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News Item10/12/16 2:58 PM
BRF | UK  Find all comments by BRF
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John Yurich USA wrote:
The United Kingdom government is Socialist and not a Republic like the United States. And the Conservative Party in the United Kingdom is in reality the Liberal Party if they support homosexual marriage. The part of Trump's life that is God honoring is that he is now pro life and against abortion. And the list of Supreme Court justices that Clinton has is the Liberal justices. Whereas the list of Supreme Court justices that Trump has is the Conservative justices.
Most Muslims I know are against abortion and Homosexual marriage this is not a reason to vote for them.
Mike N/Y Western society as a whole is progressively becoming anti God each new leader will simply take us ever nearer to the ultimate Antichrist not just in the USA but Europe and the UK.
But again I maintain all is under the Sovereign will of God and that even when the worst ever leader is raised up Jesus Christ is still Lord over all to the glory of God.
Our calling is to seek first the Kingdom of God not the kingdom of the USA or the UK but the Kingdom of God.
Because Jesus Christ is coming again let us rest in that assured knowledge.

News Item10/12/16 2:26 PM
BRF | UK  Find all comments by BRF
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John Yurich USA wrote:
That is pure nonsense that I don't believe in the Sovereignty of God. And Obama was allowed by God to be president of the United States as judgment upon the United States. I don't trust Trump over God. But Trump has stated he is now pro life and against abortion. And the list of justices that Trump has to appoint to the Supreme Court are all conservative justices. So that takes care of your nonsense that Trump would not appoint conservative justices to the United States Supreme Court.
Is this list the same for Clinton or can she chose different ones? If she can so could Trump.
But hey you can vote for who you like, but experience as taught me you can't trust any politicians. In this country it was Conservatives which brought in gay marriage with out asking the people. It was the same party who deregulated the Lords day and brought in the national lottery addicting our nation to gambling.
All western governments now are liberal unchristian and godless, Trump is just the same, he is no Christian I ask again what part of his life as ever been God honouring?

News Item10/12/16 1:52 PM
BRF | UK  Find all comments by BRF
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John Yurich USA wrote:
Trump has stated he is now pro life and against abortion. And he has stated he would appoint conservative justices to the Supreme Court who are against abortion and homosexuality and homosexual marriage. You and everybody else who are against Trump are doing Satan's bidding by being against Trump and will be responsible for the judgment of God that will descend upon this nation if Clinton gets in the White House. Keeping Clinton out of the White House and having a conservative majority on the Supreme Court are the only 2 things that matter.
I live in the UK and don't get a vote if I did I would not support either of the two main candidates.
You obviously don't believe in the Sovereignty of God, voters are only the means by which God raises up leaders in the USA, and sometimes He raises up men or women to judge a nation.
If its Trump he still won't give you your idealistic dreams because despite your trust in him rather than God he is not a Christian. You know them by their fruits. How is this mans life ever been God honouring?

News Item10/12/16 1:36 PM
BRF | UK  Find all comments by BRF
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John Yurich USA wrote:
There has never been a conservative majority on the Supreme Court before. But under the next president most if not all the liberal justices on the Supreme Court will retire. And so it is vitally important that Trump is elected to put a conservative majority on the Supreme Court to overturn abortion and homosexual marriage and reverse all the evil policies of Obama. Since when is Trump not a Republican? He is the Republican nominee for president isn't he? That makes him a Republican. And why do you state that Trump is not a Christian? You do not have the ability to see into his heart. Only Jesus knows if Trump is a Christian or not.
Matt 7:15 Beware of false prophets which come in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
:16 Ye shall know them by their fruits.

This is true for politicians as well,
Trump does not think he needs to confess and repent of sins, therefore he knows not God or himself, therefore he is not born again.
Has he said that he opposes abortion? or homosexual marriage?
He won't lift a finger because at heart he is a liberal disguising himself as a republican.
Who ever wins the USA loses but don't despair Jesus Christ is still Lord.

News Item10/12/16 12:38 PM
BRF | UK  Find all comments by BRF
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John Yurich USA wrote:
Not voting for Trump or voting for a third party candidate for president is doing Satan's bidding and will be responsible for the judgment of God that will descend upon this nation if Clinton gets in the White House. Keeping Clinton out of the White House is the most important thing. And under the next president most if not all the liberal justices on the Supreme Court will retire. So it is vitally important that Trump be elected president so there is a conservative majority on the Supreme Court to end abortion and homosexual marriage.
Name one Republican conservative who was elected by Right wing Christians who ever made any progress on one of these issues? not one not Reagan not either of the Bushes and neither would Trump who as I understand is not Christian nor even a Republican.
Once again your simplistic reasoning shows you have no spiritual discernment.

News Item10/12/16 6:06 AM
BRF | UK  Find all comments by BRF
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JDIG wrote:
No matter how bad either candidate is, we need to VOTE for the lesser of two evils. Proverbs 29:2
We are not to support the wicked in anything, read the history of Jehoshaphat in 2Chron chapters 17-20 ever time he sought to make affinity 18:1 with the leaders in Israel it ended in disaster. It is not our place to support the ungodly in their ungodly enterprises 2Chor 19:2.

News Item10/12/16 5:37 AM
BRF | UK  Find all comments by BRF
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Psl He delighteth not in the strenghth of the horse: HE TAKETH NOT PLEASURE IN THE LEGS OF A MAN.
Neither should we.

News Item10/12/16 5:30 AM
BRF | UK  Find all comments by BRF
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Lady_Virtue wrote:
Amen. That is what I will be doing--or not doing, as it were.
Come, Lord Jesus!
Is there no other candidates a faithful believer could with a good conscience vote for?
we know they will not win, but if enough people vote for a third candidate may be the main parties will understand just how out of touch they are with the electorate.
If there is a faithful believer standing they may even see how much they are out of touch with the one true and only living God.
But which ever of the two main candidates is elected it will be a judgment of God not only on the USA but western nations as a whole given this person will be in effect the leader of the so called free world.
But even then we must not lose sight that who ever wins Jesus Christ will still be Lord.

News Item10/10/16 4:20 PM
BRF | UK  Find all comments by BRF
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I wonder if they will be excited when any body wants to speak of their sense of guilt and emotional turmoil which many women do feel after this operation?
Or will they be silenced, ignored and ostracised?

News Item10/10/16 2:45 PM
BRF | UK  Find all comments by BRF
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John Yurich USA wrote:
Clinton is wrong but Trump is not wrong. Anybody who is against Trump is doing Satan's bidding and will be responsible for the judgment of God to descend upon this nation if Clinton gets in the White House.
Sadly John your arguments are always as shallow as this campaign. According to scripture Trump is an adulater being married three times,even your Roman Catholic apostate church rejects marriage after divorce or is ok for republicans' to go against Papist teaching?
It certainly is not ok to go against scripture though.

News Item10/10/16 4:17 AM
BRF | UK  Find all comments by BRF
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Is there any chance that both of them could be replaced?
The thought of either of them being the leader of the free world is appalling, I thought we had it bad in the UK.
They are beginning to make Obama look good.

News Item10/9/16 8:30 AM
BRF | UK  Find all comments by BRF
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
There is no such animal as a humble Trump!

Just for your amusement Jim in the north of England the word Trump has an unfortunate but apt meaning.
To break wind noisily.

News Item10/9/16 7:37 AM
BRF | UK  Find all comments by BRF
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Just sayin wrote:
Voting for a presidential candidate is nothing to do with helping the ungodly or loving those that hate the Lord. It is about preserving the liberties of the people and ensuring that the country is run by half competent individuals. I agree that the latter is a bit of a stretch with the present candidates but given that they are the front runners the choice is down to who will best preserve the liberties of the people viz. who is likely to act to preserve the Constitution. For my money, that is not Clinton.
Obedience to God is more important than your liberties.
In the early Church slaves found liberty in Christ not the world.
Voting for a wicked man is not Godly behaviour or a Christian duty.
We are to count all things lost for the knowledge of Christ Phil 3:8.

News Item10/9/16 5:09 AM
BRF | UK  Find all comments by BRF
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How can any true believer vote for either of the two main candidates?
We are under no obligation to vote for those who are out right enemies of God.
Is there no other choice which a believer can in good conscience vote for.
we don't have to vote for those who might win but support the godly; if there is any who might be godly to vote for.
2Chorn 19:2 Shoudest thou help the ungodly, and love them that hate the LORD? therefore is wrath upon thee from before the LORD.

News Item10/5/16 3:00 AM
BRF | UK  Find all comments by BRF
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According to John Y logic then these Catholics must be Demon possessed.
Serving their god Satan.
Yet he still will not come out from among them.

Jim L do you ever sleep? Its eight in the morning here in the UK what time is it in Nebraska?

News Item9/22/16 4:53 AM
BRF | UK  Find all comments by BRF
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John UK wrote:
Stigmata, now there's an odd thing.
As are the statues of reformers in Geneva.
Although I agree with your sentiment John, even Calvin never wanted his grave marked to avoid any attempt by his followers to venerate him.
There is a great difference between this and statues. This mans heart belongs in the grave with the rest of him.
Rome's veneration of so called relics is nothing short of idolatry and should be shunned by all true believers.
The new heart scripture speaks of is not a physical organ but Spiritual regeneration worked in us by the Holy Spirit.
Displaying a dead heart of a sinner is a good picture of Roman Catholicism a dead religion slowly decaying.

News Item9/13/16 6:24 AM
BRF | UK  Find all comments by BRF
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Why does Hillary lie? because:- For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God. Rom 3:23 But-
John 8:7 He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.
Are any of us free from this sin?
As a Brit I neither support Trump or Clinton. Nor do I envy your choice come November.
As a Christian I do not put my trust or hope in any mere men or women. Psl 118:8-9.

News Item8/13/16 8:03 AM
BRF | UK  Find all comments by BRF
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Trump is doing a good job on his own to blow the election.
He does not need any body else's help.
Makes me wonder if he is doing it deliberately for some friends?

News Item7/28/16 10:43 AM
BRF | UK  Find all comments by BRF
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Mike wrote:
You mean God has never used armed people to defend themselves or to destroy others? We may have to rewrite biblical history.
You are mixing up Old and New Testament history the N/T saints never used arms to defend themselves.
In the O/T Israel as a nation was used by God to defend the promise of the coming Christ, if the nation or the line of Juda had been destroyed the promise of Gen 3:15 would have been lost.
Now the promise is fulfilled we need not defend the faith in such ways.

As for personal defence the honest answer to 'out of interest' is I don't know how I would defend my family my possessions I would allow to be lost rather than kill somebody there not really that important to me.
I have never felt the need for a weapon but being a sinner its possible I could use sinful means to defend loved ones.
DV I will never have to find out.

News Item7/28/16 9:39 AM
BRF | UK  Find all comments by BRF
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Mike wrote:
You mean God has never used armed people to defend themselves or to destroy others? Who knew?
When the apostle Paul faced death for his faith he neither took up arms nor encouraged others to either.
We are to live by faith and even die for it rather than cling to this world.
Death for the believer is the door way to glory and if God wants to take us by the way of martyrdom that should be considered as a privilege.
Set your affections on things above and not below Col 3:1-4.
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