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Survey2/28/09 3:02 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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No one is saved because they were taught right from wrong...after all, 'there is none righteous, no not one. There is none that understands. There is none that seeks after God' Romans 3:10-11
Almighty God is the Giver of both physical and spiritual life.
No matter how you raise your children, their dead, sinful hearts will not respond to the Gospel of Jesus Christ until God does a work through His grace. That doesn't mean you disobey God's word to 'train up a child'. For example, teaching them that stealing is wrong as a child will prevent them from doing so later on in life. These are moral teachings and help them become productive citizens.
As for their salvation, "who then can be saved? With men, this is impossible. But with God, all things are possible' Matt. 19:26
It seems strange that even though scripture commands us to 'walk in the Spirit' and be 'led by the Spirit', many still want to take control.
Even the Lord Jesus Christ submitted Himself the the Father, in the garden, 'Nevertheless, not my will, but yours be done' Luke 22:42

Survey2/28/09 2:19 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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Hello Michael~ thank you for such kind, encouraging and uplifting words! Yes, we must never give up, we must be prayer warriors for our children, for lost loved ones, and for lost souls everywhere.
We must also pray for each other; these are perilous times. May the Lord our God be glorified through each and every one of us; may His name be exalted!

God bless you Michael!

Survey2/28/09 1:47 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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Hi Candlelit~ I must ask why do children of Godly parents go awry? Is it because, even though they've reared these children biblically, the word failed?

I do not disagree that we respond to God concerning spiritual matters,for example, the command to repent and believe; however, God must first do a work because of our deadened heart. Even the command to repent is not something we can just do {2 Tim. 2:25}. A dead heart can not break itself, on its own, over sin. Only the power of Almighty God can bring low and expose sinful hearts...once God has broke the proud, arrogant heart, then we respond.
Another example, the Lord Jesus Christ says we must be born again. Can we do this on our own? [This is better translated, born from above.] Since the new birth is from the Almighty Himself, we cannot reproduce this.
I am afraid many think just because God commands it, we are able to produce it. "Apart from me, you can do nothing"
Does that mean we are puppets? No, it means we are to lean upon and call out for His strength, guidance, wisdom, knowledge, love, understanding to be taught to us...through His word, by His Spirit as we go the the trials and tribulations that mold, shape, and teach.

News Item2/28/09 1:30 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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Vogue of Dallas Tx. also known as Wayne of Southern Cal.~I see you still enjoy making me a favorite 'target'! Your advice to John Y to 'pray for me' is misdirected. Yes, I would ask my fellow brothers and sisters to pray for me, but not because I speak truth to someone who claims Christ...yet cleaves to the great Harlot. Your prayers should be for a misguided soul who is caught in deception. Perhaps your spiritual immaturity is behind your constant rants against me, may the Lord be kind to you.

News Item2/28/09 1:16 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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Vogue/DallasTx/Wayne/So.Cal., who knows John MacArthur personally, and whose wife attended the Master's College; You think it's a sad day in America because the Lutheran Church are allowing gay pastors, yet you defend a President who condones homosexuality as well as abortion? Is that not equally as sad? You defend one, and condemn the that not hypocritical?

Survey2/28/09 1:00 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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candlelit claims, 'pre-Holy Spirit intervention, much can be done on the part of mortal man...'
This seems in direct opposition with Ephesians 2:1, 'As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins'.
If scripture is true, and it is, then how can a spiritually dead sinner respond positively to the things of God? Who must first open the ear? Who gives sight and opens the eye {Psalm 119:18}? Who grants all knowledge and understanding {Luke 24:45}?

'Therefore speak I to them in parables,because they seeing, see not, and hearing, they hear not, neither do they understand' Mat. 13:13
Yes, we hear, we see, we gather information...but, it is not within our human capability to respond in a way God desires unless He FIRST does a work in us. Jeremiah 17:9 clearly says, 'the heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked, who can know it?' The phrase, 'desperately wicked' means, to be sick, to be incurable'...we have an incurable disease of which we cannot fix; sin. It is this disease that prevents us from coming to Christ on our own power, reasoning and understanding.

News Item2/28/09 12:06 AM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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GG~you said ,'if Jesus paid it all', you contradict the very word of God in saying such.
"Therefore, He is able to save to the uttermost those who come to God through Him" Heb. 7:25
"For by one offering He has perfected forever those who are being sanctified" Heb. 10:14
Why are the elect still here? To carry on the work of the Lord, to proclaim the Gospel to lost sinners, to be a light for Christ, to witness with our changed lives the power of God in Christ.{Mark 16:15, Luke 8:39}
Why go to church? To fellowship, to worship God, to hear His word expounded by Godly men, called by Him to preach.{Heb. 10:25}

As for the parable on the ten virgins, this was a lesson on true and false converts. All fall into a state of apathy as the anticipation for Christ's return loses its' urgency, yet those who truly belong to Him do possess the necessary oil, the indwelling Spirit of God, so they are indeed ready when He comes. The false converts have no oil and scramble to ready themselves, to no avail. They never had the Holy Spirit, they were not born from above, changed from the inside out. Jesus Christ never knew them, He said, 'Verily I say unto you, I know you not' Mat. 25:12

News Item2/27/09 9:53 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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The cross of Christ reconciles lost sinners to God, the blood of Christ cleanses us from sin, and redeems us.

You think because the curse of sin is still upon this world Christs' death, burial and resurrection is not sufficient? Oh my!!
Women suffer pain in child birth because of the curse of sin, its affects do not go away just because God saves a lost sinner. The soul is saved, but the body still decays because of the curse of sin. We will grow old and we all die, this is the sin curse. This world remains sin cursed until the return of Jesus Christ. Read Genesis 3 for God's proclaimed curse because of Adam and Eve's sin.

God commands obedience, but this obedience can only come from a heart that has been changed by Him. Jesus Christ says, "Apart from me, you can do nothing" John 15:5 So, the power and desire to obey must come from Him as He renews our mind with His word.
All His children WILL suffer- "Indeed, all who live godly in Christ Jesus will be persecuted" 2 Timothy 3:12
"Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heave" Mat. 5:10
"Count it all joy, my brethren, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness" James 1:2-3

News Item2/26/09 3:21 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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What a breath of fresh air! May the Lord God be praised.

News Item2/25/09 8:31 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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GG~ this faith you say we must have, how do we produce such faith?
Also, if baptism were needed for salvation, why the cross?
How does a person remain faithful to Christ in a sin cursed world, being still in the flesh?
How does one come to true repentance, sincere godly sorrow over sin?

News Item2/25/09 5:43 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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GG~ are you insinuating Christ's work on the cross was not complete? His death and resurrection was not sufficient for all sin? Can you please give us passages to clarify such a view?

Christ was teaching 'binding and loosing'; a body of believers, acting in accord with God's word, has the authority to declare if someone is forgiven or unforgiven. The church's authority is not to determine these things, but to declare the judgment of heaven based on the principles of the word. When believers say an unrepentant person is bound in sin, they are saying what God's word states. When believers say a repentant person has been loosed from sin, God agrees, all in accordance to what His word has already said on such matters. That is what the 'keys' means, all believers have authority to proclaim the binding and loosing of sin {keys symbolize authority}

When someone repents, ALL their sins are forgiven, paid in full, 'It is finished'.

"your sins are forgiven you for his names' sake" 1 John 2:12

If all sin were not forgiven on the cross, Christ would have to come back repeatedly to pay for those you claim He doesn't forgive.

Survey2/25/09 12:15 AM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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Michael Hranek~ I must agree with you concerning brother Paul Washer, another one worth giving a listen to is Conrad Mbewe. He is available here at SA.
Might I also recommend to you Bebo Norman's 'I am nothing' song? This one always brings me to tears.

God bless

Survey2/21/09 5:31 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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John UK~ Let us always pray for the Holy Spirit to guide us and teach us all truth. We all should strive to edify one another; never should any of us come across as haughty, or know-it-alls, these types should always be avoided. Instead let us humbly serve one another and by all means, let's pray for each other.

DJC49 is so right, EVERYTHING is a gift from God, even the trials, tribulations, and persecutions we face. In the end, all that takes place is for one purpose, to glorify God.

For any who may be in the midst of a storm, this article will bless you greatly,

Survey2/21/09 4:46 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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John UK~ Here's a rundown of what the video says, from Eph. 2:8&9. The phrase 'and that' is a nueter demonstrative pronoun. In the greek, a greek pronoun has to agree in gender and in number with its antecedent. 'That' has to agree, if it's referring to 'salvation' to gender and number; same thing with 'grace' and 'faith'. 'That' has no gender, neither male nor female. Demonstrative means it's pointing to a particular thing, it's the difference in saying 'a preacher preached' and 'that preacher preached'. So it's pointing directly at something. Arminians say it can't refer to 'faith' because 'faith' is a feminine noun, which is true. BUT, 'grace' is also a feminine noun, and 'salvation' is masculine verb. NONE of these words agree with 'and that'. In greek grammar, when you find this kind of sentence construction, the writer did it on purpose because he isn't trying to point to any one word. 'And that' refers to the 'collective phrase', the whole phrase; therefore, 'by grace' 'you are saved' and 'faith' are all a gift from God not of works, not of ourselves. Everything necessary for our full complete salvation is supplied by God-Jim McClarty

Survey2/21/09 4:16 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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Hellow John UK~ I know you have said before you have dial up, and it is very slow. However, I urge you to please watch this video, it is such a wonderful blessing! Even if it takes some time to load, it is worth the wait.
Perhaps you could access a computer through a library, or a friend.
the link is

News Item2/21/09 12:13 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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Lance~ would you consider watching this video? Here's the link,

Sermon2/20/09 1:50 PM
lyn | usa  Find all comments by lyn
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The Radical Depravity of Man
Conrad Mbewe
“ Great Sermon! ”
This message was such a blessing, delivered by His power through His servant. May God be praised every time His truth is proclaimed.

News Item2/18/09 5:45 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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Michael~ would you be gracious enough to explain to me what it is you are talking about?
You say, 'Paul Washer has no problem telling people to pray and keep on praying until either God saves them or they die'...I agree. Then you said, 'So apparently PW believes in praying through'---is this a reference to praying continually, or persistently?
Now I must ask, where did I state PW or myself disagree with heartfelt prayer?

News Item2/18/09 5:25 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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Michael H.~ Again, let me clarify. I am not opposed to praying, neither is Washer {view the link posted for John UK on the thread referring to persecution in Vietnam church as it grows}.
It is when a set form of prayer, a pre-written prayer is shoved in the face of the lost sinner, and then the lost sinner is instructed to repeat that prayer. After doing so, he/she is told, 'welcome to the family of God'. This is not biblical. This is not how we are called to evangelize the lost.
If you watch the video posted on the other thread, Washer clearly speaks out against salvation based on praying a prayer. Yes, he says, some do get saved, but it isn't because of the method given, it is in spite of it.

Do watch it, then get back with me.

John UK~ there are a few sermons of Washer's available in transcript here at SA. One such sermon is called 'the ten indictments against the modern church in America'. Hopefully, you can download the pdf and read the preaching of this man.

One more thing, I am not here to defend Calvin; the word of God is what I stand on

News Item2/18/09 4:04 PM
lyn | usa  Contact via emailFind all comments by lyn
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John UK~ I would like to invite you to watch this video, then you'll have a better understanding of where I'm coming from.
Here's the link to copy and

God bless

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