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News Item12/30/08 10:33 AM
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GK wrote:
and the Bible also prophesies that the world be against Israel,and the armies of the world will be sent against Jerusalem....
persons like yourself will most likely be supportive of this.....
I know there's verses in Isaiah, Zephaniah and Amos that describe that Jerusalem is going to get blasted by the wrath of God at the end of the world. And Jesus cursed the temple, said their house was made desolate, and they cursed themselves as well.

The Bible talks about a remnant, not a race of people. God will save his remnant no matter where they live, and looks to me like Jerusalem is toast as far as God is concerned, especially considering God calls it "Sodom and Egypt" in the last days (Rev. 11).

As to the name "Israel" for this landgrab by the Synagogue of Satan, that choice was deliberately madeto confuse people like yourself, so you would read in the Bible about "all Israel" being saved and in your mind translate that to this evil Badlands for Zionists.

In actual history, of the two Jewish kingdoms, the nation Israel faded long before the nation of Judah.

News Item12/30/08 10:19 AM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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DJC49 wrote:
I see that you quickly abandoned your ISRAELI TANK spin concerning the Rachel Corrie incident. How come?
Perhaps because it was as fabricated as the rest of your spin about Rachel Corrie's accidental death being intentional?
BTW, how's martial law working out in your neck of the woods? Has that M1 Abrams tank gotten out of your driveway yet?
An Israeli soldier murdered Rachel Corrie, a sweet young college student who went to Israel to try to help the Palestinians. The soldier, in uniform, ran her over with a bulldozer/tank, take your pick. Either one will work.

And as to the "witnesses say" -- those are paid government witnesses, soldiers, who of course will say what they are told to say, plus they are guilty of being a party to the whole thing.

Ask Rachel's friends what happened. They were standing right there and saw everything, and according to them the soldier saw Rachel and just kept on coming.

Debunking sites are everywhere. The govt has unlimited funds to pay for them, and anybody who takes up the side of the Zionists will be supported in every way by the culture, by money. But it's just selling one's soul for a bowl of soup. Stupid. And siding with the NWO will not mean one will be spared by them.

News Item12/30/08 10:11 AM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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GK wrote:
no.....once again you are trying to read something into a point which isn't there
read it again....slowly this time!!
Okay, I'm not the one advocating this viewpoint that every single Jew is going to be saved.

So I just asked. If that's not how, then how. You tell ME.

I get the distinct impression you do not know why you believe what you do and would rather not look at the details or even examine specifically what it is that you do believe;, that it's just an "impression" or a feeling or something that came from you know not where, and if you were to reallye examine your beliefs you're afraid you wouldn't believe the same way. This is known as doublethink.

News Item12/30/08 9:40 AM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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DJC49 wrote:
Rachel Corrie's death was a tragic accident.
On March 16, 2003, Rachel, attempted to deter bulldozers clearing brush and earth in Rafah.
It was no accident. Rachel stood in front of the bulldozer so it wouldn't bulldoze down the house. When it got right in front of her she slipped. Her slipping or not slipping had nothing to do with it running over her. The driver saw her and knew he was running over her.

The whitewash coverup is typical of these evil people we have running the goverments, and they have covered up so many murders we've lost count. The Pat Tillman murder is another one that comes to mind. Their lies are so outrageously lame that anybody who believes them is willfully ignorant.

Rachel was trying to save the house of a Palestinian, stood in front of the bulldozer, and when the dozer got right in front of her she slipped and it went right over her.

The cruelty of the Jews is typical, not atypical, in Rachel's case. They love to hit wedding parties and children. They are eugencists looking to eliminate the goyim. Don't think they won't be coming for you as well.

Debunking sites are everywhere.

News Item12/30/08 8:57 AM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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GK wrote:
you appear to have little grasp of what is set out in Romans 11 .God has set aside Israel. But,not totally.Earlier in the chapter, he says that there is a remnant according to the election of grace in chapter 5.Later in chapter 11, he says, all Israel is going to be saved. But, he also says in Acts 4, , "that neither is there salvation any other. For there is none other name under heaven given among men by whereby we must be saved." He said that to Jews in the city of Jerusalem who were the Jewish leaders.
So, what he is saying is, Israel was set aside temporarily and partially. And in their setting aside, the riches were turned to the Gentiles. After the Gentiles fullness has come in, after the church is complete, God will go back and redeem Israel,as they turn to the one whom they have pierced
and it's a common cry of those who vilify Israel that they are not anti semitic,rather they are "anti zionist"
heard it all before.....your views have much in common with those expressed in a well known racist/anti jewish forum.
You're saying that after the Second Coming Jesus is going to wake up all the Jews who died in unbelief and give them another chance?

News Item12/30/08 8:53 AM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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GK wrote:
left wing jews with liberal outlook have always berated the Tel Aviv govt
didn't hear much from them in the months of continuous rocket attacks
There are plenty of Jews who hate Zionism as much as the rest of us do.

This might be what finally wakes the Jews up, maybe will wake up some so-called Christians as well, as to who is and is not a child of God or a child of Satan.

News Item12/30/08 8:50 AM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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GK wrote:
the "so-called state of Israel" it was prophesied thousands of years ago to be born in a single day in scripture.....

all the attention is focussed on the rabid dog that is Gaza?

I don't have room to answer all your points.

I'm not up to speed on Zionist rapturist verses, so got any verses? I'd want to also see what God had to say about it.

God prophesies evil as well as good.

It is cruel to refer to the poor people in Gaza as rabid dogs, people who have had their lands stolen and are now confined in a terrible place w/o the necessities of life.

It is racist to consider one human so special he can steal somebody's home, machine gun and bomb children and families. You don't realize how brutal and merciless the Jews are, racist, contemptuous of goyim, their wrong-headed beliefs in their collective godhood. Check out the story of Rachel Corrie online, the American red-headed girl who went to Israel to try to help the people keep their homes, stood in front of an Israeli tank, and it ran smack over her.

I'm sick of racists,whether it's La Raza, Zionists, Nazis, Ku Klux Klan, sick of seeing pictures of dead kids all shot up.

And the eugenicists are coming for us next, and if you fight back they might call YOU a rabid dog

News Item12/30/08 3:10 AM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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GK wrote:
and banned...where did I state that the root was anything but Jesus?You also neglect to mention that the natural branches will again be grafted back in to the are plainly an anti semite..
The website you posted teaches that the root is the Jews, same as refinersfire, Lyn's website. This is in fact the doctrine the Jews hold, that they are collectively a kind of "god" and they are blessing everybody and we should be blessing them if we want blessings and not curses.

The Bible doesn't say the natural branches broken off are all going to be grafted back in because they are not. It is appointed unto man once to die and then the judgment. In Bible days many died "broken off" -- those who were bitten by snakes and refused to look up at the brazen serpent died faithless, same with many who died in the wilderness, and beyond.

Only faith in Jesus will save the Jews. Those who die faithless are lost forever. One chance is all we get here.

And I'm not an antisemite; I'm anti-Zionist. I'm not a Nazi; rather, I expose Nazis, who are racists and eugenicists--and I am neither. Zionists are also racists, and when you kick the last door down at the top of the pyramid you'll find them both eating together, the Zionists and the Nazis.

Survey12/30/08 2:55 AM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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Sermon Audio, I like the way you don't allow consecutive postings and that seems to work to make a better forum.

Any chance you could give us just a little bit more room to write our posts?
There's a lot to talk about as things move so fast in these last days.

Thanks, Sermon Audio.

News Item12/30/08 2:45 AM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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Thinking aloud wrote:
Does God defend His own?
Education does not make a Christian - God does...In previous centuries schools..were few and far between, yet God's witness flourished and grew.
Few schools does not mean people got no education.

They learned to cook and farm rather than indoctrination into statism, eugenics and those horrors from Satan's main mind control tool, the govt schools, that and the TV.

Of COURSE this will corrupt and ruin the children. The Bible says train up your child in the way he SHOULD go, not the way he should NOT go.

People have GOT to wake up, and do something drastic. We are doomed if we don't stop feeding our children and our future to devils.

The worst homeschooling is better than what the govt does. We must get our kids out of these infernal schools, immediately. And turn off the TV. Use the Internet, we and our children both, to search out the truth. It is there to be found, and may not be much longer.

Why do people not see the great danger? We have lost our country to foreign bankers for pennies on the $ and they're mobilizing police and military to defend what they stole.

Listen to Alex online, and you can find out what's going on. We've been scammed.

News Item12/29/08 2:39 PM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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GK wrote:
I think we should not lose sight of the fact that the gentile Christians are wild branches grafted in to the root of the tree.....
this site addresses this issue much better and in greater length than I ever could hope to,and why we should support Israel today
also,how would you tackle the point I made about your 2000BC Mongolian analogy?
The root is Jesus, not the Jews. The Jews are the branches, the natural branches, broken off branches if they do not believe. The nonjew believers are wild branches grafted in.

But the tree itself and the root is Jesus, not the Jews.

This is the teaching of the Zionists, that the Jews are a collective "God" on earth.

This is a false teaching, and the reason for the wars and what is behind the NWO.

Survey12/29/08 12:43 PM
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by Edward Hendrie

(short excerpt)
The Scofield Bible was funded and nurtured by World Zionist leaders who saw the Christian churches in America as an obstacle to the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine. These Zionists initiated a program to infiltrate and change Christian doctrines. Two tools used to accomplish this goal were Cyrus I. Scofield and a venerable, world respected European book publisher: The Oxford University Press.

“Scofield's role was to re-write the King James Bible by inserting Zionist-friendly notes.” In 1909, the Oxford University Press published and implemented a large advertising budget to promote the Scofield Reference Bible.

The SRB was a subterfuge designed to create a subculture around a new worship icon, the modern state of Israel, already on the drawing boards of the well-funded Zionists. The progenitors of the pretribulation doctrine were Jesuit crypto-Jews secretly maintaining Jewish practices. Ignatius Loyola himself was a crypto-Jew of the Occult Cabala. Francisco Ribera (1537-1591) and Emanuel Lacunza (1731-1801), the Jesuit priests who first conjured up the pretribulation rapture doctrine, were Jews.

News Item12/29/08 9:35 AM
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Lurker wrote:
You said it, Roger. Some people haven't a clue who the enemies of God and His people are. What a waste of time reading the same conspiracy nonsense over and over and over .... and nearly every thread seems to get infected.
It was my fault this thread got "infected." So I got out of it and this isn't going to be happening anymore.

Go ahead and post about whatever you want to. This is a topic of interest to me and some others, but don't let us stop you from discussing other things of more interest to you.

Survey12/29/08 8:45 AM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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John UK wrote:
But: consider Deu 30, when God tells his people that if, when they are scattered, they come to their senses, he will do something marvellous.
"That then the Lord thy God will turn thy captivity, and have compassion upon thee, and will return and gather thee from all the nations, whither the Lord thy God hath scattered thee. Deu 30:3-5.
There actually were two regatherings, when the Jews went into exile, and God brought them back, and they somewhat repented, and God gave them another start. God gave them many, many chances, but it was far from a land of milk and honey because the Jews never kept their part of the bargain.

Since then they crucified their Messiah.

And the Jews are't repenting of ANYTHING. They went in by cutting a deal and w/ the money of the Rothschilds and Illuminati and the finagling of Truman, a 33 degree Freemason, and they have been ruled by thugs and criminals from the beginning.

And they are Devil Worshippers and wanting to build a temple to Satan and his incarnation.

I do NOT recommend signing up for their agenda in any way whatever. The Bible says (Rev. 11) in the last days that Jerusalem is equated with Sodom and Egypt, not the land of milk and honey.

Most Jews live in America anyway.

Survey12/29/08 8:05 AM
Banned | in Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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John UK wrote:
Almighty God chose a people for himself, he GAVE them the promised land, even though it was already occupied, and God instructed them to take the land by force if necessary. If the occupants had not resisted the Holy Ghost there would have been no fighting over the land.
If the inhabitants had not resisted the Holy Ghost they would be there still. They would not have been invaded and conquered and made slaves in their own "Promised Land" -- taken in and out of captivity, and finally in 70 AD their temple destroyed, every stone. God went the full mile and beyond with them, but the people were idolatrous and faithless and finally they crucified their messiah. After that, there was no more hope for living in the Promised Land as God had described in his covenant in Deuteronomy 28:5-68.

Now 2000 years later for them to take Palestine and plot to get rid of the Dome of the Rock so they can rebuild their temple -- and install ANOTHER MESSIAH, a FAKE MESSIAH, the ANTICHRIST --
this is not of God. This is of Satan. And all who conspire with the Jews to accomplish this agenda are cursed of God, as the Jews are cursed, unless they repent and believe in Jesus.

Survey12/29/08 7:24 AM
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John UK wrote:
The word of the Lord
" unto the land which I do give to them, even to the children of Israel. Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that have I given unto you, as I said unto Moses. From the wilderness and this Lebanon even unto the great river, the river Euphrates, all the land of the Hittites, and unto the great sea toward the going down of the sun, shall be your coast...this people shalt thou divide for an inheritance the land, which I sware unto their fathers to give them." Joshua 1:1-6
Where does it say that God has changed his mind on the covenant agreement of Deuteronomy 28, that God is giving this land irrevocably, without condition?

The key words here are




And the next obvious question is, if that were the case, why were the Jews cast out of their irrevocable and without condition land of milk and honey?

The answer is because God did NOT irrevocably and without condition give this to the Jews, ever, never, at any time.

And today the Jews are as hard-hearted and faithless as before, even more.

There is no scriptural basis to steal the land from the Palestinians and give it to the Jews. None.

Survey12/29/08 7:12 AM
Banned | om Boston  Find all comments by Banned
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John UK wrote:
oshua, who entered the promsed land, allocating the length and breadth of the land to the twelve tribes of Israel. All under God's instruction.
Surely you believe this.
They missed out on the Promised Land for 40 years wandering in the wilderness because of unbelief, had to fight tooth and nail for this, and they ended up losing it because a covenant is a two-way street. God's promises are conditional and the Jews failed to live up to their part of the bargain.

See Deuteronomy 28:15-68

The Jews rejected God and God's prophets to rule over them, decided they wanted a king instead. They treated God like dirt, did not live up to their agreement, went whoring after pagan gods, did abominations like sacrificing their children to Molech and other such things, and God said, fine, have it your way. And when they went into captivity in Babylon and later left, they brought all the occultic paganism straight with them, which is the Babylonian Jewish Cabala they follow today, and so do all the secret Luciferian societies.

They do not get to come back in 1947 and steal Palestine and claim God gave them the land. If God had given them the land they would have still been there.

Survey12/29/08 6:44 AM
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John UK wrote:
I am thinking about the fierce judgment of God upon his own people Israel, when, because of unbelief in the Christ, he ejected them from the promised land, and made them the offscouring of the world, despised, rejected, and landless.
You mean Adam and Eve? The Jews never went into the Promised Land of milk and honey because of unbelief. And where were they made the offscouring of the world and landless? After Moses came David and Solomon, remember? Are you reading your Bible, John, as you like to tell others to do?

John UK wrote:
in the course of time, when the Gentiles had had their day, he would personally restore them to the land once again.
Huh? What land? Jerusalem where they crucified Jesus? Where their temple was that Jesus cursed and got torn down? That temple does not entitle them to own Jerusalem.

John UK wrote:
And so in 1947, when the Jews regained their national identity.
As the capital of antichrist, "Sodom and Egypt" as Rev. 11 says?

John UK wrote:
I suppose the issue is, what land do the Jews have claim to, under God?
You tell me. Far as I know it was the Illuminati's idea to birth Israel, not God's.

Survey12/29/08 6:04 AM
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John UK wrote:
Think carefully now, lest you anger the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He is still God, you know.Your words are blasphemous, in the sense that you portray the Hebrews as acting on their own initiative (or under the devil) rather than following God's orders.
Well, John, since most of the Jews live in the U.S., if you really believe all Jews belong in Israel, do you think you could ask Rahm Emmanuel, Chertoff, Cashcarry, Paulson, Bernanke, Hillary and 98 percent of the people running America -- could you tell them they're blasphemously disobeying God's command to live in Israel? Wouldn't it be dandy if they'd all just leave and move over there!

Wow. We could go back to having our own banks, not have to beg Zionist Banksters for money at interest. We could get our country back. Imagine having an independent media instead of one controlled by the Rothschilds. We could start saying Merry Christmas again and maybe even prayer in the schools.

I truly like your idea. Maybe we could bring the Palestinians over here, and all the Jews could live in Israel, and there would be peace on earth (as long as we took away Israel's nukes).

Great idea, John! Brilliant. See what you can do about getting them all to move to Israe

News Item12/29/08 5:45 AM
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GK wrote: up your home address and let a few nutters fire harmless missiles at your house and see how YOU like it
If you were prisoners in a hellhole, w/o food and water, suffering terribly while your nation was occupied by people w/ a god complex bulldozing down the homes and using high-tech bombs and planes to fight bottles and rocks (ie as Israel flattened Beirut, Lebanon a year ago); if you had memories of loved ones bombed away, shot, tortured by thugs occupying your land, you might throw some stones, try to make some bombs out of sugar and throw them their way too.

Israel is a festering boil in the middle of the globe. Ever since the Jews conquered Palestine and formed their religious antichrist state, there has been nothing but misery for everyone. Most Jews live in America and wouldn't live in Israel if you paid them to. Jews don't NEED Israel, and the rest of the world has had enough of it.

Now Zionist Jews hanker to blow up the Dome of the Rock and rebuild their temple that Jesus cursed, bring in their phony messiah and NWO agenda to rule the world.

This isn't a godly regathering of "god's people." It is Satanic manipulation to bring about what we see on the dollar bill, the pyramid with the all-seeing eye at the top.

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