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Survey1/11/08 8:07 PM
Weapon of Mass Instruction | Dehvastating Truth  Find all comments by Weapon of Mass Instruction
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Noone is denying that the Father is involved in salvation. The argument is whether man is involved. The fact that it states that man comes, proves that their is an action that man is to make.

John 6:44 clearly states that salvation starts with God. What you are want it to state is that man is unable to come to God period as if he has no ability to come to God. As I said before, if there were a period after "me" than you would have an argument.

Unfortunately you do not have one.

If you care to allow the Scripture to speak for itself you will discover that John 6:44 simply states that man will not come to God without God's involvement. Man is not going to wake up one day and decide that he will come to God. God has to be involved in drawing him to himself.

Who is the object of his drawing?

Well 12:32 clearly states that God draws all men.

That's Scripture interpreting scripture in play there. Something that you cry that one should do but you refuse to do. The only thing I see is Calvinism interpreting scripture.

Now tell me, where does it state in John 6:44 that he selects only a few to be saved?

Survey1/11/08 7:15 PM
Weapon of Mass Instruction | Dehvastating Truth  Find all comments by Weapon of Mass Instruction
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Discerning Believer wrote:
Yamil, you keep forgetting John 6:44, "No man CAN come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day."
No talk of volition. It doesn't say, "No man WILL come to me" now does it?
You would be absolutely right if it had a period after "me". Unfortunately it does not.

But if you care about the context (which you do not) you would know that the subject at hand is the ressurection of the dead NOT your precious Calvinism. In fact it says nothing of "election" let alone unconditional election.

And of course you do not want to accept John 12:32 when it states:

"And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw ALL men unto me."

The only place that gives the object of the drawing power of God, you reject.

Makes your sincerity very suspect at that point.




Survey1/11/08 7:04 PM
Weapon of Mass Instruction | Dehvastating Truth  Find all comments by Weapon of Mass Instruction
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News Item1/11/08 7:01 PM
Weapon of Mass Instruction | Dehvastating Truth  Find all comments by Weapon of Mass Instruction
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Query wrote:
But you say exactly that - silly!
I've never said that the whole nation of Israel was saved. I know that that's what you want me to say so that you can easily debunk it, but you are going to have to be more intellectually honest than that. Unfortunately, your rationalization does.

Query wrote:
We have to be saved before we can serve silly.
That's not the argument Mr. Strawman. Of course, you do not care what the scriptures state so your only defense is these weird logical leaps. The dehvastating truth is that the Scripture does not state that he unconditionally chose Abraham unto eternal life. Not everyone is called to create a nation. Have you? It is quite obvious, that the particularity is the service NOT the servant. God has a specific will for all of his children. He does not call everyone to the same task.

Query wrote:
The blind can't see anything even if you put it before their faces!
I want God's word on it, not what you wish God's word stated.

But of course, the sovereignty of God is only a theological excercise for God; for when it comes down to allowing God to be sovereign in his Word, they can't seem to do that.

Survey1/11/08 6:48 PM
Weapon of Mass Instruction | Dehvastating Truth  Find all comments by Weapon of Mass Instruction
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Discerning Believer wrote:
JD and Yamil reject that man is totally depraved before God but still maintains some inherent goodness in them to come to God without the Holy Spirit drawing them.
Of course, he does not have a quote from me to back it up. But, as always, it is much easier to argue against a strawman than it is to face the dehvastating truth.

The ability to choose God is not anymore a sign of goodness than the ability to choose your president or to go for a strough. You will not find such a ridiculous statement anywhere in the pages of Holy Writ.

The dehvastating truth is nowhere in the Bible does it state that man CANNOT come to God. But it states that he WILL NOT in many instances.

The difference between I and DB is that he sees total depravity as a problem of inability while I see it as a problem of rebellious volition.

I have the advantage of simply pointing to simple declarative statements that STATE that. Unfortunately, the only thing DB has is funky analogies and humanistic rationalization.

Survey1/11/08 12:08 AM
Weapon of Mass Instruction | Dehvastating Truth  Find all comments by Weapon of Mass Instruction
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Survey1/10/08 11:46 PM
Weapon of Mass Instruction | Dehvastating Truth  Find all comments by Weapon of Mass Instruction
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The only good thing about Calvinism it makes one feel smart in knowing something deep about God.

That is why those here spend their time looking in cracks and under rocks for the truth when the truth is staring at their faces....

"For God so loved the world..."

Unfortunately they rather clasp to the elitism of "For God so loved the elect..."

Survey1/10/08 6:58 PM
Weapon of Mass Instruction | Dehvastating Truth  Find all comments by Weapon of Mass Instruction
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The Calvinist have people seeing before they are born again.


Jesus was making reference to physical sight, NOT understanding. He expected the Nicodemus to understand.

But of course, in the F_anciful L_and of the Calvinist, one has Jesus scolding someone for something he is unable to do.

News Item1/10/08 6:56 PM
Weapon of Mass Instruction | Dehvastating Truth  Find all comments by Weapon of Mass Instruction
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Bunch of apes

Survey1/9/08 6:32 PM
Weapon of Mass Instruction | Dehvastating Truth  Find all comments by Weapon of Mass Instruction
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Discerning Believer wrote:
Care to deal with the passage from Calvin I posted?
Don't worry, I have serious problems with false professions of faith in the Baptist church. That is due to the Finneyistic altar calls and the 1-2-3 repeat after me easy-believism salvation.
So what do you subscribe? A hard-to-get believism?

News Item1/9/08 12:38 AM
Weapon of Mass Instruction | Dehvastating Truth  Find all comments by Weapon of Mass Instruction
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Query wrote:
How would you describe the choosing of Abraham, or Isaac, or Jacob or the nation of Israel? Were they chosen for the good that God saw in them. Did God choose them because he foresaw that they would believe? Perhaps he took a shine to their Jewishness?
I think you are comparing apples to oranges here. I doubt you would be so bold to say that the whole nation of Israel were chosen unto salvation.

Query wrote:
And do you think God was unfair in choosing Abraham but passing by millions of others, or doing the same in choosing Israel and passing by other nations?
Apples and oranges again. There is a big difference between being chosen unto salvation and being chosen unto service. On top of this, you will have even a harder time proving that the choosing in either case was unconditional.

Query wrote:
Or are you saying that we are not to build doctrine on the basis of Old Testament scripture even though 2 Tim 3.16 says all scripture is profitable for doctrine?! Perhaps it should have added, "unless you don't like them"!
Nope. Unfortunately, your doctrine cannot be found in the OT nor in the NT.

News Item1/8/08 8:59 AM
Weapon of Mass Instruction | Dehvastating Truth  Find all comments by Weapon of Mass Instruction
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Well amen!

Now tell me, where you told about the truths of unconditional election before or after you were saved?

What I mean by this is did the preacher tell you that God loves you and desires you to be saved or did he tell you that only the elect will be saved?

News Item1/7/08 10:46 PM
Weapon of Mass Instruction | Dehvastating Truth  Find all comments by Weapon of Mass Instruction
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jago wrote:
No WOMI Haven't you heard that faith comes through hearing the Word of God. Timothy was taught the things of God as a child by his mother and grandmother.
So you confess that you were saved first and then you received the training.

Is that right?

It kinda sounded originally that your training came before you were led to the Lord.

Survey1/7/08 7:06 PM
Weapon of Mass Instruction | Dehvastating Truth  Find all comments by Weapon of Mass Instruction
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ML wrote:
OK, let's take up your challenge.
I would love to see your simple declarative statements from the Old Testament that God wants every single individual ever born to be saved . Just a few uncontroversial texts please.
Now remember the texts must show "every single individual ever to exist", which presumably includes Judas Iscariot!
Ha! I guess you do not care about the NT. Truth be known, you do not care for neither the OT or the NT but I will humor you for a bit.

Actually, you have not taken the challenge at all. You only want me to do it for my presupposition, but you will not do it for yours.

Now, I am a nice guy, and I assure you, that I have a few verses that I can take you too in the OT. Nevertheless, you have to go first. That is what is called, taking up the challenge. What you are doing is passing the buck. You are so used to doing it that you are not aware anymore of when you do do it.

ML wrote:
Romans 9:10-21 would be one section of scripture often appealed to by believers in predestination/election.
You are still dancing around the question. I am not sure why. It only takes about 3 sentences tops to answer it.

News Item1/7/08 1:51 AM
Weapon of Mass Instruction | Dehvastating Truth  Find all comments by Weapon of Mass Instruction
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Hm. Did your training come before you were led to the Lord?

Survey1/6/08 11:52 PM
Weapon of Mass Instruction | Dehvastating Truth  Find all comments by Weapon of Mass Instruction
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I love you too.

Survey1/6/08 11:40 PM
Weapon of Mass Instruction | Dehvastating Truth  Find all comments by Weapon of Mass Instruction
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badhorsie777 wrote:
Explain to me how a sovereign God with the ability to instill a heart of flesh, or to draw men to Christ, explain how witholding these things, these acts of mercy, to a depraved enemy of God does not demonstrate a predestined, elect few who undeservedly are made to be example of God grace, whilst others are left in their sin to manifest His justice, with all to His glory?
Anyone? This doesn't have to be just btwn the 2 of us.
God Bless,
You have obviously missed the whole point. Do you sincerely think that both of us have the time and the SA capability to write a whole thesis of what we believe here in SA?

You are resorting to the straw man of the "whole of Scripture" when I am only asking you for ONE verse: one simple declarative statement from God's word that simply state any of the Calvinistic presuppositions that you hold to. Any of them.

Do you not agree with we must start with what Scripture state?

It's a stupendous fallacy to believe that the "whole of Scripture" supports something that it never states.

I am not scolding you. I am pleading with you. Let's start with what the Scripture state, and then we can see how the whole of Scripture agrees with that statement.

News Item1/6/08 5:37 PM
Weapon of Mass Instruction | Dehvastating Truth  Find all comments by Weapon of Mass Instruction
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signing out

May the Holy Spirit lead us into his truth.

Survey1/6/08 5:34 PM
Weapon of Mass Instruction | Dehvastating Truth  Find all comments by Weapon of Mass Instruction
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badhorsie777 wrote:
You ....
I do not think that is a point of disagreement with us. For if I had the room, I can systematically take you from Genesis to Revelation and demonstrate to you with simple declarative statements how God desires all men to be saved.

Our fundamental difference is that I like to start with what the Scriptures state and develop my presuppositions around it. The Calvinist on the other hand want to start with their presuppositions and manipulate the Bible to conform to it.

That is why when I ask where in the Scripture does it state that, I get the cop out response of "the whole of Scripture." That's really another way of stating that I can't find it, but I am sure its in their somewhere through logical deductions.

Now I have given you the opportunity and sadly you are still coming out short. Honestly, I do not know how much easier I can make it for you:

1. Present your most powerful presupposition. You have a bunch of them so pick anyone.

2. Demonstrate at least one portion of Scripture that STATES what you propose.

News Item1/6/08 5:24 PM
Weapon of Mass Instruction | Dehvastating Truth  Find all comments by Weapon of Mass Instruction
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badhorsie777 wrote:
romans it is
Ok. I am not sure where we are at in our discussion. What is it about Romans nine that you believe teaches unconditional election?

I do not believe you were explicit enough in your answer.

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