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News Item8/28/07 8:49 AM
cindy | northwestern PA  Find all comments by cindy
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No, Cheryl........

The difference between you and me is that you are constantly striving in the flesh to accomplish that which pleases God and I am resting in the finished work of Christ at Calvary. I am receiving by GRACE the power to live a life that pleases God.......for it is God who works in me to will and do HIS good pleasure.

Martha was telling everyone what they needed to do but Mary.......sitting at the Lord's feet, learned from Him as she just beheld His Glory. And Jesus said that Mary had chosen better. You are always doing, doing, doing and Mary was just being.

You will fail to enter His REST, as the book of Hebrews admonishes us to do, because you are forever in anxiety wondering if you have done enough to love God and obey Him.

I truly pity you Cheryl. I don't have any malice toward you or anyone who thinks they can loose their salvation........I just pity them!

News Item8/26/07 11:15 PM
cindy | northwestern PA  Find all comments by cindy
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you're funny because you always respond to my comments! certainly I didn't mean any sarcasm, athough it may have come across that way, I just get tired of hearing that nonsense.

It's like Wall Street. On Wall Street they have schizophrenic day tradders who buy and sell stock depending on how well it's doing. Also in the mortgage industry.......wall street has always been a fair-weathered friend to mortgage companies when for example the subprime lending industry took a nose dive. When the mortage industry is doing well, many investors buy stock and cash in, but quickly bail out when things go bad.

What about long-term investing? For the long-haul? Certainly God has invested in those whom He has chosen. And His stock is quite costly, so He is not about to bail out of His investments which cost Him His Son!

Corporate America is like that too. You get fired when you don't perform according to the company's standard and that can be because anything at anytime and changes all the time because it's based on know, if they like you or not. If they don't like you, they get rid of you.

Quite the contrast to this foolish, that's God character is a sure foundation and His promises are TRUE and can be trusted unlike this ridiculous, fickle and fooli

News Item8/26/07 10:43 PM
cindy | northwestern PA  Find all comments by cindy
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here we go ago.......some people just have to stay GLUED to a computer screen.......which is an addiction by the way, and tell everyone that they can loose their salvation.

seems to me some people just have a problem with a certain sin called pride! oops, I think they just lost their salvation! they better hurry up and ask Jesus to restore their salvation.

what kind of god is day give you salvation and the next day take it away because you are not performing according to expectation.

sounds much like a fair-weathered friend to me. wow, if you can't trust God with simply cannot trust Him with anything else. all that's left is yourself and that's absolutely hopeless!

News Item8/21/07 6:33 PM
cindy | northwestern PA  Find all comments by cindy
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Now Bush wants to give 1 billion in U.S. aid to Mexico...........where's he going to get it from? The Federal Reserve? He acts like Congress is an ATM machine.

Mexico is salivating over it now........all the war lords and drug traffic dealings will grab it before it has a chance to cross the border.

Survey8/18/07 12:31 PM
cindy | northwestern PA  Find all comments by cindy
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I once attended a pentecost church whose members believed they had lost their salvation many times and had to repent over and over to restore their salvation.

I eventually left that church because it greatly effected my spirit. Now granted these people truly loved me and I them, but after awhile I was becoming incredibly depressed in my spirit. These people were in bondage and didn't realize it. And frankly I had enough.

Hebrews is an excellent book that speaks specifically about this issue and settles it once and for all. There are no more sacrifices for sin because Jesus Christ our Lord has become our High Priest and is the ultimate sacrifice.......the unblemished Lamb. He is our should look that word up.

Otherwise if you don't believe Jesus become your substitute for your sin then perhaps you should crucify yourself to appease your conscience.

I thinks it's noble of you and should be encouraged that we are always pursuing God and allowing His grace to change us to become more like Him but not at the expense of His glory.......we cannot steal glory for God will not share it.........any change that occurs in any of us is because of HIM and NOT us!

Jerry Bridges said it well......"God does not give you the power to do good so y

News Item8/18/07 12:14 PM
cindy | northwestern PA  Find all comments by cindy
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Hi Michael,

I think those who believe they can lose their salvation are those who truly do not understand their own depravity before a Holy God and how God had to judge His own Son to make us His own. These people do not understand how deep their sin is and how the futility of keeping one's standing before God in their own strength IS in and of itself sinful.

The Bible admonishes me and all those who are truly regenerate NOT to put any confidence in the flesh.

Paul said in his flesh there dwelleth no good.

I hope to continue to grow to truly appreciate GRACE!

I noticed that Abigail evaded my question......why did Christ die and to what did His death then accomplish?

News Item8/18/07 11:19 AM
cindy | northwestern PA  Find all comments by cindy
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Well Abigail then I guess we would all have to say that none of us then has eternal security because I have witnessed so many who profess to know Christ, yet they do and say things that are the direct antithesis of what of what the Bible says to do and say. Many great saints in the Bible lived the same way. Jacob was a liar, a thief and deceitful, yet God chose him.

Moses, Abraham, David and even Paul greatly failed God.

Many of our Christian leaders compromise with so many false religions......are these people truly regenerate?

I have been involved in so many churches through the years and my own family as well and I have witnessed behavior that in greatly marred with sin.

I think ultimately we should be concerned about our walk with God and not worry about others because we can be so wrapped up in someone else's actions that we fail to see our own actions that have greatly fallen short of the profession we have made.

"All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned everyone to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on Him the iniqity of us all".....Isaiah 53:6

According to you, NO ONE can EVER have eternal security.......tell me then......why did Christ die and to what did His death then accomplish?

News Item8/17/07 12:44 PM
cindy | northwestern PA  Find all comments by cindy
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The catholic church changes their "traditions", dogmas, decrees, etc., more than people have a chance to change their underwear!

Yet people flock to it (the catholic church) like bees to honey.......because it is neutral and broad minded!

News Item8/17/07 12:39 PM
cindy | northwestern PA  Find all comments by cindy
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Their "ethical conversion" is tantamount to appeasement and politics. It's like trying to appease Hitler.

News Item8/4/07 7:21 PM
cindy | northwestern PA  Find all comments by cindy
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The biggest mistake Woodrow Wilson did was sign the Federal Reserve Act and you are absolutely right!

Abe Lincoln had much to say about the government controlling people's money. That is why he was asassinated and JFK as well. He wanted to reverse the Federal Reserve Act I believe, but those in control had other ideas.

The Federal Reserve has nothing to do with our government and there is nothing American about it. It is simply a few select wealthy investment bankers who dominate and control our money. And they continue to get more and more wealthy at our expense. And we know that more and more wealth yields more and more power and those who have the money have the power. Our government is owned by these people.

Wilson was manipulated into signing it and that is why he regretted it later.

News Item8/3/07 7:40 PM
cindy | northwestern PA  Find all comments by cindy
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Hiliary Clinton a!!!! She is pro-choice, supports abortion advocates and she is pro-homosexual supporting gay rights as does her husband.

But nevertheless, if you want to call her a Christian and believe that, well, then that is your prerogative.

Remember God's judgement always came after sodomy was paramount as in the days of Lot......and sodomy is only a step away from being legalized. (Romans 1)

This nation doesn't fear God.......let's be honest.

News Item8/3/07 7:32 PM
cindy | northwestern PA  Find all comments by cindy
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More power to them........if it makes them happy and they aren't living off the government. I, however, think it's ridiculous! But that is just my opinion.

I wonder what kind of place this world will be when the littlest grow up into adults.....if (we) are still here that is. I personally would not want to bring any children into this world.

News Item7/25/07 10:33 AM
cindy | northwestern PA  Find all comments by cindy
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So now Dobson claims that the first 11 books of Genesis are merely poetry and not reality........that's just like Billy Graham saying once on Larry King Live that he didn't believe in Hell. WOW!!! Steer clear of those not let them influence you in anyway because they allow politics to influence what they believe.

Also when Tammy Faye Baker was being interviewed just recently on Larry King Live, ( I wonder if Larry King will ever submit to the righteousness of Christ Jesus? ), he asked her "did the doctors tell you have much time you have left"? to which she responded "no I don't want to know, I don't what my faith level to go down"...........what???? I would think as a Born-Again believer that that would make your faith level sky rocket because you will finally be delivered from this crummy world!

News Item7/17/07 9:02 PM
cindy | northwestern PA  Find all comments by cindy
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The Pope already has done plenty of street preaching in Iran.......he is always dialoguing with Muslims, (and everyone else for that matter), with his anti-christ ecumenical spirit. He does his street preaching everywhere to bring everyone together and have a lovefest.

News Item7/14/07 9:25 PM
cindy | northwestern PA  Find all comments by cindy
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Yeah your right GG, that's why Protestants and Catholics NEVER should have come together and signed the document ECT. It never was God's will and it never will be, it is only a smokescreen of public PR and to look nice to a watching word. But nice doesn't get any progress if it's not based in truth. Actions will produce nothing if the foundation and motivation of those actions are not based in Truth.

Man made attempts at "doing" God's will get nowhere, and even better God will never bless something that was never His will in the first place. It's not working and will never work simply because He's NOT IN IT!

That is why there was a protestant reformation in the first place.......but I'll tell you, I am not a protestant. I am a Born-Again Bible believing Christian and my origins have nothing to do with Rome. Protestants have too many orgins with Rome.

The foundation of my faith is not based in a church but rather in a person, the Lord Jesus Christ.

We shall see in the end who is right......those who do God's will and those that do not!

Survey7/6/07 2:07 PM
cindy | northwestern PA  Find all comments by cindy
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JD and Yamil..........

Do you guys have anything better to do with your time. I mean truly, do you guys ever spend time away from the computer screen. Both of you have a serious addiction to the computer that needs to be dealt with. Oh, let my guess, you two are above reproach because you are men right?

Your arrogance is overwhelming for men who claim to know so much about doctrine and Biblical Christianity. Both of you need to spend more time examining your own lives before you tell others what they need to do or perhaps both of you love tooting your own horns and pontificating your so-called brilliance so that everyone can read how "brilliant" you both are?

News Item7/4/07 10:46 AM
cindy | northwestern PA  Find all comments by cindy
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Yes and that is why I am never getting married because too many men in my life have totally abused their so-called authority and their choices have greatly affected me for the worse.

I would rather make the Lord Jesus my husband so to speak because I trust him. I do not trust human flesh. Years ago in my early 20's I had a couple Christian men who wanted me to marry me. I however did not believe to be led by the Spirit to marry these particular men and because I would not "obey" or "submit", they tried to manipulate me into marrying them by using guilt tactics and when that didn't work because they grossly slandered my character.

A man is not to be harsh or forceful and rule with cruelty.......he is not a true shepherd......for that is what a pastor and a husband is.

News Item7/4/07 9:24 AM
cindy | northwestern PA  Find all comments by cindy
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I wonder if you ever question in your mind if the male leadership in your church is always right? Do you just go along with whatever is being said without first subjecting all things to scripture like the Bereans did?

There are many men in evangelicalism in leadership who I simply would never submit to, nor would I ever follow. There is such a thing as wisdom and discernment and we are to seek it continually so that we ourselves are not led astray by them.

For example there are some prominent Christian Pastors all over American and others not quite as prominent who are emergent and ecumenical and even take scripture to an extreme or take it out of balance, to those men I do not follow nor do I submit. However to those Christian Leaders and pastors who are true to scripture and actually do what it says, those are the ones I will gladly submit to in reverence to Christ........for they are the glory of God's image (as the woman is the glory of man's image...that's God's created order). And I know no one is perfect, nevertheless, there should be a general disposition in obeying God in doctrine and practice (see Ezekiel 34:1-6 and I Peter 5:1-4).

I do not think any woman in her rightful mind would submit to any man who abuses his authority.

News Item7/3/07 1:32 AM
cindy | northwestern PA  Find all comments by cindy
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There is apostasy everywhere including our MALE leaders who compromise with Rome and many other false religions in an attempt to "build bridges". They have failed to uphold the Truth and continually justify their disobedience to God's Word in II John 10 and 11. So as we see clearly this is a problem with both MEN and WOMEN.

Man (and that includes the human race, not the gender specific) is by nature deceitful and fickle. That is why the Bible specifically admonishes (warns) us over and over NOT to trust people, but Him only.

Therefore I hold dear to my heart a scripture:

I John 2:27........... "But the anointing which ye have received of Him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you; but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in Him".

Women are not to usurp a man's authority in the physical pulpit, i.e. the church building, however that does not mean that women are never to speak, obviously that is out of balan.......that scipture does not suggest that women are without intellectual capacity or that they can not participate in church through some ministry. We are all called ( those of us who are truly regenerate ) to be salt and light, we are all called to preach the

Survey6/29/07 10:37 PM
cindy  Find all comments by cindy
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WOW!!!!! top the best of jokes. Thank goodness, people have a sense of humor! I am laughing so hard I almost didn't make it to the bathroom..........

You had better pray for ALL the husbands and perhaps the future husbands as well!!!! I do indeed feel very sorry for them. They endure so much.....Lord please grant them patience with the "masculine" women in their lives who insist upon opening their own doors!

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