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News Item1/8/13 12:56 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Jesus touched lepers in order to heal them; and made clay out of dirt and his own spit, placing this mud on a man's eyes in order to heal him. Besides all the carpentry and stone cutting he must have done when working for His earthly father Joseph. He also washed the disciples' feet.

Of course he got his hands dirty. Unfortunately I'm unable to load the whole article so I just went on the title and what was posted on SA.

News Item1/7/13 1:42 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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zoom wrote:
When the rover has done its drilling down through the Mars outer crust down to about six feet, the little green men will emerge in an angry mood and with super technology will fly down to earth and take over.
This will make the scientists and evolutionists very happy since it comes from their belief that the other planets were/are populated with aliens.
On the other hand what may happen is that the drill will discover martian rock, martian rock and more martian rock.
I think most if not all evolutionists when they look up at the night sky see a zoo just waiting to be explored. When I was young and crazy about Star Trek and similar media, I felt the same way. But as I study the Bible I find the universe to be more of a sculpture than a zoo. In the very unlikely event that God made life elsewhere in the universe, it would have to be subject to the same Biblical time line that we on earth are (creation, fall, destruction, and re-creation of the universe). Which makes Star Trek and similar programs now seem about as real and possible to me as Lord of the Rings and other such fantasy. Very entertaining--even inspiring, but also very (at least potentially) distracting. From learning REAL things, like the Bible, history, etc.

News Item1/7/13 1:19 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Angela Wittman wrote:
Could it be Protestants actually have some sort of knowledge that gluttony is a sin while some of the other faiths don't? If so, praise the Lord that not all of our Puritan Heritage has been forgotten.

People today focus too much on feeling good and being happy, but feeling bad is actually better if it results from genuine conviction of genuine sin (gluttony, etc.) that needs to be repented of.

News Item1/3/13 11:02 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Mike wrote:
Fared well with Sandy cause I live a few hundred miles from there. A friend of mine who works for the power co was working there a week or so ago. He said there are a lot of folks still without elec or gas. And I thought the president fixed all that when he visited for 2 hours before the election! I guess it's not so important now.
That surprised me a bit too. I really thought he was going to ride in there and start throwing money around like past presidents have done amid similar past disasters. Instead he made a brief visit, spoke a few words, posed with what looked to me (from the photos I saw) like an adoring Chris Christie, and then went right back on the campaign trail. It's all about "priorities" I guess.

News Item1/1/13 1:30 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Gandhi wrote:
Gandhi speaks,
"The state represents violence in a concentrated and organized form.
The individual has a soul, but as the state is a soulless machine,
it can never be weaned from violence to which it owes its very existence."
"You assist an evil system most effectively by obeying its orders and decrees. An evil system never deserves such allegiance. Allegiance to it means partaking of the evil. A good person will resist an evil system with his or her whole soul."
Sounds almost like something my libertarian friends might say.

News Item12/31/12 2:26 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Christopher000 wrote:
John, I'm surprised. I thought all born again Christians believed that the millenium was to come. How could we be in the middle of it when the events that precede it have yet to happen? Not to mention that Christ clearly isn't reigning on Earth right now. I don't understand where the division comes from.
I know this is directed toward UK John but I can tell you that No less than 4 different views prevail among fellow believers at the congregation I attend. Preterist, Futurist (the one you mention), Historical, and Idealist(?)--at least I think that's what it's called.

Been a while since I studied the issue but seem to remember that there may actually be more than one "millenium", depending on the context. Some say the church age is one millenium while the new heavens and new earth are another, but that these time periods are not necessarily meant to be taken literally.

Gun control is popular because it's much easier to pick on the gun than it is to go after the ones who actually use/abuse them.

News Item12/31/12 1:34 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Publican wrote:
Long ago, I believed this nonsense, along with everyone else... until I read the bible and not Hal Lindsey, C Ryrie, and the rest. The thousand years in the Revelation has about as much to do with a reign of Christ on earth, as the statement Jesus made to Peter has to do with the papacy. There is no relation. It is very straightforward. No complications. The definitions of these statements concerning the rapture, the millennium, etc., are given throughout scripture many times. They have nothing to do with what we have made them. When you finally see what they do mean, it is amazing that we could ever have come up with this. and a blessing to understand. I tried to explain this years ago, but no one wanted to hear it.
Same here.

I never read much less understood the Bible when I was younger, but had access to many graphic charts illustrating what the authors of such understood to be end-time events spoken of in the Bible. It was much easier at that time to study and believe these than the actual scriptures.

As long as I get "raised up on the last day", as Christ says in the Gospels, I'm not so concerned about any so-called millenium doctrine.

News Item12/21/12 5:47 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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52% is WAY too low, if you ask me. Then again it was essentially 100% when I was in scouting back in the 1970s. Things have fallen apart a lot since then.

News Item12/20/12 5:37 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Looting, raping, and pillaging are typical historical practices by barbarian raiders, pirates, etc.

Stories like this are hard to believe only because so many of us think the human race is "beyond" such things now...until something like Nazi death camp images slap them upside the head.

News Item12/18/12 2:25 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
I've already noticed that too many Evangelicals are evangelical Republicans first, perhaps Christians as an after-thought.
Blame Jerry Falwell and those like him and his "moral majority" (circa 1980). Don't broad brush republicans just because a few of them got distracted.

Even before Falwell got "political" I was a lib democrat in the 1970s who loved Jimmy Carter because he was considered to be "evangelical Christian" by myself and so many at the time.

News Item12/17/12 2:12 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Bob wrote:
Maybe we get the wrong answers because we are asking the wrong questions....
Maybe the right question is....should we even have Government schools?
Disappointed as I am in my parents' generation I know I must try to understand how incredibly tempting it must have been to live in a time when so many institutions, government and otherwise, were coming on the scene to "help" them by allowing them to delegate significant amounts of responsibility in order to "ease" their own lives and allow them greater freedom to pursue their own individual interests.

"Government" this and "government" that may sound good in the short run, but my experience is that over time such practice promotes social and spiritual atrophy in a society and its people.

News Item12/17/12 1:59 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Mike wrote:
Now we wait for this heinous act to be opportunistically politicized by those who will call for setting politics aside.

'Never let a crisis go to waste'.
R. Emmanuel

News Item12/17/12 1:52 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Whenever I read a headline like this it immediately reminds me of the faulty cause-and-effect spiritual reasoning of Job's friends, or when the disciples asked Jesus if the blind man's blindness (in the book of John) was caused by his sin or his parents' sin.

People who say stuff like this are effectively declaring their own ignorance of the Bible, or at least a woeful lack of understanding of God and all his ways.

News Item12/17/12 1:34 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
No, Mr. Huckabee is only partly correct, as one can almost ascertain even from all the news reports there is a lot of divorce going on...
Good point.

Divorce may not be the root problem but it's a big intermediate one for sure.

When watching the news my wife and I are continually appalled at the conspicuous absence of any kind of father figure in most stories we see involving youth-oriented tragedies these days. In almost every case, the mother is found and interviewed and even commiserated with, but the "father" is no where to be seen/heard.

News Item12/13/12 2:41 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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David Tremont wrote:
It is ironic the people last week in Detroit asked Obama to bail them out for electing him. In 1973, Michigan was one of the first states to have a lottery to support Public education. look at the results. Lol.
California got their lottery in 1978, just after I moved there, and the schools are in the worst financial shape they've ever been in.

News Item12/12/12 5:27 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Voter ID, John? I am going to point out the program, [URL=]]]Full Show: United States of ALEC[/URL] am I giving Mr. Moyers my seal of approval? This show is highly accurate -- but it suffers from the sin of omission, since I'm sure that various groups like teacher unions have the same system. A little more neutral program where we Republicans pitted against Republicans, [URL=]]]Video: Big Sky, Big Money | Watch FRONTLINE Online | PBS Video[/URL].
Anyway, voter ID is just a cover for a modern day poll tax to keep people who legally should be able to vote are stopped by monied interests. Voter fraud isn't all that great. In states where it might be a problem let them handle it, but not as means to stop the elderly or poor from voting.
So? Just bring your ID/drivers license to the polls. What's so hard about that? It wouldn't stop me, unless I managed to lose my license on the way to the polls, but hey, that's MY problem.

News Item12/12/12 1:28 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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I remember reading somewhere that breast cancer might simply be caused by women "not using" their breasts for the main purpose for which they were designed. Mothers who use formula instead of breast milk, take birth control pills, or abort their babies create a situation where the body "preps" the breasts which then remain unused, which somehow upsets their biology and thus makes them more susceptible to cancer. If only I could remember where I saw this so I could go back and verify it. I only bring it up here in hopes that it may jog someone else' memory regarding this issue.

News Item12/12/12 1:18 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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I saw one clip, ONE (pointing to my left index finger with my right index finger for emphasis), and that was on the Stossel show where Bush said something in wholehearted support of the then still-inflating housing bubble. The rest were from democrats (Dodd, Frank, Clinton, etc.). That's why I used the word "government" instead of "democrats", much as I'd have preferred to use the latter.

Never was thrilled with W Bush but what we have now most definitely makes his two terms look like "the good ol' days".

News Item12/12/12 12:58 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Christopher000 wrote:
I never even knew that ultrasounds were mandatory prior to abortions. So, the mother sees her little baby, maybe with a thumb in his/her mouth, etc, and says, "nah, kill it". I'm not a woman, but to brutally murder a helpless little baby? What kind of a degenerate person is capable of something like that? A baby feels no pain at that stage...I just don't believe it. I think that is a lot of bull being spewed in order to soften the mental blow on the already enraged activists, haters. When a baby is being murdered, he/she just happens to go wild with convulsions at the very same moment?
Woe be unto the truth if it ever dares to get between an evil man and what he wants. Whether that truth consists of ultrasound imaging, voter ID, or whatever.

News Item12/12/12 12:40 PM
San Jose John  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Christopher000 wrote:
By the way, when I was Charismatic, I had a girl tell me that God told her that we were suppose to get married. I barely knew her, but everyone believed whatever the other said if they said that God had told them.
And had you agreed to marry her, and the marriage didn't work out, she could have blamed God for the failure and absolved herself. How convenient. Yours is at least the third case I now know of this happening. Must be more common than I thought.
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