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News Item3/22/08 5:30 PM
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The more I think about this, the odder it becomes....

This ministry has upped sticks and moved to America so that it can claim 501 c3 status to replace it's Canadian tax-exempt status. Of course, this has the same net effect to Canadian donors - their donations will still not qualify for tax rebates. So what is the point? Presumably they already had a US ministry set up to harvest US tax dollars. Where is the $ gain for the ministry? This just does not add up.

Secondly, they have chosen to advertise to the entire world that they have built up a healthy cash surplus based upon years of Canadian tax exemptions.
"We had been saving up to build a studio, because we don't believe in debt," she said. "At the moment we are ready to start construction, the government moved in to shut us down."
And they think the Canadian tax authority wont have a problem with expatriating all those years of Canadian tax-dollars and spending them in a foreign economy?

Seems unwise of them to advertise that fact. I think this will result in a $ loss to this ministry. Better for them to spend the money on a legal challenge than just voluntarily red-flag themselves for years of backdated tax assessments.

News Item3/22/08 4:52 PM
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There are a number of issues here if we decipher the hysterical rhetoric of WND.

First, the legitimate issue that we all need to be very concerned about and beware of is the arbitrary and relatively unaccountable powers wielded by low and middle ranking bureaucrats in every nation.

Secondly, this is not the WND headlined case of “The Canadian government has ordered a Christian ministry” to “shut down”. The detailed report actually shows that the ministry concerned "wrote on Feb. 7 and voluntarily revoked our [license] ourselves,"

I understand the views of Mrs MacGregor not to see her donors’ charity money eaten up by lawyers’ fees. However there are many alternative courses of action:
1) Voluntarily forego the Canadian tax rebates and government oversight.
2) Appeal through the tax authority's internal appeals procedures.
3) Raise the matter in Parliament through a sympathetic Member of Parliament.
4) Appeal for a Christian lawyer to take the case on gratis to make a legal challenge
5) Appeal for the many many thousands of Canadian Christians to help finance a legal team.

It seems strange to see a Christian ministry surrender rights and freedoms (for which our forbears were martyred) for some govt tax dollars?

Yes Mike, they should stand on guard for Canada!

News Item3/18/08 5:50 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
I rather enjoyed the last paragraph of the WND article,
As I think I have mentioned before I see entertainment value in the way WND approach reporting in all their stories.

News Item3/17/08 3:23 PM
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FYI on the "Some myths explored" page on their website

" Q: Will your architects be drawing up options for mosques to accommodate 40,000 or 70,000 people?

A: The stories citing 70,000 or 40,000 have been wildly exaggerated. The mosque will be able to accommodate 12,000, although the regular weekly attendance is expected to be probably about half that figure. We currently attract about 3500 to our gatherings every Thursday and about 2000 on Friday. In Dewsbury, we currently attract just over 1000 every week. "

Looks as though they are having to progress cautiously for the time being ....

Survey3/17/08 2:57 PM
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Neil - I also see the wikipedia page you referenced cross refers to a New Cambridge Paragraph Bible which also seems to aim at a modern typeface "re-edited" 1611 version.

It all seems very fashionable all of a sudden, and at 50 quid quite steep.

Survey3/17/08 2:05 PM
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At $40 it probably doesn't need insuring unless one agrees with this Amazon reviewer about the likelihood of a reprint :-
"I LOVE this booke!!!

This is the greatest investment I have ever made in my ENTIRE life!
This really is the True WORD of GOD! It will save your life.

You can learn, teach, edify, correct, and help save people with this Booke. This is having a piece of history, right in your hands. You feel like this is the real thing. Order about 3 copies, because the world, will stop publishing the 1611 Authorized King James Bible forever!!!

Thomas Nelson, stopped publishing their version of the 1611 KJV, and Hendrickson Publications might be the last publishers to EVER publish the REAL 1611 KJV before Christ comes back!!!!

Get your copies quick. I'm definately going to order more. Having this booke really is PRICELESS! "

News Item3/17/08 1:53 PM
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Even more ironic is that the Roman Church moved it to 15th March this year in Ireland, and cancelled it altogether elsewhere.

News Item3/16/08 3:30 PM
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kenny wrote:
I have a bunch of lawyers in my family and I'm familiar with the tactic as they use it often.
Are you suggesting this is sin?

News Item3/14/08 3:44 PM
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What is of benefit is being trained in the skills of independent study. That doesn't necessarily require homework, they could just require the children to work by themselves in silence in a classroom or even the library.

btw - formal homework for me didn't start until age 11. Makes me wonder what the teachers waste the 6+ hours a day they have in school on?

News Item3/12/08 1:21 PM
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Neil wrote:
Since Hitler & Franco, fascists have *always* distanced themselves from Communists - rival parties need not be polar opposites, just as Bolsheviks hated the Mensheviks & Socialist Revolutionaries.
My impression of neo-Nazis is that they're more interested in Nazi racial dogma than anything else. It is American pseudo-Christian Kinists that give the greatest credulity to the "right-wing" label (which in any case, has been technically meaningless since the Fr. Revolution).
By definition they are, yes, rival political ideologies along with all other political ideologies.

There are some similarities between Communism and Nazism, probably something to do with the nature of man and the fall.

News Item3/12/08 12:41 PM
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Anecdotally, modern self-confessed Nazi's seem to do a very good job of distancing themselves from communists ...... and a very good job of claiming right wing credentials.

Mike - Yes, you have said that before. I don't know how true it is either. But if it was true, and your original source was based upon reliable and verifiable historical records I'm sure it is easily proven.

News Item3/8/08 1:40 PM
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No, there has been very little pretence to be "Reformed" in the URC since its inception by amalgamtion in the early 1970's. It's just a name.

News Item3/8/08 1:36 PM
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Minnow wrote:
She was the best man in politics in her day.
Actually I'd like to take the opportunity to pay timely tribute to her Foreign Secretary Francis Pym who died this week.

In his public life he conducted himself honourably and with great dignity amidst very turbulent and disturbing times.

I think he was the best person, man or woman, in politics in Thatcher's days.

News Item3/7/08 4:11 AM
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Lance Eccles wrote:
Martin Luther might have been successful if he'd tried to reform the Church from within. But as it was, all he did was shatter Christianity into a thousand fragments.
He was the wrong person for it. His explosive temperament took him where he hadn't intended to go.
Do please show us how you think it should be done then Lance. Then also show us how you would have done it in the 1500's.

Given that you think the Romish cult has never erred doctrinally what would you ever want to reform about the perfect cult?

News Item3/6/08 5:31 PM
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RobertWilliams wrote:
The issue concerning his attendance at an ecumenical service reinforces the judgement that many people make concerning those who are deemed guilty by reason of association. Can we say for certain that he has fallen from his former convictions? I don't think anyone can.

Unfortunately, Dr. Paisley is paying the price for what he himself has sown.

One issue is that of genuine Biblical Separation - not guilt by association.

Another issue is, as you say, that Ian Paisley founded those institutions and was a leader or teacher in them.

I see no reason why those whom Paisley taught should be criticised for consistently applying the very biblical principles he taught them to apply.

If Ian Paisley is right now, he was wrong for the last 50 years - and owes apologies to all those he criticised in those years for ecumenical guilt by association.

Personally, I think he is wrong now, but then I have spent most of the last 23 years of my life respecting what Ian Paisley taught and lived by for most of those years.

When leaders ask their people to do moral gymnastics I think there is a real issue there. Pragmatism can be sin.

I think you inadvertantly answered your own question. He reaped from when he sowed well.

News Item3/6/08 3:39 PM
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Boy Scout wrote:
'In the interview, Symonds states that Dr Paisley knew that he (Symonds) would be at the event and would be leading in prayer when he acccepted the invitation to speak.'
Concerned free p...why not listen to your former moderator rather than a Romish priest. Rev Paisley I believe clears this point at the above sermon link.
Can you provide the relevant verbatim quote that in your view clears that matter up please?

The last I heard on this was sophistry surrounding whether Paisley was "officially" told.

Is it not better to follow Biblical due process and listen fairly to the testimony of all men, Romish Priest's included, and then weigh up all the available evidence and testimonies without the partiality and prejudice you advocate?

News Item3/3/08 8:32 PM
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Neil wrote:
Woodrow Wilson, who established the first American fascist regime during WW1 which jailed over 170,000 people, also claimed to be a Christian.
Can you expand upon the facts and reasoning you are employing there please Neil.

News Item2/22/08 5:03 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Great Britain would be much better off with independent Christian churches proclaiming the Gospel.
So did independent churches in America appear ex-nihilo then?

News Item2/20/08 11:05 AM
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Pastor Tom Newton wrote:
Is there not equal blame for all? Consider two sets of verses that describe our day: #1- "A wonderful and horrible thing is committed in the land; The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests bear rule by their means; and my people love to have it so: and what will ye do in the end thereof?"(Jeremiah 5:30-31). #2- "Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables"
(2 Timothy 4:2-4). It is when preachers fail to preach and live up to the Word that perilous times come upon the church. It is when the sheep fail to obey the word of God and forsake the fold in self will, that perilous times come. A call to repentance for the pulpit and the pew!
I agree.

News Item2/19/08 3:57 PM
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Pastor Tom Newton wrote:
What happened in the book of Judges is happening now - "In those days there was no king in Israel, but every man did that which was right in his own eyes"(Judges 17:6). The true spirit of Laodiceanism - the laity rules.
When reformed pastors do whatever is right in their own eyes why should we expect more of the wider sampled laity?
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