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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HistY - you are the historian, you tell me please. You had seemed to be propagating the following view earlier "there is no evidence for a pre-Christian festival in the British Isles in March or April."

May Day was the main pagan festival in my church of england village primary school. It was the one and only day a year they got together with the papist school down the road to celebrate.

News Item3/31/10 3:30 PM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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HistY quoted wrote:
"there is no evidence outside of Bede for the existence of this Anglo-Saxon goddess (Eostre). There is no equivalent goddess in the Norse Eddas or in ancient Germanic paganism from continental Europe.
Looks like your latest quote has put that argument to rest. Thank you.

FYI - the main pagan springtime festival was on May 1st which I think you will find is in spring.

News Item3/31/10 1:29 PM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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Agree with Neil on what few churches have the nerve to do.

Britain renamed "Whitsuntide" to "Spring Bank Holiday" years ago and then fixed the date. Suggest Iowa finds another name for "Good Friday" that hasn't yet been taken.

HistY - what about the goddess "Ishtar" which seems to be missing from the quoted analysis?

"and concludes that there is no evidence for a pre-Christian festival in the British Isles in March or April."
Could that be because it was on May 1st?

News Item3/28/10 6:01 PM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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Of course the fact that the Hapsburgs are no longer on a throne does not mean that they do not wield power and influence.

1. The chief combatant against the British MEP here
2. Who claims to have been a leading organiser of the events that lead to the domino collapse of eastern European governments shortly after. A claim readily admitted by then East German leader Erich Honeker.

I wonder what happened to the South Korean ship?

News Item3/27/10 6:04 PM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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Mike wrote:
Fortunately, we don't have a king.
Fortunately I do have a Queen and am happy to be her loyal and obedient subject.

News Item3/27/10 5:58 PM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
It is interesting that all the major players dethrowned their monarchies, except Great Britain and Italy.

I realise your comment was resricted to the major players in WW1 but there are bigger issues, chief of which is that the countries or Empire that the monarchs ruled effectively ceased to exist. It is a fact of history that kingdoms rise and fall as we see in our time.

FYI Wikipedia says:
"Contemporary constitutional monarchies include Australia, Bahrain, Belgium, Belize, Cambodia, Canada, Denmark, Japan, Jordan, Lesotho, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Morocco, New Zealand, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Thailand and United Kingdom."

I would quibble with the inclusion of some of the countries in this list, most especially those that have draconian lese majeste law and those where royalty are effectively above the rule of law.

News Item3/11/10 6:49 PM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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Neil wrote:
Jim, I cannot imagine you finding fault with your church.
I must have missed the announcement that Jim joined a reformed baptist church?

News Item3/11/10 5:13 PM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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Zqxk wrote:
The dopey politicians we have, think that getting every Tom, Dick or working class peasant to do a degree will win votes and influence people. That is the reason why this education system is vacuous!
Unless the peasants take on a position as servant boy to one or more of the more suitable students.
Aside from that let's leave the privileges to the privileged.

News Item3/11/10 4:25 PM
Guinness | timewarp circa 1980  Find all comments by Guinness
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Neil wrote:
Maybe college would be less costly if the gov't got out of the [URL=]]]student loan business[/URL]. Basic economics - more loans granted creates greater demand, which raises tuition. Education is not a right, & I think it is being used as a way to create more gov't clients (who gratefully re-elect their Benefactors).
Suggestion: government should get back into the business of paying university tuition fees in full, providing student grants to cover living expenses, plus housing benefit and bring income support / unemployment benefit back in the christmas and easter holidays as well as in summer.

Not being in government's ongoing debt, we can then rely on sheer ingratitude, beer money and selfishness to ensure that no political party benefited unfairly at the polls.

Kids yesterday, didn't know that they were born!

Ironically, those now in government are among those who benefitted the most from this system.

News Item3/9/10 4:45 PM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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Thanks Neil.

I did not intend to imply that you were justifying duelling. I was just looking for more information on the parallel you were drawing.

Given the life expectancy of gang members perhaps the analogy was closer than I thought.

News Item3/9/10 4:30 PM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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Can you expand on the link between "honour" and "duels" please?

I tend to see a duel as more akin to the way thugs and gangs and terrorists behave with revenge beatings and getting even; more to do with their 'turf' and their 'manor' or their women than with real biblical honour. I'm not sure that it was that different in the 19th century, given that human nature was just as depraved. I would appreciate more information to make the distinction. I've never read Jane Austen.

Agree that we see very little honour today. Imagine a politician simply resigning as a matter of honour today for obvious policy failings? - rather than waiting until being forced from office by public outcry or worse lingering to the next election.

News Item3/9/10 4:09 PM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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Neil wrote:
Rick, one pertinent sermon text for this problem (& Facebook as well) is Prov. 29:11.
Not to mention twitter, surely the stupidest bit of social networking yet.

Quite why people feel the need to tell the whole world "What are you doing?" or "What's happening?" at any and every time of the day simply escapes me.
Not to mention the safety and security concerns.

Rick wrote:
Ironicly, there are more non christians addressing this problem than christians. Maybee many professed christians are too in love with the world.
Could it be that, in some degree, church leaders today are so generally prone to the 'cult of personality' that they first need to hear preaching against their own self-obsessed blogs and twitter posts before they will be fit to preach to others on the subject?

News Item3/3/10 7:46 PM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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jpw wrote:
Well, every once in awhile the story has a happy ending. Homeschooling, what a worthy profession! I am glad to see a persecuted family being given refuge.
Agree 100%

As a non-American Christian homeschooling family it is gratifying to see a potential place of refuge in the event of persecution at home (may it never be!).

It is a good and noble American tradition to be a place of refuge for those suffering persecution for their religion.

"Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things."

I too am sorry to see that Jim would oppose Christians coming to have liberty and freedom of religion.

News Item2/28/10 3:56 PM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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"I say, then, in the first place, that a scriptural view of sin is one of the best antidotes to that vague, dim, misty, hazy kind of theology which is so painfully current in the present age. It is vain to shut our eyes to the fact that there is a vast quantity of so-called Christianity nowadays which you cannot declare positively unsound, but which, nevertheless, is not full measure, good weight, and sixteen ounces to the pound. It is a Christianity in which there is undeniably “something about Christ, and something about grace, and something about faith, and something about repentance, and something about holinessâ€; but it is not the real “thing as it is†in the Bible. Things are out of place, and out of proportion. As old Latimer would have said, it is a kind of “mingle-mangle,†and does no good. It neither exercises influence on daily conduct, nor comforts in life, nor gives peace in death; and those who hold it, often awake too late to find that they have got nothing solid under their feet. Now I believe the likeliest way to cure and mend this defective kind of religion is to bring forward more prominently the old scriptural truth about the sinfulness of sin." (Ryle)

Today he is guarded, but previously Clifford Hill revealed all - he is positively unsound.

News Item2/28/10 5:01 AM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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prince charles wrote:
also i heard him slag off martin luther once
Yes, that fits with Hill's heresy.

Contrast what Martin Luther meant when he spoke of justification by faith alone:-

"The first and chief article is this: Jesus Christ, our God and Lord, died for our sins and was raised again for our justification (Romans 3:24–25). He alone is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world (John 1:29), and God has laid on Him the iniquity of us all (Isaiah 53:6). All have sinned and are justified freely, without their own works and merits, by His grace, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, in His blood (Romans 3:23–25). This is necessary to believe. This cannot be otherwise acquired or grasped by any work, law or merit. Therefore, it is clear and certain that this faith alone justifies us ... Nothing of this article can be yielded or surrendered, even though heaven and earth and everything else falls (Mark 13:31)."

That's a biblical doctrine of salvation!
Hill hates it.

News Item2/28/10 3:41 AM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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This is an example of a statement that Clifford Hill co-authored. He also, alone, wrote the introduction.

"2. Restore a Biblical Doctrine of Salvation

The preaching of the gospel must include a clear call to repentance and justification by faith alone, with a recognition that such salvation delivers us from eternal judgement. We are in danger of using a superficial message and methods which rob people of a true knowledge of salvation. "

There is something missing, even in the midst of their own call to "Restore a Biblical Doctrine of Salvation".

It speaks of the gospel, repentance, justification by faith alone, eternal judgment, salvation. But it does NOT speak of Christ actually taking the punishment for our sins. I venture that this is not a simple oversight. I venture this is directly because Clifford Hill co-authored it.

To Clifford Hill's thinking as he explicitly expounded it in 1992:-
- Christ's death on the cross was not necessary.
- God forgives, because that's what God does.
- Christ's death was just a "demonstration" of God's love.

How macabre!

News Item2/28/10 2:43 AM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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prince charles wrote:
In the UK we have quite a well known man called clifford hill who claims to have a prophetic ministry.
I listen to his CD's which are very interesting but on the downside he seems to keep some odd company at times which makes me wonder .......have any any UK based brethren come across him ?

Clifford Hill's denial of Christ's penal substitution can be found in a message entitled:
"The downfall of western civilisation and the triumph of the justice of God"
It was delivered at the Yeshua '92 conference in August 1992 held at Southampton University.

It was recorded by Anchor Recordings.
Prediction: they will not provide you with the message.

Hope that helps.

Conversely, try searching his 30+ books, many magazines, CD's and public messages for a clear and full identification of what the gospel message really is. You will find part truth 'but it is not the real "thing as it is" in the Bible' as Ryle put it.

News Item2/27/10 6:50 PM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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John UK wrote:
I've not come across him bro, but he is very active in the charis movement. His co-written book Blessing the Church? is reviewed:
"But it is Clifford Hill's last chapter in which the gloves really come off. ...
He speculates as to what the future might be. It is gripping, vital stuff. Many Reformed readers will be very tempted to read this book and say, 'There we are, we told you so,' and they would probably be right. But Hill and the others represent a Bible-based, serious charismatic Christianity which deserves better from us."

As far as I am aware Clifford Hill has never repented of his liberal doctrine where he denies the necessity of the shed blood of Christ.

I heard it in person with my own ears.
It was a very carefully prepared message.
He said that he had had that message for 10 years previously but never dared speak it.
It was no slip of the tongue.
He was not misunderstood.

Clifford Hill is a heretic. The Bible rejects his damnable doctrine.

"For where a testament is, there must also of necessity be the death of the testator."

News Item2/26/10 9:46 PM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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How do they know?

In a situation of organisational chaos, little food, shelter, transportation, sanitation, nevertheless evangelicals can keep on counting exact numbers of converts.

May God indeed bless his Word to the drawing forth of the elect in Haiti.

Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.

News Item2/26/10 6:44 PM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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Max wrote:
I have yet to meet an adulterer who declares his adultery is not wrong,
You might think that however, consider:-
- the man whose adultery has not yet been publicly found out (e.g. David) whether continuing in it or not.
- a genuinely grieving widower who evidently loved his wife deeply yet railed against Christian morality saying there is 'nothing wrong with a bit on the side'.
- the supposed Christian who will regularly publicly opine on the evils of his fornications committed from the age of 15, but in stark contrast keeps public silence on the evils of his adulteries committed later on. Why the difference in talk? Why is one sin to be repeatedly publicly "declared" (a subtle boast perhaps?) and the other sin to be publicly "hidden" (not actually repented after all perhaps?). Or perhaps the adultery has been truly repented (hence the shame) but not the fornication, the Lord knows.
- any one look of the eye from an adulterous heart.

btw Yes, homosexuals do actively war against God.

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