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News Item8/5/18 9:50 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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prominent Christians have been talking about the revoice thing for 3 months.

why are these guys always a day late and a dollar short?

where are the leaders?

Title: Revoice: Gay Affirming Karen Swallow Prior is Still Gay Affirming

Title: Revoice Pastor Open to Hosting Christian Pedophile Conference

since when did being evangelical mean appeasing evil?

News Item8/3/18 10:35 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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as we consider spiritual sodom (rev 11:8, how did the bible know this so far ahead???)....

the "star of david" on the rainbow flag!!!

oh yes, this the kingdom our evangelicals have put their millions and probably billions into. here.... ladies and the fruit of our kingdom building. in 3..2...1

Title: Over 250,000 People Celebrate Gay Pride at Tel Aviv Parade

"Ripped men in white underwear, pink bunny ears and black bow ties gyrated through the streets of Israel's Tel Aviv on Friday along with drag queens and others to loud trance music for the annual Gay Pride Parade — the biggest event of its kind in the region."

ah the liberators are here!

News Item8/3/18 10:22 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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why are southern baptists still allowing their funding to go to the top that support this? southern baptists you are asleep at the wheel! can you appease this?

and why is there no reaction to the 250,000 attendee gay pride event in tel aviv this week?

why so quiet?

you might think that evangelicals have gotten really good at KEEPING information from the eyes of their church members.

are churches a place to equip or to control?

News Item8/3/18 10:18 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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the middle class has been eviscerated. the poor live off of them, the elites outsourced their jobs and brought in replacement populations through open borders, forced extractions of funds and instability through ocare, etc, higher and higher taxes. and the elderly one step away if the stock market crashes, they will be in the same place as the working class that keep the taxes moving. insolvent pensions, so they raise rates on tuition, etc.

News Item8/3/18 10:11 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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why isn't SA carrying this story?

human rights abusive in the now sharia controlled england! whisked away to a muslem dominated prison for trying to alert public to court case of 29 mslm accused of gang raping a hundred young children (that many of these brits are watching happen in their own neighborhoods!) the prison where the mslms would throw feces at him through his window, the mosque of prison opposite from his cell, solitary confinement (before he had bleach thrown on him), moving him to keep lawyers from him...

Title: Tucker Carlson EXCLUSIVE Interview With Tommy Robinson: In Prison I Was STARVED, Lost 40 Pounds!

where are the sleeping evangelicals? where are you evangelicals?

folks..... this is torture.

News Item8/2/18 9:16 AM
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Wayfarer Pilgrim wrote:
Why penned, the good young Calvinists are just running potential converts away and making sure no upcoming pastor saddles up with SBC. Why join an army that will fling open the doors to perverts, chase off members or pastors. Maybe at night the 4 horsemen stand around a bubbling caldron speaking incantations.
Calvin would've run off mrxsts from the church, did he not defy the pope?

Please take a look at Revelations 11:8 and study where the spiritual center of spiritual sodom is.

If we bless spiritual sodom, might we also reap it?

and if so, will not our baptist churches in all sorts of political and spiritual turmoil find its rest and healing through repentance and returning to the orthodox teachings of the gospel?

another place to start might be to read Boyce's Systematic Theology. baptists did not begin with the kingdom (see Rev 11:8) built through the military industrial complex. (ie scofield bible)

I truly pray everyday for our friends that serve spiritual sodom unbeknownst, that they leave this heavy idol behind, for Christ said "my burden is light".

News Item8/2/18 8:55 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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inflation is due because of massive printing of the currency

happens everytime

world currencies come and go

remember bush/obama blessing the 20 trillion to the bankers?

unfunded pension funds, massive military spending with bases all over the earth

debt based economies

and ever increasing dependent class living off the state

its fairly logical and expected

now as to this united states, the cities only count for a minute percentage of the total land

and those who are capable could be released from this cmmnst - style quagmire (after 50 years of progressive bankrolls) ... to be given the land to repossess and rebuild....

...but who would release the young from this centralized system to garner their freedom and to barter and trade freely by the work of their hands as our ancestors lived?

or do we want them marked instead with all the biometrics and new ID system, forced to pay high taxes, buy things they can't afford to survive?

after all, a commnst would say "if I have to live on the titanic, so do you"

News Item8/2/18 8:45 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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course, cuz there is an international commnst movement taking down the west and western people.

look at all the news. its all one story being played out for any who have the stomach.

oh, but scripture does not allow for denial, does it?

News Item8/1/18 1:07 PM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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if you bless them you will be blessed, sounds a lot like false prosperity gospel

what if, if you sow spiritual sodom then you will reap spiritual sodom?

solemn words for today

what of "you won't see tribulation, you will be raptured"... sounds like prosperity gospel.... instead of "you will see tribulation"

is the decaying baptist world just a mere consequence of faulty doctrine over many generations?

for the SBC certainly didn't start off dispensational or cultural mxst....

his writings were used for generations.

News Item8/1/18 12:58 PM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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whatever freedoms we have had on the internet are quickly disappearing

how can we even imagine free elections if they are shadow banning individuals running for office from posting????

see "google plans censored search engine in china"

see the accusations that social media has blocked 90% of conservative activity

see massive stories about ilsmc violence in europe and anyone speaking out charged with h@te speech

these things aren't just coming, they are here

the church is under a delusion to keep thinking life will be normal

News Item8/1/18 12:51 PM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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John UK wrote:
Was this conference a sneaky way to attract perverts where they think they will be supported in their thinking,
no! its normalizing it. they kicked out a pastor (littleton) from the premises at the SBC Convention for daring to ask a question about it! they kicked out a pastor/reporter at the event. they seem to be taking control of the SBC!

"need to speak truth....who have been caught up in the heterosexual lifestyle"

Title: Revoice Pastor Open to Hosting Christian Pedophile Conference

the idea is that you have "homosexual" Christians and "pedophile" Christians.... these are supposedly saved individuals who have the extra burden of "leanings"..... as such I am guessing they will be promoted soon as a priestly class.... as they will have to "endure the hardship" of overcoming themselves and will "forsake" the lesser duties of family, unlike those "evil heterosexuals"

News Item7/30/18 10:38 AM
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Unprofitable Servant wrote:
J4J. Almost thou persuadest me to be a Covenant theologian

News Item7/30/18 10:05 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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John for JESUS wrote:
interesting political views there, but having nothing to do with the Kingdom of God.

And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven Matt 18:3

the Kingdom of Heaven is the ONLY COMMISSION of the Christian

the great commission is ONLY for the HEAVENLY Kingdom

anything not manifesting the Messiah is counterfeit.

just because you love a politicized gospel does not mean that Christ does.

News Item7/30/18 9:06 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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Allie wrote:
Dr. James White held an interfaith dialogue with an Imam in 2017 at a church in Tennessee. Dr. White is theologically sound yet did this. This nonsense is not just happening amongst nominal Christians. When someone of Dr. White's caliber does this it should make us all give pause and understand that we should be witnessing to Muslims not dialologing with them.
Janet Mefford did radio shows on that topic that are very informative. according to her research, the imam had connections to radical antiChristian ideology.

I'm not sure what is going on with these older teachers and pastors, that they cannot see the wedges they are putting into the churches, so many are not finishing well. they seem to want, to argue with those coming up behind them who have a greater connection to the downfalls of our society, instead of listening to how their actions are affecting them.

so filled with biblical knowledge but bereft of the pitfalls of our day!

RC Sproul never caved, rest in peace, brother.

TItle: Islamophobe Janet Mefford gets schooled by James White on her radio show

"thou shall not be a bigot"

News Item7/30/18 8:55 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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one must ask the question, what is going on when David Platt and Russell Moore and Graeer turn their attention to their "sexual abuse study group" (sounds like guilty until proven innocent!) while right under their noses....

Title: Revoice Pastor Open to Hosting Christian Pedophile Conference

Title: Revoice: Gay Affirming Karen Swallow Prior is Still Gay Affirming

"With Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) research fellows (who have recently lectured at Southern Seminary’s Fuller Center) endorsing the LGBT Revoice Conference, and with Russell Moore defending her decision to endorse the conference at the Southern Baptist Convention’s annual meeting, Albert Mohler very carefully stuck his wet finger to the wind to determine which way it was blowing and spoke out against Revoice the day it began."

one must ask the question, if pedophilia and sodomy Christians are "in", then perhpas should they be our new leaders, a sort of new priestly class to finally rid us of the evils of the heterosexual patriarchy?

first they came for paige.... then....

News Item7/30/18 8:46 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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meanwhile in the baptist and PCA circles, they aren't even hiding it....

Title: Revoice Pastor Open to Hosting Christian Pedophile Conference

News Item7/30/18 8:44 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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all the new science is based off of this but our "ethics" guys would rather talk about what a "homosexual Christian" is.

this gene splicing business has affected all of us!

News Item7/30/18 8:40 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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thank you president for remembering our fallen heroes and getting them returned honorably.

News Item7/30/18 8:38 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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go see the poison signs on the flouride that they add in your local munincipality.

your teeth are not made of flouride! myth!

studies have openly shown high levels cause problems for teeth.

and lower IQ of children.

has been used by hitler to make a population docile

the forms they use prevent proper thyroid function and cause mineral malabsortion?

there are great filters available to clean up your water.

News Item7/30/18 8:33 AM
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Unprofitable Servant wrote:
where our Lord during His earthly ministry, which you contend was only for the Jews, called all His saints sheep.
yep. you got to the core of it.

its the idol.

the false people v the real.

for there are lots and lots of Jews and Gentiles in the Kingdom right now..... but a lot who aren't.

if we are to love them rightly, we must speak honestly about how to be in covenant (and outside of covenant is doom).

and to be in covenant is through the atonement of Christ.

there are no two ways.

and banker land deals and displacement of people groups doesn't do a lick for building the Kingdom I mentioned above.

it is not I that has politicized the gospel.

once the kingdom is built through the sword, it is they who politicize the gospel of Jesus Christ.

"My Kingdom is not of this world"

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