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News Item4/12/10 6:16 PM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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"The convention, which is not yet ratified in the United States but has been adopted by numerous other nations, orders that children can choose their own religion with parents only having the authority to advise them"

1. Whilst I am under no illusions as to the evil nature of the intent of this 'convention', be careful what you wish for, work for and what you oppose!
2. Personally speaking I was converted at 17, technically still a minor in my non-believing parents home. What a glorious Saviour!
3. Christians should stand in principle FOR religious liberty and against the imposition of religion.
4. Consider the success of evangelistic Sunday schools and other children's missions over the past 400 years. We need to be careful that we do not oppose such liberty to preach the gospel to all.
5. I believe in the gospel liberty to proclaim the gospel to every child from every Roman Catholic, Moslem, Hindu, Mormon, JW, Sikh, (you name it) family as God gives opportunity.
6. Christians should support children who come to Christ yet live in unbelieving homes. They may pay for it with their lives!
7. Teach and train your own children to know, believe and defend the faith from the earliest age. Believe that Christ will give them the words to say.

News Item4/12/10 6:11 AM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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The homeschoolers won nothing against the United Nations.

"The HSLDA said the decision is a victory for now.

"In defeating this measure, British homeschoolers have blunted an effort by those who seek to impose unnecessary restriction on parents who home educate.".

Er ..... no.
(1) An election has been called so all bills before UK parliament have lapsed.
(2) There is a big difference between the United Kingdom and the United Nations.

Another garbage wnd story being repeated by sermonaudio.

News Item4/11/10 6:12 PM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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The key issue for all is the authority of Christ, not the authority of "anyone else". That is popery wherever it is to be found.

As one sermonaudio pastor said recently:-
"There are plenty of professing Christians out there who can give you their horror stories if you care to look."

News Item4/10/10 7:53 PM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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Scott McMahan wrote:
There's talk of adding a European VAT on top of income tax.
On further reflection, taxing American expenditure and giving the money to Europe is actually a truly brilliant idea.

News Item4/10/10 5:51 PM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Sacraments? I am surprised at that word, Protestants only have ordinaces.
Jim Lincoln wrote:
We do not have sacraments, we have ordinances.
Your "We" statement, about IHCC in particular, is correct.

News Item4/10/10 5:16 PM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
It boils down to the fact that a family hour on Sunday mornings does not a church make.
Actually the article is much more perceptive than that.

Jim - I aim to read the full articles for all the news stories I comment on. Unfortunately I do not have the time to read all of your links.

I'm surprised that, as an Anabaptist, you have not even heard that some Protestants maintain the use of the word "sacrament". On another thread you said "One giant of the faith, was Martin Luther." Perhaps you would consider researching Luther's teaching on the sacraments.

Whether you agree with Dan Horn or Martin Luther or not, their use of the word sacrament is accurate in reference to the history of Protestantism

Many Anabaptists draw a distinction between themselves and Protestantism, not sure whether you do.

News Item4/10/10 4:58 PM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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Scott McMahan wrote:
There's talk of adding a European VAT on top of income tax.
VAT is not a tax on income.

News Item4/10/10 4:30 PM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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Scott McMahan wrote:
How careful are employers when they try to vet you on the Internet at insuring the information is really about you, when they're looking for reasons to disqualify candidates? What protections do you have?
Protections? None.
How careful are they? As careful as they need to be to serve their own interests.

At least there are always other jobs. However, when someone else has got your name onto a No-Fly list and you need to fly somewhere, you're in even worse shape.

News Item4/10/10 3:48 PM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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Link fixed, full article better, tagline misleading. “Meeting in homes per se is not the issue.” Agree.

“Others are home churching because of a bad experience they had at a church or a dissatisfaction with the churches they attended.”

“He found that some are engaged in it because they ... have yet to find a church community.”

"Frequently, the reason people are home churching is because they don't want to be under authority," said Horn. "When we reject authority, we're rejecting the Gospel."

Rejection of authority is key. The key Bible passage is
“For I am a man under authority, having soldiers under me”

If more church “elders” were truly men under God’s authority they would have soldiers serving UNDER them just as they serve UNDER Christ’s authority.

The real crisis today is MANY “elders” serve themselves under a guise of biblical churchmanship putting whoever they please out of the church without biblical cause. And are proud of it!

“The elders encouraged home-churchgoers to find a biblical church.” Agree.

I encourage true biblical elders to
(1) give public rebuke in love to false pastors “rejecting the Gospel”, and,
(2) reach out in love to saints meeting in homes desiring true biblical oversight wherever they may be.

News Item4/8/10 5:26 PM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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Mike wrote:
The "special protections" are not an entitlement that can be taken away by government, for they are not granted by government.
The "special protections" also long predate the US Constitution!

News Item4/8/10 5:19 PM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
I would suggest those of you in Great Britain should be arguing with the Anglican church to be in the forefront of the celebrations to honor its Bible.
Jim - FYI There is no point Christians debating with biblical fools.

(Note to real Christians in the CofE - suggest you follow the Bible and come out of it).

News Item4/8/10 1:35 PM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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Mike wrote:
Bit by bit, the Obama administration reveals its true colors. An American muslim terrorist gets on the hit list, but a foreign muslim terrorist, mastermind of 9/11, gets a trial in a US court, under US law. Can't be too nice to those foreign bad guys, but we need to be able to kill Americans considered a "threat." With the precedent being set, which Americans will be considered a threat next?

Appreciate your perspective, you raise a good contrast.

I read the piece extract as the journalists objecting to Americans being suitable for assassination / extra-judicial killing being 'wrong', but quietly accepting of this practice towards non-US citizens in non-combat situations.

Surely both the citizen and the stranger, within and without the gates, is entitled to a fair trial and due process of law?

In a combat situation, then the rules of engagement apply. Beyond that, prisoners of war should be treated in accordance with the Geneva Convention.

News Item4/8/10 5:54 AM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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"The decision to add him to the US hit list required a National Security Council review because of his citizenship."

And which part of the US constitution authorizes extra-judicial killings?

"However, officials now argue privately that Americans who side with the country's enemies are not ultimately "entitled to special protections"."

The right to a fair trial before your peers seems to be reduced to a "special protection" at the discretion of an Executive.

It seems 911 was extremely successful at destroying the very foundations of American society. Tragic to see.

News Item4/8/10 5:33 AM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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"The problem is most of the home churches that I know of failed"

Just like the failed link at
Gotta love the 404 errors.

"I think Calvin probably had it correct when he defined the church as having the preaching of the Word, there's a right administration of the sacraments and there's church discipline.
"The problem is most of the home churches that I know of failed in one or all of those, especially the last one." ...

Not sure how that failure is restricted to home churches.

Myriad whitewashed churches fail on discerning Lord's body / the nature of the church, benefits of church discipline, and consequently fail to truly administer Christ's ordinances at all let alone rightly, and in turn this undermines the preaching.

"For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord's body. "

News Item4/7/10 7:46 PM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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"James I saw his task as giving his newly acquired kingdom a beautiful gift that would also serve as a unifying force. It didn’t quite turn out as he wished, but many of those families who left these shores to begin life in the New World took James’s book with them."

That's not what they teach at Plimouth Plantation.
I wonder what their evidence for that statement is?
Or are they talking pro-chronically?

News Item4/7/10 7:20 PM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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"On any given day, the giant square-shaped walkway features the surreal sight of soldiers sipping gourmet coffee and eating chocolate pastries with guns slung across their shoulders, while Canadians play ice hockey at a nearby rink and fighter jets thunder overhead."

"Ice hockey"?
They actually built an ice rink there?

I can only assume the US squaddies will now be heading over to Tim Horton's presumably located somewhere in the vicinity of the ice rink
... at least until the pull out when the politicians put a stop to this pretence of "nation building".

Real squaddies made their own entertainment in another war zone here:

News Item4/6/10 6:45 PM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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Pastor Andrew Webb wrote:
Interesting isn't it that the world's solution to the problems caused by a manifestly unbiblical practice (enforced celibacy) is another unbiblical practice (women's ordination)?
But then again it shouldn't surprise us when their solution for the "problem" of pregnancies caused by fornication is murder.
I would have thought that Pastor Webb also advocated, and also enforced by means of church discipline, celibacy - for all the unmarried members of his own congregation.

Are we likewise to assume by Pastor Webb's reasoning that his own enforcement of (biblical) celibacy also causes the same problems of abuse, rape and molestation? If not, why not?

And, are there not protestant problems of abuse, rape and molestation within the church by married members?

We need to be careful how we argue against and debate unbiblical practices.
"For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again."

News Item4/6/10 6:33 PM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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"Mr. Obama described his policy as part of a broader effort to edge the world toward making nuclear weapons obsolete, and to create incentives for countries to give up any nuclear ambitions. To set an example, the new strategy renounces the development of any new nuclear weapons, overruling the initial position of his own defense secretary. "

Yes, obsolete is clearly the wrong word for this.

If he really wanted to "edge the world toward making nuclear weapons obsolete" or edge towards a nuclear weapons free world or "set an example" he should begin by advocating that his OWN country (and I don't mean Kenya or Indonesia) disarms , and refuse to sign any current funding measures.

Asking other "countries to give up any nuclear ambitions" when his own country has them is simple hypocrisy.

Now whether it is wise to disarm is another matter entirely .....

News Item4/2/10 2:29 PM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
An unlucky number for the Palestinians? The Israelis should have given them 14 can't have people becoming superstitious. [URL=]]]Myths About Israel and Palestine[/URL].
Can't have the righteous bound up with bloodlust either.

News Item4/1/10 7:55 PM
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Theonomists following Catholics.
Isn't that the truth!
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