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News Item10/11/17 12:10 PM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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penned wrote:
"Not as though the word of God hath taken none effect. For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel:
"Neither, because they are the seed of Abraham, are they all children: but, In Isaac shall thy seed be called
"That is, They which are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God: but the children of the promise are counted for the seed. Romans 9:6-8
the children of the flesh: Harvey Weinstein.

children of the promise: blood bought believers of Jew and Gentile background

one group is persecuting the other.

and all this left as a stumbling stone to the CHristian so that He may not know the deep love that Christ has for that He may live in the light of that truth!

And to keep the other children of the flesh in bondage, so that they may not hear and receive the good news!

Today your sins can be forgiven.

The love of the Father is not far off.

Those He has adopted through His Son are His children... never to be left orphaned.

As the persecutors ramp up their vitriol, we need to encourage one another with this truth, Christ died for you and me. Once we were lost...but now found.

News Item10/11/17 10:33 AM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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a visit from Dolores and John UK on the same day. what a blessing. Lord encourage all the brethren here today in Jesus name, to know the depth of His love, to be well equipped to serve Him.

News Item10/10/17 9:45 AM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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thank you for backing up the vice president who is backing up those who serve this nation. the elites bow at the knee to bring in islamocommnsm.

News Item10/10/17 9:34 AM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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thank God for this victory. seems the elite have backed off of raising up jihadists in syr since we elected the president who ran on stopping ISIS.

where is the american church thanking God that an army of terrorists have been held back from terrorizing Christians? (too PC?)

Jim Lincoln wrote:
It's good to see that Kurdish Muslims no enough not to trust the Isis Muslims.
how snarky of you.

News Item10/9/17 9:51 AM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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good job VP!

News Item10/8/17 11:00 AM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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should a Christian bake a wedding cake for a "gay" marriage?

according to J Macarthur, its perfectly fine. (course if their conscience says not to, then don't)

will these kinds of well paid pastors be with the brethren as they face persecution or will they have a rational reason behind keeping their empires while the brethren suffer? (per Romans 13?)

who will walk through the miry clay with the brother thrown to the lions?

News Item10/7/17 3:42 PM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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Mike wrote:
Haven't you heard? It's bump stocks. It's how to focus on a faucet leak after a tidal wave has come ashore.
ya right! take care Br. Mike...

News Item10/2/17 3:46 PM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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MS wrote:
Some might get a chuckle from this:
"I support LBGT rights"
Seen on a T-Shirt at Wally World.
ya you got a chuckle from me. certainly an improvement.

News Item10/2/17 3:43 PM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Hmm, he was a White terrorist. He may have did it for racist pride seeing that Whites may have been falling behind on the body count and wanted to make sure no other race could catch up them?
you have the cultural marxist talking points down to a T.

News Item9/30/17 11:54 PM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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its a spiritual blindness on the land.

"The US has the highest vaccination rate of all industrialized countries. US children are experiencing a health epidemic with more chronic diseases than ever before in our history. The US has the highest infant mortality in a study comparing America with 29 other developed countries. Children in the US suffered with more autism than in all other countries studied."

News Item9/27/17 10:41 PM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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Dr. Tim wrote:
As a career serviceman, I'd like to see all these haters of Old Glory take a knee-- right to the groin. With its innumerable imperfections, America still gets the gospel to people all over the world, and there is still no place on earth that offers a greater degree of religious freedom. God save America!
heard the news of another friend who will have to raise her children alone after the passing on of her precious husband. a young beautiful family torn by war while these multimillion dollar rich guys get news coverage.

News Item9/27/17 10:21 AM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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we are seeing a series of genocide events in the west.

and even though it is sad to see mosques built, to put it in perspective..

I saw a statistic that 90% of migrants in austria are living off welfare.

austrian natives aren't getting these services readily!

so the muslem buildings are subsidized one way or another.

in this sense you might call it the new state religion. churches will no longer

its that way here too.

an unseen hand wants them up.

I remember talk some 4 years ago or so on the saudi funding in some mosques and rewriting of textbooks in US...

the west is being put through a guilt fest where they are taught to hate their heritage, their history, who they are.

this is working effectively on those who are not strong in their faith, people who look to man for their fulfillment.... especially those who have wealth and are insulated from the rape culture of the invaders or the poor that are fatherless and are told to hate their forefathers.

cultural marxism is well on its way and it ain't pretty.

the answer to this would be repentance of feminism, lbgt, all these false globalist idols to turn to Christ and be saved.... and then to live in this new reality to rejuvenate nationalism, to be loyal to their forefathers and reject the suic

News Item9/27/17 10:08 AM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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Br. US, good find.

Jim Lincoln wrote:
The NAE finally got something right.
and here we see that silencing Christians is an agenda..... not a theological command.

News Item9/26/17 3:58 PM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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Mike wrote:
sbc? penny,I only hold the president accountable for the things he promises. It is indeed his fault that he went to Alabama to support an establishment Republican, and not Moore, who is definitely not. I don't see Trump as being forced to do it, nor will it serve the cause he got elected to do. No, Strange will turn against him, as other establishment Republicans and Democrats already do. Trump could have practically nailed his re-election had he supported Moore, for he would have been seen as standing above the swamp in matters that matter as much or more than the economy or Korea.
he missed an opportunity there. in a speech he called him Ray....evidently didn't know him.

the good news is that there are thousands of Christians in Alabama who can support Roy Moore.

there are hundreds of pulpits this sunday that could mention Roy Moore.

News Item9/26/17 10:58 AM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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Mike wrote:
If the polls are correct, it's a case of the people voting more for what Trump stood for in the presidential election, than in supporting him for who he supporting in this election. Someone has said it's Trumpism, not Trump that the people back. Can't help but notice Steve Bannon and Mr. Gorka, of the team that got him elected, both back Moore. Trump may be listening to the swamp rats, which wouldn't be a good sign for him.
is it the president's fault that the sbc has put itself under a cultural marxist?

guess he's on his own to take on the pedophiles .... and keep the stock market up to pay out the free money to our majority dependents.

News Item9/26/17 10:37 AM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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saying that the rapture would come in this generation, which would be 40 years would also be a false prophecy. yet those who pushed this were never corrected and their books still read and still on many shelves, if not donated to the thrift store.

1988 came and went 29 years ago.

News Item9/25/17 6:55 PM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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the destruction of the west is well underway..

was just reading that 90% of Austrian Aslyum Seekers are on welfare.

to translate: Islamic families and men of fighting age are funded to jihad through the taxes of the westerner. german ladies, better put on those burkas or stay home.

an unwritten hand that brings in domination through islam and lgbt.

whole nations enslaved.

News Item9/23/17 10:43 AM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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Another Michael wrote:
Think I'm crazy? Trying going with someone who preaches the Gospel outside and abortion clinic and see the number of people claiming to be Christians, maybe even in ministry who don't want you to do that because it might offend somebody

its a false pietism that says that their salvation is only about their personal prayer walk, how dare a Christian live their faith out outside of the monastery, the gospel then might become "offensive"!

News Item9/23/17 10:37 AM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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Bro US, thanks for this conversation! it's been a blessing to read through thessalonians and relate to their struggles. Good day to ya.

News Item9/22/17 3:07 PM
penny  Find all comments by penny
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great comments!

Christian Education is superior and more intelligent and inspiring.

the cultural marxists erase history and future. nothing left to teach.

after the genocide of marxism, they often ask the Christian missionaries back in...

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