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News Item9/20/08 10:44 AM
Christiana  Find all comments by Christiana
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Michael Hranek,

Why does a picture of a church that leads to your homepage show up next to your name only some of the time?

News Item9/20/08 9:33 AM
Christiana  Find all comments by Christiana
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Sherry C. wrote:
Well, in the trash with my Ray Boltz tapes!
Sad, to say the least. He has gone the way of so many coming out of "celebrity christianity."

We attended concerts with Ray Boltz, Sandi Patty, and Michael English. Patty and English had adulterous relationships while they were entertaining the "Christians."

All are gifted singer/songwriters, but sadly are not grounded in the Scripture. I'm not sure about Boltz, but both English and Patty come out of charismatic churches with the emphasis on feelings, emotions, the senses. Patty repented, English has struggled with alcohol drugs, etc., a great fall from Grammy award winner.

At 55, Boltz has lost his mind not to consider how short his life is, even if he lives a "full" life. Of course, only the Grace of God can change a man.

May God bring him to repentance. I love the lyrics to "I think I see gold," and "Seasons Change."

Survey9/11/08 4:45 PM
Christiana  Find all comments by Christiana
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savedbygrace wrote:
Is it ever a duty for a responsible Christian to vote no or write-in in regards to a political choice?
It wouldn't really accomplish anything, would it?

Survey9/10/08 8:59 AM
Christiana  Find all comments by Christiana
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Alan H wrote:
Would you vote for a ticket that included her? If so, it is not irrelevant.
As a responsible citizen, I have a duty to vote. Their are two ways to vote - either Democrat or Republican. That means that I vote for a ticket that is everything that I am against, including all the social programs, or that I vote for one that represents some of what I believe - smaller gov't, lower taxes, and a strong national defense. To vote for a 3rd party is to cast a vote for the Democratic ticket. So, I'm forced to choose, and I choose the Republican ticket. It is not a sin to do so. I have a responsibility, and I am trusting in the LORD for the outcome of this election.

Changing the subject, we visited Oregon a couple of years ago and I think we crossed the state line briefly into Washington State. Oregon is beautiful, as I'm sure Washington State is also.

Survey9/7/08 10:19 AM
Christiana  Find all comments by Christiana
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Alan H wrote:
"There might be exceptions, but only in cases of necessity."

. .did you ever consider the fact that your not believing it is a violation of it?


I can agree with your statement on "exceptions." So, settled!

I will address your statement on my not believing being a violation.

As I am not living in violation of the principle of being in submission to God and my husband, my opinion of Sarah Palin in the position of V.P. is irrelevant.

I will be accountable to God for my obedience or lack thereof. I cannot dictate to others their choices.

"Paul said, 'one man may eat meat, to another it may be an offense.'" "Regarding the Sabbath, 'One man may keep one day in seven, to another man, every day is holy to the Lord.'" "Let each one be convinced in his own conscience."

What does matter, is the salvation of souls.

External adherence to a code of conduct is meaningless in terms of salvation. When God saves a man or woman, He works to sanctify them. I am confident of the work of the Holy Spirit in the lives of true believers to bring them into conformity with the law of God written on their hearts.

Knowing that you observe the Sabbath with a rest from your computer, have a blessed Sa

News Item9/6/08 3:30 PM
Christiana  Find all comments by Christiana
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I agree with most of your observations, although I wouldn't presume to tell Sarah Palin what to do.

Many husbands, even Christians, want their wives to contribute financially to the home. Our choice, for me to stay at home has influenced others to want to do so, also. In some cases, that results in envy. In others, our example has given a picture of an alternative to what the world promotes.

In our case, the Lord did not give us children, even though we were prepared to be parents. That was not in our control. So, you see, we do not determine so much of what life has for us.

In all cases, we are called to submit, to God, to one another, and knowing that He is Sovereign gives a contentment with the circumstances that surround us.

Though my life is blessed beyond what I could ask for, I look forward to that time when I/we live in that perfect abode with our Lord and Saviour. We wait patiently, yet anxiously, longing for Him. Amen. Come quickly, Lord Jesus!

News Item9/6/08 2:40 PM
Christiana  Find all comments by Christiana
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'Kenny wrote, "Do you notice the correlation between the women's rights movement and increase in divorce?"

YES..there is a downward spiral when we get away from God's ideal. When Jesus was asked about divorce, He said that it was allowed under Moses because of the hardness of heart, but from the beginning it was not so. So, when we seek to follow God's plan in living, there is a blessedness in that obedience. However, excluding our discussion of Palin for V.P., there are intervening factors that preclude a woman staying home.

I am not a feminist. I am a Christian who has learned the joy of submission to the LORD, and therefore, to my husband, extending to those in authority. Before I was married, I was a professional. We do not have children, and I am blessed to stay at home. However, I know that many who would choose to stay home do not have that option. We should not make Christian women feel even worse about their situations when they have no one to depend on other than the fed. gov't. Unless the church is willing to step in and provide for a family absent a father, they should not degrade women and/or question their salvation if they have to work outside the home.

News Item9/6/08 2:02 PM
Christiana  Find all comments by Christiana
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kenny wrote:
God gave Sarah Palin her ministry when He gave her those children. It is her responsibility to raise and nurture them.

In an ideal world, women would stay at home and raise their children. Men would love their wives and provide for them and the children. People wouldn't die, and life would be like it was intended in the Garden of Eden.

Sadly, fathers die, husbands leave, and women are left to provide for their children.

While this is not the case for Sarah Palin, it is the case for millions of women. So, adjust your thinking for the circumstances, or let your church provide for every family that has lost a father and husband.

Sadly, the pastor of the church, sees things not as they are, but as they are imagined. In that vain, they ignored the problem of divorce in the '60's and '70's, preferring not to deal with it. Christian wives were ignored by the church when husbands left.

Open your eyes. We are not to entangle ourselves in the affairs of the world, but we live with the circumstances that are ours.

There are many women who would love to "stay home" and raise their children - it just isn't an option. My grandmother was widowed with children, and my mother raised 5 children after my father

News Item9/6/08 12:46 PM
Christiana  Find all comments by Christiana
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[URL= ]]]Getting Excited about the Republican Ticket-Kevin Swanson - The Palin Factor[/URL]
[URL= ]]]Ralph Ovadal on the Palin nomination [/URL]
Ovadal 9/5/8
"Biblical commentary on the nomination and candidacy of Sarah Palin for the GOP Vice President and the lack of Biblical response from well known "family" leaders" [then goes on to other subjects of the week]
[URL=]]]An Election Sermon: the Nature of Political Suffrage[/URL]
Excellent overview on the subject -
using the word of God-
a basic view of U.S. politics and priorities..
Wow, men of the world treat women with greater respect than this man Ovadal. I am shocked by his view of women. He is the chief of Pharisees. He does not treat women as Jesus did. He has a superior attitude that I am shocked to find on SA. He would be a good proponent for Sharia law.

Survey9/6/08 8:17 AM
Christiana  Find all comments by Christiana
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Alan H wrote:
“To assert that God’s Word permits a woman to hold civil office and that Christians have the liberty to support a woman
Alan, I don't expect a reply, since your last question to me was "Well, are you a woman?" That was when you did not know my gender and I was "Defender of Truth."

Well, at least you are consistent in your views of women always coming under the authority of men.

I do not have that conviction, and the article by Einwechter did nothing to convince me that that is what God requires.

In a perfect world, ordered by God, that order of man ruling, women submitting would work, but, we do not live in a perfect world, and men are not always eager to step up to the plate.

Many women are widowed, abandoned, fatherless, etc. Circumstances demand that they take responsibility. Would you have them have the government to take care of them? Certainly not! Work outside the home is an absolute necessity if the breadwinner is not a man.

Now, in the case of Sarah Palin being voted on by Christians and the question of whether or not they are defying the law if God - I would never want to defy what God has clearly stated, and I do not see the view of Einwechter in the Scriptures.

Jesus set us free. Out of s

News Item9/5/08 9:14 PM
Christiana  Find all comments by Christiana
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rogerant wrote:
I am a Canadian and can't vote down there but is say...
Thanks. . .it's good to have your support!

News Item9/5/08 8:05 PM
Christiana  Find all comments by Christiana
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Molly wrote:
Hello Everyone,
Just cutting in here to say:
Sarah Palin is a Great Candidate and I hope she wins!
Staying at home, serving my husband, teaching my kids, baking my bread, and VOTING FOR MCCAIN-PALIN.
You guys would've voted against Churchill.
I'm with you, Molly!

News Item9/1/08 10:32 PM
Christiana  Find all comments by Christiana
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"The Vice President of the United States shall be President of the Senate, but shall have no vote, unless they be equally divided." Article I, Sec. 3, of the Constitution. It is essentially a passive, ceremonial role.

Sarah Palin, if elected as V.P., should have plenty of time to fulfill her role as wife and mother, as well.

As to her support of her daughter to carry her baby to term, and marry the father, that is commendable.

As Christians, I agree with Michael Hranek, and other posters who have shown compassion. We should pray for this family, as well as all those whom God puts in positions of governing.

"Cease striving and know that I am God." (Sorry, can't find the reference just now.)

News Item9/1/08 11:27 AM
Christiana  Find all comments by Christiana
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Dr. Phil wrote:
Hey Moon,
Ordinarily, I would agree with you, but given the alternative, I think I would rather go with a gun toten, conservative woman than a representative of the beast (Joe Biden, RCC) and a representative of the false prophet (Barak Obama, Muslim). Don't worry about the baby; people of her socio-economic means don't raise children anyway - the nanny does.
In times of national rebellion, God raises up women to rule over the nation because that is what they deserve.
Her socio-economic wealth has been stated at approx. $100,000 - apart from her home (which is undoubtedly of modest value).

On the contrary, she has a supportive husband and responsible children who assist her. I think this family would be able to handle their own responsibilities. They have that "can do" mentality. "[If they want] a bridge to nowhere in Alaska, they will build it themselves (Alaskans)," as she stated in her speech in Ohio. They still have that protestant work ethic and individual responsibility mentality that gives strength and dignity as opposed to reliance on the fed. gov't and a weakening and demoralizing of the individual.

Jesus said, "When the Son of Man cometh, will He find faith?" The faith of people is too much in gov't.

News Item8/31/08 5:26 PM
Christiana  Find all comments by Christiana
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Moonwalker wrote:
MW wrote, "Everyone knows that Obama is the most gifted speaker in Washington hands down!"

So????? Words are meaningless unless they are backed by character!

"For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple." Rom 16:18

"The words of his mouth were smoother than butter, but war was in his heart: his words were softer than oil, yet were they drawn swords." Psalm 55:21

"For there is no faithfulness in their mouth; their inward part is very wickedness; their throat is an open sepulchre; they flatter with their tongue." Ps. 5:9

"Deliver my soul, O LORD, from lying lips, and from a deceitful tongue." Ps.120:2

11 Cor. 11:14,15 is speaking of false apostles but can be applied in principle to a leader ". .for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works."

"Take heed that no man deceive you." Mt. 24:4

"And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many." Mt. 24:11

Obama is a deceiver! Seek wisdom. "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom."

News Item8/31/08 12:09 PM
Christiana  Find all comments by Christiana
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Moonwalker wrote:
Barack is 6'3" inches tall, a very handsome man, has great charisma

in America the reality is we care about the physical presentation of our Presidents !

I just caught BHO on C-Span speaking to a crowd in Ohio, and he stuttered, spoke the same tired cliches, and was just BORING. Once again, as in many events, he called for help for a fainting person and tossed water - what gives??

I'm not surprised by this posters focus on the physical appearance of the candidates. Marketing, advertising, and Hollywood have made appearance the defining value of a person's worth. No wonder there are so many insecure people constantly trying to improve their physical appearance!

We are reminded in Scripture that "man looks on the physical appearance, but God looks on the heart." Oh, to be like our Saviour and see beyond the flesh to the spirit of the person and their eternal destiny!

For the christian, the "outward man is dying, but the inner man is being renewed." It is important that we "have the mind of Christ" as we "press on toward the mark of the upward call of Christ.

For the presidential race - it is our duty to vote. The call for compassion starts with the baby in the womb. That eliminates Obama!

News Item8/27/08 10:29 AM
Christiana  Find all comments by Christiana
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Truth is out there wrote:
Since I'm an Independent voter I perhaps can be less-biased them some of those who have posted here who appear to have it out for Obama.
Will they similarily be lifting your voices in opposition to McCain when he selects a professor of false religion, Romney as his VP.
This argument of looking for a Godly person to represent an ungodly people is vexing. Wherever, did we as Christians, think that we could have Godly leadership in government? That just will not happen until Jesus comes.

The best we can do is pray that God would put those in leadership whom He chooses - vote - and, then be submissive to God and our leadership.

We see Daniel serving a pagan king in the O.T. We, as Christians, need to learn submission to God first, and that coincides with submission to those in authority.

Even, if we had a Godly President, we can't expect that all members of his administration and family would be godly, also.

Vote for the person whose experience has proven leadership in serving the people. That's the best one can do. Stop looking for perfection. Trust that we serve a Sovereign God Who is working all things after the counsel of His will.

News Item8/27/08 10:01 AM
Christiana  Find all comments by Christiana
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hidemi williges wrote:
I agree with you. When you tell someone that you are a independent Baptist, they assume automatically that you are Arminian. What I am is...a Bible believer.

I listened to a msg by a pastor that you had recommended in a previous post. He must have been Ind. Bapt.

The msg was on the new birth. He said that you should have a birthdate when you were born spiritually. I stopped listening.

I can love someone for the measure of truth that I see in them, and I'm sure this man (as recommended by you) is a godly man; however, on this he is wrong.

I know of dramatic testimonies (my brother's included) of those who walk down an aisle, or can pinpoint the date of their conversion, but I cannot.

It was through the reading of the word of God - God opening my eyes to the truth - that I was saved - though, not a moment in time that I can pinpoint.

I'm sure there are countless testimonies like mine.

Sadly, too, there are members of my own family, outwardly moral and faithful church-goers (Ind. Bapt.), whose one time decision at the altar is their assurance of salvation, never to be questioned, though no indication of being born-again.

That teaching is closer to Arminianism than Calvinism.

News Item8/25/08 7:59 PM
Christiana  Find all comments by Christiana
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hidemi williges wrote:
Now it makes sense that Rick Warren got involved with the debates. Obama, the Moslem cohorting with Rick Warren, the mega-Church Guru. McCain the son of Cain. Is there something to all this? Could Obama be the catalyst to unite false Christianity with Islam?
He's a wolf in sheep's clothing.

"As the rings that encircle the tree trunk,
So the word goeth forward and back,
For the strength of the pack is the wolf,
And the strength of the wolf is the pack."

News Item8/25/08 6:00 PM
Christiana  Find all comments by Christiana
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Preserved wrote:
The Bible says God will preserve His word...
Many argue about where and what translation originals ect. No book made with hands will be saved(wood hay and stubble), though God uses these wonderful treasures as a tool of the Holy Spirit in which teaches us all things 1 Jn 2:27, Jn 14:26. The Holy Spirit even uses nature and our conscience(that’s why non will have excuse). God said in Jer he will write his word in our hearts and minds and since we are the reason for the testaments of Jesus Christ commonly called the Bible. Jer 31:33-34 They will be preserved in us. Ps 37:28 I believe and trust the ol KJ(not a version) Bible translation. Why? It’s fruit, It’s testimony, its price in the blood of the saints and their testimony about it. But as much as I love the ol KJ, Its paper and ink will not be found in heaven though its testimony and fruit will be. We can make anything an Idol: our things, our work, our families, our inellect, and yes even our Bibles… Argue all you want I would rather feed on his word and grow thereby…
This is so beautifully stated because it is true. I have read and re-read it. Thank you for posting.
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