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News Item3/21/13 9:57 AM
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Rufus wrote:
In the sense that Christian means to follow after Christ, it is oxymoronic. Other oxymorons would include alcohol drinking Christian, movie/tv watching Christian, gluttonous Christian, uncharitable Christian.
If the sense of the word Christian is one who has been saved, then that Christian can be all of the above. I know of a Christian in the Bible who was a godly man and was a man after God's heart. Yet, he became slothful, looked on a woman lustfully, acted on his lust and committed adultery, then engaged in lie and deceit, then killed a man. He didn't get unsaved in that vomit and it didn't mean he wasn't truly a believer, it just meant he was in trouble with his spiritual father and that father chastised him as a good father should.
Hebrews 12:6 - For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth.
An occasional fall, sure.

But this is NOT what we are discussing here.

If someone is prepared to live in habitual sin and tries to find ways to justify it as "unsinful', then that person can never ever be called a Christian.

News Item3/21/13 9:07 AM
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Rufus wrote:
There is such a thing as a Roman Catholic bought by the blood of Jesus Christ believer who has received the free gift of eternal life. However, they will be in trouble in this life and at the judgment seat of Christ if they do not come out from among them and continue to make an uncertain sound.
Likewise, there is such a thing as a bought by the blood of Jesus Christ believer who is given up to a reprobate mind and turned over to that which is unseemly.
From Romans 1...
...who hold the truth in unrighteousness
...Because that, when they knew God they did not like to retain God in their knowledge
...Who knowing the judgment of God

News Item3/21/13 8:33 AM
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John Yurich USA wrote:
Yes a Catholic can be a Christian if they embrace Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
Exactly the same argument could be used by the sodomites to justify Homosexual Christians.

Just look at at all the "Christian Homosexual Cardinals" in the RCC. They've got the best of both worlds!

News Item3/21/13 7:21 AM
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John Yurich USA wrote:
There is no such thing as a homosexual Christian.
There is also no such thing as a Roman Catholic Christian, but this does not seem to stop you calling yourself one!

News Item3/20/13 11:05 AM
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friends wrote:
He sees the RCC and Pope becoming more like him, Evangelical.
I have news for you. Palau was never an evangelical!!

News Item3/20/13 7:25 AM
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meek and mild wrote:
R.C. Sproul Jr. argued yesterday that the U.S. has 50 million dead babies by abortion and not one Christian martyr. He predicted Christians will go down the same pike with same sex marriage.
In summary he stated:
"Of course we’ll still be busy growing “grace based” churches. We’ll still hold conferences on living gospel-centric lives. We’ll still write learned defenses of what Jesus actually said. What we won’t do is depend on His grace, while repenting of our failure to call the world to repent, as Jesus told us to do. And the world will know us for what we are, mildly annoying, but harmless."
Seeing as Mr Sproul is a wordly soul and all (note below), these are mighty fine words.

Should he not be leading by example?!!

Note: Read his stuff and see how many movies he mentions he has watched!! A professional armchair theologian who speaks fine words from time to time does not impress me.

News Item3/19/13 6:24 PM
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Cliff Leckey wrote:
Would anyone run their household budget the way these criminals & crooks run a Nation`s economy?
& then want the poorest to bale out the banks?
You couldn`t write a script like that if you tried.
That's right Cliff.

In fact even now, if the British found out quite how bad the situation is there would be a mad panic and I am sure that heads would roll- literally!

To know more, please watch:

[URL=]]]The end of Britain[/URL]

Please ignore the advert for the magazine towards the end and just watch the video through to the end.

The figures they cite are all verifiable.

The scale of the problem is truly staggering!

News Item3/19/13 5:56 PM
Watchman  Find all comments by Watchman
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jpw wrote:
the watchmen are letting down the gates, opening them up.
You are assuming he was a watchman! Watchmen have a bit of a habit of warning people! Can you ever remember him warning anyone about anything?

Christopher000 wrote:
Jim, I can't see or use the link you posted from my phone so I scanned his sermons; not noticing the one you posted.
I did, however, download a couple of others:
"The reality of an eternal Hell"
"God's view of homosexuality"
Is he your Pastor? You sure quote him a lot. You are a Gil Rugh shill.
Gil Rugh is the "Oracle"! Respect!

Survey5/27/10 2:23 PM
watchman | Nashville  Contact via emailFind all comments by watchman
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Romans 4:15

News Item10/14/09 10:39 PM
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and here we read "from the Bible"

It is recorded in Ecclesiastes 8:5. There God declares:

Whoso keepeth the commandment shall feel no evil thing: and a wise man’s heart discerneth [better translation: will know] both time and judgment.

one of the Watchmans

thank you....Mike New York

News Item10/14/09 6:45 PM
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visit here

News Item10/14/09 5:38 PM
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Judgment Day!
May 21, 2011

And to them it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented five months: and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion, when he striketh a man. Revelation 9:5
The End of the World
October 21, 2011

Survey1/22/09 9:46 AM
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DJC49 wrote:
One who is willing enough to go to his cross for a cause = the maximum commitment That's TRULY denying oneself (read the followup verses of Lk 9:23; Mt 16:24; Mk 8:34)
So, Jesus was elsewhere when He was told that Lazarus was sick, and He stayed a couple of days longer. Then He told His disciples that He was going to Judea, where they knew the Jews wanted to STONE Him. Everyone knew that this would mean DEATH. See John 11:6-8

Now, what did Thomas say to the other disciples when he knew the circumstances that awaited them in Judea?

He said, "Let us also go, that we may DIE with Him." John 11:16

That would be "taking up one's cross, and following Jesus."

News Item1/21/09 4:52 PM
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pew view wrote:
To make such a sweeping statement illustrates a very callous and unChristian background to your writing.
Knowing that one of the devices of Satan is to provoke an argument, I'll refrain from engaging in dialogue that starts from a provocation.

News Item1/21/09 3:58 PM
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I was not speaking of the writers of the Confessions - only those who use them as their basis for understanding Scripture.

News Item1/21/09 3:49 PM
Watchman  Find all comments by Watchman
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The great preachers of the past,
John Bunyan,
George Whitefield,
Charles Spurgeon,
were thoroughly saturated in Scripture,
- speaking it,
- preaching it,
- teaching it,
- living it.

That is what differentiates today's preacher who adheres to a "Confession of Faith" to support his understanding of Scripture, from men like Bunyan, Whitefield, and Spurgeon.

It is the power of God that works in the man of God who comes bringing the Word of God to the people.

There isn't any power in knowing a "Confession of Faith."

However, it is a source of validation that what the Holy Spirit has taught one in one generation, has also given that same understanding to one in a different generation. So, it does give testimony.

News Item1/21/09 3:18 PM
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The problem with those who so often quote a "confession of faith" is that they never learned the Word of God FIRST. They were not saved by hearing the Word, searching the Scriptures, being given wisdom and understanding of Scripture by the teaching of the Holy Spirit.

Instead, they came to the pre-digested food of the Scripture. . .ate that up. ... and, then went to the Scriptures with a doctrine to support. That is the reason they love men used by God to address doctrinal issues for the Church, instead of loving Scripture first.

The one who having heard the Word of God, were saved having believed, then searched the Scriptures, and with the teaching of the Holy Spirit came to an understanding and can then can agree with a "confession of faith," their faith not resting on a confession but on Scripture itself.

One person has his faith validated by Scripture. The other person has his faith supported by doctrine espoused by notable men. The process is reversed.

News Item1/20/09 11:42 AM
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John UK,

Thanks for standing for Truth. It is by faith alone that we are saved, but faith is never alone in the one saved. Faith without works is a dead faith.

"But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves." James 1:22

"Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world." James 1:26

"For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also." James 2:26

News Item12/1/08 4:40 AM
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Lance Eccles wrote:
I'd rather be Uncle Scrooge.
that was Daffy Duck.....

News Item12/1/08 3:55 AM
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which of the usual RC suspects which spam post here qualifies as the vatican version of Goofy,and which is just old squeaky voiced Mickey Mouse?

cast your votes now

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