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News Item4/2/11 10:57 AM
Rob | Ulster  Find all comments by Rob
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Dear John,

"You claim to have found "errors" in the KJV, then deny talking about translations, just the Greek text."

With regard the GK text that was of course specific to Rev 17:4.

Bringing both errors in TR AND KJV is relevant to Rev 20!!

Surely this is easy enough to understand.

"What on earth are you doing, giving lectures on the Textus Receptus, when you don't believe it is accurate?"

again this is just silly, have you ever heard a Christian lecture or preach about Mormonism? Islam, JW, Arminianism?

By the way I think TR is a good critical text considering the very small amounts of mss they had to work with. It does however has faults, I would just like you to be honest enough to admit it!!

With regards Chicago, the vast majority of the framers (if not all) use so called 'modern perversions' none that I know of are KJV advocates!!

News Item4/2/11 10:35 AM
Rob | Ulster  Find all comments by Rob
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You are starting to get silly now, you fail to answer the question with regards the TR!!

with regards conjectural emendation, this happens in very very few cases, but as I showed earlier, sometimes Erasmus did this consulting the Vulgate when he wasn't satisfied with the GK, which is why there are errors in the TR and the KJV.

I did a lecture on the TR because I was asked to!

I asked again John, please be honest with us and yourself, are there errors in the TR?
What do you think about Rev 20:12?
this is also missing from your 'no demonstrable errors' propaganda page!

Did you like the Chicago statement?

News Item4/2/11 10:14 AM
Rob | Ulster  Find all comments by Rob
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You do understand I am talking about GK texts? not English translations, both translations are adequete, although the word impure should be there instead of 'Filth'. The question is whether there is a mistake in the TR, now please answer the question, should the word ακαθαρτητος be in the TR? It is clear that Erasmus the great Roman Catholic scholar invented this word, which is found in no GK text, so I ask again is the TR in error here?

Please do not skirt around the question!!

also in Revelation 20:12. Following Codex 1r, the text of Erasmus and the TR read ἑστῶτας ἐνώπιον τοῦ θεοῦ (“standing before God”). However, all other Greek manuscripts read ἑστῶτας ἐνώπιον τοῦ θρόνου(“standing before the throne”).
How many of the framers of the Chicago statement were KJV men?

News Item4/2/11 9:49 AM
Rob | Ulster  Find all comments by Rob
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Dear John,

With regards Rev 17:4, doesn't it bother you that the word in the TR ακαθαρτητος was invented by Erasmus, and is found nowhere else in GK? The word should be ἀκάθαρτα, every GK mss of all text types has ἀκάθαρτα.
Now is the word Erasmus invented, weightier than all the extant GK mss?

If you say yes you prove yourself to be superstitions to a high degree, if you say no, then you admit that the TR is not without error, I ask you which one will it be?

"ἀκαθάρτης, ητος, ἡ uncleanness τ. πορνείας Rv 17:4 t.r., a reading composed by Erasmus. The word does not otherwise exist"

Arndt, W., Danker, F. W., & Bauer, W. (2000). A Greek-English lexicon of the New Testament and other early Christian literature (3rd ed.) (34). Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

News Item4/2/11 9:13 AM
Rob | Ulster  Find all comments by Rob
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Definitely not c!!! as it has been proved not to have happened!!

This would be Superstition at its height!!!

News Item4/2/11 8:54 AM
Rob | Ulster  Find all comments by Rob
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Where are( ACTS 9:6 Is the worst argument I have ever read, if someone argued like this from a modern translation they would be slaughtered)Rev 17:4, 20:12 on
this list? conveniently not there.

By the way my material is taken from an academic journal and from a lecture I delivered this week on the TR.
I have clearly shown you errors, that is errors in KJV not the word of God the two are not wholly synonymous.
It seems that you are the one blinded by superstition.
TR No authority figure of any kind beyond a printer ever anointed this text as superior to other texts, much less as “original.” The Textus Receptus is itself a critical text, but unlike modern critical editions based on at least hundreds of manuscripts, it was based in total on fewer than 10.

News Item4/2/11 8:25 AM
Rob | Ulster  Find all comments by Rob
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I am in no way undermining the Word, just trying to show an indisputable error in the TR and KJV. I do this to show the superstition involved in holding to this version as the final word. As Protestants we must fight against superstition in all its forms.
In other parts of the NT Erasmus occasionally introduced into the Greek text material taken from the Latin Vulgate where he thought his Greek manuscripts were defective. For example, in Acts 9:6 the words τρέμων τε καὶ θαμβῶν εἶπε, κύριε, τί με θέλεις ποιῆσαι…καὶ ὁ κύριος πρὸς αὐτόν (“And he trembling and astonished said, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do? And the Lord said unto him”) were inserted by Erasmus at this point because they were inserted by Erasmus at this point because they were in the Vulgate. He frankly admitted in his Annotationes that he took the words from the parallel passage in Acts 26:14. Though still found in the

News Item4/2/11 5:50 AM
Rob | Ulster  Find all comments by Rob
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For the book of Revelation, Erasmus had only one manuscript (1r). Since the text of Revelation was imbedded in a commentary by Andreas of Caesarea and thus difficult for the printer to read, Erasmus had a fresh copy made. The copyist himself misread the original at places, and thus a number of errors were introduced into Erasmus’ printed text. For example, in Revelation 17:4 Codex 1r and all other Greek manuscripts have the word ἀκάθαρτα (“impure”), but Erasmus’ text reads ἀκαθάρτητος, a word unknown in Greek literature. In a similar fashion, the words καὶ παρέσται (“and is to come”) in 17:8 were misread as καίπερ ἔστιν (“and yet is”).These and other errors produced by the scribe who made the copy of Revelation for the printer are still to be found in modern editions of the TR, such as the widely used version published by the Trinitarian Bible Society.

News Item3/30/11 2:56 PM
Rob | Ulster  Find all comments by Rob
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"Why treat this Book differently from any other Book of the Bible? I am sure you would not write/use an alternative 'uninspired' Gospel."

Of course not, but what does this have to do with anything?

I do preach "uninspired" sermons pray "uninspired" prayers, and sing "uninspired songs" I also sing psalms, like the biblical witnesses I am inclusive psalmody but not exclusive psalmody!

Must go now and prepare for Sunday, good night, please think upon these things!


News Item3/30/11 2:36 PM
Rob  Contact via emailFind all comments by Rob
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Can O
I am sorry if you are offended (I truly mean that) however, imagine how offended I feel when I am accused of Idolatry and will worship by Psalms only guys!!

The fact that we have the book of psalms no more ties us to that book in our singing than it does in our praying, remember the psalms are primarily prayers, before they are songs.

With regards the WCF and RP, I think you are mistakenly treating the RP and EP as synonyms, they are not!!

I hold to the regulative Principle, but this principle rightly states that only what is commanded in scripture should be brought into our worship, the problem for you is that scripture nowhere commands EP! In fact scripture by inference shows EP to be unbiblical.

Again I am sorry if you were offended, but you must realise when you accuse people of will worship, and false worship, you are being offensive.

News Item3/30/11 2:14 PM
Rob | Ulster  Find all comments by Rob
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Remember the three golden rules my friend,
1.Context 2.Context 3.Context

The verse stated below have absolutely nothing to do with singing only psalms in our worship to God!

15 And count the patience of our Lord as salvation, just as our beloved which the ignorant and unstable twist to their own destruction, as they do the other Scriptures.

Beware of twisting the scriptures when trying to win an argument, it is a greater sin to twist the scriptures, than to lose an argument, and be wrong!

News Item3/30/11 1:38 PM
Rob | Ulster  Find all comments by Rob
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Can O

I am sure you are making sense in your own mind, but I am afraid that is the only place.

Are you saying that the verses quoted, are injunctions to pray as we like, but we are elsewhere commanded to sing only inspired words?

Please show me the commanded, or allusion to "thou shalt sing only the 150 psalms"

With regards Spiritual fingers, I am not sure how that works ontologically, but even if this is metaphorical (and I am not saying it is) are the beings and elders metaphorically sinning?

And what about the new song?

This is clearly not a psalm!

I believe we need balance in this argument,
as with the other elements of worship; prayer, preaching, and singing, should be biblical, but like Edwards I do not see any injunction to sing only bible.

So again all elements of worship should be biblical, but they do not have to be bible verbatim.

News Item3/30/11 12:53 PM
Rob | Ulster  Find all comments by Rob
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Can o!


You make no sense!!

"And when he had taken the scroll, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb, each holding a harp, and golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints. And they sang a new song, saying,

“Worthy are you to take the scroll
and to open its seals,
for you were slain, and by your blood you ransomed people for God
from every tribe and language and people and nation,
and you have made them a kingdom and priests to our God,
and they shall reign on the earth.”

Above we have true spiritual, perfect, sinless worship in Heaven, they are not singing from the pslater, they are playing music!

How dare men say that this sort of worship is false on earth, when it is perfect in Heaven!!

News Item3/30/11 12:32 PM
Rob | Ulster  Find all comments by Rob
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“I am far from thinking that the Book of Psalms should be thrown by in our public worship, but that it should always be used in the Christian church, to the end of the world: but I know of no obligation we are under to confine ourselves to it. I can find no command or rule of God’s Word, that does any more confine us to the words of the Scripture in our singing, than it does in our praying; we speak to God in both: and I can see no reason why we should limit ourselves to such particular forms of words that we find in the Bible, in speaking to him by way of praise, in meter, and with music, than when we speak to him in prose, by way of prayer and supplication. And ‘tis unreasonable to suppose that the "Christian church should forever… be confined only to the words of the Old Testament, wherein all the greatest and most glorious things of the Gospel… are spoken of under a veil, and not so much as the name of our glorious Redeemer ever mentioned, but in some dark figure, or as hid under the name of some type.”

Jonathan Edwards

News Item3/23/11 4:57 PM
Rob | Ulster  Find all comments by Rob
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Blind!!!!! I do not use strongs I read the GK text, you would have realised this if you had the slightest clue about GK!!!

Yes the bible in inerrant in all it teaches!

The Old Testament in Hebrew (which was the native language of the people of God of old), and the New Testament in Greek (which, at the time of the writing of it, was most generally known to the nations), being immediately inspired by God, and, by His singular care and providence, kept pure in all ages, are therefore authentical;[17] so as, in all controversies of religion, the Church is finally to appeal unto them.[18] But, because these original tongues are not known to all the people of God, who have right unto, and interest in the Scriptures, and are commanded, in the fear of God, to read and search them,[19] therefore they are to be translated in to the vulgar language of every nation unto which they come,[20] that, the Word of God dwelling plentifully in all, they may worship Him in an acceptable manner;[21] and, through patience and comfort of the Scriptures, may have hope.

I believe the best translation in the Vulgar tongue is the ESV I believe the KJV is very good but but inferior to the ESV NASB NKJ etc

Good night, and may the Lord lift the scales from your eyes soon.

News Item3/23/11 4:36 PM
Rob | Ulster  Find all comments by Rob
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Finally we are getting somewhere, so you agree the king James translators, changed words to fit (according to them of course) the context, even though they translated the exact inspired GK as something else, in another passage?

So it accurately reflects the context, but surely the more important question is whether it accurately translates the inspired text!!!

'do thy diligence to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.'

Does this not also fit the context???

The stress here is on the rightly dividing and not on the 'study' or 'diligence'

PS John, are you so blind?? I have just shown you an inaccurate translation which is found in the KJV, one of many!!

News Item3/23/11 4:24 PM
Rob | Ulster  Find all comments by Rob
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"Proper AV readers knew that, and knew what the word 'study' meant."

what utter nonsense, the same word is not translated as study in the other passages, what on earth are you talking about? "Proper readers???? first we have a proper bible , now proper readers???
This is getting more and more gnostic!

The root word for study is μανθάνω which both TR and NA have in Jn 7:15.

but hey if only 'proper' readers are fit to read the bible, you need to get some 'proper' GK lessons!!!

News Item3/23/11 4:02 PM
Rob | Ulster  Find all comments by Rob
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"There is only ONE Bible that commands you to "study to show yourself approved" THE AV 1611!"

I laughed when I saw this, considering the fact that the word 'study' isn't in the text. In both the TR and the older GK text the same word σπουδασον is used, it appears 4 times in the GK text of the TR and is translated by the kj translators in the other three places as 'Do thy diligence' 2Tim 4:9 2Tim 4:21 Titus 3:12. Only in 2Tim2:15 is it translated as 'study' now I ask in which instance did they get it wrong?

Thankfully the ESV translated it consistently as 'Do your best'

I am sure this will hardly help convince the superstitious of their errors, but hey I found it funny that that particular verse was being pushed.

Sermon3/11/11 9:01 PM
Rob  Find all comments by Rob
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“ Grace! ”
this sermon has deepened my understanding greatly of how our father works in our lives, its only by his grace that we are truly changed, my heart has been greatly softend, i am humbled by my lack of holiness but assured of his work. i highly recommend this sermon

Sermon3/7/11 4:07 PM
Rob | Spring, TX  Find all comments by Rob
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